Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Awww...Cris :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Snap out of it girl. You know how to do this, you've done it before and you'll do it again. One step at a time, one bite at a time quite literally. Forget today, it's OVER. Tomorrow morning I want you eating breakfast, logging your food and planning ahead and sticking to it like you used to. If you feel like you can't just jump back into 1200 cals a day right now - will you please please please commit to staying at maintenance and logging for a week ??

    Love you and it hurts to see you so down.

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Daily check in:
    Calories - 1240 (ate 1/2 of exercise)
    Water - 90oz
    Sugar - 38g
    Exercise - C25K Week 2 day 3...back up and running !!!!
    Proud - that I got off my butt and RAN :bigsmile:

    Heather - BTW - I'm rocking your challenges!!!!!! It's more luck than judgment though, I'm always good with sodium and water. So for an additional personal challenge I'm continuing to track my sugar as that seems to be my biggest downfall.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - Sorry to see you so down...I know you can get back , september is next week and this summer will be coming to an end soon...

    Check in -
    Cals - under by 95
    Water 100 oz .
    Exersice - 45 min (457 cals) on arc trainer
    Sodium - iN check
    Proud - I am getting back in the swing of things and hopefully stay here

    Serena didn't have a great day (not like the 1st 3 ), I am hoping it was just because she was super tired from all the HW last night. She got two marks for talking and for getting up when she wasn't supposed to (or something like that), and had al ittle accident....I mean not horribly bad, but hopefully it will not continue on this path...
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Check-in for today:

    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1223
    Water = 64 oz CHALLENGE MET
    Sodium = 1537 CHALLENGE MET
    Exercise - mile walk
    Proud - Great weigh in today...will share tomorrow on the "official" weigh in!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I haven't read the posts but I'll go ahead and weigh in. Sadly no loss for me this week. :sad: I guess I should be happy considering I was up almost 5 pounds last Friday...5 or 6 actually...so this is my weight from 2 weeks ago again. I thought I was just up from TOM coming last week. IDK. I'm really really sore so maybe my muscles are retaining water. So I pulled out my tape measure and my waist and hips are back where they were and I have lost 3 inches off each thigh and 2 inches on my arms and an inch around my neck. I guess I'll take it! Really wanna be outta the 2 teens! Here's to hoping I can get there next week! :drinker:

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls...

    I was pleasently suprised this morning. I got up early early when abby woke me up, i went and put some cartoons for her scale was up like last night but i was clothed and all...so i said whatever...then i got up and i was down to 251.9 i was like what...so i got on like 5 times same thing. then i went the bathroom and got rid of some what not and got back on, 251.1 ...i then got that like 5 times in a row...I am soo taking that :smile:

    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls...

    I was pleasently suprised this morning. I got up early early when abby woke me up, i went and put some cartoons for her scale was up like last night but i was clothed and all...so i said whatever...then i got up and i was down to 251.9 i was like what...so i got on like 5 times same thing. then i went the bathroom and got rid of some what not and got back on, 251.1 ...i then got that like 5 times in a row...I am soo taking that :smile:

    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%

    since jess took her measurments i decided to do it too!!! I lost 2 inches

    1 inch from my waist, 1/2 inch from my hips, 1/2 in from my chest (under the girls).

    these meausrements are a milestone for me, my chest is finally under 40, it has been of 40 for years...I know only 1/2 inch...but I am getting closer and closer to a 38 or even 36..I have the weirdest chest i think, not big out just big around, I am not big breasted and i am fine with it, I will never be over a b cup, but to me a normal like 38 or 36 b would be soo awesome.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good Morning girls.. This week has been so STRESSFUL I have just not had time to take care of myself like I should. I have not logged a thing, not been counting calories. But, I have been downing the water! I have been busy with all the in's and out's of moving a business!

    To my surprise as well this morning I am down 5 lbs.. I guess I am a little afraid to claim it as normally when I have a loss like this I usually gain the next week! For me I am sure it is my stress load right now.

    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%
    Cogirl........ -5.0...2.02%
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%
    Cogirl........ -5.0...2.02%
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I didn't have much of a loss, but I'll take the 0.2 lbs and run with it! I'm so happy to be recording a loss, no matter how small, after being up 6 lbs after my mom's party last weekend. I'm going to see 185 next week, darn it! It's my Labor Day goal and my first shot at meeting one of my goals on time since I've started my journey.

    Deb: Great job on the 3.3 lbs!

    Cogirl: Fantastic job! I'm glad you're taking credit for those 5 lbs.

    Meokk: I'm glad you're rockin' the challenge. I'm failing it, but on the plus side I've been looking more closely at my sugar after your challenge to Danielle.

    Cris: Hang in there! It's a huge accomplishment for you to check in with us and share your troubles. You'll get through it and figure things out. Please take on the challenge of at least sticking to maintenance calories and logging for the next week and re-evaluate them. We're not going to give up on you, so please don't give up on yourself.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 130
    Sodium: Over by 523
    Water: 89.7 oz.
    Exercise: Walking at volunteer work and bed pilates.
    Proud: I made a healthier eating choice last night than I would have before, even when I felt like I was starving. After I was done, though, I was glad I hadn't ordered more because it would have been an "eyes are larger than stomach" moment.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%
    Cogirl........ -5.0...2.02%

    So funny to me that TOM is raging, I've eaten at least 1700 calories most days this week, often hitting around 1900-2000, and I'm exactly the same weight as I was last Friday. 193.4. And since I'm bloated from TOM today, I may have actually lost fat. How many times can I beat into my brain that the reason I'm not losing steadily is because my metabolism is messed up? Proof proof proof right here. I can eat as much as I've eaten (and a lot of those calories haven't even been "healthy" cals) this week and not exercise one iota and stay the same weight. Or I can eat 1200-1400 calories a day and exercise 6 times a week burning 600 cals each time and not lose weight when I'm creating what should be near a 7000 calorie deficit for the week.
    Bah, I'm a dummy.

    So, I'm going to continue eating around maintenance cals until Monday. Then I'm going to stay somewhat near maintenance at around 1600-1700 cals a day and create my deficit with exercise and see how that goes for a while.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Heather - After you said about yoru labor day goal , i went and looked and just realized I met my labor day goal !!! WOOHOO...made me really excited.

    you will be to 185 i know it !!!!!

    COlorodo - WTG on the 5 lbs even if you weren't trying I am glad all the stress isn't making the scale go the other way for yoU !!!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Sounds you have a plan !! I am interested to see if that works out for you.
  • Jessica.......0......0%
    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%
    Cogirl........ -5.0...2.02%
  • Am at school in a team meeting, so will update and respond to everyone later. Congrats to everyone who lost!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    CoGirl-I'd claim those 5 pounds too! That's amazing!!

    Heather-I have no doubt you are going to see your 185 by labor day!! Keep it up!

    Julie-Sounds like you have a great plan of attack!

    Cris-I have to agree with the others. I like the idea of staying at maitence for a week or two to re-evaulate yourself. I miss you!

    Deb-Great job hitting your labor day goal!! You are amazing!!

    I can't remember what else I was going to post on. I'm bouncing back and forth from being upset about not losing, yet again this week to being excited I lost inches. I almost feel like I'm doing something wrong. Or maybe I'm with Julie and my metabolisim is jacked up too. IDK! I think I'm gaining muscle though since I have gone back into strength training. I'll give it another week or two. And I don't have a lot going on this weekend besides tonight so I plan to stay on track and track all my calories. I'm not going to track today. It helps me stay sane and I usually stay at maitence when I do this at least. Hitting the gym again tomorrow after taking this morning off. I have muscles that hurt that have never hurt before.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I lied. I gotta still track my calories today. I got a dress to fit into and I don't want to be going way over without knowing it. I can allow myself to stay in maitence but I still need to track. On that note I haven't had the dress on since sometime in July. I decided to put it on September 1st and not any sooner to see how it fits. I feel like weight is shifting around even if I'm not losing any. I sure hope so! I got 1 month and 2 or 3 weeks to get some weight off. Can you tell I'm stressing!?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, track your cals. If you go over, eh, you go over. But track them and take ownership for what you eat. Even on crappy days when I eat like 1900+ cals, I still track all those suckers. I find it helps me say, "OK, I ate that. Now moving on...."
    Cris, love ya girl. Know we're here and we're not going anywhere!

    I weighed in last night (and this morning) at.....177.4!! Yeah hooray! This is like a 3 lbs loss from last week. :noway: :love: However, seeing how the past months have gone, I have a big drop, then hover around (+/- 1 lb) for a few weeks and then have another big drop. Heaven forbid my body work normally and just lose .5/1.0 lbs a week. No, it has to be all dramatic! :laugh:

    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%

    Love to my losers and my maintainers!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm actually a little upset this morning, scale shows a 1 lb gain over last week.
    Last week I was even and the 2 weeks prior I only lost 0.8lbs each.
    So I went into the diaries and last week I had a total cal deficit of 3,573 and the week before it was 4,114. What gives????
    It's all very frustrating especially since I have been doing the calories cycling to some extent that worked very well for me in the past. Contemplating taking the lilspy route and eating more - your thoughts?

    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm actually a little upset this morning, scale shows a 1 lb gain over last week.
    Last week I was even and the 2 weeks prior I only lost 0.8lbs each.
    So I went into the diaries and last week I had a total cal deficit of 3,573 and the week before it was 4,114. What gives????
    It's all very frustrating especially since I have been doing the calories cycling to some extent that worked very well for me in the past. Contemplating taking the lilspy route and eating more - your thoughts?

    I'm with you. I looked back at my diary and it looks like I'm never hitting a net calorie of 1200...anybody think this could be my problem possibly?
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