Post your most recent workout



  • rachelakai2
    rachelakai2 Posts: 51 Member
  • It's not much, but I swam laps for 10 minutes and then ran for an hour. :)
  • Shaun T's Rockin' Body Booty Time. Plus crunches (10x10), back leg lifts (4x10), arm circles (10x10), tricep kickbacks (5x10) and bicep cirls (4x10).
  • flywithgeorge
    flywithgeorge Posts: 62 Member
    2 hours of serious racquetball!
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    last nite - 3 mile run on indoor track and hour long self defense class (marital arts based)
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    Sunday I was super excited to learn there is a spot inside my house that I can jump rope. Might sound odd but it's an incredible addition to my Wildman workouts. I workout at home, outside, rain, sleet or snow. Always have a bonfire going. Always.
    Yesterday afternoon I did sled pulls for about 20 minutes it was 19 out Before that I did end over end log flips with a 260 lb log, It's 11 ft long and about 12 inches round.
    This early a.m. sledgehammered ( 50 lb sledge) onto tractor tire then some lifting of large brake rotors. They are on the ground, lift , place them up in top of 6 foot scaffold that is actually at 6.5 with the extra planks. Yeah it's only 13 out right now but the sun is shining so it was all good lol........
    My backyard is a Wildman workout haven......... lol......
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    Yesterday one hour of jivamukti vinyasa strength-based yoga with the hardcore Cat and today, Bootcamp reformer pilates for an hour...
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    20 minute run at lunch (2.5 miles).

    Evening Crossfit WOD:
    AMRAP 20 mins 75lbs
    5 Thrusters
    10 Hang Power Cleans
    10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
    (7 rounds)
  • 5 mile run @ 39:12 and a 5 minute cooldown
  • aljharvey
    aljharvey Posts: 73 Member
    Shot some hoops for a 10 minute warm up then off to train.

    Leg day:

    Leg press
    270x20 x 1
    360x20x 1
    450x15x 1
    540x10x 2

    Body weight squats
    10x3 sets

    Back Squats
    135x 10x 6 sets

    Front Squats
    65x10x 4 sets

    Leg extensions
    140x12x 5 sets
    85x10x 3 sets (partials)

    Finished up with some Hip abductor work and stretching.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today is rest and recovery day, but yesterday looked like this:

    Bodyweight warm-up (prisonner lunges, 1 leg RDLs, leg swings, push-ups, planks, etc.) ~10 mins

    Bench Press 5/3/1 with a pyramid down (I hit 4 reps on the top, 13 on the last set! )

    3 rounds of:
    Goblet Squat x10
    1 arm DB Row x12
    low incline DB Press x8

    3 rounds of:
    DB RDL x10
    DB Push Press x8
    MB Chops x12

    aaand 3 rounds of:
    Chin ups x10
    Elevated hand push-ups x8
    Bulgarian Split squats x15

    Topped off with 4 minutes of total body extensions tabatas.

    And then I played soccer last night. I'm beat lol
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    An hour long brisk walk while pulling my 35lb. son in a wagon, including hills and singing songs he requested, but mostly Jingle Bells.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Yesterday was squat day for me.

    Back squats:
    1 x 177.5 lbs/81 kg
    1 x 205 lbs/ 93 kg
    1 x 225 lbs/102 kg
    1 x 237.5 lbs/108 kg (PR)

    Pause squats:
    2 sets: 5 x 167 lbs/76 kg

    BB reverse lunges (bar in front rack position):
    2 sets: 10 L/R x 107 lbs/48.5 kg

    DB step-ups:
    2 sets: 10 L/R x 58 lbs/26 kg

    Front squat ladder:
    10 x 65 lbs/29.5 kg
    9 x 75 lbs/34 kg
    8 x 85 lbs/38.5 kg
    ... (you get the picture)
    1 x 155 lbs/70.5 kg

    Lots of foam rolling and mobility work.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member

    Yesterday was Upper Power Day

    Bent over rows 3x3 @ 115lbs
    Pull ups 2x6
    Rack Chins 2x4 @ 20lbs
    Dumbbell presses 3x5 @ 35lbs
    Dips 2x10
    Dumbbell shoulder press 3x10 @ 25lbs
    Cambered bar curls 3x6 @ 55lbs
    Skull Crushers 3x6 @ 35lbs

    Lower Power day today, it's gonna kick my *kitten*!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Yesterday was squat day for me.

    Back squats:
    1 x 177.5 lbs/81 kg
    1 x 205 lbs/ 93 kg
    1 x 225 lbs/102 kg
    1 x 237.5 lbs/108 kg (PR)

    Pause squats:
    2 sets: 5 x 167 lbs/76 kg

    BB reverse lunges (bar in front rack position):
    2 sets: 10 L/R x 107 lbs/48.5 kg

    DB step-ups:
    2 sets: 10 L/R x 58 lbs/26 kg

    Front squat ladder:
    10 x 65 lbs/29.5 kg
    9 x 75 lbs/34 kg
    8 x 85 lbs/38.5 kg
    ... (you get the picture)
    1 x 155 lbs/70.5 kg

    Lots of foam rolling and mobility work.

    oh ladders.


    I like doing a pyramid- light all the way up to failure- then back down- works out to be like 15-20 sets crazy killer. <3<3<3
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Went for a run this AM - a short 2 miler.

    Foam rolling, mobility, & some shoulder work this evening.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I did a hiit from blogilates. 1 minute each of burpees, single leg flyes, hop overs, upright rows, ball slams, pushup to shoulder pushups, dumbbell squats, and tricep extensions all repeated twice. Then 30 seconds running, 30 seconds plank, 30 second rest 8 times.

    Two days later and I still can't walk.
  • RhiannonBaugh
    RhiannonBaugh Posts: 45 Member
    Jillian Michaels Kickbox workout 50 mins
    Day 10 - Squat challege - 105 Squats
    Press ups - 10
    Sit ups 3 x 10

  • DeeDoy
    DeeDoy Posts: 45
    10 mins vigorous on bike (was waiting on the elliptical freeing up)

    20 mins on elliptical

    20 mins on treadmill (15 mins on 10 incline and 4mph -no holding on lol- and then 5 mins jog at 2 incline to ease up my thighs)

    110 squats (squat challenge)

    lat pull downs

    tricep pull downs


    reverse crunches

    push ups

    OHP barbell

    incline flies

    barbell curls

    dumbbell curls

    trunk twists

    and wall sits
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    Sunday I was super excited to learn there is a spot inside my house that I can jump rope. Might sound odd but it's an incredible addition to my Wildman workouts. I workout at home, outside, rain, sleet or snow. Always have a bonfire going. Always.
    Yesterday afternoon I did sled pulls for about 20 minutes it was 19 out Before that I did end over end log flips with a 260 lb log, It's 11 ft long and about 12 inches round.
    This early a.m. sledgehammered ( 50 lb sledge) onto tractor tire then some lifting of large brake rotors. They are on the ground, lift , place them up in top of 6 foot scaffold that is actually at 6.5 with the extra planks. Yeah it's only 13 out right now but the sun is shining so it was all good lol........
    My backyard is a Wildman workout haven......... lol......

    you always have the coolestmost badass workouts!!