Santa!?!?! I hate the lie!



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Sometimes being a good parent means lying to them.

    My kids still believe. I love that Christmas is magical to them. Believing in santa doesn't mean you don’t teach them the meaning of Christmas though.
    I will never agree with that!

    You are in for a tough road ahead then.

    Nope, not so tough. My kids are nearly grown, and have told us that they love the fact that they can know that we will always be honest with them. I feel sorry for kids whose parents lie to them for their own convenience. Screw that.

    Our teens have an open and honest relationship. Since we have always been honest with them, they are free now to be honest with us, even on tough issues like sex/drugs. Being a liar is no good for long term relationships.

    Let's be clear, I said protecting children from the truth isn't necessarily lying.

    Let me ask you this....

    If your parents would have gotten divorced when you were 3 years old cause your dad banged his secretary, and you asked your mother why they got divorced. Would you expect them to tell you "Because daddy banged the secretary?"


    My parents are still happily married, and my husband and I are still happily married. Maybe honesty has something to do with it? *shrugs*
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member

    It's not just about Santa, but about a pattern of telling lies.

    You can be honest with your kids outside of the Santa myth, especially if your kids are still little. But if you continue to try to lie to them when they know better, and/or you lie about other things outside of Christmas, then you will struggle with them when they become teens.

    You seem to be projecting something from your personal life onto this Santa debate.

    I gotta agree here. Your starting to sound like the 12th juror in 12 Angry Men. I feel a breakthrough coming. Someone get the Kleenex and the hugs ready.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member

    I've told them the variety of reasons people celebrate at Christmas (Hanukkah)

    Some years, Chanukah isn't even clsoe to Christmas.

    Anyway, it isn't about ruining a holiday for your kids. It's about limiting their imaginations.

    You're right, some years they aren't close together, I could have been more accurate and said Winter celebrations.

    Either way, my kids know there is no Santa and they have awesome imaginations. I can't hold it over their heads that if they are naughty they won't get gifts and I wouldn't do that anyway. They know they act good because they can and it means we all are happier when we get along. Instead of talking about only a few aspects of the winter season and holidays we get to discuss and learn about them all. My kids have very active imaginations and still play Santa because they think it's a fun tradition (not because they think he's real).
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Santa is a tradition and folklore, that's all. If you want to deny them a piece of their heritage, that is fine. But it isn't any more wrong than celebrating any holiday or believing in a particular religion.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    if he wasn't real, why would Buddy be torturing himself like this??? \m/

    Fiction is fun, and often hilarious! Love "Elf!"
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I am starting to think that everyone has different beliefs and ideas for parenting. This is not acceptable. Everyone needs to believe one thing and one way of doing that thing. If we can't come to an agreement, all we are going to get is more fighting.

    Someone mock up a plan, we can submit it to MFP management, and they can post under a new forum -

    Rules for Parenting - No exceptions allowed
    You should go into politics.:wink:
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    Sometimes being a good parent means lying to them.

    My kids still believe. I love that Christmas is magical to them. Believing in santa doesn't mean you don’t teach them the meaning of Christmas though.
    I will never agree with that!

    You are in for a tough road ahead then.

    Nope, not so tough. My kids are nearly grown, and have told us that they love the fact that they can know that we will always be honest with them. I feel sorry for kids whose parents lie to them for their own convenience. Screw that.

    Our teens have an open and honest relationship. Since we have always been honest with them, they are free now to be honest with us, even on tough issues like sex/drugs. Being a liar is no good for long term relationships.
    you can do what you want, but please stop insulting others who do things differently.

    I have the same exact relationship with my kids, regardless of Santa. I find it so strange that you would equate that one tradition with how anyone's kids turn out.

    It's not just about Santa, but about a pattern of telling lies.

    You can be honest with your kids outside of the Santa myth, especially if your kids are still little. But if you continue to try to lie to them when they know better, and/or you lie about other things outside of Christmas, then you will struggle with them when they become teens.

    OMG are you serious? Are you saying not telling kids about Santa will turn you into a chronic liar? Start at Christmas and next thing you know... the gateway drug... good lord!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I've told them the variety of reasons people celebrate at Christmas (Hanukkah)

    Some years, Chanukah isn't even clsoe to Christmas.

    Anyway, it isn't about ruining a holiday for your kids. It's about limiting their imaginations.
    Gonna need to see studies on this, or are you touting opinion as fact?

    Just common sense.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sometimes being a good parent means lying to them.

    My kids still believe. I love that Christmas is magical to them. Believing in santa doesn't mean you don’t teach them the meaning of Christmas though.
    I will never agree with that!

    You are in for a tough road ahead then.

    Nope, not so tough. My kids are nearly grown, and have told us that they love the fact that they can know that we will always be honest with them. I feel sorry for kids whose parents lie to them for their own convenience. Screw that.

    Our teens have an open and honest relationship. Since we have always been honest with them, they are free now to be honest with us, even on tough issues like sex/drugs. Being a liar is no good for long term relationships.

    Let's be clear, I said protecting children from the truth isn't necessarily lying.

    Let me ask you this....

    If your parents would have gotten divorced when you were 3 years old cause your dad banged his secretary, and you asked your mother why they got divorced. Would you expect them to tell you "Because daddy banged the secretary?"


    My parents are still happily married, and my husband and I are still happily married. Maybe honesty has something to do with it? *shrugs*

    That's the way to deflect the got that nailed down.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Well...99% of everything we are taught in school and churches is either an outright lie or based on as Mark Twain once said "Lies, damn lies and statistics. Our peculiar and shameful western civiliization and history in particular is, was and always will be based in and on FEAR, paganism/idolatry, lies, deception, denial and greed, wars, mass murders/genocide, slavery (real or debt/wage slavery) and cruelty and every evil work known to man and everything that have been told/taught and retold and passed down as truth in the name of history is most always "dressed up as" fun, progress, safety, harmlessness and built upon materialism, greed and deception--designed to benefit the few at the mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, physical deception and robbery of the many.

    That's up to YOU as the mother have the blessed "choice" to purposely decide to carry on the "tradition" of lies, hypocrisy, greed, materialism and YUCK in the name of "everyone is doing it or does it", keeping up with the Joneses, and buying into the lie and selling the truth. IF you choose to not go along with the "herd", then be prepared to be scorned, ridiculed, mocked, scoffed at and rejected. Ig loving and teaching your children THE TRUTH (in holidays/holy days, history, and life in general, in the name of TRUTH...just know that you shall be a rare and courageous person. If not, you certainly will NOT be alone, as you will have the masses not only back you...but applaud you as well.

    John 8:32 "and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
    Steve Jobs

    Courage is grace under pressure. Ernest Hemingway

    Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway. John Wayne

    The opposite for courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow.
    Jim Hightower
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member

    same letters, just switched around

    #carryon #thatisall

    The Word has no mention of this being so why is he a symbol for something that is supposed to commemorate the birth of the Messiah?

    The Word says merchants wax rich off of traditions of men.
    People pay to take photos with Santa, buy Groupons to get packages/letters from Santa
    It's all about one thing: money.

    SATAN, I mean SANTA all you want.
    As for me and my house, we will serve Yahueh...

    So then:




    Everything makes so much sense now. Thank you.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member

    same letters, just switched around

    #carryon #thatisall

    The Word has no mention of this being so why is he a symbol for something that is supposed to commemorate the birth of the Messiah?
    The Messiah was not even born during this time. It's Pagan traditions that point to some very evil means of celebration. Look it up.

    The Word says merchants wax rich off of traditions of men.
    People pay to take photos with Santa, buy Groupons to get packages/letters from Santa. Not to mention some people go into debt, depression, and willing to rob and steal in order to afford those Christmas "gifts".

    It's all about one thing: money.

    SATAN, I mean SANTA all you want.
    As for me and my house, we will serve Yahueh...

    Well, that escalated quickly ...

    I see this post being locked now within ... eh, give it 2 hours
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I want to be clear I don't see any problem with other families who enjoy the tradition and "magic", I just don't know if I want Santa part of my family tradition.

    Then don't. No one can convince you otherwise.
  • rosemary98
    when i was a kid, i always wondered why Santa gave me so little and my cousins and friends so much. I was relieved to find out I wasn't been discriminated against...but my parents were just poor.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I also love to judge other parents and assume that my way is the best and theirs is unethical and wrong.

    Wheee it's fun!
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member

    same letters, just switched around

    #carryon #thatisall

    The Word has no mention of this being so why is he a symbol for something that is supposed to commemorate the birth of the Messiah?
    The Messiah was not even born during this time. It's Pagan traditions that point to some very evil means of celebration. Look it up.

    The Word says merchants wax rich off of traditions of men.
    People pay to take photos with Santa, buy Groupons to get packages/letters from Santa. Not to mention some people go into debt, depression, and willing to rob and steal in order to afford those Christmas "gifts".

    It's all about one thing: money.

    SATAN, I mean SANTA all you want.
    As for me and my house, we will serve Yahueh...

    Well DOG / GOD -same letters eh, just swiched around.
    #meansnothing #so
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Tell him the truth. My mom did, and I learned to appreciate Christmas for the family time and spirit of generosity. I'm going to do the same for mine.

    So true! My kids understand and appreciate Christmas, whereas the ones that get told the Santa lie, end up believing that Christmas is all about presents.
    This is a horrible thing to say. and not true.

    It's horrible to equate Christmas with giving presents. It's also horrible to lie to your loved ones because it's "entertaining" or whatever.

    Christmas is about presents. Are you new?

    That's too bad that people feel that way. smh

    We have had Christmas at our house when my husband was in the hospital and no one got any presents. Yet, it was still Christmas. Christmas has nothing to do with presents. And thank God for that!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    same letters
    Don't be fooled!


    Evian = Naive

    The truth is out there.

    Like Santa.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    same letters
    Don't be fooled!


    You are welcome to your beliefs - as we all are on MFP. Once was really enough. I can rearrange the letters in many words to make something evil.
  • katdow87
    katdow87 Posts: 4 Member
    1. So it's okay to teach your child it's okay lie?
    2. You expect your child to trust you?
    3. Why not just teach them the truth, It;s about GOD
    4. A creepy fat guy watching us all year long, then coming down our chimney eating our food and leaving. CREEPY! (and what if you don't have a chimney)
    5. It's bribery, if you were are a good parent you wouldn't need to use gifts as a way to get your child to behave all year long.
    6. I work to give my child those girts, why let some imaginary guy get the credit for my hard work and time.
    7. it's NOT the reason for the season.
    8. It's makes it all about getting gifts, instead of giving them.
    9. How do you explain to your kid that Santa was in that store, but somehow is in the very next you also?
    10. If your feeling bad about it it, maybe that's continence trying to tell you something.
    11. my lil girl doesn't believe in it and she have never gotten picked on , i have a feeling thats YOUR OWN fear, projecting into your child's life, bc just maybe they don't just "go with the flow".
    12. I would hate to be you on judgment day, trying to explain why you gave some made up guy the glory in time the was dedicated to God.
    13. it does not deprive them of anything by not telling them a LIE. it teaches them gratitude for the hard work you put into giving them gifts,
    14. how old is that guy anyway?!?!?!?
    15. you dont t3ell your child that the Disney characters are real, why would you tell them santa is real?
    i know i came off harsh, but it was all said in love.