How is it prisoners build muscles on junk no macro watching

Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
Okay. I know a few guys who went to prison and ate like ****. They didn't go in wanting to bulk up but they did without watching their diet. I'm having a hard time with this macro thing to build or tone up formula mess. I'm thinking about just doing what i do and not stress myself out on this and hopefully I will build muscle and tone my butt.

No way I can eat 2400 cals a day! Crazy...

Any thoughts?


  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    It's easier for guys due to testosterone, but human beings have been building muscle for thousands of years without tracking macros. Eat enough, eat enough protein, and lift progressively heavier things. Just make sure you have realistic expectations (you can't build muscle without gaining weight) and it would be good to have a rough idea how much protein you are getting, IMO.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    It's easier for guys due to testosterone, but human beings have been building muscle for thousands of years without tracking macros. Eat enough, eat enough protein, and lift progressively heavier things. Just make sure you have realistic expectations (you can't build muscle without gaining weight) and it would be good to have a rough idea how much protein you are getting, IMO.

    Thank you so much! I so needed to hear that. Could u peek at my diary and let me know if my protein is good and I guess fats and carbs ....??? Are they conducive to what I'm trying to accomplish? Meaning my daily macro assigned not my actual daily consumed cuz I know it's probably not enough...never thought it would be this hard until coming on here! Lol

    Didn't even know what macros were until recently .
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Yeah 2400 is torture. Wish it was 3500 :sad:
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    How is it prisoners build muscles on junk?
    Uh...steroids? (If they can get contraband cellphones, cigarettes, porn, and "recreational" drugs, I'm sure they can get steroids.)
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    How is it prisoners build muscles on junk?
    Uh...steroids? (If they can get contraband cellphones, cigarettes, porn, and "recreational" drugs, I'm sure they can get steroids.)

    Umm no. These my peoples and they do not do steroids. They weren't even intentionally trying. They had nothing else to do. They ate what the prison gave them and commissary cup of noodles, chips, candy, pop, etc.

    I was just wondering since I was stressing myself over macro watching and muscle building. Lol
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    How is it prisoners build muscles on junk?
    Uh...steroids? (If they can get contraband cellphones, cigarettes, porn, and "recreational" drugs, I'm sure they can get steroids.)

    Umm no. These are my peoples and they do not do steroids. They weren't even intentionally trying. They had nothing else to do.

    Sorry, I missed that you were speaking about specific individuals that you knew, rather than prisoners in general (as the thread title implies). Well, "nothing else to do" (but lift) pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? And it's not like they were burning a lot of calories in other ways. Apparently the prison diet had sufficient protein.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    How is it prisoners build muscles on junk?
    Uh...steroids? (If they can get contraband cellphones, cigarettes, porn, and "recreational" drugs, I'm sure they can get steroids.)

    Umm no. These are my peoples and they do not do steroids. They weren't even intentionally trying. They had nothing else to do.

    Sorry, I missed that you were speaking about specific individuals that you knew, rather than prisoners in general (as the thread title implies). Well, "nothing else to do" (but lift) pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? And it's not like they were burning a lot of calories in other ways. Apparently the prison diet had sufficient protein.

    No it's ok! Lol... Makes sense since they didn't do anything else.

    I think I just wanted reassurance or a reason not to take macro thing so seriously since it's stressing me out. So ofcourse I'm going to try and find examples of why I don't have to watch! Lol
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    It's easier for guys due to testosterone, but human beings have been building muscle for thousands of years without tracking macros. Eat enough, eat enough protein, and lift progressively heavier things. Just make sure you have realistic expectations (you can't build muscle without gaining weight) and it would be good to have a rough idea how much protein you are getting, IMO.

    Thank you so much! I so needed to hear that. Could u peek at my diary and let me know if my protein is good and I guess fats and carbs ....??? Are they conducive to what I'm trying to accomplish? Meaning my daily macro assigned not my actual daily consumed cuz I know it's probably not enough...never thought it would be this hard until coming on here! Lol

    Didn't even know what macros were until recently .

    This post is a good guide to calories and macros --

    Usually what is recommended is a minimum of 1g protein per lb of lean body mass (so you need to measure or estimate your body fat percentage if possible) and a minimum 0.35g fat per lb -- the rest can be whatever you want (carbs, fat or protein) after you meet those minimums.

    Personally I dont always log but I just try to be aware of the protein content of foods I eat regularly and try to eat protein at every meal. If I think I might be short I might have a protein shake to bump it up. So you still have to pay attention to your diet but I don't think logging is absolutely necessary if you don't want to (although that is no doubt a minority opinion on this site!).
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    It's easier for guys due to testosterone, but human beings have been building muscle for thousands of years without tracking macros. Eat enough, eat enough protein, and lift progressively heavier things. Just make sure you have realistic expectations (you can't build muscle without gaining weight) and it would be good to have a rough idea how much protein you are getting, IMO.

    Thank you so much! I so needed to hear that. Could u peek at my diary and let me know if my protein is good and I guess fats and carbs ....??? Are they conducive to what I'm trying to accomplish? Meaning my daily macro assigned not my actual daily consumed cuz I know it's probably not enough...never thought it would be this hard until coming on here! Lol

    Didn't even know what macros were until recently .

    This post is a good guide to calories and macros --

    Usually what is recommended is a minimum of 1g protein per lb of lean body mass (so you need to measure or estimate your body fat percentage if possible) and a minimum 0.35g fat per lb -- the rest can be whatever you want (carbs, fat or protein) after you meet those minimums.

    Personally I dont always log but I just try to be aware of the protein content of foods I eat regularly and try to eat protein at every meal. If I think I might be short I might have a protein shake to bump it up. So you still have to pay attention to your diet but I don't think logging is absolutely necessary if you don't want to (although that is no doubt a minority opinion on this site!).

    Yeah, I read that but still stressful. I think why I'm stressed is because I cannot get past how much calories they want me to eat to gain muscle? Can't I just use my current fat? Lol

    I think with time I'll get it but for now no way I'm eating 2400+ calories. I don't have it in me and my stomach can't do it. Lol

    Unless I just eat spoonfuls of peanut and almond butter or fast food every meal. lol

    As I get more into this lifestyle and possibly exercise more vigorously and increase my weights I will hopefully be able to wrap my head around that.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I know everyone always knocks prison food, but it is supposed to be balanced and follow a set of food safety standards. I think it's 50% CHO, 20% prot, and 30% fat don't quote me on that though along with any extras they are allowed.

    Combine the hours of lifting with 3 square meals a day you get some massive dudes.

    Good question BTW.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You can do the traditional bulk and cut...or you could look into lean gains if it is stressing you out that much. Or eat at maintenance for a few months while continuing with strength training and just work on body composition that way.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    When all you do is workout 18 hrs a day, you will build muscle no matter how much you eat.

    No. You usually have to be eating at a calorie surplus in order to build muscle.


    "There are a handful of situations where the combination of muscle gain and fat loss occur relatively readily. The first of those is in overfat beginners. I want to really stress the term overfat in the above sentence. This phenomenon doesn’t happen in lean beginners for reasons I’m going to explain in a second.

    A second situation where this phenomenon occurs readily is folks returning from a layoff. Folks who are previously lean and muscular but who get out of shape (whether deliberately or not) often find that they get back into shape much faster than they did initially: they seem to magically replace fat with muscle. In fact, with the advent of before/after transformation pictures for supplements, this has become a growth industry: people who are already in great shape will deliberately get out of great shape so that they can quickly reattain their previous shape in a short period. Apparently there is huge money in selling such before/after pictures to help move supplements."


    You just edited and wrote:
    Coming from someone who has never been in prison...shut your mouth you have no idea what your talking about!!!! Besides, each prison is different.. so f off

    What the hell? :huh:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    what makes you think they weren't watching their macros?
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Guess what? You know siht. so shut up;; they feed them like 70 % carb so go back to school you loser

    ? Are you OK?
  • Pandora_King
    no im drunk so im sorry im srunk it ok but im drunk so forget me but im serious the food is like 70 % carb 30 fat
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Okay. I know a few guys who went to prison and ate like ****. They didn't go in wanting to bulk up but they did without watching their diet. I'm having a hard time with this macro thing to build or tone up formula mess. I'm thinking about just doing what i do and not stress myself out on this and hopefully I will build muscle and tone my butt.

    No way I can eat 2400 cals a day! Crazy...

    Any thoughts?

    So you are looking to gain weight i.e. 'bulk'? It's just not what your ticker says, so I'm trying to understand your question.

    Why do you find macros so stressful? It's very easy to get plenty of protein, especially if you throw in some protein powder.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    no im drunk so im sorry im srunk it ok but im drunk so forget me

    I think you might want to log for the night then.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    You can do the traditional bulk and cut...or you could look into lean gains if it is stressing you out that much. Or eat at maintenance for a few months while continuing with strength training and just work on body composition that way.

    2400 is my maintenance . I can't even meet my current calorie needs...

    Well all the info has been very informative and maybe I need to just chill and do what I've been doing but make sure I worry about protein and not calories.

    I think I was just kind of venting. I appreciate y'all putting up with my redundant question and whining! Lol
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    It's easier for guys due to testosterone, but human beings have been building muscle for thousands of years without tracking macros. Eat enough, eat enough protein, and lift progressively heavier things. Just make sure you have realistic expectations (you can't build muscle without gaining weight) and it would be good to have a rough idea how much protein you are getting, IMO.

    Thank you so much! I so needed to hear that. Could u peek at my diary and let me know if my protein is good and I guess fats and carbs ....??? Are they conducive to what I'm trying to accomplish? Meaning my daily macro assigned not my actual daily consumed cuz I know it's probably not enough...never thought it would be this hard until coming on here! Lol

    Didn't even know what macros were until recently .

    This post is a good guide to calories and macros --

    Usually what is recommended is a minimum of 1g protein per lb of lean body mass (so you need to measure or estimate your body fat percentage if possible) and a minimum 0.35g fat per lb -- the rest can be whatever you want (carbs, fat or protein) after you meet those minimums.

    Personally I dont always log but I just try to be aware of the protein content of foods I eat regularly and try to eat protein at every meal. If I think I might be short I might have a protein shake to bump it up. So you still have to pay attention to your diet but I don't think logging is absolutely necessary if you don't want to (although that is no doubt a minority opinion on this site!).

    Yeah, I read that but still stressful. I think why I'm stressed is because I cannot get past how much calories they want me to eat to gain muscle? Can't I just use my current fat? Lol

    I think with time I'll get it but for now no way I'm eating 2400+ calories. I don't have it in me and my stomach can't do it. Lol

    Unless I just eat spoonfuls of peanut and almond butter or fast food every meal. lol

    As I get more into this lifestyle and possibly exercise more vigorously and increase my weights I will hopefully be able to wrap my head around that.

    Uhhhhh…what's wrong with spoonfuls of peanut butter????
    Honestly, if you want to put on new muscle, you ARE in fact going to have to EAT. You might actually need more than 2400 calories to do that. I'm bulking right now and currently eating 2600+ a day and will probably have to up it a bit more soon to keep the gains coming. It's not really that hard. I think my diary is open, so just check out what I eat.
    And…you're going to have a really hard time bulking if you have a huge list of "bad" foods you don't want to eat.

    As for the prisoners….no idea. My guess is they are obviously getting enough calories, they work out and do nothing much else. I also second the steroids for most. I also have a close friend who's been away and yeah…he came back huge. But, he's also very blunt…..he was introduced to steroids in prison (among other recreational activities).