Breasts, leave them or Augment them?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    And how do you feel about it when women sit around and tell you what you should and shouldn't do with your dangly bits? :huh:

    I guess if I'd started a thread on a public forum asking questions about what I should and shouldn't do with my dangly bits, I'd welcome all viewpoints and opinions for consideration.

    And you know what? You gave your opinion. But once was enough. You don't need to keep coming back and telling women that have or want to get a boob job that you won't be attracted to them anymore. And you really don't need to pretend that you're speaking for all men either.

    You've said your piece. Keep it movin

    Yeah, this is the issue. Whatever a man's preference is, we just don't like it when they state in a way that implies all men feel the same way. Some men even go so far as to say that all men feel the way they do and anyone that says otherwise is lying, or that all men prefer such and such, but would settle with such and such for other reasons. Those kinds of statements are just factually wrong.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Well, as far as this male is concerned, I've never met a pair of boobies that I didn't love. Old, young, flappy, perky, big,'s all secondary to the reality that they're boobies, which means they're totally awesome by definition!

    If a woman feels she needs to augment (or, for that matter, to reduce), it's fine with me. Her body, her choice.

    It's all good!

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I know I am not the only one who has experienced the loss and deflation of the breasts, especially "former" big chested women who's breasts now hang lower then the pectoral muscles. I do push-ups every day and though they are A LOT easier then when I first started and I am even able to "bounce" those muscles now (similar to how men are able to), this has done nothing for the perkiness or fullness of the breasts themselves.
    So my question is, what have you done? Have you accepted your breasts the way they are now or did you augment them in anyway?

    How is this a "General Diet and Weight Loss" topic? Because it mentions exercise in passing?
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    And how do you feel about it when women sit around and tell you what you should and shouldn't do with your dangly bits? :huh:

    I guess if I'd started a thread on a public forum asking questions about what I should and shouldn't do with my dangly bits, I'd welcome all viewpoints and opinions for consideration.

    And you know what? You gave your opinion. But once was enough. You don't need to keep coming back and telling women that have or want to get a boob job that you won't be attracted to them anymore. And you really don't need to pretend that you're speaking for all men either.

    You've said your piece. Keep it movin

    Where is the Like button when you need one :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm a fan of small breasts, so augmentation wouldn't be a consideration for me. I would have a lift in a heartbeat, though.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member

    The person you are talking to didn't start the thread.

    I know that. My statement is valid.

    Fair enough. You're still a jerkwad though.

    Your personal soap box has nothing to do with the OP.

    And yet the OP responded to my first post favorably. I gave her actual useful information, something a little more substantive than "yuk fake tits hate em lol". :tongue:

    I found your points to not only be informative, but very well thought out and helpful too. Your points where also made on some of the breast augmentation forums I was lurking on earlier in the month. Thank-you.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm a fan of small breasts, so augmentation wouldn't be a consideration for me. I would have a lift in a heartbeat, though.

    My friend is in the same camp as you on this one, though that lucky duck has not experienced the sagging and sudden aging that comes with pregnancy and breastfeeding. The scaring alone from the lift is enough to deter me. I have seen the before and after photos and IMO, would rather put up with the sagging, but then again it all depends on the doctor too and how you heal.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    many if not most women have opnions on corcumcistion (and for most guys, a woman's opnion was pretty damn important in them either having it done or not)
    Neither here nor there but the only "opinion on circumcision" I've ever seen from a woman was whether or not to have it done to her infant son. And the infant son had no part in the decision. Are there men who get circumcised as adults, really? That would surprise me, given how unpleasant it sounds (to men especially).
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Neither here nor there but the only "opinion on circumcision" I've ever seen from a woman was whether or not to have it done to her infant son. And the infant son had no part in the decision. Are there men who get circumcised as adults, really? That would surprise me, given how unpleasant it sounds (to men especially).

    I'd disagree that grown women don't have an opinion regarding grown men. As much so as men having an opinion about breasts.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm a fan of small breasts, so augmentation wouldn't be a consideration for me. I would have a lift in a heartbeat, though.

    My friend is in the same camp as you on this one, though that lucky duck has not experienced the sagging and sudden aging that comes with pregnancy and breastfeeding. The scaring alone from the lift is enough to deter me. I have seen the before and after photos and IMO, would rather put up with the sagging, but then again it all depends on the doctor too and how you heal.

    Hrm..i'm not an advocate for breast implants, but that's only because I don't have issues with mine. I can totally understand wanting to change them if they were making you insecure. Seriously- if you think that they are going to help your confidence in the long run, I don't see anything wrong with it. Better to be happy then unhappy.

    I kinda felt the same way about my teeth. This isn't the same thing, of course, but my top teeth were slightly misaligned. No one noticed but me. And it drove me crazy! People thought I was stupid for wanting braces and paying a crap ton of money for them. People told me I was being stupid and vain. And hey, maybe I am. But who cares? I can be that way if I want. It's your body!! I think a lot of people have given you some great advice :) If you're still unsure, do some more research. Best of luck to you!!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm a fan of small breasts, so augmentation wouldn't be a consideration for me. I would have a lift in a heartbeat, though.

    My friend is in the same camp as you on this one, though that lucky duck has not experienced the sagging and sudden aging that comes with pregnancy and breastfeeding. The scaring alone from the lift is enough to deter me. I have seen the before and after photos and IMO, would rather put up with the sagging, but then again it all depends on the doctor too and how you heal.

    Again, I don't have implants and I"m not going to get them, so I don't know that much about them. But, because I'm on a lot of fitness forums, I do see this topic discussed often. And the one thing I see over and over. And these are their exact words, not mine. They said that a good surgeon will not put implants in without a lift, if there is sagging. They said it is like a rock in a sock. Those are their words, said by multiple people that have had them done. Not my words. I don't have personal experience with it. But, that is what I have read from people that have,
  • Just wanted to be in this room..... ha ha !!
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    I'v always had small breast. Almost 10 years ago, I lost alot of weight and my small breast became even smaller. Think A cup to bee stings, lol. In 2004 I went in for breast Augmentation and went from a VERY small A to a full D. Best decision of my life!! I say go for it, but do it for you and nobody else. Mine will be 10 years old in March and are perky as can be. :laugh: :happy: I do plan on going in next year for another augmentation but only because I want them bigger. :tongue:

    Also wanted to add, that even after I put on an extra 60 pounds, had a child and then lost the weight again. Boobies still perky!! :happy: :laugh:

    Good luck with your decision.

    I shall take your pic with me when I tell the surgeon what size I want. Beautiful side boob :blushing:

    I want new ones so MrBigMack doesn't need to unroll it like a deflated air mattress to find the little bit that goes in your mouth :laugh:

    Thank you!! :blushing: :flowerforyou:
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    im thinking of having mine done too one day, whenever i hear people talking about lifts and that it is usually women that are older and/or have breastfed ect. im only 23 and never had kids and already i am disappointed with my breasts! if this is how it is now i cant imagine how it will be after a kid. not sure if this is a stupid question...but can you breastfeed if you have implants?

    Yes, you can still breast feed. I did for 6 weeks.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I just don't think I could ever get implants.....unless maybe I had to have a mastectomy and was uncomfortable with what was left. After having and breast feeding 3 kids I would however have fat replacement done. My OB is also a plastic surgeon and I have talked to him about it; he has his own office now and performs this along with many other surgeries there.

    But I wouldn't go crazy big, just a full B, maybe small C. Too many big chested friends to know that large breasts are not what I would personally want. Just something to fill out a bikini top nicely.

    I've never heard of fat replacement-can you give a bit more detail? I've also bf three kids, for a year each, and that along with the weight loss has made my chest look like a teenage boys :grumble: :tongue:

    How many of us have said how wonderful it could be if they could take fat from our stomach or hips and replace it in our boobs? I mean, wouldn't that be just awesome? Well, now they can!
    When I first heard about fat transfer,I was ecstatic! Sounds like a perfect plan!

    Then I looked into it more and learned about a thing called a 'fat embolism'. This is when a fat cell gets into your blood stream and wreaks all kind of havoc. In almost all cases, it ends in death. There is no cure for it.

    Since during fat transfer, fat cells are injected into your body-which is full of blood vessels- the risk of accidentally injecting fat cells into a vein or vessel, is a real possibility.
    That is a risk that I would not want to take personally. It is a game of Russian Roulette, especially if you get a doctor who is doing a lot of these surgeries in a day. Rushing thru to get to more patients is a recipe for disaster. Also, since this is a fairly new procedure, there hasn't been enough long-term studies on possible side effects. IMO.

    So be very careful when choosing whether or not to have any surgical procedures done. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! On the procedures themselves, as well as the doctors doing them. Don't skimp on cost where your health is concerned.

    And BTW, I did have saline implants put in 20 yrs ago, and have not had to have them replaced. Since I was body-building at the time, they put them on top of the muscle to lower the risk of rupture.
    I had always had very large breasts, and after nursing 2 babies, I looked like the women in National Geographic. My mom was against the surgery, so I showed her my pre-surgery pics and she replied,"Well they just look like mine". Exactly. I was a 30 yr old woman with 60 yr old boobs. The procedure they did was a support implant, where the dr created a pocket below my breast for the implant to sit, creating a shelf for the natural breast to sit on.
    I was going thru the last year of my marriage at the time, and did not want to re-enter the dating world looking like I did. I was completely happy with them, and no one knew I had implants unless I told them. I even had a couple of BFs state how they hated fake boobs and were happy mine were natural. :wink: :laugh:

    My only regret was that at the time, I was certain I was finished having kids. Eventually I remarried and had a third child. Breastfeeding didn't go well due to the implants, and since I grew much larger during pregnancy and breastfeeding attempts, I do have some sag back again. Altho not near the amount I had pre-surgery.

    When I reach goal weight, my tentative plan is to have a lift done with a slight reduction. I really am tired of having a huge chest, (it does make you look heavier than you are, and clothes shopping more difficult), and would like to be 'perky' again at some point before I die!

    Take your time considering all the options, and get multiple opinions from well-respected doctors. I would suggest waiting until after you are 100% sure you will not be getting pregnant in the future, as this can damage some of the 'art' you have created.

    And foremost, make your decision for yourself only. Don't do it for anyone else, or because you think it will solve any problems you have in your life. If it is possible for you to be happy the way they are, then be happy with what you have. If not, then do what you need to do, just be realistic about the outcome.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    im thinking of having mine done too one day, whenever i hear people talking about lifts and that it is usually women that are older and/or have breastfed ect. im only 23 and never had kids and already i am disappointed with my breasts! if this is how it is now i cant imagine how it will be after a kid. not sure if this is a stupid question...but can you breastfeed if you have implants?

    Yes, you can still breast feed. I did for 6 weeks.

    This isn't always the case. Some women can, and others can't. In any case, your breasts will grow and shrink during/after pregnancy, so I would suggest waiting til you are finished having kids.

    And BTW SharonC- yours look perfect for your body shape/size now. That is exactly what I would like to have,once I hit goal. And they look completely natural. I doubt any of the men who have said they hate 'fake boobs' would kick you out of bed!
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    im thinking of having mine done too one day, whenever i hear people talking about lifts and that it is usually women that are older and/or have breastfed ect. im only 23 and never had kids and already i am disappointed with my breasts! if this is how it is now i cant imagine how it will be after a kid. not sure if this is a stupid question...but can you breastfeed if you have implants?

    Yes, you can still breast feed. I did for 6 weeks.

    This isn't always the case. Some women can, and others can't. In any case, your breasts will grow and shrink during/after pregnancy, so I would suggest waiting til you are finished having kids.

    And BTW SharonC- yours look perfect for your body shape/size now. That is exactly what I would like to have,once I hit goal. And they look completely natural. I doubt any of the men who have said they hate 'fake boobs' would kick you out of bed!

    Lol, thanks. :laugh: Your right about the breast feeding, some can & others can't. It also depends on implant placement. Mine was placed under the muscle so the doctor said I wouldn't have any problems breast feeding if I wanted to.
  • CittiB
    CittiB Posts: 25
    I've always had small breasts. They're technically a UK 32C but look much smaller, and shrink with weight loss. I've always considered getting them increased to a 32D or DD but the reason I haven't (this isn't to make people feel bad or make you see my view, it's just I've never seen someone else think this way so I'm putting it out there) is that I don't want my future children to grow up seeing me with good sized breasts and be uncomfortable that my genetics have given them little ones. So I'm making the best of what I've got (with push-up bras for now of course).
  • Im in the process of losing weight an I have had my breasts done.. since ive gained weight theyve grown 2 cup sizes.. so when I lose theyll go back 2 cup sizes smaller. . I luv my boobs n have no regrets. ..I say go for it if it makes you happy!! A lift will perk them but not fill in the emptiness in your
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    This has been a very interesting and informative thread...:)

    I had no idea there were so many surgical options.

    I personally love my boobies as they are but I love learning new things.