"No woman should ever lift more than 3lbs"



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I couldn't agree more. If you get mass media publicity and celebrity clients, it can lift a business to stratospheric heights. However, if Tracy's system is perceived by her elite clientele as not beneficial, she can fall out of fashion very fast. It's a double edged sword for sure.

    part of it is that there is such a huge poopoo about lifting heavy and "getting bulky" that they lean toward programs like this- which serve to only facilitate that ridiculous notion.

    it's a cycle - they want this look because it's what "looks good" and people spend millions of dollars marketing a program that "meets that goal" saying do this because it will make you long and lean and toned...self fulfilling/self sacrificing circle.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    There are women that are too bulky out there. It happens. Is it a challenge to bulk? Yes. But it happens and mostly every guy I know doesn't like that. I like a fit & feminine body type.

    No, it doesn't "happen". It is worked for by YEARS of lifting, eating a ton of food, and occasionally (in most cases of visually unappealing bulkiness on a woman) steroid use.

    It will not "happen" to anyone pursuing a lifting hobby who does not actively pursue muscle gains for years.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    There are women that are too bulky out there. It happens. Is it a challenge to bulk? Yes. But it happens and mostly every guy I know doesn't like that. I like a fit & feminine body type.

    No, it doesn't "happen". It is worked for by YEARS of lifting, eating a ton of food, and occasionally (in most cases of visually unappealing bulkiness on a woman) steroid use.

    It will not "happen" to anyone pursuing a lifting hobby who does not actively pursue muscle gains for years.


    ETA: And for those claiming to be bulky - 99% of the time, they aren't. The other 1% are usually the ones that end up not posting pictures at all so there is no way to say if they are really a special bulking snowflake or not.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    She is talking about for her specific method to achieve a small, lean frame, she doesn't want women lifting more than 3 lbs while doing her exercises. If you watch, listen and learn then you would understand that. There isn't much to argue if you know what is being talked about.

    The issue is not that her comments are for a target audience that we don't belong to; the issue is that regardless of who it is intended for, it is piss-poor advice. This is not going to help anyone achieve a stronger healthier body; as mentioned in the article posted earlier:
    Gwyneth Paltrow, the most ardent follower of the Tracy Anderson method was recently diagnosed with shockingly low vitamin D levels, and osteopenia, a precursor to the bone thinning osteoporosis. Not exactly a shining endorsement of the Anderson method."

    Don't blame Tracy for Gwyneth's problems; her mother, also an actress, has osteoporosis and this a disease with a high genetic influence. If one of your parents has it or had it, your chances of being affected by it are greater.

    Don't assume that everybody that lifts HEAVY, will never get osteopenia or osteoporosis, and don't assume that people that don’t lift HEAVY will automatically be affected by it. Race (actually African Americans are at a lower risk), smoking, low vitamin D, use of steroids, pre and post menopause, etc, are also risks factor.

    I don’t' agree at all with Tracy' statement, at least not as reported in the OP, but this self-centered-holy- than-thou LIFT HEAVY attitude is getting out of hand.

    Stop demonizing people than doesn't do your same workouts or lift HEAVY as you do; and stop body shaming Hollywood people by calling them anorexic. I thought that body shaming was not allowed in MFP, I guess that I was wrong; it is allowed when it is convenient to some of you.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ironic that the average human brain weighs 3 lbs. Apparently that was too much for her to carry around.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Stop demonizing people than doesn't do your same workouts or lift HEAVY as you do; and stop body shaming Hollywood people by calling them anorexic. I thought that body shaming was not allowed in MFP, I guess that I was wrong; it is allowed when it is convenient to some of you.

    mocking someone who advocates NEVER picking up something that is lighter than most house hold items is not body shaming

    Stop crying "bully" about something that isn't bullying.

    She has a crap program and makes crappy sexists remarks and continues to facilitate information that is incorrect and counterproductive for helping people reach their goals.

    it's not body shamming.

    PS- when you are a public figure and you get to go out and spend millions on marketing- you get to get picked apart. That's the way it goes. I'm a performing artist- if someone were to come to one of the facilities I work at and write a review about how overly unsexy/skilled/ungraceful/fat/ugly/unethnic I was- I'd be mad- but only so much so- if you put yourself out there- guess what- you need to be prepared to handle the comments.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    She is talking about for her specific method to achieve a small, lean frame, she doesn't want women lifting more than 3 lbs while doing her exercises. If you watch, listen and learn then you would understand that. There isn't much to argue if you know what is being talked about.

    The issue is not that her comments are for a target audience that we don't belong to; the issue is that regardless of who it is intended for, it is piss-poor advice. This is not going to help anyone achieve a stronger healthier body; as mentioned in the article posted earlier:
    Gwyneth Paltrow, the most ardent follower of the Tracy Anderson method was recently diagnosed with shockingly low vitamin D levels, and osteopenia, a precursor to the bone thinning osteoporosis. Not exactly a shining endorsement of the Anderson method."

    Don't blame Tracy for Gwyneth's problems; her mother, also an actress, has osteoporosis and this a disease with a high genetic influence. If one of your parents has it or had it, your chances of being affected by it are greater.

    Don't assume that everybody that lifts HEAVY, will never get osteopenia or osteoporosis, and don't assume that people that don’t lift HEAVY will automatically be affected by it. Race (actually African Americans are at a lower risk), smoking, low vitamin D, use of steroids, pre and post menopause, etc, are also risks factor.

    I don’t' agree at all with Tracy' statement, at least not as reported in the OP, but this self-centered-holy- than-thou LIFT HEAVY attitude is getting out of hand.

    Stop demonizing people than doesn't do your same workouts or lift HEAVY as you do; and stop body shaming Hollywood people by calling them anorexic. I thought that body shaming was not allowed in MFP, I guess that I was wrong; it is allowed when it is convenient to some of you.

    Ok fine, her mother has it too, but not consuming the proper balance of nutrients to maintain bone strength and never lifting anything heavier than three pounds probably didn't help matters any. It's not impossible for someone who lifts heavy to end up with osteoporosis, but it's certainly a good way to help prevent it, rather than doing nothing at all.

    Too, did you read that article that was linked earlier? One woman tried the diet advocated by this person and after losing 14 lbs discovered she had been existing on something like 700 calories a day and felt physically terrible for it. If that's not at least borderline anorexia, I don't know what is, and that's the diet plan that she's selling to these celebrities.

    The thing is I personally only recently discovered how awesome lifting weights is, and even now I don't do anything close to what most of the women here would consider "heavy", but it's been really beneficial. I was afraid of getting "bulky" for the longest time due to misinformation, and avoided it like the plague, and also struggled with my weight my entire life. Since I've started lifting and doing squats and stuff, even though I haven't lost as much fat as I'd like yet, I feel WAY better about myself, and that's a common theme of those who lift heavy. And THAT's why everyone here advocates it so strongly!
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    That's not even a ****ing gallon of milk. How stupid.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Let's hope she's not cooking turkey for Christmas.

    She wouldn't want to put her back out!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member

    Shouldn'ta had kids, by that logic. Fail, Tracy.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Tracy better tell Brittany Howard from Alabama Shakes to put down the electric guitar before she injures herself!
  • TheFangsKittie
    TheFangsKittie Posts: 117 Member
    Just f*****g - HA!!!
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Well isn't that just extra special... honestly I didn't know who Tracy was until I looked her up on google. I was not impressed. My husband and I both lift, it is a hobby that we share and we push each other to lift more. I also have a physical job and the pole saw I am running in my profile pic weighs way more 3lbs. I will pass on Ms. Anderson's advice.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    ZOMG! I've just thought of something else! Tracy better tell Delia Smith to step away from the cooking pots before she does herself some harm.

    We must spread Tracy's message far and wide, urgently, to all that will listen because there is an epidemic of female injury on the horizon.

    An epidemic I tell you!
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    I know people trainers that work with her. They live by that philosophy because they believe muscles are built with your own body weight, not equipment.
    I've done the programs and they are bloody hard... but you should see these trainers bodies.. Because it clearly works.

    I could be totally wrong.. But I'm assuming that is what she meant.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    I carried and gave birth to a 7 pound baby and I am not suppose to life over 3 pounds. lol
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    They live by that philosophy because they believe muscles are built with your own body weight, not equipment.

    That's not philosophy - that's dogma.

    Not that I have anything against body weight exercises, but like barbell training or whatever, it is simply an interface by which a person achieves the things your body understands - overloading of muscle which is sufficient stimulus to trigger an adaptation which increases progressively over time.

    Ms Anderson's thinking seems rather retrograde if she is stating, with a straight face that a load above 3lbs should not be used by women in achieving the above or getting a desired physique and then attempts to reinforce that idea through scaremongering about injury rates.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So this woman advocates body weight exercises and using resistance bands, and thinks that it's the >3 lb dumbbell that causes problems? Someone needs to give her a gift certificate to a physics class this holiday season, although I suspect equations and terminology like "force" and "fulcrum" might elicit a reindeer-in-the-headlights look.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    The purses that most women carry weigh far more than three pounds