Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Yes some turkey bacon is crazy in sodium. It really depends on the brand. My Mom bought some Jennie O and it's 120mg per slice I think. Just depends. I've definitely been drinking up on my water today! I'll be doing it allll week to hopefully flush it out if it is. I'm still low on sodium for the day too. Thanks for watching out for me. He's a manager at a burger place and his kitchen is tore up so this is his way of "cooking me dinner" and bringing it to his house for me. :laugh: Whatever works I guess. Were both broke for the month. His poor puppy has to have surgery. And I don't feel bad dating 2 guys, well sometimes I do. But both are managers are restaurants...have very little time. So works out for me. :laugh:

    Ann-I agree. Keep yourself busy at night. I can't just sit and watch TV. Take your husband up on his offer a few nights a week. It'll get a workout in as wel! :drinker:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Momma-You are such an amazing woman! I love hearing your stories!

    Thanks you made my day!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm just stopping in to stalk today ... had to see if Lilspy is pregnant, and see how everyone else is. I'm not quite ready to start tracking again - or ready to get on the scale, but I have been doing better with my food choices and my exercise routine is pretty good again.

    BIG CONGRATS TO BLUENOTE!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Lilspy- you might want to go to the doc at some point for a pregnancy test if your copay isn't too bad ... instead of torturing yourself with pregnancy tests!

    Momma2four - sounds like you are really putting in some effort for your little guy, good for you! I'm sure he will start doing fine and you can back off on your volunteer hours soon.
    Have a great night to everyone else!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lstpaul-Good to hear from you! Glad you are climbinb back onboard that wagon! It's a tuff one sometimes. Baby steps.

    Okay, I don't remember who it was that was eating a pound of strawberries at a time...but I'm about to follow. I bought 2 pounds from the farmers market today and oh my goodness gracious are they wonderful! I want to eat the whole pound!
  • So I weighed myself this morning and am up 3lbs from my debauchery over the weekend. I'm actually ok with this, since normally when I go back up it's like 6lbs! But I did pee a lot yesterday so maybe I already lost some of that awful weight. But I also noticed that I entered my weight wrong on Friday. I was off by a pound. So that makes me happy.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    Julie - Love that you're seeing a silver lining if all the crazy is for naught.

    Last night when i went to bed I was super nauseous. I told dh, "I feel like so much crap. I better at least get a[n] [effing] puppy or kitten out of this." :laugh:

    ROFLMAO. You are a trip!

    And I didn't even do the "bowel" slip on purpose! Hahahaha it was a typo! :tongue: But a grand one, let me tell you, because the BOWEL of lentil soup got me to 101!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thanks for sharing my 100 joy today, sisters of the traveling weight loss pants. :heart: Only 86 to go before I am an offical member of the 200 Club. LOL :laugh: :tongue:

    Heather, I love the challenge. Those are my two sore spots, so I am happy to focus on them this week.

    Crissybabyhoneypie, I am PMing you my addy but I do NOT want anything! Your weight loss friendship has taken me to places I could have never went to by myself, and that is the ONLY gift I want from you girls!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I LOVE YOU ALL, SISTERS!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Thanks for sharing my 100 joy today, sisters of the traveling weight loss pants. :heart: Only 86 to go before I am an offical member of the 200 Club. LOL :laugh: :tongue:

    Heather, I love the challenge. Those are my two sore spots, so I am happy to focus on them this week.

    Crissybabyhoneypie, I am PMing you my addy but I do NOT want anything! Your weight loss friendship has taken me to places I could have never went to by myself, and that is the ONLY gift I want from you girls!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I LOVE YOU ALL, SISTERS!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :love: :drinker: :drinker: :smokin: :smokin:

    That's incredibly amazing. What an accomplishment!

    My check-in -

    Cals: about 100 under
    Exercise: none...spent all freaking day at school. Getting up early to hit the gym tomorrow.
    Water: somewhere around 6 -7 cups. Would have more to meet the challenge, but I can't be up all night peeing.
    Sodium: 405 under
    Proud: I had about 5 potato chips from the bag that came with my lunch, then gave the rest to a friend. Got the satisfaction without all the calories/fat/guilt.

    So....this might be TMI, but I really just need my body to figure itself out. I get that I'm now missing an organ and that things are going to be confused, but I am so freaking annoyed!!!! TOM is here, so I'm craving sweet AND salty, my digestive system is on crack, and I'm at the end of the line, sanity-wise! The Metamucil crackers have NOT worked as the doctor promised, and it seems that I'm either running to the bathroom every 5 minutes or not going at all for days on end. :noway: I just want everything to regulate and be normal again. :embarassed: Sorry for the TMI, it's just driving me crazy.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Congrats Nancy once again !!!!

    Check in -
    Cals - under by 2 when my exericse cals
    Water - 56 oz, not quite 64, but should of got more see below :sad:
    sodium - like 1000 over...way too much today
    Exercise - 45 min (420 cals) on arc trainer.

    i am soo bloated i had to take my rings off :sad: my food had too much sodium in it today.

    I am feeling soo good about school this year. Serena had another great day. NO bad negative comments, she even told me that this year was going to be a great year...she did her homework at day care today , given it was a poster about her , but she did a great job. I am soo proud of her...i really hope this keeps up.
  • Hey all....check in...

    Calories: under by 60
    Water: 104 oz
    Sodium: over by 560
    Protein: 98
    Sugar: 66 over by 16

    Nighty night everyone!
  • I'm awake absurdly early - went to the gym and did week 3 day 1 of C25K and am so happy I did it! Those 3 minute intervals of running were rough, but I did it!!!

    Another busy day at school...I so wish it was still summer. :angry:

    Oh, and LittleSpy - eagerly awaiting today's update!!!! :tongue:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Blue, I can't HOORAY enough!
    Purple, way to go on the early morning workout and the self-control you exhibited yesterday with the chips!
    Deb, so happy to hear Serena is off to a good start.
    Jess, hope your meal last night was super tasty.
    Julie, breathe.
    Danielle, good job on the water yesterday!
    Heather, I love this challenge!!

    Checking from yesterday:
    Cals - under w/exercise = 1398
    Water - 128 oz - CHALLENGE MET!
    Sodium - 1500 - CHALLENGE MET!
    Exercise - 1 hour class of hot yoga. I think I found a friend who is going to come with me every week - YEAH for accountability and friend time!
    Proud - Under on my cals. We walked out of yoga and both craved a smoothie. We walked about 10 feet and a new health food/smoothie place had just opened. So smart - they are between the yoga studio and a gym. Someone did their research! So I had a tasty blueberry smoothie (no added yogurt, etc) for dinner and a protein heavy snack later. It just feels good making smart choices!

    I'm posting from home before I head into work. I've got a presentation at 11:30 that I haven't really started yet...oops! However, I'm pretty confident in the plan so I hope that I will be able to execute in the 2 hours I have allotted for it. I am NOT allowed to post until after 1 p.m. :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    well I think I am going to take my husband up on his offer.I have already logged all my food for the rest of this week and I am sticking to it.I know this works for me so this is what I am going to start doing.I am going to plan my meals ahead (unless I am going out) so that I know what I can have and thats it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I think it was mstahl who was eating a pound of strawberries at a time. They're so delicious, I can't blame you!

    Nancy: Only 86 lbs to the 200 club? That's so awesome. I will definitely be here for that! Since you seem to be a weight-losing machine, you'll probably hit the 200 before I hit my goal, you rock star!

    Yesterday, I exchanged one of the pairs of jeans I bought because they were too short, then wandered through the other stores in the outlet mall. There was nothing that caught my eye that I HAD to have. I really need some new shirts now, but I'm going to the Mall of America with a friend on Saturday because she has an fall color makeover scheduled for us at the MAC store. Hopefully she'll be up for some shopping after that.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 293
    Sodium: Over by 1005...challenge fail!
    Water: 64 oz....challenge fail because I didn't drink enough to make up for the extra sodium. How is it that I fail my own challenges??
    Exercise: None, except walking around the outlet mall.
    Proud: I ordered a small side salad instead of onion rings at Burger King last night, to go with my chicken sandwich. Oh, and the scale was back to 187.6 this morning, so only one more pound to be back at Friday's weight. There's still hope for seeing a loss this week!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning my weight loss sisters! As expected my turkery burger was totally awesome last night! I couldn't eat the whole thing though. He's smart and knew I'm trying to watch what I eat, make me a turkey burger with a wheat bun, no ketchup, sweet potato fries and lots of veggies on my burger. YUMMY! I thought it was pretty thoughtful.

    Julie-What's the update for today? Did you pee on a stick!?

    Heather-I love makeovers at MAC! They always do so awesome!!

    Purple-Hope you get your body in check soon. That sounds terrible. I use to have lots of digestive problems until I started this whole journey. Seems to be 110% better. Sorry if that's TMI. You will get there though. Your body just needs to adjust.

    Blue-I'll definitely be here when you hit the 200 club! I might STILL be in the 200s! You are a weight loss machine! Maybe I should try this soup you speak of. HMMMM!!!

    Ann-Yay for planning! I think that's great. Now stick with your plan.

    Lauren-It's always fun to have a workout buddy to keep you in line. Sounds like someone definitely did their research as far as putting the smoothie place there. Sounds YUMMO!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, seeing 50 lbs lost on your ticker makes me smile. That is all.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess, seeing 50 lbs lost on your ticker makes me smile. That is all.

    aww...thank you. :flowerforyou: That made my morning so much better! It almost brings tears to my eyes! I just looked back and my weight loss progress and this morning I weighed in at 212 on the dot so only .08 from last Friday and my lowest was 210.4 back at the begining of June. If I can see 210 this week I may cry like a little baby. I tried on my absoulte favorite dress, my homecoming dress from my senior year, so fall off 2001..was a size 16. I can finally get it over my hips and zipped up to just under my bra strap in the back. When that puppy fits again, I don't know where I'm going to wear it but it's gonna be somewhere! I'm almost "high school skinny"...:bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I suck at checking in..

    Calories: 1372...I'm guessing..not sure because of dinner..still have 234 left remaining. I felt full though!
    Sodium: 1865..again just a guess
    Exercise: 40 Minutes on the elliptical
    Water: 112oz
    Proud: That even though I was sore I went to the gym anyways! I kept myself in check all day and I saw the scale move again this morning.

    I think I met the challenge for yesterday. YAY!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The update for today is... I've decided I'm not pregnant. :laugh:
    I peed on a stick this morning just in case, and it was still negative.
    1st I'm 12 days late. And that's even assuming I had a longer cycle than normal. The sticks should read positive by now. I know it's *possible* to be pregnant at 12 days late and pee negative, but it's much more likely for me to be with the majority of women and not a rare case, right? Right.

    2ndly my uterus is trying to freaking KILL me today. Last night something just felt different and that's when it hit me that I don't think I am. I have a history of pretty nasty cramps with TOM and this morning feels like TOM with a "I've been kept at bay for 12 days" vengeance.
    Still no TOM officially, last I checked. I'm kind of scared of it after a 40 day lapse. I hope it doesn't make up for lost time. It sure feels like it's going to.

    Dh said we'd go out for dinner to celebrate if I am pregnant and we'll go out for lots of beer at our fav beer hall if I'm not. I'm pretty excited about beer. :bigsmile: 3 weeks apart is way too long.

    So, HOORAY!! :drinker: :happy: And also maybe a smidge :frown:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I was starting to worry! You usually have given an update by now. :laugh: I really hope you either get TOM or a positive reading soon. It might totally be a fluke and you could just be late. Even though it's never happened. mmm...beer...Not going to lie. I'm going to have me a couple on Friday. Country music concert at the North Texas State fair here I come! :drinker:
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