Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - I am sorry about TOM lurking and still negative. If TOM comes i hope it is not mean to you...you don't deserve that !!! But beers would be good.

    I really need to start working on something at work but instead of i have been chasing a not im portant issue...i better get with it...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Your dinner sounds fantastic! What a sweet guy...better than the one who always stayed too late when you wanted to get to the gym! I love MAC makeovers, too, except for the time one of the gay guys made us up to look like drag queens with peacock blue eyeshadow. Gotta love him, though...after I washed off the makeup, anyway.

    Lauren: You're almost to the 50 lbs lost yourself! I'm a bit jealous, but still proud of you!

    Jess' story reminded me that the other night I tried on the Gap dress that I wore for New Year's Eve my senior year of high school. It now fits again (size L), but would need a good, strong shaper. I'm better it will be 10-20 lbs and the thing will look awesome! I'm 37 pounds away from my goal of 150 and it makes me wonder if I'll want to go even further. I realize I'm jumping ahead by thinking about this, but I like having a long-term game plan, as well as a short-term one. As of right now, I'm thinking that once I hit 150, I'll really focus on toning and strength more than cardio and see what happens. Heck, maybe at that point, I'll be ready for P90X (haha, riiight).
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess' story reminded me that the other night I tried on the Gap dress that I wore for New Year's Eve my senior year of high school. It now fits again (size L), but would need a good, strong shaper. I'm better it will be 10-20 lbs and the thing will look awesome! I'm 37 pounds away from my goal of 150 and it makes me wonder if I'll want to go even further. I realize I'm jumping ahead by thinking about this, but I like having a long-term game plan, as well as a short-term one. As of right now, I'm thinking that once I hit 150, I'll really focus on toning and strength more than cardio and see what happens. Heck, maybe at that point, I'll be ready for P90X (haha, riiight).

    I have been thinking the same thing...but got lots more to go :smile: My ultimate goal right now is 168 , i know weird number, but it is 150 lbs lost. I am wondering when i hit that am i going to want more ..Hubby is about 35 lbs to his goal, and he is wondering the same thing, is 35 lbs going to be enough...When we were both soo used to be being fat, and were that way for a long time we just don't know what is the best "final" weight. i tell him i guess we will just know....i don't forseeing even getting close to my "goal" weight for at minimum another year, maybe more :sad: :sad:

    I have less than 10 lbs now till 75 lbs, which is good in itself, but it is my 1/2 way point , so after that it is going downhil loosing less than i had lost...I am hoping to be there by my 1 yr anniversy with MFP which is in october.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Since were on the subject. I don't know why I picked 150. Looking at everyone's goals on this site it looks like that is a common number for people to pick. :laugh: I don't ever remember being 150. I remember creeping up to 180 sometime in middle school or high school and then bam I was 230 and from there I remember nothing until I was in the 260's. So maybe I weighed in that in kindergarten. HAHA..jk jk! I think everyone re-*kitten* their goals as they get closer. The important part is we are healthy.

    LilDeb-How's Serena doing in her school so far?

    Heather-I'm sure by the time you hit that goal you will be ready for P90X. My best friend has a copy of insanity and is trying to get me to try it. I'm too scared! :laugh:

    I told my co worker to try 30 Day Shred..she tried it this morning. She said they have a love hate relationship. :laugh: Think I'm going to have to squeeze in the 30 day shred before my date tonight. Hope I have time!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    UGH. Just got back from a team lunch - pizza. I had 1 1/2 slices. Should have stuck with 1! :laugh: :sick: Feel so ridiculously full now. I am reminded why I don't eat pizza that often!

    The presentation went well this morning. Finished it just in time and am happy with the results. Hooray!

    Got another meeting to prep for...talk with you later!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I agree with everyone else Heather we all rethink our goals once we are within reach of them.Right now I would love to be out of these stinking 200's for good thats my first goal.My ultimate goal is to get to 130 because my doc says that would be a healthy weight for my body structure.I have a small bone structure so thats particularly why my bones ache all the time because of the excess weight.But I would be happy at 150 or even 160 right now until I could make 130 happen.Anything is better than 200 + for me.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I have to go here in a minute but thought I would check in. Ryan gave me such a hard time at school today. My answer was to swing by taco bell and eat tooooooooooooo much. Any how I never thought I was an emotional eater but wake up call today I am def. a stress eater. That boy of mine!! I love him so much and I am trying. He is getting better everyday so I need not complain we all have bad days and he has had several fantastic days. So now that I am fully aware and no longer in denial I need to realize that when I get stressed I turn to food. Thanks for the vent.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Made it to the gym at lunch ..woohoo..i was having some motivation issues, but still got 45 min, 350 cals burned...It was pretty low intestinty i would say today, but i am going back at 6:30 for water aerobics class so figured that was all okay.

    Jess - thanks for asking about serena. she is doing soo good...that is the 2days...but these 2 days much better than 1st grade 1st 2 days. she has said she has had good days at school, and even said last night that this is going to be a good year...I am hoping it is..
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Regarding the goal weight thing, I should make an appointment with a doctor and see what they say I should weigh. I don't have a family practice doctor right now because it's been a long time since I've needed one. My gyno this spring didn't tell me a specific weight I should be reaching for. Who would be best to ask? I picked 150 because it's what I weighed in high school, so I thought it was a good goal. Who knows. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how I feel after I lose another 20-30 lbs.

    Jess: Try the Insanity and let me know how it goes. It intrigues me, but there is NO way I would pay so much money for it. I'm truly thinking about ordering ChaLean Extreme, though, since it's a strength program and the workouts are 20-30 minutes in length. P90X workouts are an hour or more most days of the program...yuck! I'm not that disciplined!

    I got two more of the 10 Minute Solution DVDs from Amazon this week, but haven't tried either of them yet. One is a kickboxing one and the other is Hot Body Bootcamp. Once I try them, I'll let you know what I think. They were less than $7 each with shipping. I'm truly addicted to workout DVDs....well, buying them anyway!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Not gonna lie...havent read any of the posts...kinda skimmed through (barely) but I think I'll just start lurking from this point on....

    So what'd I miss? Jess has a new BF, Julie is/isnt preggo, Blue hit 100....anything else I should know?

    So here is my thing...summer sucks! lol. I am so done with it. (We all already knew that) But the weather seems to finally be cooling down and I sense some (not much yet, but some) motivation coming back. I promised blue Id come back Monday ready to rock and roll, so I'll be here with bells and whistles on, but from now til then Ill jsut lurk and post something when I feel I need to

    I havent weighed myself out of sheer fear. I am prob a little over 200 at this point. Truth be told I dont care right now, but its not where I want to be

    As for why I chose 150....I have always been told by Drs that 150 would be a good weight for me. When I had my PT session the trainer told me that without any fat or muscle on my body I weigh 135lbs....so 150 (maybe even a bit more) is a great target for me! 135+ some fat+ some muscle should add up to that weight range.

    Thanks to everyone who reached out to me, love you girls!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-Sounds like Serena is off to a great start. YAY! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Heather-I love to buy workout DVD's as well. Have a hard time using them. I started renting them from netflix now first to see how I like them. I have one waiting for me on my Wii that a friend suggested. It's a Pilates DVD. Might give it a try tonight. We will see

    Cris-I MISS YOU!! But you already know that. :flowerforyou:

    I'm sooo freaking excited! I just got on the scale at work and I am only .6 pounds up from this morning. That's a good sign! That's clothed and already passed 2 meals today...oh boy oh boy boy could I see a 210 or possibly a 209.9!? That would be amazing. I would cry!! Sorry. I'm overly excited!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Deb-Sounds like Serena is off to a great start. YAY! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Heather-I love to buy workout DVD's as well. Have a hard time using them. I started renting them from netflix now first to see how I like them. I have one waiting for me on my Wii that a friend suggested. It's a Pilates DVD. Might give it a try tonight. We will see

    Cris-I MISS YOU!! But you already know that. :flowerforyou:

    I'm sooo freaking excited! I just got on the scale at work and I am only .6 pounds up from this morning. That's a good sign! That's clothed and already passed 2 meals today...oh boy oh boy boy could I see a 210 or possibly a 209.9!? That would be amazing. I would cry!! Sorry. I'm overly excited!
    I sure hope you see that 209 girlie you definitely deserve it!!!
  • It's just "one of those days". It's my last before a 4 day weekend. I've finally given up on hearing anything back from my interview last week. :frown: We are constantly adding to my daughter's punishment instead of having good days. And a coworker asked me today if there is something wrong with her. :cry:

    This is my fear. We have issues, I can't and won't even try to deny it. The "issues" have gotten WAY out of control since the baby was born. And at first I thought: 'sibling rivalry' but no it's not that. I think it was part of a catalyst for all of her "issues" to come to a head. That one day she got a new brother and a new parent. Yes I was married before that but my husband was never home except the weekends. So every weekend she got a "dad" whether biological or step. But during the week she got mom, which is what she always had.

    Well I know I posted a while ago about putting locks on the fridge, everyone seemed against that. But I sat down with her and talked to her about it. She said she doesn't know why she eats that much, or that often, and she wishes I could just make it go away. So I told her about us thinking about locking the fridge, freezer and pantry. She then ASKED for us to do this. Every day until we got the lock kits she wanted to know when we were gonna get the locks for her. So we finally did this and it's working. Well we haven't gotten the locks for the pantry yet and last night, in the middle of the night she got up and made Ramen. She hates Ramen! Then she went into the basement to hide and eat it. In the process made a mess and my husband found it this evening.

    Discussing this with one of my closest coworkers that is when she asked, if there was something wrong with her. This isn't something I take offense too, because she meant it in the best of ways. She suggested keeping a journal of all her behaviors. Every day for at least a week. Write everything down. Then go to her pediatrician and see what comes from it. Well I am not someone who leaves it to doctors. So I googled childhood emotional and behavior disorders. Read for about an hour and came across ODD. And that's kind of where I lost it. Reading the symptoms is like reading a descriptor of my daughter. Every. Single. One. :cry: :brokenheart:

    I am so upset now. I am still going to journal her behaviors. But I think I'm going to make an appointment with her pediatrician tomorrow for sometime next week or the week after, so we will already have it. So I've been sitting here for 2 hours sad and intermittently crying because I don't want my daughter to have a "problem" at least not anything diagnoseable. The stigma that comes with mental health disorders is terrible. I do not want her to have that label at 12 years old.

    i want a candy bar....lots of chocolate now please, followed by a cigarette, or 5 and some alcohol....thank you :cry:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Daniell - I am soo sorry for your issues with your daughter. I have been taking my duaghter to a conselor and not a psyc (but no drugs yet, but running tests)....A counsleor may just help her deal with her feelings..I know when i take my duaghter there are a lot of pre-teens and teens in there. Just a thought...As i am and i am thinking many others, emotional eaters, so she may not want to eat but just feeding her emotions...i know when i am mad i don't want to eat but i do at the same times.

    I really hope you get some answers, it could be as little as going through puberty. I know when my niece was around 12 she gained quite a bit of weight but then the last few years it came off.

    SO 3rd day of school...she came home with like 9 pages of homework...we got through the 1st part pretty good...then of course the writing was tough..she was i think trying at first but was sooo tired, it was like an hour past her bed time and was just in tears...I was helping her but i lost it a couple of times...we haev left it 1/2 done and hopefully finish in the morning, she went up stairs went in her bed, and said i am going to sleep, no stories, no nothing , just plopped in the bed in the dark . I bet if i went up there right now she would be dead asleep.

    I am hoping this isn't a nightly thing...I know some of this is stuff they didn't finish in class.
  • Deb, Thanks for the words of encouragement. Noah has been having issues on and off for a few years. I had her in with a LLP 2 years ago after her threatening to commit suicide for 2 months straight. Her response was mediocre. I would complain about the homework load for Serena, that's a lot. Talk to the other 2nd grade teachers, maybe this one doesn't have good time management skills or she expects to much from her students. I mean 9 pages! Holy Cow! Noah has never brought home 9 pages.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - chances are if Serena had difficulty finishing it all, so did a lot of others in the class. I am betting it was a one-time thing, unless she has a new teacher who is clueless. I forgot the ratio of how many minutes a child should spend on homework according to his/her age. I'll look it up. I can *feel* your anxiety and hopefulness that this school year stays stable for her. Relax and take a deep breath. :heart: Stay positive!
    Danielle - {{{hugs}}} I think journaling is a very good idea and presenting that to her pediatrician is fabulous. Middle-of-the-night eating, especially things she doesn't even like, is usually stress related, and we all know how stressful that wonderful, turbulent age of 12 can be - SO much pressure at school, peer and education-wise. You may find from the doctor that she just needs someone to talk to so that she can learn better coping techniques. Hang in there - you are doing the right thing by seeing the doc. :flowerforyou:

    Well, I really blew the sodium challenge today. Ugh. I am TRYING to overcompensate with water, but at some point I am gonna burst so...it is what it is. :tongue:

    check in:
    cals; OK
    water: 100 and counting
    sodium: over by 1200 (:noway: :grumble: :ohwell: )
    exercise: 15 min. walk and dancing with my students (I love being more mobile!)
    proud: I can stand the entire time I teach now. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks girls ...I am not sure if this is everyday kinda thing (or serena misunderstood) they basically gave a packet on monday and tuesday and they had to finish it by tomrorow..guess we will see..

    ALso i don't know if serena wasn't doing it when she was supposed to or taking too long...She was doing the pages so i know she was doing something...We will see...the writing is the most hard thing for her...i am hoping after a night rest that she is better.
  • Check in:
    Calories: under by 317
    sodium: under by 183
    protein: 75 so under by 25
    sugar: right on at 50
    water: 7 cups
    Proud: that I didn't break down and eat a candy bar (or 2)

    I had to force myself to eat a little more at the end of my day otherwise I'd have been to far under. Funny thing is if I'd have allowed myself I couldve eaten a candy bar or two.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    It's just "one of those days". It's my last before a 4 day weekend. I've finally given up on hearing anything back from my interview last week. :frown: We are constantly adding to my daughter's punishment instead of having good days. And a coworker asked me today if there is something wrong with her. :cry:

    This is my fear. We have issues, I can't and won't even try to deny it. The "issues" have gotten WAY out of control since the baby was born. And at first I thought: 'sibling rivalry' but no it's not that. I think it was part of a catalyst for all of her "issues" to come to a head. That one day she got a new brother and a new parent. Yes I was married before that but my husband was never home except the weekends. So every weekend she got a "dad" whether biological or step. But during the week she got mom, which is what she always had.

    Well I know I posted a while ago about putting locks on the fridge, everyone seemed against that. But I sat down with her and talked to her about it. She said she doesn't know why she eats that much, or that often, and she wishes I could just make it go away. So I told her about us thinking about locking the fridge, freezer and pantry. She then ASKED for us to do this. Every day until we got the lock kits she wanted to know when we were gonna get the locks for her. So we finally did this and it's working. Well we haven't gotten the locks for the pantry yet and last night, in the middle of the night she got up and made Ramen. She hates Ramen! Then she went into the basement to hide and eat it. In the process made a mess and my husband found it this evening.

    Discussing this with one of my closest coworkers that is when she asked, if there was something wrong with her. This isn't something I take offense too, because she meant it in the best of ways. She suggested keeping a journal of all her behaviors. Every day for at least a week. Write everything down. Then go to her pediatrician and see what comes from it. Well I am not someone who leaves it to doctors. So I googled childhood emotional and behavior disorders. Read for about an hour and came across ODD. And that's kind of where I lost it. Reading the symptoms is like reading a descriptor of my daughter. Every. Single. One. :cry: :brokenheart:

    I am so upset now. I am still going to journal her behaviors. But I think I'm going to make an appointment with her pediatrician tomorrow for sometime next week or the week after, so we will already have it. So I've been sitting here for 2 hours sad and intermittently crying because I don't want my daughter to have a "problem" at least not anything diagnoseable. The stigma that comes with mental health disorders is terrible. I do not want her to have that label at 12 years old.

    i want a candy bar....lots of chocolate now please, followed by a cigarette, or 5 and some alcohol....thank you :cry:
    Danielle -Let me just say first I know what you are going through.My step son had ODD at 10 years old we had to take him to apyschologist for about 3 years before we started to see improvement.We were given the option of medication but we didn't take it because I feel very strongly about not medicating children unless its necessary for healing.So in counseling they did different methods and activities with him so he could learn to control his urges of an outburst.His was a bit different he didn't like to be told what to do or when to do it.Just know by sitting and listening to her and letting her know you are there for her she will appreciate it and she will start to learn to cope better if you see a counselor and get a proper diagnoses.Mine son is almost 18 (Feb-8th) and he is enlisted in the military now and doing wonderful.THere is hope my friend and its nothing you can't handle as a mother.If you ever need to talk feel free.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Danielle -Sorry about your daughter. I'm new to this post - just came across it this am. But I thought I'd mention a book I'm reading called "The Hormone Diet" by Natasha Turner ND. She mentions "Night Eating Syndrome" - where you wake up at night to binge eat. She describes 16 hormonal states that lead to weight gain, tests to ask your doctor to do and ways to bring hormones back into balance. It may be a part of the puzzle. Best to you and yours.
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