Day by Day Challenge



  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for Tuesday 9/21

    1. VACUUM and MOP, seriously, this is getting silly. I know I hate it but it has to be done.
    2.Walk over 10000 steps
    3.Trying a new osso bucco recipe in the slow cooker, hope it turns out ok.

    Good luck all:drinker:

    1. Done, finally!
    2. Walked 14000 steps in two walks, :happy:
    3. The Osso Bucco was amazing. The meal came to about 1200 calories however. But, since I had already entered my recipe ahead of time, I was able to cut back a bit during the day, and add an extra walk to compensate. Ended up well under my allotted calories for the day and over on my water.
    So, the way I see it, it could have been much worse, and I was able to enjoy a fabulous meal with my family without any guilt.

    Goals for Wednesday , 9/22

    1. Shred
    2.10000 steps walk
    3.Reorganize as many closets as I can ( goal for the next few day)

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I did have one soda today and also a serving of potato chips. It seems like its been forever since I've had them, but after the serving, I didn't go back for more! And of course, what tastes better with chips than diet pepsi.
    So for Tuesday:
    1. try to shred again.
    2. do the abs challenge...I have been doing this daily, even though I may not mention it.
    3. walk further today than I did yesterday.
    4. finish getting the winter clothes ready and packing up the summer clothes. (this will probably take more than one day)
    5. do 20 wall push ups....going to try to do this every day too.

    1. I didn't shred because I ended up going to the gym in the morning and doing the stairs in the afternoon. I am doing zumba tomorrow, so I didn't want to overdo it today.
    2. I did do the abs, its getting to the point where it hurts when I laugh. that's a good sign, right?
    3. I didn't walk today because it rained almost as soon as I laced up my walking shoes.
    4.its still a work in progress, almost all of mine is done, still working on daughter's and husbands.
    5. completed the wall push ups, also I like to do them on the stairs, like using the stairs for an incline. I pushed for 30!

    1. Make a healthy choice at the restaurant for lunch.
    2. kick it into overdrive at offset my lunch.
    3. abs and push ups.
    4. water, water, water

    I'll post Thursday's too, as tomorrow might get hectic.
    1. Go to the gym after my daughter gets on the school bus.
    2. eat one more serving of fruit or vegetable than I did yesterday.
    3. drink one more glass of water than I did yesterday.
    4. abs and push ups.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening mfpers,

    I have been very good today, for a change!
    Goals for today are
    1. Eat within my calories - check!
    2. Drink plenty of water - check!
    3. Don't stress at work - check!

    I can't wait, my Zumba dvd box set has arrived so I am eager to try this out tomorrow!!!!!
    I did the zumba dvd this evening and I love it! I was great fun and hopefully burnt loads of calories.

    Goals for tomorrow
    1. Exercise
    2. Stay within my cals
    3. Don't be tempted by the open box of choccies in our office at work.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Goals for Wednesday , 9/22

    1. Shred
    2.10000 steps walk
    3.Reorganize as many closets as I can ( goal for the next few day)

    Have a great evening everyone.

    1. Done, and it's getting a little easier
    3. Bedroom closet done, pantry tomorrow.

    Goals for Thursday 9/23

    2.Clean pantry
    3.Make something new for supper

    Good night all.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    1. Make a healthy choice at the restaurant for lunch.
    2. kick it into overdrive at offset my lunch.
    3. abs and push ups.
    4. water, water, water
    1. I attempted to make a healthy choice, but it was still waaay too many calories over all.
    2. I burned 670 calories in zumba, enough to offset lunch.
    3. just finished the abs and push ups. Feels great.
    4. I already drank a gallon of water by noon. Probably close to 2 gallons for the whole day.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Well didn't make it on here yesterday because I was too busy busting my butt cleaning the house. Have been on the hunt for a make-up bag and haven't been able to find the thing. So I've cleaned the hall closet, under the coushins of the couch and moved the couch out from the wall, under my bed, under my desk that doesn't have a chair so stuff gets piled under it, my bedroom closet, the hall closet, and the drawers in my buffet....And still nothing! It doesn't have make-up in it but it does have the cord I need to charge my MP3 player. I'm get frustrated trying to find it. Other than that I've been good about staying under my calories and all that work has made it really easy for me to drink tons of water.

    Goals for today

    1. Riverwalk with friend
    2. stay under calories
    3. water water water
    4. start searching basement for missing bag.....Oh how I loath the idea of this one but I really need to find it. So hard to do any walking alone without some music to keep me moving..

    Have a good day everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just wanted to jump on to bump us up and to let you know about my progress.
    Oh, before I forget, hey Ms. Nicole, did you ace that exam? It seems you've been super busy lately, I hope you've been able to juggle it all and still take care of yourself.

    so I made it to the gym this morning, 45 minutes...409 calories. Its out of the way and not I can get my day started. Morning abs done, and I've already had 24 ounces of water, so I'm off to a good start.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Evening all! Glad to see everyone is doing so well. Birthday tomorrow so have the day off work and booked myself in for a training session first thing in the morning and again on Monday morning so hopefully I can have a guilt free weekend! my goals for the next few days are

    1. Gym fri and mon and try and do shred at the weekend.
    2. Try super hard to stay within calories and if I go over then not by much.
    3. Healthy food choices! I have a feeling this one is going to be tough! Lunch and dinner out the next few days.
    4. Have fun!!

    Hope you all have a great few days and keep up all your hard work!
    Nam x
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today

    1. Riverwalk with friend
    2. stay under calories
    3. water water water
    4. start searching basement for missing bag.....Oh how I loath the idea of this one but I really need to find it. So hard to do any walking alone without some music to keep me moving..

    4 well i didn't find it but we ordered me a new one. So now I bet as soon as that one shows up I'll find the other. Isn't that how it always works? LOL

    Goal for tomorrow

    1. Water water water
    2. Laundry (again I swear it never ends!!) hehe
    3. Riverwalk again even if I have to do it all alone.
    4. Stay within calories and stay under fat. I went way over today on fat and have been having trouble keeping that one under control.

    Going to be going to bed soon so Hope you all have a good night :)
  • patti626
    patti626 Posts: 31 Member
    Hope I am not too late to join this challenge. I need to be accountable day by day....
    Tomorrow my goals are as follows:
    1.) clean my house after work
    2.) drink all my water
    3. log all my food

    I am going to try really really hard.....thanks mfp friends for all your support.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi Connie and Karissa, welcome!

    Happy Birthday Namita!
    I'll post Thursday's too, as tomorrow might get hectic.
    1. Go to the gym after my daughter gets on the school bus.
    2. eat one more serving of fruit or vegetable than I did yesterday.
    3. drink one more glass of water than I did yesterday.
    4. abs and push ups.

    Only made 1.5 out of 4.
    1. I did, I worked out for 45 minutes.
    2. I'm not sure if it was more, probably about the same.
    3. this one was hard to top since I drank so much water on Wednesday.
    4. I did the abs but not the pushups.

    Friday's goals:
    1. abs and push ups.
    2. shred day2/level 3
    3. stay within my 1200 calories, no matter the calorie burn.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    My Goals for today:

    1) Stay on track with my eating
    2) Do week 3 of C25k - looked at it this morning and I have to run for 3 minute intervals
    3) Clean my house - including doing all the laundry
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Friday's goals:
    1. abs and push ups.
    2. shred day2/level 3
    3. stay within my 1200 calories, no matter the calorie burn.
    I need to add another one, probably the most important one.
    4. Prepare and portion out all my meals for the weekend. And stick to it!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2010:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just stopped back on to take a peek at what I said my goals were for today. Hi everyone! ttyl
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Friday's goals:
    1. abs and push ups.
    2. shred day2/level 3
    3. stay within my 1200 calories, no matter the calorie burn.
    I need to add another one, probably the most important one.
    4. Prepare and portion out all my meals for the weekend. And stick to it!

    1. I just finished my push ups and abs.
    2. I did shred.
    3. I stayed under.
    4. I prepared meals for today. I have to still cook for Saturday and Sunday, but I already know the menu.

    1. go to the gym in the morning before the day gets too hectic.
    2. continue with the abs and push ups, I think it is really effective and I look forward to seeing the results.
    3. get the cooking done.
    4. water, water, water. I made it through Friday without a soda, shooting for the whole weekend without.
  • mykaar74
    oh wow so glad to have seen this post, everyday is a challenge for me because i am addicted to PEPSI & Dr. PEPPER and each day I have to tell myself all day, No soda no soda. It's good because I don't keep soda in the house, but here on the base, and in my tower we have Pepsi, and CocaCola machines everywhere. So now what I'm doing is making a conscious effort not to carry any Yen (japanese money because we are stationed in japan) on me to beat the temptation. Some days I even walk alongside the outer parameter of the base just to avoid passing a busstop, the commissary, or a tower that have soda machines...I'm definitely gonna do my best with this one
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all! It's super early here for me to be awake on a Saturday but thought seeing as I'm up I would check in and say hi!! Hope you're all doing well and keeping on track with your weekend goals!

    Mykaar74 - welcome! We all post 3 or so goals everyday and then report back. It's such a great idea because I know for me it keeps me accountable not just to myself but all these wonderful people on here! Good luck with the soda - sounds like you're coming up with plans to keep away from temptation which is great!

    I did pretty well yesterday and feel quite proud of myself. Made it to the gym, stayed within my calories, had fun! Today's going to be the tough day as the rest of the family are coming home and there is a delicious cake!! So my goals are pretty much the same...
    1. Do shred this morning and tomorrow morning.
    2. Only 1 slice of cake!
    3. I know I'm going to go over my cals today but want to keep it as low as poss.
    4. Have fun!

    Have a great weekend! x
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Hi all, I wasn't able to come by yesterday, life happens sometimes:ohwell:
    So back on the horse today.

    I am one pound away from my first mini goal of 25 lbs lost.
    As soon as I hit it , my next goal is 10 lbs by Halloween.
    That's just a little under 2lbs a week, so I think it is very doable.

    So goals for today:

    1. Walk 10000 steps
    2. Do not snack while out shopping, no matter how tempting those taster ladies are.
    3. Get all my water in earlier. I've been slacking lately and find myself trying to finish my water at bedtime.
    Guess what happens during the night, yup, up several time to wee:grumble:

    Good luck all.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm back! I know I've been MIA for two or three days. Sorry about that. I also had a bad week with my goals... I ate healthier than I usually do though so I'm happy with that at least. Today is the PSU vs. Temple game so I'll be standing all day but I thought I'd post some goals on here.

    1. Water! I've been slacking on this and drinking way too much tea (not too bad for me but still drinking calories)
    2. Get some reading for class done.
    3. Keep my room clean! (I cleaned it yesterday and it usually only takes a day or so to get messy so I am going to try to pick up after myself all day).

    Well I'm off to get some breakfast! It's good to be back and welcome to all the newbies!!
