Squats Ruined My *kitten*!



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    lol. you've stated doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like. and you also allude to the fact that you attended college. I may be making a leap of faith here, but i'll assume you passed said college and obtained a degree. with this logic, i assume from your initial complaint that doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like, you can try to squeeze that big *kitten* into your tight big girl pants and deduce what it is you might be able to do, or not do as the case may be, to get a scrawny flat *kitten* back.

    Lol, ur too funny. I said i wanted my nice, bubble butt back. Not this bigger, rounder squat *kitten*.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    this is an interesting thread..

    OP wants to eat whatever she wants for month of December and not track/log; then complains about the massive rear that she gained; then says that a after new years wants to get "small again"; but then in same post says "hates logging/weighing' = *mind freaking blown"

    note to self - this is what happens when you go off the rail for a month and then have to spend the next three months getting back on track, only so you can once again go off track ….

  • VenharBaby
    My weight has been the same for the last 3 months. Fluctuating between 150-155lbs. I believe ive been maintaining while lifting heavy.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    lol. you've stated doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like. and you also allude to the fact that you attended college. I may be making a leap of faith here, but i'll assume you passed said college and obtained a degree. with this logic, i assume from your initial complaint that doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like, you can try to squeeze that big *kitten* into your tight big girl pants and deduce what it is you might be able to do, or not do as the case may be, to get a scrawny flat *kitten* back.

    Lol, ur too funny. I said i wanted my nice, bubble butt back. Not this bigger, rounder squat *kitten*.



    That is one of the things that confused me..a bubble butt is a round (usually large(ish)) *kitten*
  • VenharBaby
    Without pics, it is hard to tell what's going on. But it can be irritating not to have clothes fit the way you want them to fit.

    uhem! ur a guy just wanting to see a pic of a chics *kitten*. Move along please.

    Please use correct grammar when making a post that is condescending to me. Thank you.

    Correct grammar is for business documents, not texting and forum posts.

    Wrong. Correct grammar is for people who don't want to look like an effing illiterate. It sickens me to see how many people these days don't care that poor spelling/grammar/punctuation/ gives the impression of ignorance.

    LOL, why do people care so much about grammar on stuff like this? That's weird AND alot of people would agree with me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My weight has been the same for the last 3 months. Fluctuating between 150-155lbs. I believe ive been maintaining while lifting heavy.

    which would be a complete contradiction to what you originally said…

    unless you mean you maintained everywhere else except for gluteus maximus?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    My weight has been the same for the last 3 months. Fluctuating between 150-155lbs. I believe ive been maintaining while lifting heavy.

    which would be a complete contradiction to what you originally said…

    unless you mean you maintained everywhere else except for gluteus maximus?

    Squats make you bulkeh!!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Without pics, it is hard to tell what's going on. But it can be irritating not to have clothes fit the way you want them to fit.

    uhem! ur a guy just wanting to see a pic of a chics *kitten*. Move along please.

    Please use correct grammar when making a post that is condescending to me. Thank you.

    Correct grammar is for business documents, not texting and forum posts.

    Wrong. Correct grammar is for people who don't want to look like an effing illiterate. It sickens me to see how many people these days don't care that poor spelling/grammar/punctuation/ gives the impression of ignorance.

    LOL, why do people care so much about grammar on stuff like this? That's weird AND alot of people would agree with me. Shut up!

    Umm actually it is important..

    As a business owner, I would never hire someone that has such poor communication skills as you have exhibited.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My weight has been the same for the last 3 months. Fluctuating between 150-155lbs. I believe ive been maintaining while lifting heavy.

    If you are maintaining then you are not at a deficit. You may have some water retention in the muscle and possibly have made some small amount of muscle gain. Your routine however is not really in the hypertrophy range so I doubt it was much.

    Just eat at a deficit (and do some resistance training) - your butt will get smaller.
  • VenharBaby
    lol. you've stated doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like. and you also allude to the fact that you attended college. I may be making a leap of faith here, but i'll assume you passed said college and obtained a degree. with this logic, i assume from your initial complaint that doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like, you can try to squeeze that big *kitten* into your tight big girl pants and deduce what it is you might be able to do, or not do as the case may be, to get a scrawny flat *kitten* back.

    Lol, ur too funny. I said i wanted my nice, bubble butt back. Not this bigger, rounder squat *kitten*.



    That is one of the things that confused me..a bubble butt is a round (usually large(ish)) *kitten*

    Ya i guess BUT i haven't gained or lost any weight in the last 3 months so obviously these squats have changed the way my butt is, therefore, jeans aren't fitting like they used to. *kitten* is filling them right out. And i weighed myself today after 3 weeks of eating whatever, im still 155lbs.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    lol. you've stated doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like. and you also allude to the fact that you attended college. I may be making a leap of faith here, but i'll assume you passed said college and obtained a degree. with this logic, i assume from your initial complaint that doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like, you can try to squeeze that big *kitten* into your tight big girl pants and deduce what it is you might be able to do, or not do as the case may be, to get a scrawny flat *kitten* back.

    Lol, ur too funny. I said i wanted my nice, bubble butt back. Not this bigger, rounder squat *kitten*.




    OP: cut...suck it up, log. General weight loss can be accomplished by intuitive eating without logging. Spot reduction is more or less an illusion, however precise body recomp requires precision measuring...at least as far as we are able to be precise.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Without pics, it is hard to tell what's going on. But it can be irritating not to have clothes fit the way you want them to fit.

    uhem! ur a guy just wanting to see a pic of a chics *kitten*. Move along please.

    Please use correct grammar when making a post that is condescending to me. Thank you.

    Correct grammar is for business documents, not texting and forum posts.

    I weep for the future
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    lol. you've stated doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like. and you also allude to the fact that you attended college. I may be making a leap of faith here, but i'll assume you passed said college and obtained a degree. with this logic, i assume from your initial complaint that doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like, you can try to squeeze that big *kitten* into your tight big girl pants and deduce what it is you might be able to do, or not do as the case may be, to get a scrawny flat *kitten* back.

    Lol, ur too funny. I said i wanted my nice, bubble butt back. Not this bigger, rounder squat *kitten*.



    That is one of the things that confused me..a bubble butt is a round (usually large(ish)) *kitten*

    Ya i guess BUT i haven't gained or lost any weight in the last 3 months so obviously these squats have changed the way my butt is, therefore, jeans aren't fitting like they used to. *kitten* is filling them right out. And i weighed myself today after 3 weeks of eating whatever, im still 155lbs.

    Ok, if this is truly the case, then it is possible you are building muscle beneath your fat. When you lose more fat your butt will be nice and round and much less squishy.
  • VenharBaby
    My weight has been the same for the last 3 months. Fluctuating between 150-155lbs. I believe ive been maintaining while lifting heavy.

    which would be a complete contradiction to what you originally said…

    unless you mean you maintained everywhere else except for gluteus maximus?

    Yes but since i didn't lose weight, that just proves that i wasn't in a deficit at all when i actually thought i was. But remember is was only 5% too SO i messed up and stayed at a standstill. Crap!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    lol. you've stated doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like. and you also allude to the fact that you attended college. I may be making a leap of faith here, but i'll assume you passed said college and obtained a degree. with this logic, i assume from your initial complaint that doing squats gave you an *kitten* you don't like, you can try to squeeze that big *kitten* into your tight big girl pants and deduce what it is you might be able to do, or not do as the case may be, to get a scrawny flat *kitten* back.

    Lol, ur too funny. I said i wanted my nice, bubble butt back. Not this bigger, rounder squat *kitten*.



    That is one of the things that confused me..a bubble butt is a round (usually large(ish)) *kitten*

    Ya i guess BUT i haven't gained or lost any weight in the last 3 months so obviously these squats have changed the way my butt is, therefore, jeans aren't fitting like they used to. *kitten* is filling them right out. And i weighed myself today after 3 weeks of eating whatever, im still 155lbs.

    Your *kitten* got bigger then. Probably water retention from using the muscles.
  • VenharBaby
    Without pics, it is hard to tell what's going on. But it can be irritating not to have clothes fit the way you want them to fit.

    uhem! ur a guy just wanting to see a pic of a chics *kitten*. Move along please.

    Please use correct grammar when making a post that is condescending to me. Thank you.

    Correct grammar is for business documents, not texting and forum posts.

    Wrong. Correct grammar is for people who don't want to look like an effing illiterate. It sickens me to see how many people these days don't care that poor spelling/grammar/punctuation/ gives the impression of ignorance.

    LOL, why do people care so much about grammar on stuff like this? That's weird AND alot of people would agree with me. Shut up!

    Umm actually it is important..

    As a business owner, I would never hire someone that has such poor communication skills as you have exhibited.

    Yes and i would totally send you a resume and cover letter with poor grammar/communication skills. LOL. Dumb.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Without pics, it is hard to tell what's going on. But it can be irritating not to have clothes fit the way you want them to fit.

    uhem! ur a guy just wanting to see a pic of a chics *kitten*. Move along please.

    Please use correct grammar when making a post that is condescending to me. Thank you.

    Correct grammar is for business documents, not texting and forum posts.

    I be weeping future day's for.

    FTFY. this is not a business document.
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    I'm not sure what sort of outcome you were expecting from squats. They're known to lift and firm your butt, this could give the appearance of a larger butt. In my case I had a flat butt and squats + dead lifts gave me actual shape. If you prefer a flat butt or no butt at all then don't do them.

    This is my first serious post in a long time, so I have to ask, have to tried It Works Body Wraps?

    just break up
