"No woman should ever lift more than 3lbs"



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    "...because it won't get you the body you want and it results in injury". That's what Tracy Anderson just said on Piers Morgan Live...I swear...how can she be so successful in her business and trusted by so many people? :huh:

    I don't know who Tracy Anderson is, but that is a pretty silly statement. I don't know how a woman could get through life without lifting more than 3 lbs. Groceries, children, vacuums, turkeys, laundry, firewood, pets, mattresses, furniture ... these are just a few of the things that spring to mind that many women lift on a regular basis that weigh more than 3 lbs.
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    Yeah...thats where i got my body from by using 3 lbs weights. Im going to get risky today i think and up it to 5lbs just to see what happens.
  • beckizzle
    beckizzle Posts: 118 Member
    I watched one of her "workout" videos, (10 seconds of my life ruined). That woman is a *kitten* and has a face like a melted shoe. Nothing about a womans life weighs less than three lbs...
    It's a silly notion.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    She's an idiot as I always express in these threads
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    You know, if you look at Tracy Anderson's body, it's really not that impressive. Don't get me wrong, of course she's pretty and she does have a fit body, but there's nothing special about her, she's just a skinny girl, no form really. So it makes sense, if you just want to be skinny (and weak apparently), listen to her.

    Also, I looked her up real quick for this, in her list of clientele she has nothing but women who have thin, long limbed builds (with the exception of Jennifer Lopez, whose genetics aren't disposed to this regardless of what she lifts).
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yeah...thats where i got my body from by using 3 lbs weights. Im going to get risky today i think and up it to 5lbs just to see what happens.

    Don't do it!! You'll get hurt!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    lest her uterus falls out and her testosterone levels skyrocket so high that she starts to grow **** and balls as well as a 5 o'clock shadow . . . at 9 am.

    ****, that reminds me I need to go for my mid morning shave . . .

    :laugh: That just made my day. thank you!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Really? Well then I will be sent to the ER for lifting my toddler this morning who is 27lbs

    :noway: :huh:

    She is one I used to inspire to be like, but now I am glad I am not.....I love lifting more then I did back in high school, and honestly if I put a few extra pounds on due to lifting heavy, so be it because then I can show them off :bigsmile: Mind you, I'm sure she would faint if she knew I upped the leg press last night (NSV for me btw).
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    A beer doesn't weigh 3 lbs. nor, does the sandwich you just made.

    I think she has it right! :drinker:

    You're not drinking enough beer, then.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You know, if you look at Tracy Anderson's body, it's really not that impressive. Don't get me wrong, of course she's pretty and she does have a fit body, but there's nothing special about her, she's just a skinny girl, no form really. So it makes sense, if you just want to be skinny (and weak apparently), listen to her.

    Also, I looked her up real quick for this, in her list of clientele she has nothing but women who have thin, long limbed builds (with the exception of Jennifer Lopez, whose genetics aren't disposed to this regardless of what she lifts).

    hard to tell with all the airbrushing and photoshopping- but yeah- I dislike anything about her body.

    What annoys me to is the over riding premise that women should be thin... like it's every womans' goal to be thin and dancerly.

    Unimpressed Jo is unimpressed.
  • beckizzle
    beckizzle Posts: 118 Member
    You know, if you look at Tracy Anderson's body, it's really not that impressive. Don't get me wrong, of course she's pretty and she does have a fit body, but there's nothing special about her, she's just a skinny girl, no form really. So it makes sense, if you just want to be skinny (and weak apparently), listen to her.

    Also, I looked her up real quick for this, in her list of clientele she has nothing but women who have thin, long limbed builds (with the exception of Jennifer Lopez, whose genetics aren't disposed to this regardless of what she lifts).

    I was gonna say that too, she looks very breakable... 3lb is prob her max rep ;-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    A beer doesn't weigh 3 lbs. nor, does the sandwich you just made.

    I think she has it right! :drinker:

    You're not drinking enough beer, then.

    well I guess it would depend on the density of the beer- but they do make pints- and gallon jugs- so I mean- it's possible a single beer could be 3 lbs :D but if you don't make up for it in quality- make up for in quantity!!!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    pots and pans weigh a bit more than that....how is my dinner supposed to be ready for me when I come home from work if she can't.....LOL I couldn't get all that out without laughing \m/
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member

    Notice the part where it mentions Gwyneth Paltrow got diagnosed with low levels of vitamin D and pre-osteoperosis, something Doctors who reviewed the diet Tracy Anderson recommends predicted!

    I also found this gem of a quote. It hurts to read it, but I almost can't stop looking up new stupid quotes!

    "I really wish that women would stop spinning. I say that with such conviction because almost every day in my office, I see women crying and unhappy because they can't fit into their jeans, because of the thigh bulking. There are some women who don’t have the genetic capability to build muscle, and they can do something like that without being affected. That’s a very small percentage of the female population, though. Ninety-eight percent of women will bulk completely. The problem with it is that it doesn’t show right away. You may lose a little bit of weight at first because it’s an easy calorie burn, but it’s not worth what happens to your muscles."

    ^^Oh goodness! Is she kidding me??!! Spinning has been by far the most beneficial workout for my weight loss. Once I added it into my routines, my body started changing dramatically. My legs are stronger than they've ever been. Shaplier, NOT bulkier. They're actually slimming down quite nicely. SMH!

    You only didn't bulk because you're one of the special snowflakes that can't bulk at all, evah!

    I think she means actually doing a "lifting routine", not daily activities, but it's still dumb. I mean, I carry my purse for more "reps" then I do heavy weights for, and, as others have said, that sucker weighs more than 3 pounds. I had what most people would consider to be small babies (6 pounds and 5 pounds, 12 ounces respectively), and I held them a lot. I was a baby wearer a hit with the first one, carrying her a lot until she was almost three and just too heavy. I wore the second one everywhere! And she's a petite little thing, so at 4 years old and about 25 pounds, I can still throw her in a backpack! I'm pretty sure my uterus fell out while we were on a walk like that this summer, though. Having babies made me bulky! I got huge arms from carrying them all the time!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I have elephantitis.....That's not good for my love life.....
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    "...because it won't get you the body you want and it results in injury". That's what Tracy Anderson just said on Piers Morgan Live...I swear...how can she be so successful in her business and trusted by so many people? :huh:

    i better leave my purse at home then...
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    "I really wish that women would stop spinning. I say that with such conviction because almost every day in my office, I see women crying and unhappy because they can't fit into their jeans, because of the thigh bulking. There are some women who don’t have the genetic capability to build muscle, and they can do something like that without being affected. That’s a very small percentage of the female population, though. Ninety-eight percent of women will bulk completely. The problem with it is that it doesn’t show right away. You may lose a little bit of weight at first because it’s an easy calorie burn, but it’s not worth what happens to your muscles."
    ^^Oh goodness! Is she kidding me??!! Spinning has been by far the most beneficial workout for my weight loss. Once I added it into my routines, my body started changing dramatically. My legs are stronger than they've ever been. Shaplier, NOT bulkier. They're actually slimming down quite nicely. SMH!
    Well, you must be one of those women in the 2 percent (btw, statistics=science) who don't "bulk completely"...you're a lucky lucky girl! Thigh bulking is a major issue for the modern woman.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    My purse weighs more than that.

  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    "...because it won't get you the body you want and it results in injury". That's what Tracy Anderson just said on Piers Morgan Live...I swear...how can she be so successful in her business and trusted by so many people? :huh:

    Because she has "Hollywood" clientele so she OBVIOUSLY knows what's she's talking about....NOT!