Not bothering to date.. Its all frankly worrying..



  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lol, wow...
    Where are you finding these people? haha.

    Just so I know to stay away :P

    MFP...:indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent:

    No, I retain my dating to the north of the UK, but starting to think expanding to Craigslist might help..
    I highly disagree with the craigslist thing, unless you want to catch diseases.

    Pfft! Have you never viewed the sheer horror that is Newcastle's version of Jersey Shore?...
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I hate dating as well. I have met all of my ex boyfriends by getting to know them via hanging out with mutual friends and moving on to a relationship after getting to know them that way.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    I've just got bored of putting myself out there. So I don't bother now.

    I've had some fantastically bizarre dates from dating websites, normally stemming from the fact that people either lie on their profiles, or omit things that you would really like them to include.

    The one I have found in my experience that women lie about the most is body type. I wouldn't know about the guys, but I'm sure it's probably the same. A lot of women I've met have selected 'a few extra pounds' which seems to cover anything from 'a few extra pounds' to 'a few extra pounds at each serving' And they're artful when choosing pictures, I've been quite shocked to meet a few people.

    I suppose the two that stand out for me are the girl that I really liked, we got on well for three or four dates, but it turned out she only had one foot. Now I have nothing against this per se, but she let me find out on my own. I thought that was a bit out of order. If she'd mentioned it somehow, I don't think it would have been a problem, but to just let someone discover it for themselves is a bit much. In my opinion.

    The second one was a girl that I spoke to quite a bit on the phone before we met, because her photos were kind of hard to make out. She seemed really nice, described herself as 'a few extra pounds' one of the things that I did notice was that she kept telling me on the phone how guys fell in love with her all the time, and it was really annoying, I just put it down to nerves. She was determined we would meet at her flat, rather than going out somewhere, so I thought okay, I'm a big boy, I'm not scared. Well. When I arrived, turns out that she was extremely large, three times my size. It seemed to me that the reason she didn't want to go out was because it was difficult to do so. She also kept steering the conversation round to sex, and insisted on showing me her terrifying collection of apparatus, including shackles, cuffs, plugs and a double ended black *kitten* so huge that when I first saw it, I thought Samuel L Jackson was laying on the sofa.....

    I don't really date now.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Thanks for the laugh to start my day but I think you're looking at it wrong. You need to date much more often and eventually write a book, rake in the millions and retire comfortably. You will thank me later. :laugh:
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    What was the worst date you had recently?

    I went with this guy to six flags and had an awesome time...Now hes my husband :/

    ......I can see the benefits behind being single too lol
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    There was the blind date a friend of a secretary at work. I didn't give her permission to give my number out in the first place. He finally talked me into meeting him for a cup of coffee. He said many people said he looked like John Travolta. I met him in the parking lot and he was shorter than me. I'm 5'4" and he smelled like a stale ash tray and he looked nothing like John Travolta. I bowed out before we ever went in for coffee. I now refer to him as John Ravolta.

    Then there was the guy at Halloween that seemed nice enough and some friends and I agreed to go to another nightclub down the street with him and his friends. After an hour of dancing where he kept winking and pointing at me I just said I needed to go to the bathroom and grabbed my purse walked the mile to my car in my Indian costume. Great thing about costumes is I stood behind him in a line at the grocery store the next week and he never knew it was me that ditched him.

    Oh then there was the guy who there really was nothing wrong with him, but I just didn't have a spark with him. I thought I'll patiently finish the date. Then in the middle of the date out of the blue he says, "I'm going to kiss you now." Before he could follow through I looked up at the heavens while taking a deep breath grabbed my purse and said, "Good night."
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: those are some doozies! better luck in the future sweetie, i think if i were you i'd continue just for the lulz....don't look at it as searching for Mr. Right, look at it as free interactive entertainment with free booze! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    Mwhahhaa! These really made me laugh! Thanks for sharing!

    I'm married now so I don't date but I have had a fair share of wierdos.

    There was this one guy that I'd been out with a few times and was getting a bit bored with because we weren't clicking on any level. I thought it was probably time to move on but this one night he turned to me and said "I want you to have my babies", deadly serious. Now this was on about the third date. I just laughed and he said "well, would you like to have a baby".....I mumbled something like "err no not really", made my excuses and left. I never saw him again! Harsh I know but no babies!!

    Another guy was okay, things seemed to be going well until I bent over to pick something up one day and he spanked me with my hairbrush really hard whilst shouting "who's your Daddy"! Alright, we all like a bit of slap and tickle but OUCH!! and you are certainly not my 'Daddy'....oh and he wanted to watch me wee too....that was pretty much a dealbreaker....

    Finally, things seemed to be going well with this guy. We went out to a restaurant, still going well. He ordered some kind of seafood dish which he proceeded to eat with his fingers (it was a saucy dish so ewwww!), cracked open the prawns, shell flying everywhere, sucked his fingers very noisily and generally made a hell of a mess while declaring 'I can't f....king do this'......It was all pretty horrific but the sucking fingers thing....urgh!!!!
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    last summer i slept with an English guy who is 17. (i'm 22).
    i was seeing a guy that was pretty sure he was gay, he wanted to give women another chance.
    the worst date was with this guy who was trying to impress me with being overly posh. he literally couldn't stop talking about his possessions, his friend's cars, even one of his Chinese girl friend's multiple plastic surgery price.
    god i hate him.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member

    - but the best date ive ever been on was the only date we had. we seemed to have an incredible time, but he never called again- i assume because i said "its too soon" when he asked to come upstairs to my apt at the end of the date.

    I had one of those, the date lasted like 6 hours we couldn't stop laughing and talking...then he didn't call. I called him and found out he read way too far into one of the things I said about a question he asked me. We laughed it off and became best friends instead!
  • samr73
    samr73 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I can't get a date anyway and it sounds like it's probably for the best listening to these stories!

    Very, very funny tho'!!!!
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    Saw what I thought was a nice female friend five times over a year, stunning and 23 years younger than me but loads in common.

    I was horrified when we stopped the car after a night out and she simply said

    "Do you just want sex or a relationship"

    Thing is I didn't want either with someone 23 years younger as one I d be doing her a favour and the other would end in tragedy.

    We didn't see each other again and its annoying women cant just be friends .
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I only seem to attract closeted gay men or women so I give up! Men do not even look at me. Not sure if this is better or if I'd prefer an awkward weirdo fawning all over me. Nope. Couldn't handle it. Definitely better off single without the drama.
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    I saw two guys who treated me badly and then my friends literally forced me to start dating and told me to think of it as just going out, breaking away from my routine, etc. So I went out on dates, literally kicking and screaming, but actually met decent people out there and you don't have to sleep with people. I just went out for a pint or dinner and just thought of it as being social. On the fifth date, I met the one... Everything I ever wanted in a man and dreamed about... We knew from the moment we started to hold hands and kissed that we were meant to be together forever.. He's now my bestest friend, my lover and we are getting married and having children next year... "You gotta be in it to win it.." I was single too and enjoyed it, but also took chances and risks and laughed at the bad dates or boring ones... Once I didn't take dating seriously and enjoyed my own company, that was when the best ones come out of the woodwork without you looking for it.
  • johan1585
    johan1585 Posts: 44 Member
    I've just got bored of putting myself out there. So I don't bother now.

    I've had some fantastically bizarre dates from dating websites, normally stemming from the fact that people either lie on their profiles, or omit things that you would really like them to include.

    The one I have found in my experience that women lie about the most is body type. I wouldn't know about the guys, but I'm sure it's probably the same. A lot of women I've met have selected 'a few extra pounds' which seems to cover anything from 'a few extra pounds' to 'a few extra pounds at each serving' And they're artful when choosing pictures, I've been quite shocked to meet a few people.

    I suppose the two that stand out for me are the girl that I really liked, we got on well for three or four dates, but it turned out she only had one foot. Now I have nothing against this per se, but she let me find out on my own. I thought that was a bit out of order. If she'd mentioned it somehow, I don't think it would have been a problem, but to just let someone discover it for themselves is a bit much. In my opinion.

    The second one was a girl that I spoke to quite a bit on the phone before we met, because her photos were kind of hard to make out. She seemed really nice, described herself as 'a few extra pounds' one of the things that I did notice was that she kept telling me on the phone how guys fell in love with her all the time, and it was really annoying, I just put it down to nerves. She was determined we would meet at her flat, rather than going out somewhere, so I thought okay, I'm a big boy, I'm not scared. Well. When I arrived, turns out that she was extremely large, three times my size. It seemed to me that the reason she didn't want to go out was because it was difficult to do so. She also kept steering the conversation round to sex, and insisted on showing me her terrifying collection of apparatus, including shackles, cuffs, plugs and a double ended black *kitten* so huge that when I first saw it, I thought Samuel L Jackson was laying on the sofa.....

    I don't really date now.

    Laughed my *kitten* off
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Yup, had all those weird ones, but mainly just plain boring or no 'click'.
    I must have dated about 100 guys for just a drink. I got better as I went along at sorting the wheat from the chaff before I met them. I went out with a few and a couple became proper boyfriends. Then, after a long search, I met my present husband and we are incredibly happy 10+ years later.
    I was older, so take heart all you older women out there. I was 53 when I met my husband. I never lied about my age, weight, politics, non religion, etc. I also looked for an honest, principled man with good family relationships and good friends. Persevere! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Lol, wow...
    Where are you finding these people? haha.

    Just so I know to stay away :P

    MFP...:indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent: :indifferent:

    No, I retain my dating to the north of the UK, but starting to think expanding to Craigslist might help..

    And this is why I left the north of England entirely and married an Australian.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I've been single for nearly 3yrs... My last dates have included; someone not calling me back for a month - when they did they told me they'd been clinically sectioned, & wanted to join the French Foreign Legion. A bloke who informed me his ex was blonde, so he was worried my "growler" may terrify him (we'll never know?), & a bus driver who related a highly unamusing story involving him having a dump behind an unmarked police car... What can I say? I frankly like being single. I can see the benefit.. What was the worst date you had recently?

    What are you doing this weekend? If you're grading on a curve, I gotta fare well.
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    I went on a blind date once and near the end of the date the conversation was really more annoying than interesting.LOL. So I thought (In typical guy fashon), Hey why don't I kiss her so she will shut up. So I leaned in for a smooch and she leaned toward me with her eyes closed but her mouth open. WIDE! Like a baby bird. I wasn't sure if she wanted mee to kiss her or spit some previously chewed food into her mouth. After an awkward pause she opened her eyes and said, "What? Don't you like to French?" To which I replied, "I don't think they do it that way in France"!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I had a fabulous first date, that never made it to a second when he informed me that he was still married. Gah.

    Another first date where the guy was so pissed that I wouldn't sleep with him on date #1, that he actually said "I got out of bed for this ****?"

    Another where the person's photos must have been at least 10 years and 100 pounds ago. Sigh.