Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • It's been dead today....I hope that means everyone is out having a great time!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    That's for sure! Just you and I posted for Sunday, purple! Maybe it was "only names that have a color in them post day" and everyone else was afraid to post. LOL Well, then there is a "red" here, too...:tongue:

    I had a wonderful weekend. The weather was so gorgeous! I hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend as well!

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 min walk, 30 min elliptical plus arms
    proud: I had a LOT of energy today and got a LOT of organizing done in my house!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I was mid post yesterday when my laptop semi crashed thanks to some malware and/or a lovely virus. Thank goodness dh is mr. fix-it extraordinare because I'm super talented in terms of breaking stuff. Should be up and running (and Vista's getting the boot for Linux -- woot!) in a few days.

    As of yesterday I was down about half of a pound from Friday @ 193.0. :indifferent: My body is so weird. Today will be my first day at the gym in a couple of weeks. I'm happy to get back to it, I just really wish the stupid gym was closer to my house or to where I work or something. :grumble: I'm going to try my best to get into a routine of going in the morning twice during the week and then going Saturday and/or Sunday.

    I have a super busy week ahead at work. I have a huge conference tomorrow so I won't be here at all. Then Thursday we're hiring like 20 new employees and I have new employee orientation ALL day so I won't be here then either. Man, I hate orientation. I get so nervous. We haven't hired a big group like this in about 1.5 years so we'll both be super rusty with the flow of it. Plus Thursday is University of SC's 1st football game and since the pizza place is about a mile from the stadium and the game is on ESPN of course I've been drafted to work that night. There's a sweet reward for me after that, though -- a 4 day weekend. Oh yes. It's going to be good.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-That's great that you are down half a pound. I know your determined and ready to get back at it!

    It was quiet around here all weekend. I wasn't feeling well at all yesterday. I had another killer headache. I went to sleep at about 6 or 7 and pretty much slept all night. Turned my alarm off to go to the gym this morning cause I just wasn't feeling it. I'm gonig to do a DVD tonight. I'm staying at the apartment to clean and Mike's coming over after work. Hope everybody had a great weekend! Let's make it a good week! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Edit: Just wanted to add. I went shopping yesterday for a dress for the bachelorette party Saturday night. Found a super cute dress at Kohl's for $10 and bought a new bra for $20. I don't remember the last time I was ever able to buy a bra in a regular store, let alone one that was less then like $40!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    I am here....dragging my feet but I am here. I am already thinking of reasons to eat whatever I want today so its gonna ba tough day. After a couple of days back on track I know I'll be fine. Its jsut getting there thats hard!

    Im realyl scared about having to net 1200 cals. For one- I usually plan my day in the morning so that I eat right at 1200 cals. So thats all great and all but I go to the gym at night after work so if I burn calories at the gym that means I have to eat them back to net 1200 and thats really annoying because I am home from the gym at like 7 or 8 and I dont like to eat that late...whatever. The GP for right now is to add more caloires to my dinner. Like eat regular cheese instead of fat free, or add two slices of something or another instead of 1..etc

    I weighed in at a whooping 203.8. I didnt even care...gosh I wish I would!

    On other news- I went to the Dr to find out about the whole bleeding and cramping..etc Well it turns out I have a few ovarian cysts. The gyn didnt seem too concerned except for one of the cysts is like a bad type and needs to be monitored. She said thehorrible pain and bleeding was probably from a ruputured cycst,...so that was fun.

    Be back later to catch up with everyone
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well its monday

    Had a bad start this morning, tryied to get serena up for an hour, lots of crying and screaming..i know she was tired but come on. Of course she missed the bus, but i wasn't going to let her get breakfast and lunch at school cause she was beein horrible, (she likes eating breakfast there), so we got all ready and i got her there with like 5 min to spare...hopefully she made it to her class with that 5 minutes, of course then the lady in car line yelled at me because i told serena to get out on my side, (There was like no room for cars to get by ) the lady said she had to get out on that side...just made my mornins so much better...let me tell you.

    ON top of that i am up 3 lbs since friday , i know it has to be sodium, but still...

    ON yeah , on call this week too...i hate being on call it just sucks!!

    cris - You can do it...i know you can . Sorry about the doc appt and stuff..

    Julie - sounds like a good plan..i really don't think i would be as motiviated if my gym was soo far...Mine is like 5 min away .
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I'm glad you went to the doctor to find out what was going on. So sorry to hear about the cyst's. Hope it's all treatable and you don't experience anymore problems. I know you will get back on track. My best suggestion would be if you know you are going to the gym at night eat a little bit more throughout the day. Or have some protein bars on hand at night. One of those could easily get your up to the calories you need. Or eat one on the way to the gym so that way you KNOW you will be using those calories. Just my suggestion.

    Deb-Hope Serena has a better day at school. Sounds like a rough Monday morning for you!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I had a rotten day of eating yesterday but I'm back on the wagon today and planning to eat at least 1400 cals per day this week. at 1/2 lb per week MFP wants me to eat 1590 so I may go that high but it's depressing to think that in 2 weeks I'll just be back to where I was 10 days ago....sheesh.

    eating a bit more is fun though :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I really just want to stuff my face right now.

    I had a horrible night of sleep. I had a dream that my son died, and no one would tell me how or where he was and I have been really anxious and wired since...I am just really jumpy like I had too much caffeine or something. I just want to see him and hold him and know hes ok..I wish I could leave work ;^(
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope the info I posted Friday helps. It's interesting that MFP gives some people the same info as Daily Burn, but some it gives completely different numbers. MFP tells me 1200 calories, my doc says never to drop below 1500 and DB tells me 1828. So strange...anyway, the 1828 seems to be my magic number right now, so I'll stick to it.

    Do we have a challenge yet for the week?

    My weekend was super relaxing, except for the hour of excitement on Saturday night. I may post the entire story later...well, maybe I should put it on my blog because it's long. Yesterday, I tried on a bunch more clothes that I haven't worn in a LONG time and all of my old button-down shirts fit now, along with a skirt and three pairs of jeans. These are clothes I wore in 2002-2004! Now I need to close the gap from 2000-2002 and I'll be super happy!

    Most weekends, I don't log all of my food and sometimes I don't log any of it at all. I'm holding myself accountable, so here are my check-ins for the entire weekend. This coming weekend will be tough with being out of town, but I'm going to try to write down everything I eat so I can log it when I get back.

    Checking in for Friday:
    Calories: Over by 396
    Sodium: Over by 2413
    Water: 76.5 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I had a super relaxing evening with no schedule.

    Checking in for Saturday:
    Calories: Over by 22 (even with the two beers!)
    Sodium: Under by 500
    Water: 33.8 oz.
    Exercise: Walking around the mall all day.
    Proud: Had a great day shopping with a friend. Also, that my friend and I jumped into action during a medical emergency at 2:30 am at the bar.

    Checking in for Sunday:
    Calories: Over by 361 (four ears of corn will do that, I guess)
    Sodium: Over by 1738
    Water: 76 oz.
    Exercise: Trying on clothes for an hour
    Proud: That I was able to fit into clothes I wore in 2002-2004!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope the info I posted Friday helps. It's interesting that MFP gives some people the same info as Daily Burn, but some it gives completely different numbers. MFP tells me 1200 calories, my doc says never to drop below 1500 and DB tells me 1828. So strange...anyway, the 1828 seems to be my magic number right now, so I'll stick to it.

    Heather, MFP gives you 1200 calories because you're probably set to lose 2 pounds per week. If you changed your goal to lose less weight per week, MFP would give you more calories. :wink: DB is giving calories based on losing much less than 2 pounds per week -- it was suggesting I try to lose 0.8 pounds per week and eat around 1600 cals. If I tell MFP I want to lose 1 pound per week, it tells me to eat 1500 cals. If I tell it I want to lose 0.5 pounds per week, it tells me to eat 1750. So, that's the same it's just that MFP spits out different numbers based on what ***I*** tell it my goals are. If I have (potentially) stupid goals (like losing 2 pounds per week when I only have 30 pounds to lose), it's going to tell me to eat less than I probably should. :smile: That's my own fault. MFP and DB both give me the same TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) at 2000 cals/day. That's the estimate on how much I need to eat to maintain my current weight based on my current activity level and stats.
    Sorry, I know that's a lot of blabber. I'm just trying to explain why you're getting those different calorie recommendations when both websites are actually really close in terms of estimating how many calories someone burns in a day.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Your making me want to change my whole plan because yours makes so much sense! I've got mine set to 2 pounds per week. I've been thinking about switching it to 1 pound per week and trying to not dip into my exercise calories..UGH. The number crunching is such a game with this kinda stuff!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - yeah i noticed when I went to DB< it was trying to do 1lb for me , I think for me i have a way to go before i drop mine , heck i got 85 or more lbs to still loose :sad:

    Jess - If you want to drop yours, you couldn't always try like 1.5 then 1.4 , if it likes you do that, that way you just gradually reduce that and gradually gain more cals...just an idea.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    morning ladies,

    How is everyone doing? just to chime in on the oxidzer test from Jillian's book..I took that quiz a while back and it said I was balanced oxidizer: 40% carbs, 30% fat and calories. I also created an account on Dailyburn and it says to eat between 1600 - 1800...too much calories for me.

    I have 10 days left for Ramadan...I am counting every single day. when Ramadan is over Eid ( a festival of sweets/desserts for 3 days - to celebrate success) + if a person wants they could fast another 6 more days after EID is done..those days are called 6 white days ( fasting these days is considered like fasting for an entire year)..thinking of doing the 6 white days..but not consecutive days..more like one day fasting the next no and so on...hope this makes sense :)

    miss ya all and hope to be postingon a regular bases...soon!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Your nightmare sounds awful!! I can imagine how badly you just want to hold your baby right now. But no stuffing your face. You will regret it. Were here for you to talk to instead of stuffing your face. And you know you can text me.

    Deb-If I do increase it will be slowly. I'm going to give it one more week and see how my body reacts, if not I'm upping calories and not eating my exercise calories.

    Laila-Your in the home stretch. We miss seeing you on a regular basis! :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Sounds like a plan...

    just curious i bumped my # to 1 lbs a week, brought my cals up to 1800 , that is usally close to wear i am after i eat my exercise cals...I am 1330 right now + my exersice cals...usally between 1700-1800, ..i am definetly leaving it at 2lbs a week for a while...I think at least till i get close to 200 lbs..then i will see.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb -- When I was around 250 I was doing alright at the 2# per week calorie recommendation (without eating exercise cals because I was stupid). It wasn't until I got to about 220lbs that my body started flipping out on me.

    Jess -- I think my "plan" does make sense for me right now. But it is just a plan and I do reserve the right to change it at any time. :wink: If I execute it appropriately, I'll be zig-zagging my net calories from about 1100-1750. Seriously, this HAS to work. And I really think it will as long as I actually follow through on my part and stick with it consistently. It shouldn't be that difficult. I can eat pretty much anything I want and stay around 1750 cals. If I really really just have to splurge, I'll do it on a 1750 net cal day & workout extra for the week that day to make up for it.

    Cris -- A huge part of this whole thing for me has been coming to terms with my binging and my urge to eat out of boredom or emotional stress so I really empathize with the way you're feeling right now. These are still things I struggle with on an almost daily basis but managing my food issues seems a lot easier for me these days. I think it's because I'm in a better place now, mentally speaking, than I've been in... ever. Though honestly, I'm really not sure if my mental health is better because I gained the control or if I've been able to gain the control because my mental health is better. :huh:
    Oh, and I agree with Jess about trying to incorporate some of your exercise calories into your day before you exercise, even if it's just a protein bar on your way to the gym. :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cris - I am with jess and julie, if you are needing more cals a protien bar will be a good choice, not only you will get the extra calories but hte extra protein won't hurt. I don't have the probably of not eating enough, on most days, but hubby does when he works out cause he burns alot :grumble: like on wednesday's he burns like 1000 cals in spin class , he take extra snacks or just adding stuff to his food (kinda like you were saying), but he usally has yogurt but on those days, he adds granola to his yogurt, or take a bigger lunch.

    Unfortunetly when i am short, i turn to my addition of peanutbutter...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Alright, I SWEAR that MFP was giving me 1200-1350 calories when I had the same exercise and 1 lb loss per week when I was setting goals a while ago. Now, it's giving me approximately the same numbers. I don't get it. Either way, I'm happy with the calories and goals right now. I don't think more than 1 lb per week is realistic given that I have about 37 lbs to lose.

    Speaking of which, 37 lbs doesn't seem like very much anymore! Considering I've really be pretty relaxed on the whole weight loss thing and have lost almost that much already, I'm know I'll get to my goal weight. If it takes a while, so be it. I'm shooting for my birthday as my ultimate goal. I'll be 150 lbs for my 29th birthday in April. Of course, I'd love to get there sooner, but I'm not going to stress myself out and kill myself trying. I am, however, avoiding the state fair!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Cris - I'm glad you got to the doc and they found those cysts (although I'm not glad that they have to monitor one of them). But at least you know what the pain and bleeding was - I thought it sounded exactly like my experience with ruptured cysts. What a horrible dream that you had ... I can't imagine how scary and creepy that would be!

    Well, I'm sloooowly trying to get back into weightloss mode. I did a pretty god job of mentally making a menu plan for at least the beginning of this week and shopping to have some healthy food in the house. I still have some BAD choices in the house (chips and dip), but I'm not sure if I'm ready to just throw them out. I did start tracking my food again today and packed breakfast, lunch and snacks so that I wouldn't be tempted to go out to eat. Baby steps. I've gained about 7 pounds since this time last year when I was doing really well and had hit 20 pounds lost.
    My Aunt suddenly passed away this time last year, and the whole year seemed to get kind of crazy for me - and I had a hard time focusing on weightloss - and then I started having back/arm problems too.
    I have been pretty down about gaining those 7 pounds back and I FEEL icky physically - I seemed to have gained all of it right in my upper belly - not the best spot. I am ready to start focusing on my health again ... I KNOW that I need to. I am SOOOO looking forward to school starting and feeling like we have some routine again.
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