You call this a Sexual Predator???



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I knew that a lot of people on the forums were completely illogical, this solidifies that though. I'm out.

    I'm happy to number among the illogical parents.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I knew that a lot of people on the forums were completely illogical, this solidifies that though. I'm out.

    I'm happy to number among the illogical parents.
    Yes. Expecting people to think it's perfectly fine to overreact and use poor judgment when dealing with a 6-year-old is totally logical.

    And this suspensin is certainly going to solve this problem. Heaven forbid you, I don't know, sit the kid down and have an age-appropriate conversation and then discipline him in a way that he would actually understand. Let's just ruin his entire life at 6 years old because he hasn't learned boundaries. But don't actually TEACH him any boundaries.

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I get it its a 6 year old boy. But you guys just shrugging it off you clearly weren't harassed at school. I was constantly harassed by boys from grade 2 on. From just yelling my name out to get my attention, to tackling me and led to more. I'm sure people where just like " whatever kids will be kids" I really hate most men to this day. And felt helpless all through school. So might want to look at the girls prespective. She doesn't want the attention, sure mom is mad the school got heavy handed....but what about the girl??

    Apparently I'm wrong for thinking this girl may have long term affects from this harassment though. Some people.

    I guess so, it kind of brings up old wounds reading peoples replies, kids are innocent for the most part. But sometimes things arent as black and white...certain bad behaviors that would be labelled sexual offenses sometimes DO start in childhood. Kids witnessing things on TV, or within the home and take it too school and re-enact. Because it DOES happen...and they are Children...what we're suppose to look the other way and wait till their adults to correct it?

    No. we are supposed to correct those bad actions by discipline that fits the offense, correcting and teaching appropriate behavior.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I knew that a lot of people on the forums were completely illogical, this solidifies that though. I'm out.

    Have you actually met any 6 year olds though?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I knew that a lot of people on the forums were completely illogical, this solidifies that though. I'm out.

    Have you actually met any 6 year olds though?

    I'm thinking no. :smile:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I get it its a 6 year old boy. But you guys just shrugging it off you clearly weren't harassed at school. I was constantly harassed by boys from grade 2 on. From just yelling my name out to get my attention, to tackling me and led to more. I'm sure people where just like " whatever kids will be kids" I really hate most men to this day. And felt helpless all through school. So might want to look at the girls prespective. She doesn't want the attention, sure mom is mad the school got heavy handed....but what about the girl??


    I was a C cup when I was 9. You really think boys didn't notice that?

    Been through it all, lived and am perfectly fine.

    Do I think adults should step in and address the problem? Of course. Do I think they overreacted and handled it poorly? Absolutely.

    Really happy for you that you managed to have your dignity taken from you almost daily...and you walked away without any long lasting effects.
    Me it steered most of my life choices...not all bad but still I'm sure I would have been a totally different person if I didn't have to live according to how I had to protect myself on a daily basis. (and yes my parents were ones that were like a lot of posters here, meh its normal for kids to bug each other, ya sure until it turns into innaproirate touching and constant harassment) So I was alone in it. I can tell you I went into a profession where I tell people what to do, and enforce compliance so...pretty sure where the base of this life choice came from.
    No one took my dignity. I didn't allow that. I learned how to handle it.

    When I was in first grade, there was a second-grade girl who sat across from me at lunch every day and she got her entire class to call me "the ugly duckling" Relentlessly. And I couldn't get away from it because of how we were forced to sit in the cafeteria.

    By the next year, she was practically begging to be my friend. I didn't react to it and told myself the story of the ugly duckling growing up to be a beautiful swan instead.

    When boys touched me inappropriately, I put them in their place. I wasn't afraid to defend myself and I'm still not.

    Now maybe that was because I had good parents who affirmed my worth pretty much daily. I don't know. But I never allowed what others said or did to make me feel like I was unworthy of anything.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I get it its a 6 year old boy. But you guys just shrugging it off you clearly weren't harassed at school. I was constantly harassed by boys from grade 2 on. From just yelling my name out to get my attention, to tackling me and led to more. I'm sure people where just like " whatever kids will be kids" I really hate most men to this day. And felt helpless all through school. So might want to look at the girls prespective. She doesn't want the attention, sure mom is mad the school got heavy handed....but what about the girl??

    Apparently I'm wrong for thinking this girl may have long term affects from this harassment though. Some people.

    I guess so, it kind of brings up old wounds reading peoples replies, kids are innocent for the most part. But sometimes things arent as black and white...certain bad behaviors that would be labelled sexual offenses sometimes DO start in childhood. Kids witnessing things on TV, or within the home and take it too school and re-enact. Because it DOES happen...and they are Children...what we're suppose to look the other way and wait till their adults to correct it?

    No. we are supposed to correct those bad actions by discipline that fits the offense, correcting and teaching appropriate behavior.

    I don't believe I am disagreeing with this?

    You asked "we're supposed to look the other way and wait until ... adults to correct it?"
    I was saying, "we should correct children properly."
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I;m not talking about bullying ....I'm talking about being physically tackled, pinned to the ground and foundled. Ya I had alot of control over that. I'm out!

    Yes, that happened as well. On the school bus. Every day.

    I fought back.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I get it its a 6 year old boy. But you guys just shrugging it off you clearly weren't harassed at school. I was constantly harassed by boys from grade 2 on. From just yelling my name out to get my attention, to tackling me and led to more. I'm sure people where just like " whatever kids will be kids" I really hate most men to this day. And felt helpless all through school. So might want to look at the girls prespective. She doesn't want the attention, sure mom is mad the school got heavy handed....but what about the girl??


    I was a C cup when I was 9. You really think boys didn't notice that?

    Been through it all, lived and am perfectly fine.

    Do I think adults should step in and address the problem? Of course. Do I think they overreacted and handled it poorly? Absolutely.

    Really happy for you that you managed to have your dignity taken from you almost daily...and you walked away without any long lasting effects.
    Me it steered most of my life choices...not all bad but still I'm sure I would have been a totally different person if I didn't have to live according to how I had to protect myself on a daily basis. (and yes my parents were ones that were like a lot of posters here, meh its normal for kids to bug each other, ya sure until it turns into innaproirate touching and constant harassment) So I was alone in it. I can tell you I went into a profession where I tell people what to do, and enforce compliance so...pretty sure where the base of this life choice came from.
    No one took my dignity. I didn't allow that. I learned how to handle it.

    When I was in first grade, there was a second-grade girl who sat across from me at lunch every day and she got her entire class to call me "the ugly duckling" Relentlessly. And I couldn't get away from it because of how we were forced to sit in the cafeteria.

    By the next year, she was practically begging to be my friend. I didn't react to it and told myself the story of the ugly duckling growing up to be a beautiful swan instead.

    When boys touched me inappropriately, I put them in their place. I wasn't afraid to defend myself and I'm still not.

    Now maybe that was because I had good parents who affirmed my worth pretty much daily. I don't know. But I never allowed what others said or did to make me feel like I was unworthy of anything.

    I;m not talking about bullying ....I'm talking about being physically tackled, pinned to the ground and foundled. Ya I had alot of control over that. I'm out!

    This isn't about your personal experience. I am sorry that happened to you, but it has nothing to do with this little boy. He hasn't done anything to be labeled a sexual offender and have to live with that stigma.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That kid is a pimp. The school officials are just jealous that they can't get any.

  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I;m not talking about bullying ....I'm talking about being physically tackled, pinned to the ground and foundled. Ya I had alot of control over that. I'm out!

    Yes, that happened as well. On the school bus. Every day.

    I fought back.
    I'm not sure what your point is.
    Because if affected you differently; perhaps because you had different parents and other circumstances, does that mean that the other poster is just weak? She should have fought back? It's her fault that as a very young child repeated abuse affected her?
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    :huh: geeze i remeber being a little girl (once a long long time ago) and when a boy did something i didnt like (smooch, skirt grab, ect) i was taught to "kick him where it counts" or bust his nose.... but we where "real country folk" and didnt get our knickers in a twist over it( unless "where it counts" needs medical attention after) that being said i have 2 daughters, my girls also know how to throw a punch and where to kick if someone dosent understand NO..... works like charm it dose also leads to complants of fighting tho:wink:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I;m not talking about bullying ....I'm talking about being physically tackled, pinned to the ground and foundled. Ya I had alot of control over that. I'm out!

    Yes, that happened as well. On the school bus. Every day.

    I fought back.
    I'm not sure what your point is.
    Because if affected you differently; perhaps because you had different parents and other circumstances, does that mean that the other poster is just weak? She should have fought back? It's her fault that as a very young child repeated abuse affected her?
    She's equating her experience to what happened in this case. I'm giving the other side of that.

    That's my point.

    Also, she insisted that none of us could possibly understand because we didn't experience it. That's a huge assumption on her part.
  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    Thats terrible....Poor little guy :( Its probably hard for his mom right now.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm just going to go ahead and put this out there...
    If someone reaches adulthood and is still traumatized by being kissed (even repeatedly) at 6 years old by another 6 year old child, that person needs to re-think his or her life.
    "A charmed life" doesn't even begin to describe it. This would be most blessed that has ever roamed the earth, because ALL the rest of us have had absolutely sh*tty lives in comparison.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I;m not talking about bullying ....I'm talking about being physically tackled, pinned to the ground and foundled. Ya I had alot of control over that. I'm out!

    Yes, that happened as well. On the school bus. Every day.

    I fought back.
    I'm not sure what your point is.
    Because if affected you differently; perhaps because you had different parents and other circumstances, does that mean that the other poster is just weak? She should have fought back? It's her fault that as a very young child repeated abuse affected her?
    She's equating her experience to what happened in this case. I'm giving the other side of that.

    That's my point.

    Also, she insisted that none of us could possibly understand because we didn't experience it. That's a huge assumption on her part.

    From what has been reported, it seems that the girl's experience was closer to her story than yours. Except that this girl had an older brother she could turn to and a mother that listened. As well, there have been other posters that have similar experiences and anxiety resulting from unwanted touching in early grade school.

    From your posts, it seems that you're saying, "It happened to me and I'm fine, why aren't you?" I get that people have different responses to similar situations, but that doesn't mean that we should trivialize the impact it has on some. I don't know if that's your intent, but that's how your posts are coming across to me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Ok, I didn't read the comments.

    A six year old boy kissing a girl's hand is no way sexual harassment or something that should be handled so harshly. That is way more harmful to all the kids. The adults are sexualizing something that is not sexual to the kids.

    That is not the same as sexual assault. When I was 9 I was sexually assaulted by a boy that was around 12. He was six feet tall. I was tiny. And yes, I fought back with all of my strength. And I already had a history of severe sexual abuse by my stepfather. This boy violated me (please, I do not want to get into the details). And I could not stop it, no matter how much I fought. And when I tried to get away, a group of kids dragged me back, so I was outnumbered. Although eventually I actually did end up kicking him in the face hard enough to get away. And at that point the other kids were in shock and let me go (because they didn't know what he was going to do when they had dragged me back).

    Now, that scenario is a million times different from a six year old kissing a girl's hand. He should not be punished because of what other kids have done.

    Sexual assault is sexual assault and there's no sense in blaming the victims.

    But, there's also no sense in calling something sexual assault that is not sexual assault.

    As adults we need to heal from our own issues and not put those issues onto innocent children. That creates more problems and does not solve problems.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Ok, I didn't read the comments.

    A six year old boy kissing a girl's hand is no way sexual harassment or something that should be handled so harshly. That is way more harmful to all the kids. The adults are sexualizing something that is not sexual to the kids.

    That is not the same as sexual assault. When I was 9 I was sexually assaulted by a boy that was around 12. He was six feet tall. I was tiny. And yes, I fought back with all of my strength. And I already had a history of severe sexual abuse by my stepfather. This boy violated me. And I could not stop it, no matter how much I fought. And when I tried to get away, a group of kids dragged me back, so I was outnumbered. Although eventually I actually did end up kicking him in the face hard enough to get away. And at that point the other kids were in shock and let me go (because they didn't know what he was going to do when they had dragged me back).

    Now, that scenario is a million times different from a six year old kissing a girl's hand. He should not be punished because of what other kids have done.

    Sexual assault is sexual assault and there's no sense in blaming the victims.

    But, there's also no sense and calling something sexual assault that is not sexual assault.

    As adults we need to heal from our own issues and not put those issues onto innocent children. That creates more problems and does not solve problems.

  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Ok, I didn't read the comments.

    A six year old boy kissing a girl's hand is no way sexual harassment or something that should be handled so harshly. That is way more harmful to all the kids. The adults are sexualizing something that is not sexual to the kids.

    That is not the same as sexual assault. When I was 9 I was sexually assaulted by a boy that was around 12. He was six feet tall. I was tiny. And yes, I fought back with all of my strength. And I already had a history of severe sexual abuse by my stepfather. This boy violated me. And I could not stop it, no matter how much I fought. And when I tried to get away, a group of kids dragged me back, so I was outnumbered. Although eventually I actually did end up kicking him in the face hard enough to get away. And at that point the other kids were in shock and let me go (because they didn't know what he was going to do when they had dragged me back).

    Now, that scenario is a million times different from a six year old kissing a girl's hand. He should not be punished because of what other kids have done.

    Sexual assault is sexual assault and there's no sense in blaming the victims.

    But, there's also no sense and calling something sexual assault that is not sexual assault.

    As adults we need to heal from our own issues and not put those issues onto innocent children. That creates more problems and does not solve problems.

    Did you read about how this was a repeated behavior from this boy? That the girl had to ask her brother for protection?
    If this was one of your girls, what would you say to her?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ok, I didn't read the comments.

    A six year old boy kissing a girl's hand is no way sexual harassment or something that should be handled so harshly. That is way more harmful to all the kids. The adults are sexualizing something that is not sexual to the kids.

    That is not the same as sexual assault. When I was 9 I was sexually assaulted by a boy that was around 12. He was six feet tall. I was tiny. And yes, I fought back with all of my strength. And I already had a history of severe sexual abuse by my stepfather. This boy violated me. And I could not stop it, no matter how much I fought. And when I tried to get away, a group of kids dragged me back, so I was outnumbered. Although eventually I actually did end up kicking him in the face hard enough to get away. And at that point the other kids were in shock and let me go (because they didn't know what he was going to do when they had dragged me back).

    Now, that scenario is a million times different from a six year old kissing a girl's hand. He should not be punished because of what other kids have done.

    Sexual assault is sexual assault and there's no sense in blaming the victims.

    But, there's also no sense and calling something sexual assault that is not sexual assault.

    As adults we need to heal from our own issues and not put those issues onto innocent children. That creates more problems and does not solve problems.
    Ugh. I think you made my point better than I did. lol

    This is a couple 6-year-olds and a couple unwanted kisses. There was a better way of dealing with it.
This discussion has been closed.