Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    What have I missed ???? Any big news?
    I've been gone all week basically because stupid work is so stupid busy right now.

    Well, I should get to read back a little bit later today but missed you all.

    I've doing OK food wise, still logging, if only on my phone, and keeping my cals and water where they should be.

    xoxoxo for now
  • Morning everyone! *waves*

    Here's last night's check-in:

    Calories: under by 544
    Water: 72 oz
    Sodium: under by 639
    Exercise: Week 3 day 1 of C25K!
    Proud: I went to sleep early and got a full night's rest.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather -- I have failed your challenge miserably. I'm wallowing in the 3700mg of sodium I consumed yesterday. Will do better today, promise.

    Nancy -- I'm so proud that you can stand the whole time you teach! That's amazing! Gosh, look how far you have come. :happy:

    I'm hanging out at maintenance-ish for the rest of the week. I just need to after the last couple of weeks.

    *Final* update (hooray, right?): I can now confidently say I'm officially NOT pregnant (unless I'm some kind of superfreak)! :laugh: After trying to kill me all morning, TOM showed up yesterday evening. I told dh when I got home from work and he was... disappointed. :huh: To say that I was completely shocked by his reaction is a mega understatement. A few minutes later he said "Well... I've learned that I'm a whole lot more ready to have kids than I thought." :noway: That's pretty much verbatim what I told my best friend about it yesterday.

    Dh and I decided that after he graduates in December & gets settled in a stable full-time job, we'll actually start trying. :bigsmile: I'm soooo much more excited and soooo much less freaked out about the thought of doing that now. I'm glad my body decided to freak me the eff out for 2 weeks. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Danielle-I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles with your daughter. I am however so incredibly proud that you didn't eat any candy bars. That says a lot about how far you've come. Sounds like you are taking the right approach to get your daughter help. Sending hugs your way!

    Nancy-That's so amazing you can stand and teach the whole time. You have come so far. You must feel amazing!

    Deb-9 pages!? Holy smokes! Hope she got some more finished this morning and this is not a preview of what's to come for the school year.

    Julie-Talk about a good test to see if your ready for kids huh? Sounds like you and your dh have a great plan worked out for starting a family. :drinker: Better get all your drinking in prior to December. :laugh:

    Checking In

    Water: 80oz
    Exercise: Level 2 of 30 Day Shred....I wanted to DIE!!
    Proud: Even though I was sore I worked out, again, and stayed on track for the challenge. The scale is showing 211.6 this morning...ahhh...wonder if I drown myself in water if I can lose 1.7 pounds. I'd be thrilled to see a 209.9!!:bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hi girls!

    Julie- just a heads up...when you DO start trying...I took 9 months for me to get preggo with Brayden. I was all freaked out thinking there was something wrong with me...and then when I FINALLY got a positive result I was still scared ****less. I was ready but its still so scary when you find out you are now responsible for someone else's well being! GOOD LUCK and Congrats on having the big talk with hubby! Bobby and I will be trying for #2 September 2011, <3
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I am up and ready to start my kindergartenf morning.:tongue:

    Nancy, wow you have really come a long way I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Julie, I think your new plan is a good one. It is a wonderful thing to have children if you want them. I think you will find that you love it!!!!

    Danielle, I am sorry about your struggles with your little girl. I think you are wise to keep a log and share it with the pediatrician.

    Cris, when I *try* to get preggers it never happens. My oldest child was was born 36 weeks to the day of the first time ( I did not know my hubby before that day :laugh: if you know what I mean,) My second child was the minute I decided to switch birth control pills. Then there is my 3 rd child we tried for a long time and nothing happened. So I said you know what maybe we should just get back on birthcontrol and try another time. BAM I am pregnant. Then we had not even started trying with my son we only discussed discontinuing preventive measures and had never quit preventing and BAM there was my son.:laugh: So personally I think just relaxing and not trying works better :laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie- just a heads up...when you DO start trying...I took 9 months for me to get preggo with Brayden. I was all freaked out thinking there was something wrong with me...and then when I FINALLY got a positive result I was still scared ****less. I was ready but its still so scary when you find out you are now responsible for someone else's well being! GOOD LUCK and Congrats on having the big talk with hubby! Bobby and I will be trying for #2 September 2011, <3

    I was thinking about how nervewracking it must be to have a late TOM when you're actually trying. I hope it doesn't take a super long time just because I don't know if my nerves can take it. :laugh: But if it does, oh well, I'm sure dh will be happy with all the "trying." He's already pretty excited about the "practicing." :tongue: Maybe instead of "trying" and charting and obsessing we'll just relax like Momma suggested. That sounds like a lot more fun. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Danielle: I can't imagine how difficult it is to think your daughter may have a diagnosable condition. However, as you heard from Ann, it isn't such a terrible thing. I also have experience working with children with ODD in the therapeutic horseback riding program I work with. I've learned from the parents of these children that everything improves when they find a hobby they really love because it's something they can feel good and confident about and in order to do it, they have to behave the rest of the time. Just remember, we're here for you! **Hugs**

    Julie: I'm glad you can stop freaking out now, though it was entertaining more me to see if you'd POAS each day. It's great, though, that you and hubby are now on the same page and have a plan for a family. Yay!

    Cris: I'm so glad you're come back to at least lurk. I'm also happy to hear you've found a glimmer of motivation and here's to hoping it will blossom again. You're so awesome that I don't want you to give up because I know you can reach your goals. Love ya!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 47
    Sodium: Over by 1639...FAIL!
    Water: 75.6 oz.
    Exercise: Volunteer work
    Proud: That I volunteer with such amazing, awesome, caring, thoughtful people. Last night after our lessons, the three other instructors told me that they made an executive decision and that the program is sending me to the national NARHA Conference in Denver in November! I had applied for a scholarship to go and didn't receive it (through NARHA), so I wasn't going to be able to go.

    I feel bad that I now won't be going to my boyfriend's family reunion, but he's encouraging me to go to the conference even though he's disappointed I won't be going with him. Just another reason he's so awesome!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    We made to Kentucky Lake and back in one piece! I have LOTS to catch up on (work, posts, LAUNDRY)... so I will hopefuly be able to provide a real post later :)

    Busy busy busy! (Which includes avoiding the scale... I'm afraid I wasn't all that good this past week)

    Missed you all :)

    OH! PS - thanks to blue for the "come back!" comment :) I promise I haven't left.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning gals,

    Miss ya all so much!!!

    I have missed so much...I bet!

    I did see that Blue/Nancy has lost 100+. My weight loss sista, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :heart: AWESOME GIRLY:bigsmile:

    I can't wait until Ramadan is over. I can't stand eating at night and then going to bed. I have felt overly stuffed with water, food, and coffee. I can't stand the feeling especially when I am trying to sleep. I drink about 4 cups of water before I head to bed because I feel so thirsty when I first wake up...

    I have to go finish what I was doing. I miss ya all and hope to get back to the route of things soon.

    Love and kisses,

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Glad to hear the news LittleSpy - either way it would have been good but at least now you can stop obsessing and POAS and get back into your eating habits and beer drinking :drinker: :drinker:
    We are actually in a similar place to you, the primary motivation for my weight loss is to have a healthy pregnancy so we are planning to start trying when I'm down about another 25-30 lbs, normal weight range, or very close to it.
    The silver lining is that when you do start trying for real you'll be even healthier than you are now. <<HUGS>>

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Blue - I am SOOOOOOO proud of you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Danielle - sorry about your daughter - I had not heard of ODD so I looked it up and it sounds like a difficult thing to diagnose, all of the symptoms sound like how most teenagers behave - is ODD just more extreme than normal teen?
    Great job not feeding your anxiety with food :drinker: :drinker:

    Deb - glad to hear Serena is doing well in school and trying her best and having "awesome" days :drinker: :drinker:

    Momma - you just keep doing the best you can for Ryan, you are such a good momma :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cris - are you having a good day today? I was away so much, I missed that you were not here - hang in there girl :heart: :heart:

    Pos Me - Ramadan treating you OK so far? :flowerforyou:

    I know I missed loads, I read everything I just can't remember it all....whoops
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Glad to hear the news LittleSpy - either way it would have been good but at least now you can stop obsessing and POAS and get back into your eating habits and beer drinking :drinker: :drinker:
    We are actually in a similar place to you, the primary motivation for my weight loss is to have a healthy pregnancy so we are planning to start trying when I'm down about another 25-30 lbs, normal weight range, or very close to it.
    The silver lining is that when you do start trying for real you'll be even healthier than you are now. <<HUGS>>

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Blue - I am SOOOOOOO proud of you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Danielle - sorry about your daughter - I had not heard of ODD so I looked it up and it sounds like a difficult thing to diagnose, all of the symptoms sound like how most teenagers behave - is ODD just more extreme than normal teen?
    Great job not feeding your anxiety with food :drinker: :drinker:

    Deb - glad to hear Serena is doing well in school and trying her best and having "awesome" days :drinker: :drinker:

    Momma - you just keep doing the best you can for Ryan, you are such a good momma :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cris - are you having a good day today? I was away so much, I missed that you were not here - hang in there girl :heart: :heart:

    Pos Me - Ramadan treating you OK so far? :flowerforyou:

    I know I missed loads, I read everything I just can't remember it all....whoops
    Meook- To answer your case about ODD!! Yes it is extremely hard to diagnose but there are particular things they look for.Like aggressive behaviors,getting emotional after an outburst.I know that all the symptoms look like things that normal teenagers do at some point or another but with my son these attitudes or outbursts were way worse than your typical teen besides that his started in his pre-teen years.(10yo) Like Heather said if they can find a hobby the love and learn to control their outburst and behaviors they get a reward which would be, in the case of the children Heather works with horseback riding.But they have to earn it and learn to control their behaviors.I hope this helps better explain it.It is something that can be controlled without medication.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: I love that you worked through your son's diagnosis without medication. I'm also a big supporter of using medication as a last result if nothing else works. Obviously, there are some things for which medication is necessary but I think our society used medications and chemicals too readily. Bravo to you!

    I've found that those with ODD are some of the most awesome kids when they aren't having an outburst. With those I've seen, we would NEVER have guessed their diagnosis had we not been told because they were so pleasant when around the horses. In fact, I've never seen outbursts or behavioral issues of any kind from most of them because apparently the horses calm them down immediately. It's amazing.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann: I love that you worked through your son's diagnosis without medication. I'm also a big supporter of using medication as a last result if nothing else works. Obviously, there are some things for which medication is necessary but I think our society used medications and chemicals too readily. Bravo to you!

    I've found that those with ODD are some of the most awesome kids when they aren't having an outburst. With those I've seen, we would NEVER have guessed their diagnosis had we not been told because they were so pleasant when around the horses. In fact, I've never seen outbursts or behavioral issues of any kind from most of them because apparently the horses calm them down immediately. It's amazing.
    I am a firm believer as to using medication as a last resort.But if medication is necessary by all means use it.There were so many times my son had outbursts and it was frightening sometimes but like I said the psychologist really helped him learn to cope and he uses drawing art to keep him calm.He is an amazing artist too!!!And your right our society does go directly to medication before trying any other methods.I just couldn't stand the thought of some of the side effects that the drugs they were going to give my son so we opted for another plan.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome back to tstout and meokk!

    I agree with Ann and Heather. I like to use it as a last resort. I suffered from depression when I was a teenager and they put me on some pretty hefty medicine. I went to counsling in addition with the medication. It helped but I don't know if I would do the medication route again unless it was the last resort. But everybody has their own beliefs and whatever helps someone they need to do what they need to do.

    I must say I'm pretty proud of myself. I got absoultely slammed at work earlier, was working the teller line by myself and was trying to help everybody. I'm already in a kind of foul mood (long story) and then my manager made a comment to me that really ticked me off. He offered to go buy me lunch at Taco Bell, because yet again I don't get to take a lunch break. I ALMOST ALMOST ALMOST ALMOST took him up on his offer because I really didn't feel like going to make my sandwhich but I just told him no thanks, I have a weigh in tomorrow. Friday is my cheat day. I'm an emotional eater and I watned to EAT! But I said no. :drinker:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Cris, when I *try* to get preggers it never happens. My oldest child was was born 36 weeks to the day of the first time ( I did not know my hubby before that day :laugh: if you know what I mean,) My second child was the minute I decided to switch birth control pills. Then there is my 3 rd child we tried for a long time and nothing happened. So I said you know what maybe we should just get back on birthcontrol and try another time. BAM I am pregnant. Then we had not even started trying with my son we only discussed discontinuing preventive measures and had never quit preventing and BAM there was my son.:laugh: So personally I think just relaxing and not trying works better :laugh: :laugh:
    I think you are sooo right momma2four, it's all about relaxing and not trying. With my first child we tried for about 9 months and didn't get pregnant until I was home for 2 weeks with larangitis and I couldn't work .. I think I finally slowed down and relaxed enough for my body to decide I was ready. The 2nd time it was even longer and finally we decided to try some scientific help and bought an ovulation kit and immediately got pregnant ... I didn't think it was very romantic to 'have to do it' on certain days but I don't think hubby minded a bit! and it definitely worked ... just something to think about Lilspy when you are ready!

    I'm still stalking ... not tracking, not quite ready to jump back in ... I just know that I have to. I think tomorrow morning I will weigh in and try to get back into tracking my food.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Super quick check-in and then i'm back to work.

    I feel like lots of people need some e-Hugs right now, so know I'm sending them out your way!!!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: Over. We had people over for a dinner and Jonathan made steak tacos (YUM!). I stayed away from the chips and guac (YEAH ME), but I did have some sangria, which was about 300 empty cals. Oh well! I also did really good with dessert and had a sliver of peach pie and about 1/4 c. of vanilla ice cream. 1861 cals total
    Water: 56 oz w/o Crystal Light. 86 oz w/Crystal Light. Challenge semi-met!
    Sodium: Under, but unsure exactly how much. Challenge met.
    Exercise: No time!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - wtg on not giving in to taco bell...you would of soo been paying for it later.. i know when i eat taco bell my stomach is just blahh..you are going to rock tomorrow !!!

    Well i think you all know my opinions on the med route :smile: I am soo glad i found this pscy that doesn't encourge or support throwing drugs at the situation. Things are getting better, not sure they are all the way better but a huge improvement.

    Had an awesome workout at lunch, 457 cals...most in my 45 workout sessions...wooohooo...okay 2nd place was 450 but hey i will take the 7 cals :smile:

    i got a tv dinner out, it has been in the fridge wayyyy to long and had frostbite all over it , not looking good.. so i made some grilled cheese...even though i burnt one of them :sad: i still ate it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Slow day today. I've been trying to find info on how to change the tranny fluid in my car, but Saturns are silly. Apparently Saturn owners do NONE of their own maintenance because I can't find the info I need online. I'm going to try calling the dealer, but I'm sure they'll probably tell me to bring it in for maintenance. Grrr. There is NO way I'm taking the car in for maintenance. They charge about $700 for what my bf is going to do for less than $100. For another $60 he can fix the wheel bearing that has been making noise. It's ridiculous how much they charge at the dealerships. Thank goodness for boys who know how to fix cars!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I think after 9 months of trying we gave up and said lets put it off and sure enough thats when we got preggo

    anyway, i havent lurked much but wanted to post this because its awful:
    Today I ate to the point where I had to physically throw up. I wasnt hungry, the food wasnt all that great, yet I shoveled it in like my life depended on it...what is wrong with me? I need to figure out why I do this or I will never be happy!!!! Its been 6 hours since lunch and Im still sick...
This discussion has been closed.