You call this a Sexual Predator???



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    First and foremost it is only harassment if the person being effected thinks it is harassment.
    Second a kiss on the cheek or hand is not sexual in nature at 6 years of age.
    The only person in this case that was affected was the teacher, because other kids said what happened and the teacher had to deal with it and choose to go all Rambo on the poor kid. If the girl didn't mind and didn't say anything then nothing should have been done at all. On the other hand if the girl was asked if there was a problem with the kiss then yes something needs to be done but still to say sexual harassment is way overboard.

    The school should have used this as an opportunity to teach the kids about acceptable ways to show affection.

    Read the articles. The girl did mind, and told him to stop. The mother of the girl tried to get him to stop, he'd been suspended for it before, and the little girl's older brother felt like he had to protect her at school because of this stuff.

    The tattoos on your arm scare me. I need protection in these forums.
    Go to jail!
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    First and foremost it is only harassment if the person being effected thinks it is harassment.
    Second a kiss on the cheek or hand is not sexual in nature at 6 years of age.
    The only person in this case that was affected was the teacher, because other kids said what happened and the teacher had to deal with it and choose to go all Rambo on the poor kid. If the girl didn't mind and didn't say anything then nothing should have been done at all. On the other hand if the girl was asked if there was a problem with the kiss then yes something needs to be done but still to say sexual harassment is way overboard.

    The school should have used this as an opportunity to teach the kids about acceptable ways to show affection.

    Read the articles. The girl did mind, and told him to stop. The mother of the girl tried to get him to stop, he'd been suspended for it before, and the little girl's older brother felt like he had to protect her at school because of this stuff.

    The tattoos on your arm scare me. I need protection in these forums.
    Go to jail!

    Yea, seeing a picture is totally the same as someone violating another person's right to not be kissed on continually.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm sorry, but did parents not teach their children to give kisses as babies back then?
    I was taught to give those drooly, open mouth kisses as a baby. I taught my kids to give them. I expect my grandkids will give them.

    Exactly. Most parents kiss their children as a sign of affection and kids learn kissing means you like or love someone. Or it's a way to express it.

    I remember dating someone who was horrified by parents kissing their children (close-mouthed, of course) on the lips, even when they were really little. It's jaded adults who put stigmas on things like that.

    Do your opinions change now that the mother of the girl said that they were unwanted?

    My opinion doesn't. Not one bit.

    Who cares that it might bother the little girl then, I guess.

    I think the point is that the "offence" does not need to be labeled sexual in any way. I see no problem with the boy being disciplined for being disruptive but honestly, that little girl is not traumatized in any way because someone kissed her on the hand.

    Sexual harassment doesn't mean making sexual advances in every case. It also means harassment based on someone's sex. Trying to kiss her over and over again (more than just on the hand, since everyone seems to think that's all he did) happened because she's a girl he liked. By definition, it is sexual harassment.

    It won't be something that hangs over his head for life. But at the same time, that little girl very well may be traumatized by a boy kissing on her over and over, day after day.

    it will hang over his head his entire school career. You don't have to choose to believe that, but it is the truth.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member

    offended much?

    Not even a little. Just don't want to have to deal with the 2 pages of political banter now that someone posted something that will do nothing but provoke people who disagree to respond.

    I mean, there are other things to read.

    Deal with the pages? Like read them and discuss the emotion it envokes in your in your head. Or deal like work for hours to delete posts because your a mod. or deal as in oh my god i have ocd and have to skip page numbers when reading posts because i cant deal with the few political posts.. Don't answer that,,, it's just a joke.. but you don't have to deal with anything... it's not on you, your not a mod, you don't have to read it.. it seems like a blown out of proportion sentence, you should work in news.

    Hey, if you don't like the rules then try and get them changed. I was under the impression that report button was for the community to report posts that were against the rules. My apologies.

    it's good to know you're a shameless taddletale. congratulations, captain america.

    oops... i said america. which is a country that deals in politics. i probably should have used a different word... my bad.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I'm sorry, but did parents not teach their children to give kisses as babies back then?
    I was taught to give those drooly, open mouth kisses as a baby. I taught my kids to give them. I expect my grandkids will give them.

    Exactly. Most parents kiss their children as a sign of affection and kids learn kissing means you like or love someone. Or it's a way to express it.

    I remember dating someone who was horrified by parents kissing their children (close-mouthed, of course) on the lips, even when they were really little. It's jaded adults who put stigmas on things like that.

    Do your opinions change now that the mother of the girl said that they were unwanted?

    My opinion doesn't. Not one bit.

    Who cares that it might bother the little girl then, I guess.

    I think the point is that the "offence" does not need to be labeled sexual in any way. I see no problem with the boy being disciplined for being disruptive but honestly, that little girl is not traumatized in any way because someone kissed her on the hand.

    Sexual harassment doesn't mean making sexual advances in every case. It also means harassment based on someone's sex. Trying to kiss her over and over again (more than just on the hand, since everyone seems to think that's all he did) happened because she's a girl he liked. By definition, it is sexual harassment.

    It won't be something that hangs over his head for life. But at the same time, that little girl very well may be traumatized by a boy kissing on her over and over, day after day.

    it will hang over his head his entire school career. You don't have to choose to believe that, but it is the truth.

    I'm glad you think words on a paper are more important than that little girl being possibly traumatized or having a stigma about men then.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm sorry, but did parents not teach their children to give kisses as babies back then?
    I was taught to give those drooly, open mouth kisses as a baby. I taught my kids to give them. I expect my grandkids will give them.

    Exactly. Most parents kiss their children as a sign of affection and kids learn kissing means you like or love someone. Or it's a way to express it.

    I remember dating someone who was horrified by parents kissing their children (close-mouthed, of course) on the lips, even when they were really little. It's jaded adults who put stigmas on things like that.

    Do your opinions change now that the mother of the girl said that they were unwanted?

    My opinion doesn't. Not one bit.

    Who cares that it might bother the little girl then, I guess.

    I think the point is that the "offence" does not need to be labeled sexual in any way. I see no problem with the boy being disciplined for being disruptive but honestly, that little girl is not traumatized in any way because someone kissed her on the hand.

    Sexual harassment doesn't mean making sexual advances in every case. It also means harassment based on someone's sex. Trying to kiss her over and over again (more than just on the hand, since everyone seems to think that's all he did) happened because she's a girl he liked. By definition, it is sexual harassment.

    It won't be something that hangs over his head for life. But at the same time, that little girl very well may be traumatized by a boy kissing on her over and over, day after day.

    There is nothing sexual about it. They are six years old. The adults are the only ones projecting a sexual context here. I do agree that he should have been reprimanded for bothering her, but the punishment was inappropriate. I still can't see eye to eye with you on the little girl feeling traumatized over this though.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    First and foremost it is only harassment if the person being effected thinks it is harassment.
    Second a kiss on the cheek or hand is not sexual in nature at 6 years of age.
    The only person in this case that was affected was the teacher, because other kids said what happened and the teacher had to deal with it and choose to go all Rambo on the poor kid. If the girl didn't mind and didn't say anything then nothing should have been done at all. On the other hand if the girl was asked if there was a problem with the kiss then yes something needs to be done but still to say sexual harassment is way overboard.

    The school should have used this as an opportunity to teach the kids about acceptable ways to show affection.

    Read the articles. The girl did mind, and told him to stop. The mother of the girl tried to get him to stop, he'd been suspended for it before, and the little girl's older brother felt like he had to protect her at school because of this stuff.

    ^^Bingo! So clearly the boy has a "problem"!!!! and this will only escalate if not corrected now,,, however that needs to be done. First step, Mom needs to stop making excuses!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    You're right. An animated gif that backhandedly blames Obama for this little boy getting suspended for something stupid isn't political at all.

    It's a joke. Is this the first place you've seen that?

    The first time I have seen that .gif? Yes.

    I realize it's a joke. What's that have to do with anything?

    It's a kid falling over. It's hilarious. Do you hate children?

    No, and yes, I find the .gif funny.

    you're out-of-control ridiculous right now, you know that right?
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Apparently a lot of people don't know what sexual harassment actually is.

    As defined by the US EEOC, "It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person’s sex."

    It doesn't necessarily mean "he did it because he wants to sexually violate her."
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    First and foremost it is only harassment if the person being effected thinks it is harassment.
    Second a kiss on the cheek or hand is not sexual in nature at 6 years of age.
    The only person in this case that was affected was the teacher, because other kids said what happened and the teacher had to deal with it and choose to go all Rambo on the poor kid. If the girl didn't mind and didn't say anything then nothing should have been done at all. On the other hand if the girl was asked if there was a problem with the kiss then yes something needs to be done but still to say sexual harassment is way overboard.

    The school should have used this as an opportunity to teach the kids about acceptable ways to show affection.

    Read the articles. The girl did mind, and told him to stop. The mother of the girl tried to get him to stop, he'd been suspended for it before, and the little girl's older brother felt like he had to protect her at school because of this stuff.

    The tattoos on your arm scare me. I need protection in these forums.
    Go to jail!

    Yea, seeing a picture is totally the same as someone violating another person's right to not be kissed on continually.

    Just like a 6 year old kissing another 6 year old is as detrimental as an employer trying to coerce sexual favors from a subordinate.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I get it its a 6 year old boy. But you guys just shrugging it off you clearly weren't harassed at school. I was constantly harassed by boys from grade 2 on. From just yelling my name out to get my attention, to tackling me and led to more. I'm sure people where just like " whatever kids will be kids" I really hate most men to this day. And felt helpless all through school. So might want to look at the girls prespective. She doesn't want the attention, sure mom is mad the school got heavy handed....but what about the girl??

    Apparently I'm wrong for thinking this girl may have long term affects from this harassment though. Some people.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    You're right. An animated gif that backhandedly blames Obama for this little boy getting suspended for something stupid isn't political at all.

    It's a joke. Is this the first place you've seen that?

    The first time I have seen that .gif? Yes.

    I realize it's a joke. What's that have to do with anything?
    It isn't political. That's what it has to do with anything. The joke is that everything is Obama's fault, just like the joke used to be (and still somewhat is) that everything was Bush's fault.

    You have to seriously lack any kind of sense of humor to find that in any way offensive.

    Luckily, I don't find it offensive at all, so I'm good on the sense of humor.
    So did you ACTUALLY report it or was that a joke? Because I was thinking maybe your "reported" post was a joke ...

    I don't have to find something offensive to know that it breaks the rules. You just happen to think it doesn't, and I happen to think it does. It's not a big deal really.

  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    You're right. An animated gif that backhandedly blames Obama for this little boy getting suspended for something stupid isn't political at all.

    It's a joke. Is this the first place you've seen that?

    The first time I have seen that .gif? Yes.

    I realize it's a joke. What's that have to do with anything?
    It isn't political. That's what it has to do with anything. The joke is that everything is Obama's fault, just like the joke used to be (and still somewhat is) that everything was Bush's fault.

    You have to seriously lack any kind of sense of humor to find that in any way offensive.

    Luckily, I don't find it offensive at all, so I'm good on the sense of humor.
    So did you ACTUALLY report it or was that a joke? Because I was thinking maybe your "reported" post was a joke ...

    I don't have to find something offensive to know that it breaks the rules. You just happen to think it doesn't, and I happen to think it does. It's not a big deal really.


    I must say, I'm amused that you're having your own convo over there. it's refreshing haha
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I get it its a 6 year old boy. But you guys just shrugging it off you clearly weren't harassed at school. I was constantly harassed by boys from grade 2 on. From just yelling my name out to get my attention, to tackling me and led to more. I'm sure people where just like " whatever kids will be kids" I really hate most men to this day. And felt helpless all through school. So might want to look at the girls prespective. She doesn't want the attention, sure mom is mad the school got heavy handed....but what about the girl??


    I was a C cup when I was 9. You really think boys didn't notice that?

    Been through it all, lived and am perfectly fine.

    Do I think adults should step in and address the problem? Of course. Do I think they overreacted and handled it poorly? Absolutely.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    You're right. An animated gif that backhandedly blames Obama for this little boy getting suspended for something stupid isn't political at all.

    It's a joke. Is this the first place you've seen that?

    The first time I have seen that .gif? Yes.

    I realize it's a joke. What's that have to do with anything?
    It isn't political. That's what it has to do with anything. The joke is that everything is Obama's fault, just like the joke used to be (and still somewhat is) that everything was Bush's fault.

    You have to seriously lack any kind of sense of humor to find that in any way offensive.

    Luckily, I don't find it offensive at all, so I'm good on the sense of humor.

    So you found it funny, and not offensive, but reported it for being political? And felt the need to derail the thread by letting all of us know that you did your civic MFP duty to kill the joy of a silly joke?

    And it's your civic duty to try and persuade me otherwise? This thread wouldn't be derailed one bit if you all didn't keep speaking about it.

    wait... what?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Apparently a lot of people don't know what sexual harassment actually is.

    As defined by the US EEOC, "It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person’s sex."

    It doesn't necessarily mean "he did it because he wants to sexually violate her."

    Here's the rub... it's the connotation.

    Did he bug her? sure.
    Does he deserve to be punished for not controlling himself? sure.
    He needs to learn self-control.

    Rather than trying to educate the world about sexual harassment, why not just use something less controversial?
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I get it its a 6 year old boy. But you guys just shrugging it off you clearly weren't harassed at school. I was constantly harassed by boys from grade 2 on. From just yelling my name out to get my attention, to tackling me and led to more. I'm sure people where just like " whatever kids will be kids" I really hate most men to this day. And felt helpless all through school. So might want to look at the girls prespective. She doesn't want the attention, sure mom is mad the school got heavy handed....but what about the girl??


    I was a C cup when I was 9. You really think boys didn't notice that?

    Been through it all, lived and am perfectly fine.

    Do I think adults should step in and address the problem? Of course. Do I think they overreacted and handled it poorly? Absolutely.

    Suspension for a repeated offense is handling it perfectly in my opinion.

    Because something didn't cause problems for you long term, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.
  • bambishealth
    bambishealth Posts: 134 Member
    My son is 6 years old. If this happened to him, the school would have hell to pay. 6 year olds don't even know what "sexual harassment" is! I'm am livid that these schools are being so over the top. I understand protecting kids, but this is ridiculous.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I knew that a lot of people on the forums were completely illogical, this solidifies that though. I'm out.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    You're right. An animated gif that backhandedly blames Obama for this little boy getting suspended for something stupid isn't political at all.

    It's a joke. Is this the first place you've seen that?

    The first time I have seen that .gif? Yes.

    I realize it's a joke. What's that have to do with anything?
    It isn't political. That's what it has to do with anything. The joke is that everything is Obama's fault, just like the joke used to be (and still somewhat is) that everything was Bush's fault.

    You have to seriously lack any kind of sense of humor to find that in any way offensive.

    Luckily, I don't find it offensive at all, so I'm good on the sense of humor.
    So did you ACTUALLY report it or was that a joke? Because I was thinking maybe your "reported" post was a joke ...

    I don't have to find something offensive to know that it breaks the rules. You just happen to think it doesn't, and I happen to think it does. It's not a big deal really.


    I must say, I'm amused that you're having your own convo over there. it's refreshing haha

    LOL. I came back to the party late. I started from page 5 and read everything in order and responded in order. mehh. I'm amused as well....
This discussion has been closed.