Day by Day Challenge



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Im all done with my goals for Saturday, just have to do my evening abs and pushups.

    Nicole, in your ticker, which girl is you?
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Hi all, I wasn't able to come by yesterday, life happens sometimes:ohwell:
    So back on the horse today.

    I am one pound away from my first mini goal of 25 lbs lost.
    As soon as I hit it , my next goal is 10 lbs by Halloween.
    That's just a little under 2lbs a week, so I think it is very doable.

    So goals for today:

    1. Walk 10000 steps
    2. Do not snack while out shopping, no matter how tempting those taster ladies are.
    3. Get all my water in earlier. I've been slacking lately and find myself trying to finish my water at bedtime.
    Guess what happens during the night, yup, up several time to wee:grumble:

    Good luck all.

    All Done! Great day overall.

    Goals for tomorrow

    1 Careful not to overeat at dinner, roast beef with all the fixings
    2 Get at least one decent walk in
    3 Water earlier in the day
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Good morning Bee! A roast beef dinner sounds yummy!
    So I'm starting to notice that I'm having more of a problem keeping up with my committment to do the pushups, so I am going to try harder with that. All my food is portioned and packed for the next 2 days. Last night, I had a homemade taco and I measured and portioned and counted everything! And then instead of having 2 tacos, I made a salad on the side. It was yummy, I was full, and no real damage was done! Oh, and I had a soda yesterday....just one can.

    So Sunday's goals:
    1. Go to the gym (I'm headed there after I post).
    2. abs and push ups.
    3. finish the laundry.
    4. Eat only the food that I already stored.
    5. say no to soda and yes to water.

    Let's make it a great day!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Was able to make it on here yesterday, but I didn't do too bad on things. Sat is the worse day for me cause of all the running we usually do on that day. I still got stuff that needed to get done done and I'm pretty sure I stayed under my calories cause we didn't eat a whole lot all day. I didn't track my food but since it was my cheat day anyways I'm not too worried. I did accomplish all my goals for Friday:) So I'm happy about that!

    Goals for today.

    1. stay within calories
    2. drink water
    3. looks like its nice enough to work on cleaning out the garage today. Need to make room for me to be able to park the car in there over the winter.

    Glad to see everyone is doing so well! Welcome to the newbies:) Hope you all have been having a great weekend and enjoy the rest of it too.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good afternoon all,

    I have been struggling just recently that's why I haven't posted on here I guess. Anyway, today is a good day and I have already done 50 mins on the exercise bike!

    Goals for tomorrow.
    1. Stay within my cals
    2. Try and keep this positive attitude that I have right now
    3. Try and get in at least 30 mins exercise.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend x
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Sim and Ravyn, it looks like its just the two of us today. thanks for stopping by so I wouldn't be left talking to myself! :)
    So Sunday's goals:
    1. Go to the gym (I'm headed there after I post). CHECK!
    2. abs and push ups. CHECK!
    3. finish the laundry. NOOOO
    4. Eat only the food that I already stored. CHECK
    5. say no to soda and yes to water. CHECK
    Well at least I finished my goals that pertained to fitness. Although doing the laundry is a bit of a workout too. I must finish it tomorrow for sure.

    Monday, I'm a little early, but I may not be able to get back on first thing in the morning.
    1. go to the gym after my daughter is on the bus.
    2. walk 2 miles outside if the weather permits.
    3. goals 2-5 from Sunday.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!

    It's like 9:45 here and I'm checking in ... it was a rough day. The good news is... well maybe not good news but hey... is that I couldn't really eat today so I couldn't have gone over calories. The bad news is... I celebrated my birthday last night and drank my weight if not more in alcohol. Whew... poor choice. So today I laid in bed vowing that I will never drink again. haha. I know I've been on and off here lately not really meeting my goals etc. but I am determined that tomorrow starts a new week (the weigh in should kick me in to gear) and I am determined to get back on track with school and with weight loss. Let's go.

    And Leela-- I love the exercise ticker. I'm going to go try to make myself one. Talk to you all tomorrow!


    And ... YAY EAGLES! AND YAY PENN STATE!! So glad Royster has his head back in the game.
  • hepkitty
    Hey again everyone
    Went away for work for 6 days (no computer, a training course) so no logging or daily goals, I haven't been on the scales yet but don't think I did too badly overall...

    Keen to get back into some daily goals though so here goes again!

    - do 50 crunches
    - drink lots of water
    - press apples & prep them for cider making! (yum)

    - do 50 crunches
    - go for a run
    - get rid of 3 pieces of clothing I don't wear anymore
  • mykaar74
    well I made it thru a full day with no Pepsi. wow & a Monday after a 24 hour shift at that.

    Tuesday's goal: No Pepsi
    do 5 more jumping jacks than I did today
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Good Morning!!
    So I got everything done yesterday:) YAY!! Its so nice to be able to open up the garage and see where my car is going to be parked mostly cleared out:) There are still 2 motorcycles in the way and a powerwheel but 1 of the bikes is going away about the end of Oct and the other can be moved off to the side so its out of the way. The powerwheel needs a hoist so we can just store it up off the ground.

    Well today's goals

    1. Take all the stuff that I've found that we don't need to where it can be used(food pantry or goodwill depending)
    2. Ignore the cookies that the hubby made (really hard to do they are chocolate with caramel in them)
    3. Start to get out the Halloween decorations

    Good luck today everyone! Have a good one!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    What a great start to the week. I'm pretty sure I aced my two exams this morning. So now I have the rest of the day for myself.


    1. Gym-- No excuses today. I have to make it back there.
    2. Scrub down the bathroom. (ughhhhh)
    3. Pick up room. It's still decently clean from the other day but I don't want to let it get out of control again.
    4. Do not drink any calories besides the gatorade I had to drink this morning. So all water today!

    Good luck everyone!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    well I made it thru a full day with no Pepsi. wow & a Monday after a 24 hour shift at that.

    Tuesday's goal: No Pepsi
    do 5 more jumping jacks than I did today

    Wow! that's definitely an accomplishment! it's all about baby steps, I didn't want your efforts to go unnoticed! you go girl! and wtg on the jumping jacks too.

    Beth, glad you were able to get the garage done. That's a huge task and you got it done! The cookies do sound delish, hope you're able to avoid them.

    Nicole, good luck on getting to the gym and not drinking calories. I just did my half bath too, it's my husband's bathroom (gross!) You still never told us which girl in the picture is you....
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening ladies,

    How is everyone doing today? I have been very good today and stuck to my goals!

    I will keep the same goals for tomorrow. Very happy with myself because I lost 1lb! I haven't lost anything for about 3 weeks so this little weight loss was definately welcome :happy:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday, I'm a little early, but I may not be able to get back on first thing in the morning.
    1. go to the gym after my daughter is on the bus.
    2. walk 2 miles outside if the weather permits.
    3. abs and push ups.
    4. finish the laundry.
    5. Eat only the food that I already stored.
    6. say no to soda and yes to water.
    I need to add another one...#7. mop kitchen floor.
    Looks like 2 days worth of goals, but these are all things that I need to do today.

    Recap (so far)
    1. I went to the gym for 40 minutes, it wasn't right after I got my daughter to school, but it was still before noon.
    2. getting ready to walk now.
    3. morning sessions done.
    4. its still a work in progress.
    5. for dinner...
    6. its almost 3 and I haven't had a soda and have no desire to have one!

    I may not be back on tonight, so I'll have to update the rest and set new goals in the morning.

    PS: Sim, looks like we were posting at the same time. You're a rockstar! great job on the loss!! :flowerforyou:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Wasn't able to check in yesterday, had a great roast beef dinner!
    Ate a little over, so I went for a loooong walk with hubby afterward, so no damage done.
    I have hit my first goal of 25 lbs, and starting to get some control over my blood sugar. I am not there yet, but my dietitian thinks I'm on the right track.

    I did not post goals for today, but I have done 11000 steps, eaten very well and on track for a super day. I will try to squeeze in a shred later today.

    Goals for tomorrow 9/28:

    1. Clean kitchen and bathroom
    2. 12000 steps
    3. 30 push ups

    Good luck all!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Take all the stuff that I've found that we don't need to where it can be used(food pantry or goodwill depending)
    2. Ignore the cookies that the hubby made (really hard to do they are chocolate with caramel in them)
    3. Start to get out the Halloween decorations

    Ok so today was not a good one for me with any of the goals:( Bags still sitting around for me to take away, halloween stuff still in basement and I caved to the cookies. I ate 3 of them... But on a good note I stayed under my calories even with eating them so I don't feel so guilty.

    So for tomorrow.

    1. Riverwalk with friend:) I think she needs it more than anything right now just to get some of the stress out. So should be a good walk!!
    2. Halloween Decorations will get done. hehe Its my fav holiday cause its just so much fun and I really want my house to be festive.
    3. water water water totally didn't drink enough today. Gonna make sure I keep the big water bottle with me tomorrow. I need to drink at least 3 of them to get enough. So I'm aiming for 4.
    4. take all that stuff and donate it.

    Bee, that roast beef sounds yummy. I haven't had any in a long time.
    Sim, WTG on the loss!!

    Be back sometime tomorrow evening. Have a good night and day everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm a little late getting Wedneday's goals in, but here goes:

    1. stay within my calories, esp since I'm not working out today.
    2. no soda, drink water around the clock to avoid water retention.
    3. try to get to bed earlier, I have been going to bed late and getting up early, then I have no energy half way through the day.

    That about sums things up today. no abs or push ups, no workout at all, not even the wii....
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening lovely ladies,

    Hope everyone is ok and enjoying their Tuesday!

    Another good day for me and I completed all 3 of my goals.

    1.Stay within my cals - yep!
    2.Try and keep this positive attitude that I have right now - feeling good right now.
    3.Try and get in at least 30 mins exercise - I did 90 mins exercise today!

    I will keep the same 3 goals for tomorrow.

    Leela and Ravyn - thank you for your kind comments!

    Keep up the good work everyone.

  • hepkitty
    Hi all

    How's everyone going today? I'm trying to figure out how far off our time zones are cos I'm in New Zealand so right now it's 9:15 on Wednesday morning. How's that compare to you guys?

    Nicole, nice work on the exams! And Simone, congrats on the loss! It's cool to hear about everyone's successes :)

    My report:
    Monday: no crunches but drank lots of water and prepped the apples for the apple cider we're making!
    Tuesday: no crunches and no run but I went mountain biking and did some yoga so I consider those adequate substitutes, and I didn't get rid of any clothing but I did some rearranging of my cupboards so I have some more room for clothes :)

    - Don't snack too hard this afternoon (we're driving round looking for prizes for a fundraiser we're doing and I know my sister's going to bring snacks for us)
    - Drink lots of water
    - Do some exercise, either play squash or go for a run
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Didn't get much cleaning done but walked over 7 miles total today, push-ups scheduled for later tonight.
    (After Dr. Who, yes, I admit it, I'm totally addicted to the Doctor):love:

    Goals for tomorrow 9/29

    1.Finish my cleaning
    2.Make Lentil stew (fakkes)
    3.Walk in a completely new area of my neighborhood.

    Good luck ladies, have a great evening.