Over 200 New Year New Me Part 32



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I know ... chips are definitely a problem for me. And I really only crave them right when I get home from work and I'm cooking dinner ... they just call to me. :sad:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    It's month-end here at work, so I've actually had stuff to do today. There's a little lull in the action, so I thought I'd check in.

    Jess: I'd saying helping someone move counts as a workout! Especially when they're on limited time. I'm making a promise to you to you that I'll exercise tonight. I need to see that 185 by Monday!

    The two pounds I gained from corn on the cob vanished overnight (the 107 oz. of water yesterday may have helped), so I'm on track to see a loss this week. I will not be working out on Thursday night, though, because I always show a gain if I workout the night before weigh-in.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    K ladies. I need some advise. Mike the guy I've been dating on and off for 6 months..his birthday is in a week. He wants these stupid Oakley sunglasses. No I'm not buying them for him but do I get him something for his birthday? If so maybe a gift card to help pay for them? HELP!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: What else does he like to do? Any hobbies? Is this the guy who had bald tires? If so, maybe a tire gauge and a beginner's how-to on vehicle maintenance?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: What else does he like to do? Any hobbies? Is this the guy who had bald tires? If so, maybe a tire gauge and a beginner's how-to on vehicle maintenance?

    LMAO! No..but his name was Mike too. He likes to go fishing. Has a boat and everything. He works like a hundred million hours a week so he never gets to go out much. I think 2 weeks ago is one of the first times that I'm aware he went out. Maybe a handful of times since we've met. And he doesn't drink soo...IDK....I just know he's trying to save money to buy these god awful ugly sunglasses.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    By the way it looks like Colorado Girl is our Biggest Loser this week! I think Ann said hers was weight that was re-lost. So if you are lurking Colorado Girl we need a challenge. :flowerforyou:

    I'm so excited I might actually get to participate if this 209 sticks around...or continues to drop..you know...which ever!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I should have asked your price range, too.

    My first thought would be to get him tickets to a sporting event or concert he might enjoy. I know that can get pricey, so it might not be feasible for you. Hockey tickets are one of my faves for Minnesota!

    You could go to your nearest outdoor store and find him an neat tshirt with a fishing-related saying on it. "We caught all the beer and drank all the fish" comes to mind, but that's just because I love Brad.

    Also at the outdoor store, you may be able to find some neat fishing-related trinkets or gifts that are light-hearted. For a guy you've been dating off and on for a few months, I wouldn't spend a lot. It's the thought that counts!

    Of course, you could go with a gift card for the glasses, but then if he buys them, you have to look at them. It will be the gift that keeps on giving...to you...unfortunately. I personally don't like giving gift cards because then people know it took little time or thought and they know how much it costs. Just my personal opinion. I love picking out unique gifts.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I usually like to come up with original gifts too but for some reason I'm at a loss for him. I know he likes baseball so that would be an idea but I don't know how to go about doing that since he works all the freaking time. I usually hate to buy gift cards too. The only reason I thought of doing it was because I know he wants them so dang bad. I think he likes flashy things. And you are right they are the gift that keeps giving. It looks like bumblee exploded on his face. Awful. I've got time to think about it since he's leaving town Thursday for his birthday. Thanks for the ideas! I like the fishing trinket ideas though!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: You're too funny. A bumblebee exploded on his face? Hilarious! I try to do some more thinking about it and let you know if I come up with anything else. I tend to go to a store that sells stuff similar to what a person likes and just wander until I have the "Ah Ha!" moment. You'll know the right gift when you see it, I'm sure.

    For baseball, does he have a favorite team? You could always get him something related to his fave team.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I will be making a new thread tomorrow gals I promise.I have just been so tired from all the exercise I have been putting in this week lol.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I will be making a new thread tomorrow gals I promise.I have just been so tired from all the exercise I have been putting in this week lol.

    Ann: No hurry. It's been a bit quieter than normal around here, so the thread isn't getting as long as fast. You must be working hard on that exercise...great job!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Dropping in to say HI !!!
    Between work and wedding planning I have NO time for anything else. I have a feeling this is going to get worse before it gets better though leading up to the wedding. So, I'm focusing on logging rather than being on the boards.
    I miss you all though and I'll be dropping in from time to time when I can. Will def be here for the weekly weigh ins and to let you know how the higher calories experiment is going.

  • OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH......life is never dull. :huh: I have been offered a new job. It seems to be an answer to prayer, really. But now I'm nervous and worried. I'll give you all a quick back story. I moved 90 mins away from my parents 5 years ago. My daughter was just starting 2nd grade and I wanted to work at a bigger hospital to get more experience. I have had every intention of moving "home" by the time my daughter starts high school. I got married 1 year ago. My hubby is from the same town as me and his family is all there too. We decided we would stay on the 'move by the time Noah starts high school' track. Then my MIL died in April, was very sudden and extremely unexpected. So my husband and I thought about it and decided we would try to move home this summer, before school starts. It all hinged around whether or not I got a job up north. I am the bread winner so it all hinges on me :grumble: So I've been applying non stop since April, I have really been hoping for a position at the hospital I started my nursing career at, but the last option fell through last week.

    I got an interview for a brand new unit in a hospital near my home town, a week and a half ago. It is a type of nursing I've done before. I really enjoyed it and know I could do a good job. The manager made it sound like a sure thing that'd I'd get an offer and I told her that the start of school would be my cut off. I personally had given up on the idea of moving this summer I mean really, school starts 1 week from today. And then they call today and offer me a job and my payrate would be $ 0.30 more than what I'm making right now.

    The kicker is our living situation. When we decided we would move this summer we decided we would move in with my FIL. We talked to him about it in May, and he said he is lonely and would like someone to stay with him. It was either us or my SIL and her family. We offered it to her first because really her house is a POS and we thought they needed it more. Well then 3 weeks ago my SIL calls my hubby and says "we are moving in with dad, your stuff's in the garage" Not paraphrasing just bam! So now we have no place to live. We could probably stay with my parents. I know they wouldn't turn us away. But they are having some issues right now. My dad isn't working and my mom is awaiting surgery in January and frustrated to have to support the household all on her own. My dad is also gained so much weight that he now has to use a CPAP machine and in turn can't sleep with my mom anymore. They have always had a water bed and he can't sleep on the water bed with his machine.

    The other option would be to talk to my grandma. She has a 4 bedroom house and is widowed and would probably be ok with it. But I really have no idea. This just makes me so angry that my SIL did that. So annoying. My husband wants to move, period. I want to move. But we can't if we have no living quarters. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Heather-I already have Turbo Jam. My husband got it off the internet....I know shame shame. Oh well. I just want to watch it before I try it. I have a friend who lost 73 lbs after having her second child, using that alone, and diet of course. Now she is using Turbo Fire and will start ChaLean Extreme next she says.

    Jess-gifts are hard, especially for someone you aren't exclusive with. Heck it's hard enough when you are exclusive!! I vote for the fishing trinkets. If you want to do baseball thing, tell him you'll take him to a game for his birthday and he can pick the date. That way you don't have to worry about interfering with his work schedule and you can pick the seats so the price will be agreeable :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- CONGRATS ON YOUR 209!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart::heart:

    So I logged back into MFP and pretended I have never been on before. I reset my ticker and my goals. Apparently to lose 1lb per week I should eat 1550 calories, so thats my goal right now. I'll log my excercise calories but wont eat them unless I am not netting 1200.

    Im hoping this fresh clean slate is the push I need. I was reflecting on why I am so hesitant to restart and a part of it was that I felt like I did so well the first 6 months and then when the weight loss stopped I was still working just as hard and not getting results so I was getting frustrated and less motivated to work hard since I wasnt seeing results. I hope now that I see this as a new beginning and have realistic expectations. 1lb a week will get me to my goal by the wedding! So here it is..my lil pep tlak to my self.

    Meanwhile I am going to finish all the beer in the house so Im not tempted when I restart my progarm...sometimes you just gotta take one for the team :wink: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- your wedding is 2 months away! do you need help with anything? Let me know I'd be happy to type up stuff or whatever you need that I can do from here :flowerforyou:
  • I am so behind with all of your posts....I feel badly but there's no way on earth I can go back and reply to all of them. So I'm going to pretend that everyone had a GREAT weekend and is doing well. :laugh:

    Cris - I will single you out to say "welcome back!" I think it's great that you're going to give it another try and pretend you've not done any of this before. Hopefully that gets you motivated.

    Yesterday was really rough, but I'm glad that I got through it AND that my roommate was so awesome and supportive. That makes me feel incredibly lucky. Today was much better, thank goodness! I've eaten well, went to the gym this AM, and managed to stay chill during my team meeting. Now I'm getting paid to sit in a campus computer lab and help students in the intro to corporate finance course if they need it. Thus far....I've been paid to sit and read US Weekly and get on MFP. Yay for being a grad assistant!

    Hopefully I can stay caught up on these posts again. The last few days were just too crazy.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Danielle - I'm sorry to hear that your SIL threw you under the bus. You did mention other options, so hopefully you and your hubby are contemplating Plan B. :flowerforyou:
    Cris - I'd like to take a few for the team as well. :wink:

    check in:
    cals: just under
    water: 100
    exercise: 50 mins PT
    proud: I had a LOT of energy today :bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    meook- your wedding is 2 months away! do you need help with anything? Let me know I'd be happy to type up stuff or whatever you need that I can do from here :flowerforyou:

    I :heart: U

    That is so kind of you. I think I'll make it but you never know, I may come knocking .........
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: Best of luck to you during the wedding planning and preparation! You're missed, but I'm glad you'll be checking in for Friday weigh-ins!

    Danielle: I like to think things happen for a reason, so take your best option and see what comes from it. Something unexpectedly great may happen! Congrats on the job offer.

    Purpleprose: Glad you're still checking in when you can. Have fun reading your US Weekly.

    Cris: I love your attitude. It sounds like the Cris we know and love is back in full force!

    I just finished working out to 10 Minute Solution - Hot Body Bootcamp, which was challenging but not impossible. I'm going to rock those 8 lb weights before long and need to move on to heavier ones! So, 447 calories burned. After eating my fudge bar for dessert, I'll have a deficit of 572 for the day. I"m also 123 oz into my daily water and counting. Whew, I have some serious energy right now. I"d better shower, have dessert and then attack the bf for some bed pilates!!

    Have a great night!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess!! I'm so excited for you and your 209! As for the guy's birthday, I love Heather's idea of concert tickets. That's what I did for my best friend this year and she said it was one of the best gifts she's ever gotten. And I spent far less on her concert ticket than I did on the gas it took me to drive 1000 miles to her house and back.

    Danielle -- I feel you on the moving situation. I'm currently the "breadwinner" while dh finishes school but my job is in a city we definitely don't want to put our roots down in.

    Meokk -- Breathe! And elope! :tongue:

    Cris -- I agree with Blue, I'd like to take a few for the team, too. Maybe I need to clear out my fridge during my 4 day weekend. :laugh:

    Dh and I caved to Casa Linda for dinner. We've been holding out for quite some time though so I think it's alright. We split an entrée & have most of our appetizer leftover so that part was a success at least.
    In other news... a very in depth discussion revealed dh is actually super bummed about me not being pregnant. :frown: After lots of talking and reasoning, we've decided, for many logical reasons, we'll start workin' on the baby makin' at the beginning of 2011. We've also decided to settle in on the thought that if it happens before then, that'll be just fine, too. :tongue: So exciting and terrifying at the same time. :happy: Excited/terrified is how I should be feeling about all this, right? :laugh:
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