New Wonder Woman



  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    She wont gain it - they will CGI it on her if we complain loud enough. What a shame...and yet another terrible message to send to little girls. Anorexic chic = wonderwoman

    calling women "anorexic" based on their appearance is also a terrible message to send to little girls.

  • LePetitCochon
    Linda Hamilton bulked up when she had to for her role as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 and she rocked it. I'm hoping this will happen again for this actress to play WonderWoman. It CAN happen. I just hope it does.

    We've waited long enough for this damn movie. Make it work DC!!!
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Have we ever seen a woman like that put on muscle for a roll? Men gain muscle a LOT easier folks.

    I shall answer my own question thanks to google.

    Jessica Beil - Blade Trinity

    Demi Moore - G.I. Jane

    Hillary Swank - Million Dollar Baby

    But I don't think any of them started that thin.

    edited out pictures, but I think the last two at least are fairly small/thin when not putting on muscle for roles. I think they have been called out for being "too thin" before. I could be wrong though, I am not very well versed in celebrity.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    She also served in the Israeli military for two years and part of her job was as a sports trainer...I think she will be okay.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member

    This is definitely how Wonder Woman has always been portrayed... this Gal is quite thin and while I'm not bashing her for that, it just doesn't fit the Amazonian description. She's SUPPOSED to be tall and strong... I sincerely hope that they do get her in a gym to put on some muscle!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hell, if they're just gonna CGI dafuq outta her character, why not just cast Linda Carter? Probably more cost effective to make her look younger rather than that chick look like how WW should look.


    FTR: I'd still hit that... and "Mary Anne" from "Gilligan's Island" too. :happy: #PervySmirk
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Gina. It better be Gina I swear to poop.


    Should have been Gina. I love Gina.....
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    sigh..wonder woman and pulsar (my avatar) were my 2 heroes growing up.

    i think they're having such a hard time casting for WW because that ideal is no longer something that hollywood values. linda carter was believable she was tall, statuesque, feminine and she looked like she could put a hurting on a mofo.

    Anyway, i'll withhold all judgments until i hear whether or not she goes on an extensive bulking and training routine. my issue isnt necessarily that she's thin it's just that she doesnt look particularly strong.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    sigh..wonder woman and pulsar (my avatar) were my 2 heroes growing up.

    i think they're having such a hard time casting for WW because that ideal is no longer something that hollywood values. linda carter was believable she was tall, statuesque, feminine and she looked like she could put a hurting on a mofo.

    Anyway, i'll withhold all judgments until i hear whether or not she goes on an extensive bulking and training routine. my issue isnt necessarily that she's thin it's just that she doesnt look particularly strong.

    Lynda Carter and Gal are both 5'9....

    Also, Lynda doesn't look particularly "ripped" in this picture:

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Guys... bodies can change. I can see it in the face, and she must have done something to win it in the casting room.

    These ARE the people who can afford to spend their entire time devoted to getting a body for a role.

    I'm being a smidge judgemental here but I just don't know if she'll be able to bulk up for the role. To gain muscle she'd also need to gain some fat. And that's not something that young, Hollywood actresses are known for, the opposite really.


    I think that if this woman found an extra 5lbs of fat on her body she'd freak the F out.

    Yes, for roles, they do all the time...? If it's hoping for a blockbuster or an award, actors AND actresses will slim down to a BMI of 15 or ~bulk up~.

    They're going to get trainers, they're probably going to pump her with protein, and she'll be eating at a surplus and lifting weighs from here until/during filming. Then she'll probably instantly cut, spending just as much time on her diet/cardio. Until a possible sequel...
    Charlize Theron gained 30 pounds for Monster.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Skeletons with MAC makeup must be the in thing now.

    WHOA!!! You leave MAC Cosmetics out of it.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    sigh..wonder woman and pulsar (my avatar) were my 2 heroes growing up.

    i think they're having such a hard time casting for WW because that ideal is no longer something that hollywood values. linda carter was believable she was tall, statuesque, feminine and she looked like she could put a hurting on a mofo.

    Anyway, i'll withhold all judgments until i hear whether or not she goes on an extensive bulking and training routine. my issue isnt necessarily that she's thin it's just that she doesnt look particularly strong.

    Lynda Carter and Gal are both 5'9....

    Also, Lynda doesn't look particularly "ripped" in this picture:


    no but she also doesn't look like a stiff breeze will knock her over.
    WHOA!!! You leave MAC Cosmetics out of it.

    that's what I was thinking. (loved their STRONG campaign!)
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Linda Hamilton bulked up when she had to for her role as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 and she rocked it. I'm hoping this will happen again for this actress to play WonderWoman. It CAN happen. I just hope it does.

    We've waited long enough for this damn movie. Make it work DC!!!
    I hope so.
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    I dont really think its the ripped part but more the healthy voluptuous part that everyone is getting at. This girl has NO BOOBS!!!! The Amazonians are supposed to represent the virility or the feminine race so that they are able to lure men in. Most men want curves and boobs! This girl dont have them!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    doesn't seem strong enough.....meh.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I dont really think its the ripped part but more the healthy voluptuous part that everyone is getting at. This girl has NO BOOBS!!!! The Amazonians are supposed to represent the virility or the feminine race so that they are able to lure men in. Most men want curves and boobs! This girl dont have them!
    This is rude.

    She may very well gain weight for the role...and you have no idea what most men want...might be nice to leave that out of the discussion.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Most men like women with vaginas, but not all of them...

    I love lamp.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    sigh..wonder woman and pulsar (my avatar) were my 2 heroes growing up.

    i think they're having such a hard time casting for WW because that ideal is no longer something that hollywood values. linda carter was believable she was tall, statuesque, feminine and she looked like she could put a hurting on a mofo.

    Anyway, i'll withhold all judgments until i hear whether or not she goes on an extensive bulking and training routine. my issue isnt necessarily that she's thin it's just that she doesnt look particularly strong.

    Lynda Carter and Gal are both 5'9....

    Also, Lynda doesn't look particularly "ripped" in this picture:


    no but she also doesn't look like a stiff breeze will knock her over.
    WHOA!!! You leave MAC Cosmetics out of it.

    that's what I was thinking. (loved their STRONG campaign!)

    Yeah, she weighed 12 pounds more.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    I dont really think its the ripped part but more the healthy voluptuous part that everyone is getting at. This girl has NO BOOBS!!!! The Amazonians are supposed to represent the virility or the feminine race so that they are able to lure men in. Most men want curves and boobs! This girl dont have them!
    What about what women want?
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    ....they have an insticure (relatively) for no boobs...