Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • I feel icky....I'm sitting here at work feeling sicker and sicker. My throat hurts and now my right ear hurts. It hurts to swallow and even breathe! I am FREEZING so not sure if I've got a temp, as it's just cold in here. I hate being sick, my husband is working nights this week so it's just me when the baby wakes up at night, and of course he will!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    julie - I hope you get an answer soon. When i was trying to get pregant with serena, we had tried probably almost a year, and then i had an appt in november to see a obgym (i had just seen my normal doctor before that), i had made an appt, we went on a cruise at the end of october, I had drank some (not a whole lot, but some), came back the next week i found out i was pregant, i was real worried those few margritas i had were hurting my baby but luckily she was fine. I had several bouts of nausea thinking it was the sea sickess (may of been anyway :smile: )

    So i just blew my being good today :sad: THey had a thing from serena's school free kids meal at texas roadhouse (it is a steakhouse type of place), everything i got for dinner out was expired so we decided to go...i know i ate way too much probably over maintain, and i am sure mega mega sodium, i got on the scale (i know wrong thing to do) , and up 4 lbs...I know that isn't real and it will come back off in the next few days...

    Serena's 1st day seemed to go well..I picked her up and she said she a good, an awesome day...i had never heard those words together with school..She said she did struggle with the writing in the afternoon cause it was very loud...but hopefully she will do good...She said she is fine with riding the bus...
  • I got so busy today that I had no time to check in - yall have been busy!

    Julie - eagerly awaiting your news, regardless of what that news actually is!

    Started back to school today and just realized that this coming week is going to be insane. So I made myself an enormous stir-fry with brown rice, chicken, veggies, and a low-sodium soy sauce - that takes care of a few meals. Trying to schedule in some gym time as well so that my routine gets in place early. With this diet and exercise stuff, I need it to be automated.

    Today's check in:
    Calories - 730 under (yikes that's bad!)
    Water - about 5 cups
    Sodium - 1540 (960 under)
    Exercise - 10 minutes of laps in the pool this evening
    Proud - made it through the first day of class and even made myself a great dinner
  • Ooops....double post.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I ate a huge bowel of lentil soup for dinner and now I am bloated like nobody's business. I feel like the blueberry girl on Willie Wonka! :sick: :laugh:

    Heather, congrats on being the Biggest Loser! What's our challenge this week? I'm ready to do it!
  • Check in:
    calories: under by 180
    water: 12 or 13 cups
    sodium: over by 900
    protein: 110
    excercise: none
    proud: that I got at least 100gms protein in!

    My personal challenge is to up my protein to at least 100g a day. I'm hoping this will give me more energy. So got a random question, how often do you guys change your calorie goals? I'm thinking I'm gonna do mine with each weigh in. This week it only dropped me by 10 so not a huge shock and that's a good thing. I'm afraid if I wait to long I'll go change it and it'll drop by 100 or so and that'll be hard for me to adjust to.

    Meokk- I totally bombed the sugar challenge last week. I ate a lot of fruit for snacking purposes when I got the munchies. I am going to continue with it and try to keep my sugar at 50 per day. Hopefully I can do it :)

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Danielle - I only change my goals when it tells me i need to re-evulate then...i get big drop in cals :sad: can't believe i am down to 1330 , i have went from 1800 to 1330,...how much more can i really drop, i doubt it would put me under 1200 but I still got another 85 lbs to loose...guess wait and see..

    Well as i expected i am up this morning, about 2 1/2 lbs ...i know it is sodium from last night...which looking back was a huge mistake...oh well...work on being good the rest of the week.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: PUT YOUR PARTY HATS ON, GIRLS. CRIS, LET'S DO THIS! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I ate a huge bowel of lentil soup for dinner and now I am bloated like nobody's business. I feel like the blueberry girl on Willie Wonka! :sick: :laugh:

    A huge bowel. :laugh:
    AWESOME slip, Nancy! :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Couldn't resist the stick this morning. Still negative. :grumble: Feeling a little less pregnant and a lot more crazy every day. :huh:

    I also weighed this morning and it seems I'm holding steady at 193.4 which is amazing considering all the sodium I took in yesterday (oops). I've been eating quite a bit (trying to not have much of a deficit) so this is a definite yay! If I'm maintaining with what I'm eating now and I was maintaining with what I was eating before, that cements my suspician that my metabolism had slowed. Maybe if I'm not pregnant this little break from trying to lose (but trying to stay healthyish) is the kick my body will need (silver lining?).

    Nancy-- That ticker looks very good on you. :happy:
    Danielle -- More protein really helps me. I changed my calorie goals pretty often when I was losing steadily just so I could decrease gradually.
    Deb -- Nope, MFP won't put you under 1200 calories. What happens is that your deficit starts shrinking (and it needs to). I'm set to lose 1/2 pound/week right now so I'm allotted 1750 calories. I'm digging it. :laugh: But man, I struggle to get up there with healthy calories. I need to start making my breakfast bigger, I think.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - SOrry about the neg...hopefully can get one or the other soon...

    I just changed mine down to 1330 so hopefully i can stick there a while....I am sure evenutally i will have to loose my 2lbs a week deficit and decrease it but not ready to do it now...maybe another 50 lbs...if i can get there...

    I was soo close to 250 and now back up ....grrrrrr...i know it is sodium but still.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Yeah Nancy!!!

    Went to the gym last night for some treadmill time. I reached a new personal best and ran for 20 minutes straight! I did 1.6 miles in that time, which is a little over half a 5K. I was super proud of myself and just kept running along. It helped that I had great music that kept me motivated and I was able to say, "Keep going to the end of this song.....oh wait, this is a good song too - keep running!" I should have probably stretched a bit more afterwards, but I should get good and stretched out tonight at hot yoga. Feels good to be exercising again!!

    Purple - I totally agree that you need to find a routine and become "automated". I find I always do the best when I have a routine to follow.
    Julie - Love that you're seeing a silver lining if all the crazy is for naught.

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Under w/exercise - 1437
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - Running/walking for 35 minutes - more time running than walking!!!
    Proud - I ran for 20 minutes straight!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    I havent been logging in (not even lurking:frown: ) but thank goodness a little birdie had the sense to text me and let me know you HIT THE BIG 1-0-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    BLUE I AM SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU! You are so amazing....PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TIMEEEEEEE!!!! :devil: :love: :flowerforyou:

    OK seriously can you please PM me your address, even if its your work address, I really want to send you a gift! I LOVE YOU!!!:heart::heart:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    PS- Thanks for the heads up Jess..:wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    NAncy - I just saw you hit 100 ### I am soo freaking excited for you ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell how excited I am ...YAY YAY :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good job !!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    PS- Thanks for the heads up Jess..:wink:

    I figured you wouldn't want to miss Blue hitting the bit 100 Cris!

    Purple-I agree, get into a routine as quick as possible. It may be chaotic but when things slow down you will thank yourself!

    Julie-Sorry you still don't have an answer. I'm sure your wanting to beat your head against a wall by now. :flowerforyou:

    Lauren-Yay for getting back into the exercise routine!! That's awesome about your 20 minute jog! Great job!

    LilDebbie-You know that it's sodium. Use that to keep you in check for the rest of the week.

    Blue-You are amazing!! You overcame so many struggles this summer and you are rocking! You are back!! Great job girl. So so so proud of you!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I can't remember who asked about adjusting calories. Once I dropped to 1200 I didn't need to adjust mine anymore so I can't really answer that. I can't eat any less without starving!! With exercise I usually eat 1400-1500 though..sometimes more if I'm feeling like a pig!

    So I got my lazy butt up last night and did Last Chance Workout...OMG..I feel it today! And then I managed to drag my butt outta bed and force myself to the gym. I was DREADING it!! But I'm proud that I went. YAY ME!! :bigsmile: I'm sore...but a good sore. Not the oh I can't move sore!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Julie - Love that you're seeing a silver lining if all the crazy is for naught.

    Last night when i went to bed I was super nauseous. I told dh, "I feel like so much crap. I better at least get a[n] [effing] puppy or kitten out of this." :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Julie - Love that you're seeing a silver lining if all the crazy is for naught.

    Last night when i went to bed I was super nauseous. I told dh, "I feel like so much crap. I better at least get a[n] [effing] puppy or kitten out of this." :laugh:

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok so today hasn't started out well with food .I feel like crap and I just want to sleep today.In other words when I woke up this morning at 5am and began exercising I had to jump off after 10 minutes and make a run for the bathroom :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: .Needless to say I have been off and on in there all morning.Maybe today will be my break day.On the food note I suppose I can't eat the rest of the day or otherwise I will be over in calories because I just can't exercise today.Tomorrow will be better I know it will.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - sorry to hear you aren't feeling good...take it easy and work out again when you feel better.
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