Not bothering to date.. Its all frankly worrying..



  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    I've just got bored of putting myself out there. So I don't bother now.

    I've had some fantastically bizarre dates from dating websites, normally stemming from the fact that people either lie on their profiles, or omit things that you would really like them to include.

    The one I have found in my experience that women lie about the most is body type. I wouldn't know about the guys, but I'm sure it's probably the same. A lot of women I've met have selected 'a few extra pounds' which seems to cover anything from 'a few extra pounds' to 'a few extra pounds at each serving' And they're artful when choosing pictures, I've been quite shocked to meet a few people.

    I suppose the two that stand out for me are the girl that I really liked, we got on well for three or four dates, but it turned out she only had one foot. Now I have nothing against this per se, but she let me find out on my own. I thought that was a bit out of order. If she'd mentioned it somehow, I don't think it would have been a problem, but to just let someone discover it for themselves is a bit much. In my opinion.

    The second one was a girl that I spoke to quite a bit on the phone before we met, because her photos were kind of hard to make out. She seemed really nice, described herself as 'a few extra pounds' one of the things that I did notice was that she kept telling me on the phone how guys fell in love with her all the time, and it was really annoying, I just put it down to nerves. She was determined we would meet at her flat, rather than going out somewhere, so I thought okay, I'm a big boy, I'm not scared. Well. When I arrived, turns out that she was extremely large, three times my size. It seemed to me that the reason she didn't want to go out was because it was difficult to do so. She also kept steering the conversation round to sex, and insisted on showing me her terrifying collection of apparatus, including shackles, cuffs, plugs and a double ended black *kitten* so huge that when I first saw it, I thought Samuel L Jackson was laying on the sofa.....

    I don't really date now.

    Great story!

    I think people have completely different definitions when it comes to being "curvy" or "a few extra pounds". When I hear curvy, I think of someone like Kate Upton or Beyoncé. When I hear a few extra pounds, I think of someone who is 20 pounds overweight. I'm no expert with online dating, but I'm sure a picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to describing ones self.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I had a fabulous first date, that never made it to a second when he informed me that he was still married. Gah.

    Another first date where the guy was so pissed that I wouldn't sleep with him on date #1, that he actually said "I got out of bed for this ****?"

    Another where the person's photos must have been at least 10 years and 100 pounds ago. Sigh.

    I have noticed this with online dating, 85% of the men expect you to text them and sleep with them after 1 message that states soly your name, its like what ever happened to get to know someone first
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    if i were selling cats...

    ...the leads from this thread would be gold!

  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I had a fabulous first date, that never made it to a second when he informed me that he was still married. Gah.

    Another first date where the guy was so pissed that I wouldn't sleep with him on date #1, that he actually said "I got out of bed for this ****?"

    Another where the person's photos must have been at least 10 years and 100 pounds ago. Sigh.

    I have noticed this with online dating, 85% of the men expect you to text them and sleep with them after 1 message that states soly your name, its like what ever happened to get to know someone first
    so you are saying that's not the best way of getting to know someone??????????????????????

    just kidding.

    lol um no.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    same. single for 2 years.

    At 22, that’s absurd. You should have no shortage of options.
    - the man who said "Chaka Khan" the way people say "your mom" or "thats what she/he said." just said Chaka Khan all the time for no apparent reason.

    I can’t blame a guy for liking the song “I Feel For You” by Chaka Khan, where it begins with the name Chaka Khan repeated a bunch a times. But yes, randomly saying Chaka Khan all the time for no apparent reason would get annoying real quick.
    I'm sure a picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to describing ones self.

    Pictures can fool. Sometimes in a picture what appears to be a height-weight proportionate woman is someone overweight. There is no substitute for the in person experience right away, so as to avoid a time wasting Internet/app sourced date.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh dear. That would put me off dating, too, OP!

    I've been part of a couple for a long time now, so I have no recent bad date stories. But years ago, I met a guy through speed dating who was really nice, cute, a cop, had just built a house -- whole package kind of thing. He invited me over for a movie and we ended up sitting RREEEEEAAALLLLLLYYYY far away from each other on his sectional couch and he turned the volume up so loud, there was no way to have a conversation. Then when the movie was over, he turned on a TV channel and kept the volume up and stayed sitting really far away until I finally just left.
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    I did online dating and I put a photo of myself with no make up on, sweaty and my hair a mess after a spin class the day I joined. I seemed to get a great response from decent guys who were intelligent and really nice. They all said they thought that was the best photo of me. I think sometimes it depends on what you put yourself out there as. I'm not saying that's always the case. Everyone meets weirdos from time to time. I met a guy once on a date, had a fantastic date, we got on well and then he kissed me at the end and I felt like I was kissing an overactive pez dispenser. I literally had to wipe my face with paper towels afterwards. Lol!! When my other half and true love I'm with now kissed me for the first time, it was the most amazing thing in the world. Still never forgot it...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh dear. That would put me off dating, too, OP!

    I've been part of a couple for a long time now, so I have no recent bad date stories. But years ago, I met a guy through speed dating who was really nice, cute, a cop, had just built a house -- whole package kind of thing. He invited me over for a movie and we ended up sitting RREEEEEAAALLLLLLYYYY far away from each other on his sectional couch and he turned the volume up so loud, there was no way to have a conversation. Then when the movie was over, he turned on a TV channel and kept the volume up and stayed sitting really far away until I finally just left.
    so he was deaf? or had hearing loss?
    I don't think so. He held a conversation just fine when we first met and when I got to his house while he showed me around, then when we went to the video store (where we ran into a friend of his and he introduced me). Everything was perfectly normal and fine until he TV thing.

    I would have been OK with it if he had turned it off after the movie, but he didn't and he wouldn't even look at me. It was incredibly bizarre.
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    Unfortunately, all my bad dates were from meeting guys on an internet dating website. There was the guy who didn't look like his picture because he sent me a picture of his friend and somehow didn't think I would notice when we met in person. And there's the guy who I chatted with for a couple weeks and then stood me up when date time arrived (only to find out after it was because he has a girlfriend). Real keepers! :noway:

    Yeah, being single isn't all that bad sometimes. Hopefully I will meet someone special one day who will make me forget about all these other jerks.
  • amandajones1978
    Sorry about your dating issues, I have them too. :(

    A recent date I had with a guy that looked nothing like his online profile. Now I am not the most fit person, but I am pretty darn active. He was not active at all, I had just finished a half marathon. His hobbies were TV and TV, my hobbies are pretty much anything to get me out of the house. It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk and I can understand being nervous but to answer a direct question with: "I dunno, I got nothing" Um, what? Needless to say, it didnt go past date 1.

    Another date I had with a guy that saw me at work and wanted to ask me out but had his friend ask me. I said yes but then learned that 1. He didnt have a job, he was only a temp. 2. Didnt have a car, so I had to pick him up. 3. Still lived at home. 4. Had a crazy ex-girlfriend. He got back together with his crazy ex-girlfriend and she found the slip of paper with my home number. The guy didnt have the testicular fortitude to tell her he dated while they were split, he asked me that if she calls I had to say my number was meant for his friend. WHAT? Well, she did call, about 10 times and once was pretty nasty to my own mother. I cussed her out and basically said she is welcome to the ball-less wonder; I wouldnt date him if the continuation of the human race depended on us procreating. Better to die out than to have his DNA infecting the gene pool.

    Other dates were just sad.

    So I gave up, for now. I'll just be happy with me and when it happens, it happens.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I don't think so. He held a conversation just fine when we first met and when I got to his house while he showed me around, then when we went to the video store (where we ran into a friend of his and he introduced me). Everything was perfectly normal and fine until he TV thing.

    I would have been OK with it if he had turned it off after the movie, but he didn't and he wouldn't even look at me. It was incredibly bizarre.
    lol I was joking.......but yes

    pigs are weird.

    All I know is, I'm glad I'm in a relationship and don't have to deal with that crap anymore. And if I'm ever single again, I will probably stay that way.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Oh dear. That would put me off dating, too, OP!

    I've been part of a couple for a long time now, so I have no recent bad date stories. But years ago, I met a guy through speed dating who was really nice, cute, a cop, had just built a house -- whole package kind of thing. He invited me over for a movie and we ended up sitting RREEEEEAAALLLLLLYYYY far away from each other on his sectional couch and he turned the volume up so loud, there was no way to have a conversation. Then when the movie was over, he turned on a TV channel and kept the volume up and stayed sitting really far away until I finally just left.
    so he was deaf? or had hearing loss?
    I don't think so. He held a conversation just fine when we first met and when I got to his house while he showed me around, then when we went to the video store (where we ran into a friend of his and he introduced me). Everything was perfectly normal and fine until he TV thing.

    I would have been OK with it if he had turned it off after the movie, but he didn't and he wouldn't even look at me. It was incredibly bizarre.

    Sounds like he just wasnt that interested in you, if he was, he'd pay attention..
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I stopped dating for a while.... Had a guy try to roofy me, that kind of killed the desire for a while. I just started dating again recently, and I'm already on another break from it :laugh:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Well I found mine in Norway... Essex/London girls weren't really my cup of tea.

    The last time I tried dating in England, the supposedly non-smoker was standing outside the restaurant chain-smoking, and when I spoke to her, she sounded like a bulldog chewing a wasp.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Sorry about your dating issues, I have them too. :(

    A recent date I had with a guy that looked nothing like his online profile. Now I am not the most fit person, but I am pretty darn active. He was not active at all, I had just finished a half marathon. His hobbies were TV and TV, my hobbies are pretty much anything to get me out of the house. It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk and I can understand being nervous but to answer a direct question with: "I dunno, I got nothing" Um, what? Needless to say, it didnt go past date 1.

    Another date I had with a guy that saw me at work and wanted to ask me out but had his friend ask me. I said yes but then learned that 1. He didnt have a job, he was only a temp. 2. Didnt have a car, so I had to pick him up. 3. Still lived at home. 4. Had a crazy ex-girlfriend. He got back together with his crazy ex-girlfriend and she found the slip of paper with my home number. The guy didnt have the testicular fortitude to tell her he dated while they were split, he asked me that if she calls I had to say my number was meant for his friend. WHAT? Well, she did call, about 10 times and once was pretty nasty to my own mother. I cussed her out and basically said she is welcome to the ball-less wonder; I wouldnt date him if the continuation of the human race depended on us procreating. Better to die out than to have his DNA infecting the gene pool.

    Other dates were just sad.

    So I gave up, for now. I'll just be happy with me and when it happens, it happens.

    No car, no job, no conversation...all deal breakers for me. I dont want a child I want an equal partner, they need to be able to equally bring something to the table, not rely on me for everything!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh dear. That would put me off dating, too, OP!

    I've been part of a couple for a long time now, so I have no recent bad date stories. But years ago, I met a guy through speed dating who was really nice, cute, a cop, had just built a house -- whole package kind of thing. He invited me over for a movie and we ended up sitting RREEEEEAAALLLLLLYYYY far away from each other on his sectional couch and he turned the volume up so loud, there was no way to have a conversation. Then when the movie was over, he turned on a TV channel and kept the volume up and stayed sitting really far away until I finally just left.
    so he was deaf? or had hearing loss?
    I don't think so. He held a conversation just fine when we first met and when I got to his house while he showed me around, then when we went to the video store (where we ran into a friend of his and he introduced me). Everything was perfectly normal and fine until he TV thing.

    I would have been OK with it if he had turned it off after the movie, but he didn't and he wouldn't even look at me. It was incredibly bizarre.

    Sounds like he just wasnt that interested in you, if he was, he'd pay attention..

    Uuummmm ... Yeah. I'm not an idiot. But we'd met before, liked each other enough to set a second date and he refused to even have a conversation during that date. He was into me and then 10 minutes later wasn't. If he wasn't into me, why did he set up a date to begin with? This wasn't an online thing. We had actually met each other once before and talked and stuff.

    I get deciding after date 1 that you don't want date 2. But for a grown man to behave that way to someone in his own house (who he invited to his own house) is just plain rude.

    There's never calling again "not that into you" and then there's that experience.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Oh dear. That would put me off dating, too, OP!

    I've been part of a couple for a long time now, so I have no recent bad date stories. But years ago, I met a guy through speed dating who was really nice, cute, a cop, had just built a house -- whole package kind of thing. He invited me over for a movie and we ended up sitting RREEEEEAAALLLLLLYYYY far away from each other on his sectional couch and he turned the volume up so loud, there was no way to have a conversation. Then when the movie was over, he turned on a TV channel and kept the volume up and stayed sitting really far away until I finally just left.
    so he was deaf? or had hearing loss?
    I don't think so. He held a conversation just fine when we first met and when I got to his house while he showed me around, then when we went to the video store (where we ran into a friend of his and he introduced me). Everything was perfectly normal and fine until he TV thing.

    I would have been OK with it if he had turned it off after the movie, but he didn't and he wouldn't even look at me. It was incredibly bizarre.

    Sounds like he just wasnt that interested in you, if he was, he'd pay attention..

    Uuummmm ... Yeah. I'm not an idiot. But we'd met before, liked each other enough to set a second date and he refused to even have a conversation during that date. He was into me and then 10 minutes later wasn't. If he wasn't into me, why did he set up a date to begin with? This wasn't an online thing. We had actually met each other once before and talked and stuff.

    I get deciding after date 1 that you don't want date 2. But for a grown man to behave that way to someone in his own house (who he invited to his own house) is just plain rude.

    There's never calling again "not that into you" and then there's that experience.

    I wasnt calling you an idiot but I get what your saying
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Been single over two years, no dates, no flings, no casual sex; not a single care was given. I find dating annoying.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Some of these are so terrible!

    Most of my awful dates just came from guys trying to feel me up. So annoying.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Some of these are so terrible!

    Most of my awful dates just came from guys trying to feel me up. So annoying.
    Oh. I did have one of those. There was a brief period where the man and I split up a few years ago and I tried Internet dating and I met the guy I refer to as Octopus Man. I forgot about him.