Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Jess I can completely relate to this comment- The only difference is that I believe my body likes the numbers 215-223-Glad to hear you are doing okay. Was starting to wonder about you girl. And I'm with you. I think my body wants to stay between 211-215 forever. I'm about to go out of my damn mind over here. And then I went and had tacos for lunch. DAMNIT!
OK so I don't know about you gals but I have just not been feeling the weight loss thing here lately.I am so bored with logging and exercising consistently without any result.Granted I haven't exercised for about 2 weeks now but I feel like I am physical and mentally drained with the whole thing.I want so badly to be healthy and smaller but I feel sometimes like its hopeless.I work my *kitten* off from week to week and feel like I am starving somedays and get no results.I have been upping my calories so I am not in fact starving but now I am so DAMN bloated I am miserable.Binging and then feeling bad about it once a week has to stop.I need to hope back on the wagon now that school is back in session and all I have to worry about is my baby and she usually goes and plays by herself until she needs something.I will start exercising again and I will start caring about me again.I am so happy summer is finally over and I can get back to me again.I know that sounds selfish but I need to get my weight under control and get healthy altogether.By the way the binging started once we had food back in the house which was last week.So I am trying to give my body a chance to re-adjust from not having any food in the house for a month and then eating once again.Sorry to be so negative I don't want to bring the group down so thats why I haven't been around lately because I have just been so depressed.


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Danielle -- Sounds like you & hubby had a great weekend. :bigsmile:

    Ann -- Glad to see you! And guess what -- focusing on you isn't selfish at all. When you feel good and are healthy, you're certainly not the only one who benefits. You're also really benefitting your friends an family. They get to follow your example and be healthier themselves, they get to have you around longer, AND if you're anything like me, you're a lot more pleasant to be around when you feel well physicallyand feel better about yourself mentally. That doesn't sound too selfish to me. :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann-I don't think you sound selfish at all. I agree with Julie. I'm a lot more pleasant to be around when I'm feeling good about myself too. And I'm with you on working your butt off and not seeing results. I have had to constantly remind myself why I'm doing this. To be healthy. The way I look is an added bonus. I may weigh 200+ pounds but I can run for 30 minutes straight. I know 110 pound people who can't do that. As far as I know I don't have any health issues, I did before but they seem to be gone. Your family wants a healthy mother and wife. Keep at it girl, you will get there. I upped my calories recently, well started eating almost all my exercise calories and I felt bloated as pig for a good 2 weeks. But I think my body is FINALLY starting to adjust. And don't ever worry about coming here and venting or bringing the group down. That's what were here for. Helps to talk about things, at least for me anyways. Hope things get better for you! :flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann-I don't think you sound selfish at all. I agree with Julie. I'm a lot more pleasant to be around when I'm feeling good about myself too. And I'm with you on working your butt off and not seeing results. I have had to constantly remind myself why I'm doing this. To be healthy. The way I look is an added bonus. I may weigh 200+ pounds but I can run for 30 minutes straight. I know 110 pound people who can't do that. As far as I know I don't have any health issues, I did before but they seem to be gone. Your family wants a healthy mother and wife. Keep at it girl, you will get there. I upped my calories recently, well started eating almost all my exercise calories and I felt bloated as pig for a good 2 weeks. But I think my body is FINALLY starting to adjust. And don't ever worry about coming here and venting or bringing the group down. That's what were here for. Helps to talk about things, at least for me anyways. Hope things get better for you! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks so much gals!! You gals really have no idea how much it means to me to know that besides my family others out there care for me.I am literally in tears from Jess and Julies comments.I want this more than anything.So I logged everything I have ate today and I am going to exercise this evening after dinner for at least 30 minutes.Tomorrow morning when I geet up with my husband at 5am I will run on my elliptical.I will stay on track I will continue to fight this FAT until its gone for good.I won't give up I won't give up.This is for me and my family and you gals are right I feel so much better when I do exercise and eat right.THANKS I love you gals!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - It is okay to be selfish..you got to do this for you and everyone else 2nd. you will get back on track i know you will ..

    Finally had a good workout , 1st time in like 1 1/2 weeks....Did 45 min at the gym and burned 450 cals...THat is the most i had done in my 45 lunch sessions...Even though my show wasn't on i just listened to it on the other tv :)

    My head is hurting now, not sure if it is from dehydration, my throat hurting , not eating lunch yet or all above.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann-Love your spirit!

    LilDeb-Yay on finally getting to go to the gym!

    Ladies I have decided that my dating life should be labeled with caution. :laugh: This guy that I have been dating on and off now for about 6 months dropped a big bomb on me Saturday..well he got it dropped Saturday on him as well. Long story short. Turns out, he might possibly have fathered a child 9 or 10 years or so ago. Yep. When he was 16 or 17 I think. He's in the fun waiting stage to go to court to find out if it's his. Sounds like it could quite possibly be someone elses as well. He's freaking out. I probably would too. His biggest concern is that he's upset he might have a child that he hasn't been involved with for 10 years of that kids life. He sounds so sad when I talk to him. Any suggestions how I might cheer him up?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann-Love your spirit!

    LilDeb-Yay on finally getting to go to the gym!

    Ladies I have decided that my dating life should be labeled with caution. :laugh: This guy that I have been dating on and off now for about 6 months dropped a big bomb on me Saturday..well he got it dropped Saturday on him as well. Long story short. Turns out, he might possibly have fathered a child 9 or 10 years or so ago. Yep. When he was 16 or 17 I think. He's in the fun waiting stage to go to court to find out if it's his. Sounds like it could quite possibly be someone elses as well. He's freaking out. I probably would too. His biggest concern is that he's upset he might have a child that he hasn't been involved with for 10 years of that kids life. He sounds so sad when I talk to him. Any suggestions how I might cheer him up?
    That is a big bomb alright. Sounds like an okay guy thought of him thinking about the kid, a lot of guys would probably be more worrying about them.

    Do they have to wait for court, can't they just go do a DNA test??
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, it does seem like he's a good guy if his first concern is that he missed a huge part of the kid's life.

    Ann, we love you and you CAN do this!

    Deb, what an awesome workout you had! I've got plans to go to the gym tonight after work with a friend. They better happen b/c I hardly got any exercise in last week. I dorkily miss it!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    It's actually a very messed up situation. He found out through his HR department at work. The attorney general send paperwork to his job to fill out for verification of employment. He had no idea. He called the courts to try to get information and they wont really give him anything so for now he's just waiting. They told him to just wait until he is told to appear in court to do a DNA test. He is an okay guy. Yes his first concern was if it is his how does he make up for 10 years.
    We had dated on and off for 6 months and recently started talking and seeing each other more. I feel bad for him. He's usually always so perky and upbeat and happy and he just sounds devestated. I'm supposed to see him wednesday night and I wish I knew somehow to at least TRY to cheer him up.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    He's freaking out. I probably would too. His biggest concern is that he's upset he might have a child that he hasn't been involved with for 10 years of that kids life. He sounds so sad when I talk to him. Any suggestions how I might cheer him up?

    Um.. Pilates? :tongue:

    Seriously though, I can only imagine how upset he would be to miss out on like 10 years of his child's life. If it turns out he is the father, I'd just encourage him to get involved if he wants to be. I'm sure it'd be super awkward to hang out with your kid you've never met the first couple of times but I'm sure the awkwardness would go away pretty quickly. I'm sure the kid would be pretty excited to get to know their real pop. :smile:

    On the kid front, I don't think I'm going to make it until Wednesday to POAS again. :ohwell: I better go back to the dollar store to buy more cheapos to manage my addiction. :laugh: It makes me crazy not knowing. But I think it may be making me crazier to not know and think that I COULD know if I had just peed on a stick that morning. Oh boy.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Glad to hear the headache went away! Wowsa for the guy who didn't know he might have a kid. That's a huge shocker, but I'm happy to hear he's at least decent enough to want to make up for lost time if it is his kid. Shame on the kid's mom that she didn't let him know he may be a father...did she suddenly need money and decide to go for child support?

    Julie: I love that you're referring to it as POAS. I knew immediately what that stood for and giggled.

    So, when I invited my mom to her party, I told her we were having bf's family over for dinner and she should come, too. She told my sister she thought that bf and I had a big announcement to make. While I was waiting for her to get there, I looked around the house and realized that we had decorated in blue and black. I thought, "crap, I hope she doesn't think I'm having a boy..." Luckily, she never asked about the decorations. She said afterward that she just assumed we liked to decorate and be fun. Whew! My poor mom got a birthday party instead of an announcement...hope she wasn't disappointed!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, when I invited my mom to her party, I told her we were having bf's family over for dinner and she should come, too. She told my sister she thought that bf and I had a big announcement to make. While I was waiting for her to get there, I looked around the house and realized that we had decorated in blue and black. I thought, "crap, I hope she doesn't think I'm having a boy..." Luckily, she never asked about the decorations. She said afterward that she just assumed we liked to decorate and be fun. Whew! My poor mom got a birthday party instead of an announcement...hope she wasn't disappointed!

    Haha, so funny!
    I haven't talked to my mom for a week because I'm afraid something is going to slip out. She has been begging my brother for grandchildren for about 10 years now. She is absolute ECSTATIC my sister in law's sister is expecting (SIL's sis is married to my brother's bff who was our childhood neighbor. So my mom has know him his whole life. So, in a way, this is like her first grandchild. :tongue:). And I don't think she could've hinted any harder to me last month when she mentioned I'd have no trouble birthin' babies thanks to my hips (funnily enough, if I'm pregnant, the very day she said that to me will be the day used to calculate the kid's due date. :laugh:).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I died laughing with you suggesting bed pilates! I had a feeling SOMEONE was going to throw that in. My money was on you or Heather. I say go ahead and buy the cheapos and let your addiction go wild. Your going to want an answer asap. I'd be doing the same thing, not going to lie. Judgeing from your post it seems a lot of other women were the same way as well! You've been good today, I'm proud! :flowerforyou:

    Heather-That is hilarious! I love suprise parties! I'm not sure if she just needs money all of a sudden, that would be my guess. He knows very little about the whole situation. So I'm curious to see how all this unfolds. I will definitely encourage him to get involved if it turns out it is his child. I'm not even sure if she lives here. I'm going to try and find out more on Wednesday. And I still gotta figure out a birthday present for the dude. Geeze! I hate birthdays with guys.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Y'all gotta check out this guy I know. I got him to join this site a few months ago. He's been on the wellness lifestyle change for awhile now and thought he would benefit from this site as well as help others. Check him out.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls,

    Busy, busy week/end for me... I have Not caught up on post. I will soon. I got my bedroom furniture Friday and boy was it a heavy and big...hubby, kids and I carried our bedroom funiture to the second floor while fasting...ya we are crazy. I have been so busy cleaning up my home from the big mess of boxes and white snow that comes within the boxes.

    Kids didn't start school yet, but daughter has orientation the end of August to talk to her new teachers and see the new high school. My kids start school after labor day. And we have about 2 more weeks of fasting. I can't wait until all of this is done!

    we went school shopping for some supplies...Staples has been having great bargins these past couple of days. Today I bought a black and while composition book for 10 cent, pencils for 25 cent, and spiral notbooks for 1 cent, highlighter for 25 cent, and printing paper for 50 cent... ya know how much I love my bargins...

    I got to get back to cleaning my home and I have to start cooking. I have been so drained out lately. I want to sleep all the time...and NO I am not pregnant...LOL. It's from all that fasting :(

    love and miss ya all so much...Hope to chekc in soon :)

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow Jess that is an amazing transformation your friend made.It inspires me so much.
    Julie- I took a gazillion pregnancy test with my first pregnancy but unfortunately I ended up losing the pregnancy around 10 weeks preggos.But even with my 2nd and third pregnancy I took a ton and I kept them lol I know TMI but they do still show the lines on them .I have them baggied up and the papers slipped inside from the doctor confirmation that I was pregnant and my due date.I even have the one that I miscarried.(with that pregnancy test the lines were very faint and I used Dollar tree pregnancy test like a crazy person lol) Whatever the outcome of your pregnancy test just know it was meant to happen that way.I know you will be an AWESOME mom so I am going to ROOT for a baby for Julie lol

    Thanks Elmox I love you gals so much too .
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann - It is okay to be selfish..you got to do this for you and everyone else 2nd. you will get back on track i know you will ..

    Finally had a good workout , 1st time in like 1 1/2 weeks....Did 45 min at the gym and burned 450 cals...THat is the most i had done in my 45 lunch sessions...Even though my show wasn't on i just listened to it on the other tv :)

    My head is hurting now, not sure if it is from dehydration, my throat hurting , not eating lunch yet or all above.
    Thanks Deb and congrats on 45minutes at the gym way to ROCK IT!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Julie, any result on whether you are (not) pregnant?

    I just thought of this..My sister has a hard time with pregnancy test..when ever she was late and she took the test it kept telling her she was not pregnant, however, when she was a month late she went for blood work and found out she was 2 months pregant...and this has happened with both pregnancies...

    I think if you are late and pregnancy test are not responding correctly..you might need a blood test to be on the safe side...GOOD LUCK girl:heart::flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Quick check in, I've been trying to keep up with posts but just so busy these days. Just got home from the office but still working for a few more hours....poo

    Weekend was a bit of a bust for me, over by a few hundred on Fri & Sat and by more on Sunday, like over maintenance, over by 577 cals yesterday, yikes.
    We had dinners each of the 3 nights and I drank wine too so back on the band wagon full force today and doing well so far.

    Calories - 1100 (1200 if I have milk later)
    exercise - none
    water - 100oz
    sugar - 23 (may go up to 35 if I have a glass of milk later)
    proud - I'm not letting a few days of careless eating drag me into a downward spiral.
  • So I totally busted today....I gave in and drank an energy drink. I was SOO tired at work and coffee just wasn't doing the trick. So my sugar is way high today...oh well tomorrow is another day :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie, any result on whether you are (not) pregnant?

    I just thought of this..My sister has a hard time with pregnancy test..when ever she was late and she took the test it kept telling her she was not pregnant, however, when she was a month late she went for blood work and found out she was 2 months pregant...and this has happened with both pregnancies...

    I think if you are late and pregnancy test are not responding correctly..you might need a blood test to be on the safe side...GOOD LUCK girl:heart::flowerforyou:

    No results. Though I haven't taken a test in about 36 hours now so who knows! :tongue:
    I'm pretty sure I'll take one in the morning because I can't hold out any longer (pathetic, I know). I expect it to still be negative. I do plan to go for a blood test if this keeps up too much longer (within a week or 2). I wanted to wait until I'd at least be 6 weeks along before going for the blood test because honestly, even if the blood test comes back negative I'm not going to believe it either until TOM shows up again. I'm not a crazy party girl or anything but my regular lifestyle does involve beer, occasional cigarettes, working out hard, and eating at a calorie deficit. IMO, all of those things are too risky to do while I know there's a possibility I'm pregnant. So while I may seem (be) obsessive about the situation I'm in right now, it's because it's not worth it to me to possibly compromise the health of a baby and resume my normal lifestyle when it's so easy for me to stop doing those things until I know with more certainty.
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