Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm actually a little upset this morning, scale shows a 1 lb gain over last week.
    Last week I was even and the 2 weeks prior I only lost 0.8lbs each.
    So I went into the diaries and last week I had a total cal deficit of 3,573 and the week before it was 4,114. What gives????
    It's all very frustrating especially since I have been doing the calories cycling to some extent that worked very well for me in the past. Contemplating taking the lilspy route and eating more - your thoughts?

    I'm with you. I looked back at my diary and it looks like I'm never hitting a net calorie of 1200...anybody think this could be my problem possibly?

    Jess - I think that very well can be your problem, I know when i was not hitting a net of 1200 and i wasn't loosing, I always make sure i have a net of 1200 with my exersice cals, i usall end up eating almost all my cals (exercise included), been doing pretty good, only a few weeks with no weight loss, but usally has something else to blame.

    I would say if doing what you have isn't working..try eating more !!! See if it works.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm actually a little upset this morning, scale shows a 1 lb gain over last week.
    Last week I was even and the 2 weeks prior I only lost 0.8lbs each.
    So I went into the diaries and last week I had a total cal deficit of 3,573 and the week before it was 4,114. What gives????
    It's all very frustrating especially since I have been doing the calories cycling to some extent that worked very well for me in the past. Contemplating taking the lilspy route and eating more - your thoughts?

    I'm with you. I looked back at my diary and it looks like I'm never hitting a net calorie of 1200...anybody think this could be my problem possibly?

    That's another way to look at this so I did and in the past 28 days I had 7 days with a net of under 1200, 11 days of right on and 10 days of over probably because I usually eat at least 1/2 exercise cals.
    Logically I should have lost about 4-5 lbs during the 28 days and it drives me nuts when this journey is not logical. I feel as though that's all I have, if I can't count on counting the calories then what am I supposed to do.............
    Lilspy - you've been here, what do you say?
    Elmox - how are you losing 3 lbs in a week right now? I need your secrets
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-Thanks. I just have a hard time eating all my exercise calories because I don't always feel like they are accurate even though I have a HRM. I guess I could try eating a NET of 1200 and see how that goes. It wouldn't hurt. That would put me at eating about 1600 calories a day or so. Sorry I know I'm being neurotic. Just getting flustered.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Meokk and Jess -- I think the 3 of us are in the same boat.
    We're either underestimating the cals we eat, overestimating the cals we burn, or our metabolisms are slower than we think.

    With me, I'm pretty sure it's the latter, especially after this week.

    "Starvation mode" sounds all dramatic but it's not, really. If our metabolisms were up to snuff, we would not be able to create what we think is a 4000-7000 calorie deficit over each week several weeks in a row and not lose anything. Plain and simple, I think we have to give our bodies a little love, ladies. I already spelled out my plan of attack. I'll be the guinea pig if you guys want. :tongue:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Elmox - how are you losing 3 lbs in a week right now? I need your secrets

    Girl, I wish I knew! My weight loss has been a bit odd this summer. I have large drops (like 3-4 lbs) and then I hover around going up and down, then another large drop will happen. Up until June, I was losing pretty consistently. Mid-June is where it got wonky...

    6/8: 190.2
    6/15: 186.0
    6/22: 188.4
    6/29: 183.0
    7/6: 186.6
    7/13: 183.6
    7/23: 180.4
    7/30: 181.0
    8/7: 181.2
    8/20: 180.6
    8/26: 177.4

    I'm honestly just keeping on....tracking my food, exercising. There are days when I'm over my cals, they are days when I'm under. I wish I had a good reason or a fancy secret to share. I guess the secret is persistence!

    I am 100% I will likely hang around 177 (NOT COMPLAINING!!) for a few weeks and then have another decent size drop. Apparently that's how my body likes to do it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Debra .......-3.3...1.29%

    My weigh in doesn't need to count towards the biggest loser because I haven't been here in a few weeks and I haven't weighed in .I also had gained some back that I lost again this week so I am ok with not being the biggest loser because I feel like I cheated if I was.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Congrats on meeting your Labor Day goal! That's exciting.

    Jess: I personally lose either weight OR inches...never both at the same time, which seems so odd to me, but it's how my body works. Don't get frustrated about the numbers on the scale if you're losing inches. Soon, it will flip flop and everything will even out. Patience, my dear! I know, easier said than done!

    Meokk: Yes, I think you should eat more!

    Julie: Thanks for offering to be the group guinea pig. You're awesome.

    Apparently my metabolism must be faster than I ever thought because I eat way more calories than you ladies. It seems really weird to me. I eat 1800 calories a day WITHOUT exercise and am over 2,000 with exercise. Someone explain that one to me. I feel like a piggy, eating that many calories while everyone else is at 1200-1400. But, if I don't eat that many calories, I either don't lose or I gain...a lot.

    Does anyone know where I could get my metabolism tested? I've done the ones where you stand on a scale and they put electrodes on you (common in gyms) and it tells you your estimated burned calories at rest (BMR), but they never really explain what that means. Last time I was checked my BMR was just about 1400.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    How tall are you Heather ? I'm trying to figure out how much to up my intake.

    Elmox - thanks for sharing your weekly weights, you really do hover and drop. We are in almost the same place, I'm at 175 you are at 177 but interestingly you have lost 13 lbs since June 8th while I've only lost 5. Do you go over 1200 net most days?

    Lilspy - thanks, as always, I'll guinea pig along with you just trying to figure out how many cals to add on.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-You are right that inches is good to. I just hadn't taken the measurements from the legs and arms in God knows how long so I don't know how "new" that is. Regardless it's a good thing. Trying to not get discouraged

    Julie-Way to offer up being a guinea pig for us! :drinker: I haven't tracked on the weekends in awhile so I think I'm going to track my calories this weekend and next week try to get at least 1100 net calories and see how the scale is affected. I could also be very well retaining water due to all the strength training I have done this week. I haven't felt this sore in a long time. If that doesn't work, I may try upping my calories. I think my metabolisim is really really slow. Not sure what to do about that. Heather, can I have yours!?
  • Apparently my metabolism must be faster than I ever thought because I eat way more calories than you ladies. It seems really weird to me. I eat 1800 calories a day WITHOUT exercise and am over 2,000 with exercise. Someone explain that one to me. I feel like a piggy, eating that many calories while everyone else is at 1200-1400. But, if I don't eat that many calories, I either don't lose or I gain...a lot.

    I'm the same way - I am supposed to be eating about 1800 without exercise, even though I often still end up under for the day.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    meokk -- I think I'm going to go back to where I was this week and select "lose 1/2 pound per week" as my goal. That puts me at 1750 cals (5'4", 193.4#, sedentary)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh and if anyone feels like rooting around in my diary, feel free. It should be open to anyone on my friends list and I'll be interested to hear your thoughts.
    I log everything except for diet sodas but I only have 1-3 of those per week.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, my diet should take care of roughly 1/2 pound per week. And if I exercise pretty intensely for 3 hours each week, that should take care of another 1/2 pound. 1 pound per week guinea pig trial, here I come! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Heather - what do you have yoru weekly loss at...I know I am much much bigger than you (like 80 lbs) and my pre-exercise cals are 1330., i am set to a 2 lbs a week loss, but if you are a lot taller i think get more too...I am 5'6.

    Ann - WTG on the 5 lbs!!

    Elmo - weird about your hover and drop..but at least you are dropping..

    September is upon us next week (not that it will be cool here in TX or anything) but the summer months are behind us. We WILL all get it together for those that have been not feeling it...you can do this and get back on saddle for those that having some wacked out weighins, metoblisms or whatever else you will get it going too...and to everyone else...this is our time !!! We will do it!!!

    Okay just needed a peptalk to myself too :smile:

    I am soo excited about this and all the weight we will lose before 2011 girls we can do it. My goal is to joine Nancy in the over 100lb loss club. My goal is to be 100 loss by 2011...It may be aggressive , if i don't hit it , it will be okay, but something to strive for. I have 33.1 1lbs to loose 4 month..that is pretty much a strict 2lbs a week...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    meokk -- I think I'm going to go back to where I was this week and select "lose 1/2 pound per week" as my goal. That puts me at 1750 cals (5'4", 193.4#, sedentary)

    I set mine at 2 pounds per week but it estimates that I will lose 1.7 pounds on the 1200 calories. I wonder if this is just a good ole fashion plateau for me. Dang it this is frustrating! I've had a hard time eating my calories with my exercise calories this week for some reason. Last week was no problem! Must of been TOM. I'm giving what I'm doing 1 more week to see what happens, if I don't lose then I'm changing something!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-I love your pep talk!! I'm pepping myself up to get this thing going and not give up! I love it!! Thank you! :drinker:

    Julie-I'm excited about your plan. If it works for you and I see no loss again next week, I'm joining you! That way I will have given what I've been doing a month to work. Clocks ticking on fitting into my dress!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    So, my diet should take care of roughly 1/2 pound per week. And if I exercise pretty intensely for 3 hours each week, that should take care of another 1/2 pound. 1 pound per week guinea pig trial, here I come! :tongue:

    Are you doing 1590 daily then? that's what MFP gives me if I set it to 1/2 lb loss per week.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Meokk, just ran a report for my cals for the last 29 days.

    Days under 1200 net: 8
    Days right around 1200 net (there's not line there so I'm guestimating!): 7
    Days over 1200 net: 12

    I have no idea what that means, but there's the info!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, my diet should take care of roughly 1/2 pound per week. And if I exercise pretty intensely for 3 hours each week, that should take care of another 1/2 pound. 1 pound per week guinea pig trial, here I come! :tongue:

    Are you doing 1590 daily then? that's what MFP gives me if I set it to 1/2 lb loss per week.

    For me it's 1750. I'm fatter than you. :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    This just blows my mind how everybody is so different. We all gain weight the same. Why can't it be simple to lose!? :laugh: But nooooo!! :tongue:
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