Fast Food Workers Striking?!?!?



  • ObstacleRacer
    [That's how capitalism works. Examples: Costco, Trader Joes, Aldis, companies that pay well above minimum wage, and consistently earn record profits.

    Yes but people go to those places because they offer good prices, or a product people are willing to pay a little more for.
    Do you really think if a McDonalds worker is making $15/hr McD's will not have to cut overhead somewhere? Most likely there will price increases.
    The business design is based on low pay, and typically hired students who need a flexible schedule and are willing to work a few years at min wage.
    1.) Do you really think the service will get better if they make more $?
    2.) How much do you think people will pay for a Big Mac?
    Face it, fast food jobs are meant to get kids through school, help mom make a few extra bucks for Christmas, or provide a little extra income iin a pinch.
    If you reach a point where you can't support you family on min wage, apply at Costco, Trader Joes, or Aldis.
    That and stop making babies!

    The CEO of McDonalds gave himself a $14 million dollar raise this year.

    1.) Do you think he's become $14 million dollars better as a CEO?
    2.) Has this lead to an increase in the price of a Big Mac?

    Or is it only an issue when the poor want a raise?
  • ObstacleRacer
    Here's a bizarre idea coming from a silly girl: reward results, not effort.

    *mind blown*

    McDonald's earned $1.5 Billion in profits in the last quarter. The employees making and selling food are the reason for that.

    Judging them by their results would entitle them to a substantial raise indeed.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Love how he didn't even reach for it and his hand just hung out.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I'm surprised no one has brought up how when people are paid better they tend to work harder and there is low turnover, which cuts down on training costs for businesses. If you pay people minimum wage, they will give you minimum effort.

    But then again, I am taking a labor econ course this semester, so, maybe that isn't common knowledge.

    We already established Experimental economics was Hokus Pokus, now we are adding Labor Economics. Actually, let' just prevent this issue the rest of the thread. So beside these two, you are not allowed to use Normative economics, positive economics, public economics, or any form of Game Theory in this thread to help prove your point. Only perfect condition supply and demand, the work force is fully informed and is fluid and can move across the country to a new job with no cost , also has zero life issues (medical, kids, disabilities).

    Now that we got that figured out, please proceed.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    So the gov't should just let people starve? No way jose.

    So you view the government as your nanny. Pathetic.

    i make well over minimum wage. I do not view the government as a nanny. However there are thousands of starving children and families that are already suffering with government aide. If that were taken away many would die. who do you think you are?

    Well, why is any of that -my- problem?
    Because not caring about other people is a sign of a sociopath.

    Are you insinuating that I am a sociopath?
    I'm saying that a lack of empathy is one of the signs of a sociopath.

    Thank you for this Fun Fact, despite being irrelevant?
    If you truly, truly don't care if children die in the streets, and you aren't just saying that to make a point, then I suggest you talk to a psychologist.

    Yes, I was just making a point. Which I later expanded upon. And I never said I didn't care.

    Hell, I can't even watch the abused animal adoption commercials.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Bring it on!
    I will quit my salaried job and go to work for one of the fast food franchises. No more 60+ hours per week for 40 hour pay and lower stress level.
    Back in my day, these were jobs were never intended to support a family.
    Just wondering, will skilled jobs wages increase to compensate?
  • vzduoi
    vzduoi Posts: 4 Member
    No. $8.00 an hour is not enough to live on. $10-$15/hr seems like a lot to us because we've been conditioned to think minimum wage is enough to survive. As someone who's worked a number of minimum wage jobs, I can tell you it is impossible to cover all the necessities (rent, gas, electric,food, transportation) on such low wages. Yes, people are owed enough money to survive with the basics and deserve a little extra to prepare for emergencies. **** you and anyone else who thinks that just because it is a low skill job it doesn't deserve fair compensation. I won't be returning to this thread to see any replies, so don't bother trying to debate me.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    Just wondering, will skilled jobs wages increase to compensate?
    Nope, cause those people wanted to better themselves and don't deserve it.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    [That's how capitalism works. Examples: Costco, Trader Joes, Aldis, companies that pay well above minimum wage, and consistently earn record profits.

    Yes but people go to those places because they offer good prices, or a product people are willing to pay a little more for.
    Do you really think if a McDonalds worker is making $15/hr McD's will not have to cut overhead somewhere? Most likely there will price increases.
    The business design is based on low pay, and typically hired students who need a flexible schedule and are willing to work a few years at min wage.
    1.) Do you really think the service will get better if they make more $?
    2.) How much do you think people will pay for a Big Mac?
    Face it, fast food jobs are meant to get kids through school, help mom make a few extra bucks for Christmas, or provide a little extra income iin a pinch.
    If you reach a point where you can't support you family on min wage, apply at Costco, Trader Joes, or Aldis.
    That and stop making babies!

    The CEO of McDonalds gave himself a $14 million dollar raise this year.

    1.) Do you think he's become $14 million dollars better as a CEO?
    2.) Has this lead to an increase in the price of a Big Mac?

    Or is it only an issue when the poor want a raise?

    Are McDonald's mostly franchisee owned or corporate owned?
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I gotta love when a person who works a desk job gets all bent out of shape when minimum-wage part-time employees consider a strike.

    What incentive would we have to work hard to improve our lives and get better jobs if all we have to do is beg for more money to get it?
    My job is more skilled that a fast food job. I worked harder to get it and I work hard to maintain it. In my opinion, I deserve more money compensation than someone who flips burgers.
    I don't have anything against anyone in a minimum wage paying job. But those jobs will always exist and someone will always need to do them. In general minimum wage jobs are for younger people as a stepping stone or older people as a supplemental income. I don't consider them a permanent career.

    This is more or less the same logic that anti-vaccine people use. It's the very perks and comfort we as workers enjoy today that allow us to dismiss the hard work and tactics that got you those very perks.

    No. The perks that we enjoy are because of the hard work it took to get us here. Who would endure the stress and responsibility of an advanced career if they could make the same wage at a fast food restaurant?

    You completely missed the point. You worked hard, yes. But there are a lot of people in minimum wage jobs that have worked much harder than you.

    The perks you enjoy aren't due just to your hard work. They are in large part due to the hard work of the people that came before you and set up the system in a way beneficial to you and provided you with significant developmental advantages.

    I'd like more information on what these advantages are that I supposedly had.
    And a fast food worker works harder that I do? How so?

    Spend a year as a 10 year old living in a housing project with a nonexistent parent and a 4 year old younger brother. Let me know how hard it was to learn math compared to what you personally experienced.

    What makes you ASSUME that you know anything about my life and the things that I have endured and overcome? I'm not about to air my past here in public but if you want to have a pissing contest over who's childhood was rougher feel free to PM me.
    And you didn't answer my question. How does a minimum wage worker work harder than I do? They don't. They have less responsibility and are paid accordingly as it should be.
  • ObstacleRacer
    I'm surprised no one has brought up how when people are paid better they tend to work harder and there is low turnover, which cuts down on training costs for businesses. If you pay people minimum wage, they will give you minimum effort.

    But then again, I am taking a labor econ course this semester, so, maybe that isn't common knowledge.

    We already established Experimental economics was Hokus Pokus, now we are adding Labor Economics. Actually, let' just prevent this issue the rest of the thread. So beside these two, you are not allowed to use Normative economics, positive economics, public economics, or any form of Game Theory in this thread to help prove your point. Only perfect condition supply and demand, the work force is fully informed and is fluid and can move across the country to a new job with no cost , also has zero life issues (medical, kids, disabilities).

    Now that we got that figured out, please proceed.

    It wasn't established. You said it with nothing to back up your assertion. Then you posted a gif.

    If you want to claim that you've proven something, prove it. With more than just gifs.

    Oh I forgot, you actually think peer reviewed studies are useless. You just want everyone to believe what you say because you say it.

  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I gotta love when a person who works a desk job gets all bent out of shape when minimum-wage part-time employees consider a strike.

    What incentive would we have to work hard to improve our lives and get better jobs if all we have to do is beg for more money to get it?
    My job is more skilled that a fast food job. I worked harder to get it and I work hard to maintain it. In my opinion, I deserve more money compensation than someone who flips burgers.
    I don't have anything against anyone in a minimum wage paying job. But those jobs will always exist and someone will always need to do them. In general minimum wage jobs are for younger people as a stepping stone or older people as a supplemental income. I don't consider them a permanent career.

    This is more or less the same logic that anti-vaccine people use. It's the very perks and comfort we as workers enjoy today that allow us to dismiss the hard work and tactics that got you those very perks.

    No. The perks that we enjoy are because of the hard work it took to get us here. Who would endure the stress and responsibility of an advanced career if they could make the same wage at a fast food restaurant?

    You completely missed the point. You worked hard, yes. But there are a lot of people in minimum wage jobs that have worked much harder than you.

    The perks you enjoy aren't due just to your hard work. They are in large part due to the hard work of the people that came before you and set up the system in a way beneficial to you and provided you with significant developmental advantages.

    I'd like more information on what these advantages are that I supposedly had.
    And a fast food worker works harder that I do? How so?

    Spend a year as a 10 year old living in a housing project with a nonexistent parent and a 4 year old younger brother. Let me know how hard it was to learn math compared to what you personally experienced.

    What makes you ASSUME that you know anything about my life and the things that I have endured and overcome? I'm not about to air my past here in public but if you want to have a pissing contest over who's childhood was rougher feel free to PM me.
    And you didn't answer my question. How does a minimum wage worker work harder than I do? They don't. They have less responsibility and are paid accordingly as it should be.

    I have to give you a great big "AMEN", Penny!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    sure why changes can be made by sitting on your laurels all day if they think it will make some difference then I support it. We seem to be the last country holding onto these archaic ideals.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Bring it on!
    I will quit my salaried job and go to work for one of the fast food franchises. No more 60+ hours per week for 40 hour pay and lower stress level.
    Back in my day, these were jobs were never intended to support a family.
    Just wondering, will skilled jobs wages increase to compensate?

    Guessing you haven't worked in the food service industry in the last 20 years, unless you are in decent shape it is a lot of physical and emotional stress for what they get paid. Dealing with one boss is a lot nicer than dealing with a couple of 100 ungrateful people. Try smiling or being nice to a food service worker they almost can't handle it at time because it is becoming out of the norm for them.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I just did the math and at a full 40 hours a week at $7.50/hour if you're a single person and need a 1 bedroom apartment, you can live off that no problem.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Bring it on!
    I will quit my salaried job and go to work for one of the fast food franchises. No more 60+ hours per week for 40 hour pay and lower stress level.
    Back in my day, these were jobs were never intended to support a family.
    Just wondering, will skilled jobs wages increase to compensate?

    Guessing you haven't worked in the food service industry in the last 20 years, unless you are in decent shape it is a lot of physical and emotional stress for what they get paid. Dealing with one boss is a lot nicer than dealing with a couple of 100 ungrateful people. Try smiling or being nice to a food service worker they almost can't handle it at time because it is becoming out of the norm for them.

    It's called customer service. It's not just the fast food industry that has to deal with customer service...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What makes you ASSUME that you know anything about my life and the things that I have endured and overcome? I'm not about to air my past here in public but if you want to have a pissing contest over who's childhood was rougher feel free to PM me.
    And you didn't answer my question. How does a minimum wage worker work harder than I do? They don't. They have less responsibility and are paid accordingly as it should be.

    If you don't want to talk about it then don't bring it up. I never said anything about you personally.

    The entire point, which you seem bent to challenge, is that different people have to put in significantly different levels of effort for the same result. I have no idea where you personally fall on that spectrum. It doesn't matter. But the rich white male has to put in a lot less effort to end up with a $60,000 salary than the dirt-poor black female.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I just did the math and at a full 40 hours a week at $7.50/hour if you're a single person and need a 1 bedroom apartment, you can live off that no problem.

    Yeah, assuming you can get a full time job. Companies want part-time employees because they're expendable and they don't have to give them benefits. And surviving vs. thriving is a very big difference. Would YOU be happy living off of $7.50/hr?
  • ObstacleRacer
    I just did the math and at a full 40 hours a week at $7.50/hour if you're a single person and need a 1 bedroom apartment, you can live off that no problem.

    So which do you propose we do? Outlaw minimum wage jobs for people with families? Or should we force them to divorce and abandon their children?
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Here's a bizarre idea coming from a silly girl: reward results, not effort.

    *mind blown*


    Wait wait wait...that is too simple of a concept. It must be wrong.