Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Ugh, just had a nice little message and now it's gone and I need to get to work. So everyone, consider yourself cheered and loved!

    Check-in from the weekend:
    Cals - Over, 1460. Splurged on some peach pie and red wine at dinner.
    Water - 48 oz
    Exercise - Walked about a mile
    Proud - Went shopping after work at Old Navy (had a 30% off coupon....nearly saved as much as I spent!) and bought jeans that fit! Jeans w/strech in them = 10s. Jeans w/o stretch = 12s. I'm SO happy!!

    Cals - Over, 2000 (over by 569 after exercise). BEER EVENTS ARE GOOD BUT HARD
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Walked for 75 minutes delivering meals to elderly women
    Proud - Got up early to deliver meals throught Meals on Heels (no wheels in NYC!) and it was a good thing since I needed those extra exercise cals!

    Cals - Over, 1745. Had a MAJOR snack attack on tortilla chips. Upside? I didn't melt cheese on them! :laugh:
    Water - 48 oz
    Exercise - Walked about a mile
    Proud - I didn't put cheese on my chips. Seriously, this is lame but true.
  • Hello everyone! I had a very busy weekend. I wasn't able to log my food at all. But I did try to keep a mental tally going each day, even though I'm sure I went over. I'm going to try and log everything as well as I can, I would like to know how bad I was so I can adjust for the rest of the week so I can still have a weight loss. I'm not caught up on posts but I'm working on it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul -Good job on getting back on track, you will loose those 7 lbs plus a whole bunch more !!!

    Well i didn't want to go to the gym, but i know if i didn't today i would start slipping this week...so i went, got all my stufff and forgot my dang HRM i hate when i do that...it annoys me not to have it. I did what i normally do so i think i can estimate
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: You're well on your way to re-losing those pounds because you're here and starting to hold yourself accountable again.

    Lauren: Congrats on the size 10s! I'm in the same boat as you...10s with stretch, 12s without stretch. However, I'm just telling myself I'm a size 10 because it makes me happy :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-Glad to see you around and slowly getting back on the horse. Don't sweat those 7 pounds. They are going to come off, easey!

    Lauren and Heather-Congrats on the size 10 and 12 jeans! I don't remember when I was that size. Smallest I ever remember being was a 14. There will be tears when I hit that size. It will happen!

    Deb-Way to go on going to the gym anyways. I've been trying to talk myself out of working out all day. I know the right thing to do is exercise anyways.

    I brought my DVD to do tonight at the apartment, I keep telling myself cleaning is enough exercise. I just don't wanan workout. UGH! My eating has been good today. I have a Healthy Choice thing for dinner, don't wanna eat that either. wanna hit up applebees. Naughty Jessica!:explode:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: CRIS IS BACK!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I know it's gonna be hard at first, but you are a fighter!!! I am glad they found out what has been causing your pain. I am praying for you!!!

    Fall is around the corner, friends, and we have to get back on track NOW. We can do it, sistas!!!!!! :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just got home from a butt whoopin' at the gym.
    840 calories burned in 65 minutes. Woah. :noway: I'll be sitting at about 800 net cals today. I think that's alright because I was around 1800 net yesterday and I'll be sitting around 1700 net tomorrow (Er.. hopefully. I have the conference with breakfast, snacks, and lunch provided so who knows, really). Seriously, body, please let it go. All I'm asking is for you to give up 4- 5 pounds a month for the next 8-10 months. :drinker:

    I'm feeling pretty good about this new plan so far. :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: You're right, you WILL get there! I don't want to work out tonight either, but let's do it together. I also have a DVD with me that I need to do while the bf is at his son's soccer game.

    Julie: Great job getting to the gym! If you can convince your body to give up 4-5 lbs per month, convince mine, too!

    Alright, I'm going to change into my workout clothes to see if that musters up any motivation...
  • All caught up...finally!

    Cris-It's good to see you back! I'm sending good vibes your way to make it through the first few days :flowerforyou: And I totally know where you are coming from about your nightmare. I get those every once in a while and I wake up and lay there with my heart pounding and usually with tears running down my face and I just HAVE to go check on my babies! {{{HUGS}}}

    lstpaul-don't get to discouraged, those 7 pounds will come off easier this time than last time, your body WANTS to let go of them :bigsmile:

    Lauren and Heather-I don't think I've EVER been a size 10 or 12, seriously. When I was 16 I was *kind of* a 14. Meaning I wore size 14's and they didn't look bad on me but now I really don't know if I believe that they didn't look that bad on me! :laugh: Congrats!

    Deb- good job on going to the gym!

    Ok sisters I am pleased with myself. I logged my food for this weekend and didn't do too bad. I was under my maintenance by 1300 on Friday. Saturday I was over my maintenance by 1000. And Sunday I was over my maintenance by 200. So all in all very happy. So all in all I averaged out to maintaining. At least I don't have a surplus on calories!
  • Ugh. Had the WORST day today...completely just was miserable all day at school. Went to the gym this morning, but downhill from there. The roommate came home and was so sweet - she knows I love Outback - and asked if I could work Outback into my diet. Luckily I could and had an awesome dinner with wine and am still under cals for the day, unbelievably. Feeling better now and watching Monsters Inc with the roomie/going to bed early.

    Cals - 203 under
    Water - 8 cups
    Sodium - 485 under
    Exercise - week 3 day 3 of couch to 5k! Plus some resistance band work while watching Monsters Inc
    Proud - that I didn't binge when I got home before the roomie came in. I really REALLY wanted something awful for me but I didn't mess up the diet. That absolutely would be what I would have done a few months ago.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Purple - GREAT job resisting the snacking temptation and I love that you were able to make your day work with Outback and wine! Roomies are the best.
    Cris - Eek on the dream! I'm sure Brayden (I know there's a y in there, just not sure if it's in the right place!) wasn't sure what hit him when you squeezed him so tightly after you saw him!
    Heather - I'm glad you get the with and without stretch!!
    Julie - Killer workout! Way to go!!

    Something I've noticed a few of us doing (me included for sure!) is acknowledging where our maintenance calories are and if we are over/under them on the days we're over our losing calories. I've been going back and forth as to whether this is a good thing or a bad thing (like are we rationalizing eating too much), and I think it's good. I may be biased as I've been rocking maintenance cals here quite a bit lately, but I think it's a good thing to know that there's a little wiggle room. There are going to be days we're over our losing cals. What a great goal to then try and keep it under or at your maintenance cals. That way the whole day isn't a failure/wash. Thoughts??

    Cals - Under with exercise.
    Water - Killed it - 112 oz. Getting my body prepped for hot yoga tomorrow.
    Exercise - Run/walk for 40 minutes with a friend = 375 cals burned
    Proud - Got in the exercise plus a good time with a friend. What is bad about that?!? Nothing!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay for me, I did my first workout in over two weeks. 10 Minute Solution Kickbox Bootcamp DVD. It was hard but mostly because there are a ton of steps in each move, so it was hard to stay with the chick. Well, that and the fact that the bf only has 8 lb weights (I usually use 3-5 lbs for DVDs), so my arms were super shaky afterward...but, it means I worked them good! The scale was 188.0 tonight, which is lower than this morning's weight. With how much water I've had and the bathroom trips, I think my body is flushing the sodium.

    Jess, I hope you got a workout done, too!

    Checking in for today:
    Calories: Under by 447 (almost all exercise calories that I'm not going to eat)
    Sodium: Over by 1339
    Water: 96 oz and counting
    Exercise: Kickbox Bootcamp DVD, burned 400 calories in 47 minutes.
    Proud: I worked out for the first time in over two weeks. The scale had better not punish me for it!
  • Ok I'm gonna check in for today....

    Calories: under by 218, so total of 1462
    Water: 120 oz!!!
    Proud: meh...not much, but I'm not upset about anything either :smile:

    So I am trying to figure out some sort of excercise routine that I can manage to do every day, or 5/7 days. I really want to join the Y but my hubby is skeptical on whether or not we can afford it. But I'm really gonna push it, my daughter NEEDS some sort of activity and she's been wanting to do swimming for a couple years now and we couldn't afford it and those lessons are cheaper with a membership. ANYWAY....I think I'm gonna try to do Turbo Jam, I just got it but haven't previewed it yet to see if I could manage it. And I'm thinking of waiting 1 more week until my daughter is in school again. That sounds lame I know, but it is really way more difficult trying to excercise with my daughter in the house than it is with my baby in the house. She is that disruptive, and the baby can be distracted with toys. There is also a place that does spin classes for $10 right by my house and I'm thinking about going there, but I'm secretly terrified of spin class, but I REALLY want to try it.

    Anyway, I'm feeling a bit guilty about not doing any excercise yet. At least not regularly. I haven't done anything regularly yet, I started my 2nd week on here but let it go.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    Had a rough day, and yup I did stuff my face. But Im here....Im reading and you guys are kind of pumping me up. I wish I had been reading all along so I could feed off your positive vibes. I did go to the gym yesterday because I had my first real PT session. We did the strength training machines so it was quick. 30 mins flew by. It felt really good to be there, even though I went in with the worst I dont want to do this attitude when I came out I felt pretty darn good.

    I dont know what its going to take to get me back on track but today the scale was at 205, and I actually cared for the first time in a long time that i had let myself go back that far. Thats almost a 15lb gain from my lowest of 191.8. **SIGH**

    Well Im here and Im trying to get back on track...

    As for my son- He probably tohught I was crazy. I was all over him yesterday, lol I think I kissed and held him more than ever. He even slept with me cause I just needed him to! Love him!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: It takes way more guts and strength to come on here and admit that you stuffed your face than it does to say, "Yay, I ate right today." So, congrats for that. I'm SO glad you had a good PT session and that it changed your attitude for the day. You can and will do this. I have faith in you. We all have our ups and downs because we're human, but it's getting back up that counts, even if it is a bit slowly. I'm just so happy that you're back with us.

    Danielle: If you end up getting Turbo Jam, please let me know what you think. I've thought about it, but wasn't sure it would be enough of a workout. I'm considering getting ChaLean Extreme, but it's expensive, so I'm trying to determine whether I could stick to the program. Don't feel too bad about waiting a week to exercise, either. I find it easier to exercise in the winter than I do in the summer, which sounds dumb but I'm so much busier in the summer! The fact that you're planning now is a positive step in the right direction.

    I'm surprised my arms aren't sore at all from last night's workout. I really thought they would be with how much my arms were shaking after punching with those 8 lb weights! Now I'm thinking I should just use the 8 lbs all the time!

    Hmm, I need to buy a kettlebell, too. My Jillian Michael's Shred With Weights will be coming soon and requires a kettlebell. Yikes! Apparently, I'm ready to start working on more strength again.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I haven't read the posts since last night but I had to share because I'm so freaking excited!!! I weighed in this morning at 209!!! I had to weigh in at work since I stayed at the apartment and everybody heard me screaming in the bathroom! I'm so excited that I finally saw that dreaded thing move!! Made my day! I'm going back to catch up now.

    Heather-No I didn't workout. I suck at life! I went to the apartment and was waiting for it to cool down. Took almost 2 hours and fell asleep watching a movie. Woke up at 11 energized but felt the neighbors would not find it as amusing. And then Mike came over, and I fell asleep again. I'm DEFINITELY going tonight to the gym or helping my sister move. She's gotta get moved all in one night. Nonsense!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Wow! That's freaking amazing! 840 calories in 65 minutes? You did give yourself a butt kicking!

    Danielle-Great job on going back and logging your calories. Seems like you evened out for the weekend. That's great! SPIN class can be terrifying when you first start but it is such a great class. You will love it and you feel amazing afterwards.

    Purple-How thoughtful of your roommate. That's great!

    Lauren-I agree that it's a catch 22. I think having one or two maintenance days is okay. It's gonna happen. Especially when life is happening too fast for us to be so pre occupied with everything. For me personally it helps me realize that I can continue to do this. By the way, how do I find out with my maintenance is?

    Cris-I'm sorry you had a rough day yesterday. Did you at least log your food so you know where you stood? It helps me for me to see it when I know I've been bad. I hope today is better for you. Glad you met with your PT. Sounds like it kind of turned your day around.

    Heather-Let me know what you think of Jillians new DVD. It's on my Netflix queue to try. I have a kettelbell DVD from someone else. I did it once and couldn't more for a week possibly 2. But then again, I also weighed 50 pounds more then I do now.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, if you look at your Goals page, maintenace is the number equal to Cals burned from daily activity which is = BMR + lifestyle (for me sedentary!) cals burned. I'm sure Julie will correct me if I'm wrong. :wink: :heart:

    Just to be sure I changed my goals to be maintain current weight and the number of cals it gave me is equal to that number. While I know we are ALL different, my maintenance = 1910, my losing cals = 1200. Clearly a big old difference, but if I do go over 1200, then I have a new goal to keep it under 1910 - which generally I can TOTALLY do.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:

    calories: OVER by 850 (potato chips mainly put me over) ... not so hot for my first day back to tracking ... but at least I tracked them all
    exercise: none :grumble:
    water: good
    proud: that I'm back ... even if I stumbled back on my first day

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement ... not the greatest start back but I know I need to be here, and I need to do this.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lauren-That's for the info!

    lstpaul-At least you are making steps in the right direction and tracking. Those chips and dip will get you! Gotta get rid of 'em!

    It's quiet around here again this morning. Anybody out there?
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