Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Haha on thinking I would mention pilates for the guy. Unfortunately, bed pilates is what got him into this mess, so not sure that would help. He'll probably be extra paranoid from now on. I saw your friend's pics yesterday...absolutely amazing!

    Deb: I :heart: Texas Roadhouse! I haven't gone since starting the weight loss journey, but may have to make a trip there soon (thanks!)...

    Nancy: You're awesome. Here you were all worried about not being able to lose during school and look at you go! :glasses:

    Cris: Plan the 100 party for us. I'm ready to celebrate with Nancy!

    Last night, I went shopping with my mom and bought two pairs of size 10 jeans that fit awesome. I can't get into a 10 in all of their styles yet, but I'll take what I can get. In the style I did buy, I was able to pull the size 8 completely on, but not quite button them yet. So exciting!

    Today, I'm wearing a size 12 that fit more like a 10 with a cute, bright blue button down and my high black boots. I'm feeling pretty good today, even though the scale said 191.2 *gasp* I'm blaming the Mexican food at 9pm last night. Whenever will I learn?

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 16
    Sodium: Over by 3985
    Water: 40 oz....Worst in a long time!
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That a size 8 is in sight!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    If Nancy is correct and I am indeed the biggest loser for last week, here is my challenge.


    1. Water - Get a minimum of 64 oz per day.
    2. Sodium - Stay under 2500 mg per day.
    3. If you happen to go over on sodium, drink more water to compensate. The more sodium, the more water.

    Yep, these are the two things that are hardest for me, yet affect my weight loss the most!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    If Nancy is correct and I am indeed the biggest loser for last week, here is my challenge.


    1. Water - Get a minimum of 64 oz per day.
    2. Sodium - Stay under 2500 mg per day.
    3. If you happen to go over on sodium, drink more water to compensate. The more sodium, the more water.

    Yep, these are the two things that are hardest for me, yet affect my weight loss the most!

    I love this challenge as I have been soo bad about my water lately and after last night i soo need to be flushed out...and to stay on top of the water I am about 20 oz down so far ...gooo mee!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-yay for being the biggest loser this week! I look forward to your challenge!! I've been struggling staying under 2500. I blame TOM! UGH! So it'll be a good challenge this week. And yes I agree. Clearly bed pilates got him into this! I talked to him a little today. He seems more upbeat. YAY! We will see tomorrow night how he's doing.

    Ann-Sorry your not feeling well! Rest up and take care of yourself.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather -- Congrats on being the biggest loser and thanks for the challenge! My sodium intake has been a little out of control lately, too. Unlike Jess, I have no TOM to blame, only myself. :tongue: My sodium intake today is already high because of my lunch (leftovers from dinner last night). but I've also gotten in a good 6 cups of water today already so that's a little better than it has been the last few weeks.

    I am stuffed from lunch. I wasn't even able to finish what I brought. It's amazing to me how much less food I can eat now without being very uncomfortable. I wonder if I just recognize myself as full faster now or if my stomach really did physically shrink that much.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I went to the Farmers Market on lunch and picked up lots of yummy treats. Spent a little too much money but I gotta get my eating back under control. I realized I have been eating like ZERO fruits and veggies. Cucumbers were on sale. YES!! :bigsmile: And strawberries. Hope their yummy! Made myself a turkey sandwhich with tomatoe and guacamole for lunch. The boards been quiet so I figured I would tell ya what I ate for lunch. :happy: Sorry! :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Since we're talking about our lunches....I had a Johnsonville Beddar Cheddar in a bun with ketchup and relish and some Mott's Strawberry No-Sugar Added applesauce and a Diet Cherry Coke. Not too bad. I may have some chips for a snack this afternoon because I'm still feeling a little hungry.

    I'm a bit behind on the water so far, but working on catching up.

    Nothing much exciting going on here. Can you say boring?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather that sounds tasty!! I've got my water in for today..WOOHOO!! Trying to save my calories. This OTHER dude I'm sorta dating (yeah, I'm awful, I know! But none of them are serious) is making me dinner tonight..hamburgers. He's trying to kill me. So far I've got 900 calories saved for dinner. I told him NO fries! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Since we are commenting on lunch :smile:

    I just got home from the gym ,and about to eat lunch. Tortilla, with ham and creamcheese rolled up ...they are yummy, and a bag of chips...What i had yesterday, like 370 cals..i know not the lowest on sodium so i may blow that out of the water but trying to drink drink drink!!
  • Couldn't resist the stick this morning. Still negative. :grumble: Feeling a little less pregnant and a lot more crazy every day. :huh:

    Julie- this made me lol :laugh: because both times I've been pregnant I've felt more crazy than ever! The hormones really mess with my brain and I get a major case of pregnancy mush brain! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Couldn't resist the stick this morning. Still negative. :grumble: Feeling a little less pregnant and a lot more crazy every day. :huh:

    Julie- this made me lol :laugh: because both times I've been pregnant I've felt more crazy than ever! The hormones really mess with my brain and I get a major case of pregnancy mush brain! :laugh:

    If idiocy is a symptom of pregnancy then there's no question. Normally I think I have a pretty respectable amount of sense but I've been pitiful the last couple of weeks. Last Friday, for example, dh's truck battery was dead so I needed to jump him (hehe) when I got home. When I get home from work, I consciously back into where I normally park because that way it'd be so much easier for hubby to DRIVE from where he was parked and pull his truck up to mine so that we could hook up the jumper cables. :huh:

    Holy moly. Epic brain fail.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok today is officially done for me with eating.Now that I am over calories I must get my big booty up and exercise this evening I mean come on enough is enough.I did not come on here to lose weight and start this journey only to go back to my old habits of laying around and doing nothing and feeling sorry for myself only to put all the weight I lost right back on I am keeping it off for good .I am the only person to blame for my weight and I am the only one who can get it off.Even though I don't feel well today I am still going to put in at least 30 minutes on my elliptical.I am just so tired of all the stares of people when I go out or when I go to my girls functions at school.Granted I may not be HUGE but I know I am not healthy and not at a good weight.I will not put on anymore weight I will only take it off.As of today I weigh 225 I have officially kept 31 pounds of that off for 2 years now.Its time to lose another 30+ pounds and get rid of this weight for good and be happy and healthy.I know this won't be easy but I do know that with the help of my sisters in weight loss I CAN DO IT!!! Thanks for listening!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Ladies, just a quick hello. I am at the school 5 days a week. Ryan is still improving everyday. Now if we could just get him to come into class from recess! uggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any how between my neighbor, my new job at the school and my regular daily duties I barely have enough time to breath. Thought I would check in and see if Julie is preggers and say hi to everyone.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIMPLY AMAZING MY FRIEND:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Ann, take care and don't be so HARD on your self!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    When I said new job at the school I meant my new volunteer job in the kinder class 5 days a week 2.5 hours a day. I sure hope my son gets this soon so I can drop that to 2x a week.:sick: :yawn:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-You are such an amazing woman! I love hearing your stories!

    Ann-I agree don't be so hard on yourself. You gotta get to the reason why you beinge and get passed that. You can't just shut it off. I know it's easier said then done. I'm getting back into my old habits of snacking at night. It sucks. You'll get there girl. :flowerforyou:

    Okay so I feel relieved now. He's not gonna make me a burger, I get a turkey burer. WHEW! :drinker:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi Ladies, just a quick hello. I am at the school 5 days a week. Ryan is still improving everyday. Now if we could just get him to come into class from recess! uggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any how between my neighbor, my new job at the school and my regular daily duties I barely have enough time to breath. Thought I would check in and see if Julie is preggers and say hi to everyone.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIMPLY AMAZING MY FRIEND:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Ann, take care and don't be so HARD on your self!!!!:flowerforyou:
    Thanks Momma I am sure your little man will get the hang of things soon.Paige started kindergarten yesterday she loves it and I am sure Ryan does too.Always thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers

    Nancy -I meant to say this earlier SIMPLY AMAZING MY FRIEND!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma-You are such an amazing woman! I love hearing your stories!

    Ann-I agree don't be so hard on yourself. You gotta get to the reason why you beinge and get passed that. You can't just shut it off. I know it's easier said then done. I'm getting back into my old habits of snacking at night. It sucks. You'll get there girl. :flowerforyou:

    Okay so I feel relieved now. He's not gonna make me a burger, I get a turkey burer. WHEW! :drinker:
    I shouldn't call it binging but I am like you NIGHT SNACKING SUCKS!!! Basically I just do it because I am bored if I have something to keep me busy I don't do it.Maybe I need to take up a craft at night lol.My husband says sex could be our new hobby all the time LOL
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Glad you're stopping in and that so far, Ryan seems to be doing okay.

    Jess: I've said it before and I'll say it again. There is nothing wrong with dating a few guys at once, as long as they know they aren't exclusive. Sometimes it just gets hard remembering all of the details about each one...siblings, pets, birthdays, etc. Whew! It's sure fun, though, so make the most of it! I think for your dinner, you should be fine with 900 calories. It's completely do-able.

    I'm a bit behind on my water intake today, but should be able to catch up. I typically try to have it all done during my shift at work so that I don't have to worry about it in the evening, but that's not the case today. The weekend threw me for a loop, I guess. I just hope I didn't undo my beautiful number too badly. If I could be back at 186.6 for Friday, with no loss, I'd be okay with that. I'm gunning for 185 next week, though, so watch out!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: I don't see why you shouldn't take up your hubby's suggestion for a night hobby!

    Jess: Be careful of the sodium in a turkey burger. I don't know about burger-type items, but I know turkey bacon has about double the sodium as normal pork bacon. I've heard (maybe from Julie?) that lean hamburger is usually a better option than ground turkey. Make sure if this is the case, drink LOTS of water to compensate for the extra sodium! Just watching out for ya! :wink:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Ann, I love the determination!! Realize that being on here, checking in with us, tracking -- those are all fantastic things that show that you are moving the in right direction. Celebrate the small successes!
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