"No woman should ever lift more than 3lbs"



  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Now i am freaking out! My 18 month old daughter picked up by 4 lb dumbells this morning :sad:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    3 years. we definitely have THAT kind of relationship- people are shocked when they find out he calls me a smut and I call him a douchecanoe.

    he doesn't work out at all really- he barely recognizes the work that I do- but he knows that I work hard- he used to do Muy Thai so he knows what work is... but yeah- we definitely have the sarcastic relationship. He tells me my voice is like ear sandpaper.. it's okay because I tell him his face makes my eyes bleed. :D
    Ear sandpaper! That's so funny! Sounds like the beginning of a long and happy relationship. We're going on 25 years together and I think when one of us dies, the other one will immediately follow due to the lack of opposition. But then, we also make people sick with how attached we are; yes, we're *that* couple, the one that sits on the same side of the booth sometimes and we never talk bad about each other in seriousness to other people. I think the constant sniping bleeds off the tension that normally builds in other people's relationships and ends up blowing up on them.

    Also, every marriage (or relationship) is a law unto itself. People are just shocked because what works for you wouldn't work for them. Horses for courses!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    3 pounds is awful light. So I don't agree there. Some degree of strength is beneficial.

    At the same time, too much bulk isn't a good thing from my perspective. Men usually do not find bulky women attractive.

    Moderate weight training would make sense to me.

    As a guy though, I always strive to lift heavier, but there are weights that I can't lift and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    Sounds like someone just doesn't want to meet a woman that can lift more than he does and make him look like a weakling...

    As a guy, you should know damn well how hard it is to actually bulk, even for you, and women don't have near the testosterone levels to support the same kind of bulking. The bodybuilders (the ones who are actually going for bulk above all else) put an insane amount of time and effort (and possibly some chemical help) into getting the results they get.

    That said, my husband has actually complains that I'm losing my butt from my weight lifting, because the muscle hasn't yet built to compensate for the fat loss, and that area seems to be the first place the fat is lost from. He'd be thrilled if I bulked there more.

    And, as others have said, I don't give a crap what you or anyone else finds attractive. I lift so that I'm pain-free (strong back and muscles = no pain), less prone to injury (strong muscles = more support of joints, and lifting = denser bones, less chance of osteoporosis), independent (strength = being able to take care of myself), and to feel good in a bikini (lifting = fat loss, 6-pack and awesome legs when the fat goes away).

    How is it that we've not met? :drinker:

    Seriously, I just high 5'd my monitor when I saw that.

    Damned skippy it's hard to bulk. But I'm in for the benefits, the endorphins, self-satisfaction in that I couldn't even LIFT an Oly bar this time last year, and I don't care who y'are...if you don't like the way I look? Don't look at me. :laugh:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I agree with the other commenter that said that her target audience is the Hollywood waif actress type... . How many actresses on Network TV shows out there have an ounce of visible muscle development?

    The only one that comes to mind is Melissa Reeves from Days of our Lives:

    Are there any more?

    Audra Macdonald springs to mind. I haven't seen her since Private Practice wrapped up but I think she's in The Sound of Music live special on Thurs.

    (I actually quit watching Hawaii Five-O because the three male leads were all buff and muscley and the two women were bobbleheads.)

  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    3 pounds is awful light. So I don't agree there. Some degree of strength is beneficial.

    At the same time, too much bulk isn't a good thing from my perspective. Men usually do not find bulky women attractive.

    Moderate weight training would make sense to me.

    As a guy though, I always strive to lift heavier, but there are weights that I can't lift and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    Sounds like someone just doesn't want to meet a woman that can lift more than he does and make him look like a weakling...
    Ayup. As I told one of my classmates who said it's weird if a woman's stronger than a man, if it bothers you, then that means you think you're not as strong as you should be. The solution for that is to grow stronger, not try to keep other people weak.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Sounds like someone just doesn't want to meet a woman that can lift more than he does and make him look like a weakling...
    Ayup. As I told one of my classmates who said it's weird if a woman's stronger than a man, if it bothers you, then that means you think you're not as strong as you should be. The solution for that is to grow stronger, not try to keep other people weak.

    So much of this.

    I've had people walk up to me and tell me "you know- you're making the guys in here look bad"

    I said no I'm not- they should just work harder.

    random thought
    Audra Macdonald springs to mind. I haven't seen her since Private Practice wrapped up but I think she's in The Sound of Music live special on Thurs.
    angela basset was pretty cut up looking.
    madona isn't huge- she's mostly just uber lean
    I want to say Mary J Blige has a killer body
    What's her nuts Starbuck from Battle Star Galactica was in pretty good shape.

    Obviously this is outside network TV- but all in the lime light too.
    Um Jennifer Lawrence is reported to do some killer workouts- although- a huge big meh- I don't like her- but I hear she works out- for realz.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    "...because it won't get you the body you want and it results in injury". That's what Tracy Anderson just said on Piers Morgan Live...I swear...how can she be so successful in her business and trusted by so many people? :huh:

    i just watched the clip, and didn't hear her say that.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I agree with the other commenter that said that her target audience is the Hollywood waif actress type... . How many actresses on Network TV shows out there have an ounce of visible muscle development?

    The only one that comes to mind is Melissa Reeves from Days of our Lives:

    Are there any more?

    Audra Macdonald springs to mind. I haven't seen her since Private Practice wrapped up but I think she's in The Sound of Music live special on Thurs.

    (I actually quit watching Hawaii Five-O because the three male leads were all buff and muscley and the two women were bobbleheads.)


    My gawd, her arms and shoulders! *drool* I so want.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I guess I should dump some stuff out of my purse, then. *takes extra dumbbell plates off wish list*
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    This topic and the comments makes me LOL. I've spent years and years in the gym and I rarely see any woman lifting heavy. On a daily basis, I see women go 3 set of 10 on dumbbell press or tricep extensions, but that isn't heavy.

    I'd love to see a real woman deadlift a good amount of weight (for her body weight) for 1 heavy rep. I want to see sweat, groaning, screaming, and an agonizing look of pain on her face after doing heavy deadlifts or overhead press for numerous sets. That's lifting heavy.

    In my many years of going to chain gyms (24 Hour Fitness, YouFit, Anytime Fitness), I've probably seen that once or twice. I think I need to find a new gym.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    "...because it won't get you the body you want and it results in injury". That's what Tracy Anderson just said on Piers Morgan Live...I swear...how can she be so successful in her business and trusted by so many people? :huh:

    i just watched the clip, and didn't hear her say that.

    Link? I looked for it this morning and couldn't find it...but then much of what is out there is blocked while I'm here.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    This topic and the comments makes me LOL. I've spent years and years in the gym and I rarely see any woman lifting heavy. On a daily basis, I see women go 3 set of 10 on dumbbell press or tricep extensions, but that isn't heavy.

    I'd love to see a real woman deadlift a good amount of weight (for her body weight) for 1 heavy rep. I want to see sweat, groaning, screaming, and an agonizing look of pain on her face after doing heavy deadlifts or overhead press for numerous sets. That's lifting heavy.

    In my many years of going to chain gyms (24 Hour Fitness, YouFit, Anytime Fitness), I've probably seen that once or twice. I think I need to find a new gym.

    You need to find a place like this one - http://startingstrength.com/index.php/site/article/the_women_of_strength_at_ccsc#.Up9yCWRDuGo
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    This topic and the comments makes me LOL. I've spent years and years in the gym and I rarely see any woman lifting heavy. On a daily basis, I see women go 3 set of 10 on dumbbell press or tricep extensions, but that isn't heavy.

    I'd love to see a real woman deadlift a good amount of weight (for her body weight) for 1 heavy rep. I want to see sweat, groaning, screaming, and an agonizing look of pain on her face after doing heavy deadlifts or overhead press for numerous sets. That's lifting heavy.

    In my many years of going to chain gyms (24 Hour Fitness, YouFit, Anytime Fitness), I've probably seen that once or twice. I think I need to find a new gym.

    Sara's deadlifting 325 lbs here.

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    This topic and the comments makes me LOL. I've spent years and years in the gym and I rarely see any woman lifting heavy. On a daily basis, I see women go 3 set of 10 on dumbbell press or tricep extensions, but that isn't heavy.

    I'd love to see a real woman deadlift a good amount of weight (for her body weight) for 1 heavy rep. I want to see sweat, groaning, screaming, and an agonizing look of pain on her face after doing heavy deadlifts or overhead press for numerous sets. That's lifting heavy.

    In my many years of going to chain gyms (24 Hour Fitness, YouFit, Anytime Fitness), I've probably seen that once or twice. I think I need to find a new gym.

    Define heavy. I weigh about 150. I'm five foot seven. What would I deadlift that you would consider heavy for me?

    Um...it's relative...by the way...

    and now I'm going to step back and let the other girls have at you a bit... :bigsmile:

    ETA...i don't go to a gym. I lift at home. Guess I can add another reason that I'm glad I don't belong to a gym...Thanks!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    This topic and the comments makes me LOL. I've spent years and years in the gym and I rarely see any woman lifting heavy. On a daily basis, I see women go 3 set of 10 on dumbbell press or tricep extensions, but that isn't heavy.

    I'd love to see a real woman deadlift a good amount of weight (for her body weight) for 1 heavy rep. I want to see sweat, groaning, screaming, and an agonizing look of pain on her face after doing heavy deadlifts or overhead press for numerous sets. That's lifting heavy.

    In my many years of going to chain gyms (24 Hour Fitness, YouFit, Anytime Fitness), I've probably seen that once or twice. I think I need to find a new gym.

    hold on- let me get that for you

    here you are
    this should work

  • Pandora_King
    Oh dear, my cat weighs more than 3 lbs.... Did she never lift a child? Or a load of laundry?
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374

    Sara's deadlifting 325 lbs here.


    THAT is heavy lifting. I never see that go down in my gym. I'd love to see more of it.

    Here is another video.


    I just never see this type of effort (even though her form is questionable)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member

    Sara's deadlifting 325 lbs here.


    THAT is heavy lifting. I never see that go down in my gym. I'd love to see more of it.

    Edit: Decent form for a sumo squat.

    Not to hijack the thread, but here's the whole story :smile:

  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    3 pounds is awful light. So I don't agree there. Some degree of strength is beneficial.

    At the same time, too much bulk isn't a good thing from my perspective. Men usually do not find bulky women attractive.

    Moderate weight training would make sense to me.

    As a guy though, I always strive to lift heavier, but there are weights that I can't lift and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    Sounds like someone just doesn't want to meet a woman that can lift more than he does and make him look like a weakling...

    As a guy, you should know damn well how hard it is to actually bulk, even for you, and women don't have near the testosterone levels to support the same kind of bulking. The bodybuilders (the ones who are actually going for bulk above all else) put an insane amount of time and effort (and possibly some chemical help) into getting the results they get.

    That said, my husband has actually complains that I'm losing my butt from my weight lifting, because the muscle hasn't yet built to compensate for the fat loss, and that area seems to be the first place the fat is lost from. He'd be thrilled if I bulked there more.

    And, as others have said, I don't give a crap what you or anyone else finds attractive.

    I don't have a problem with women who can outlift me (some I would be attracted to) but you'd better believe that a woman who outlifts me won't find me attractive. If I find a woman with more muscle definition than I have attractive, and I make a move on her, I guarantee she'll pass on me. Women complain about the most trifling of things about men. So check yourself with the condescending words towards me and take a good look in the mirror before you put your fingers to your keyboard.

    There are women that are too bulky out there. It happens. Is it a challenge to bulk? Yes. But it happens and mostly every guy I know doesn't like that. I like a fit & feminine body type.