How is it prisoners build muscles on junk no macro watching



  • Pandora_King
    no im drunk so im sorry im srunk it ok but im drunk so forget me

    I think you might want to log for the night then.

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Guess what? You know siht. so shut up;; they feed them like 70 % carb so go back to school you loser

    ? Are you OK?

    LOL woah
  • Pandora_King
    It's easier for guys due to testosterone, but human beings have been building muscle for thousands of years without tracking macros. Eat enough, eat enough protein, and lift progressively heavier things. Just make sure you have realistic expectations (you can't build muscle without gaining weight) and it would be good to have a rough idea how much protein you are getting, IMO.

    Thank you so much! I so needed to hear that. Could u peek at my diary and let me know if my protein is good and I guess fats and carbs ....??? Are they conducive to what I'm trying to accomplish? Meaning my daily macro assigned not my actual daily consumed cuz I know it's probably not enough...never thought it would be this hard until coming on here! Lol

    Didn't even know what macros were until recently .

    This post is a good guide to calories and macros --

    Usually what is recommended is a minimum of 1g protein per lb of lean body mass (so you need to measure or estimate your body fat percentage if possible) and a minimum 0.35g fat per lb -- the rest can be whatever you want (carbs, fat or protein) after you meet those minimums.

    Personally I dont always log but I just try to be aware of the protein content of foods I eat regularly and try to eat protein at every meal. If I think I might be short I might have a protein shake to bump it up. So you still have to pay attention to your diet but I don't think logging is absolutely necessary if you don't want to (although that is no doubt a minority opinion on this site!).

    Yeah, I read that but still stressful. I think why I'm stressed is because I cannot get past how much calories they want me to eat to gain muscle? Can't I just use my current fat? Lol

    I think with time I'll get it but for now no way I'm eating 2400+ calories. I don't have it in me and my stomach can't do it. Lol

    Unless I just eat spoonfuls of peanut and almond butter or fast food every meal. lol

    As I get more into this lifestyle and possibly exercise more vigorously and increase my weights I will hopefully be able to wrap my head around that.

    Uhhhhh…what's wrong with spoonfuls of peanut butter????
    Honestly, if you want to put on new muscle, you ARE in fact going to have to EAT. You might actually need more than 2400 calories to do that. I'm bulking right now and currently eating 2600+ a day and will probably have to up it a bit more soon to keep the gains coming. It's not really that hard. I think my diary is open, so just check out what I eat.
    And…you're going to have a really hard time bulking if you have a huge list of "bad" foods you don't want to eat.

    As for the prisoners….no idea. My guess is they are obviously getting enough calories, they work out and do nothing much else. I also second the steroids for most. I also have a close friend who's been away and yeah…he came back huge. But, he's also very blunt…..he was introduced to steroids in prison (among other recreational activities).

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Coming from someone who has never been in prison...shut your mouth you have no idea what your talking about!!!! Besides, each prison is different.. so f off
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    And….FYI, when you actually add new muscle mass…you are going to add some new fat as well. No way around it. So…if you aren't looking to see the scale go up, bulking isn't for you right now.

    But, honestly….2400 calories is not that hard. It's hard if you try to do it all on chicken and broccoli….but then what fun would a bulk be if you did that??
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    what makes you think they weren't watching their macros?

    Because they are not the type of people who think of fitness like that. Lol
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Guess what? You know siht. so shut up;; they feed them like 70 % carb so go back to school you loser
    what are you, twelve?
  • Pandora_King
    Guess what? You know siht. so shut up;; they feed them like 70 % carb so go back to school you loser
    what are you, twelve?

    no drunk BIG difference
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member


    You're working on getting banned right now. If that is your goal, than way to go. I support you on your gurney.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I don't see why it's so complicated? They get fed a set amount every single day and have nothing else to do but work out....they don't have krispy kreme in prison ya'll.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I am really cool because about 50% of the guys i grew up with went to jail. So i know about prisons and stuff. That makes me cool,right?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Guess what? You know siht. so shut up;; they feed them like 70 % carb so go back to school you loser
    what are you, twelve?

    no drunk BIG difference
    well please leave, people are trying to have a productive conversation.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    And….FYI, when you actually add new muscle mass…you are going to add some new fat as well. No way around it. So…if you aren't looking to see the scale go up, bulking isn't for you right now.

    But, honestly….2400 calories is not that hard. It's hard if you try to do it all on chicken and broccoli….but then what fun would a bulk be if you did that??

    I might be looking at this all wrong. I'm not trying to really bulk.

    I'm trying to tone my butt and make it shapelier. I alreAdy do squats etc, ... Maybe I don't know wth I'm talking about.
  • Pandora_King


    You're working on getting banned right now. If that is your goal, than way to go. I support you on your gurney.
    Why would I get banned for saying that PB should be logged by the soup ladle??? hahahahahaha
  • Pandora_King
    Guess what? You know siht. so shut up;; they feed them like 70 % carb so go back to school you loser
    what are you, twelve?

    no drunk BIG difference
    well please leave, people are trying to have a productive conversation.
    they're really not
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    And….FYI, when you actually add new muscle mass…you are going to add some new fat as well. No way around it. So…if you aren't looking to see the scale go up, bulking isn't for you right now.

    But, honestly….2400 calories is not that hard. It's hard if you try to do it all on chicken and broccoli….but then what fun would a bulk be if you did that??

    I might be looking at this all wrong. I'm not trying to really bulk.

    I'm trying to tone my butt and make it shapelier. I alreAdy do squats etc, ... Maybe I don't know wth I'm talking about.

    Yeah, you are confused. That's why I asked the questions I did.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I am really cool because about 50% of the guys i grew up with went to jail. So i know about prisons and stuff. That makes me cool,right?

    Super cool! Lol
  • Pandora_King
    I am really cool because about 50% of the guys i grew up with went to jail. So i know about prisons and stuff. That makes me cool,right?

    Super cool! Lol

    yeah really cool. im out im drink too drunk lol night all
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    And….FYI, when you actually add new muscle mass…you are going to add some new fat as well. No way around it. So…if you aren't looking to see the scale go up, bulking isn't for you right now.

    But, honestly….2400 calories is not that hard. It's hard if you try to do it all on chicken and broccoli….but then what fun would a bulk be if you did that??

    I might be looking at this all wrong. I'm not trying to really bulk.

    I'm trying to tone my butt and make it shapelier. I alreAdy do squats etc, ... Maybe I don't know wth I'm talking about.

    Yeah, you are confused. That's why I asked the questions I did.

    So does that mean I'm fine doing what I'm doing for what I'm trying to achieve?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    no im drunk so im sorry im srunk it ok but im drunk so forget me

    I think you might want to log for the night then.

    Or perhaps forever