'Tis the season to be insulted by family members?



  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    time to change those negatives.

    let me help you out and get your sexy back on! add me and I will show you a meal plan, workout plan...and I will wear my friends cheer outfit and wave pom-poms to cheer you on!

    lets work it!

    Ummm.....and how much does your meal and workout plan cost? :laugh:

    its FREE.95

  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    time to change those negatives.

    let me help you out and get your sexy back on! add me and I will show you a meal plan, workout plan...and I will wear my friends cheer outfit and wave pom-poms to cheer you on!

    lets work it!
    pics of cheer outfit pls.

    come on over! (wink-wink)
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member

    You should be using this to your advantage. Each time you workout or think of cheating in your diet, I want you to remember what this child said and use it. Successful people use things like this to their advantage. I grew up in a very poor family where my father was in and out of prison constantly. I had drunken family members tell me I'd end up just like him. Now as an adult I'm a successful police officer who is physically fit and has a beautiful woman that supports me in everything I do.

    Use this. It is power. Prove them wrong.

    This is awesome. Bravo!
  • SerenaKitty

    You should be using this to your advantage. Each time you workout or think of cheating in your diet, I want you to remember what this child said and use it. Successful people use things like this to their advantage. I grew up in a very poor family where my father was in and out of prison constantly. I had drunken family members tell me I'd end up just like him. Now as an adult I'm a successful police officer who is physically fit and has a beautiful woman that supports me in everything I do.

    Use this. It is power. Prove them wrong.

    This is awesome. Bravo!

    Agreed. Great when people turn things around for themselves!
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    oh, I must a cranky old broad... I understand kids sometimes blurt out things and sometimes they are mirroring what they hear adults around them do. HOWEVER- a child must be taught what is OK to say in certain situations and her parents should have apologized to you when they found out and corrected the child ( even if privately). She now got the message (tacit approval) it is OK to do those things. I see a small bully forming, probably because she see/ gets or is allowed this behavior at home.

    Long story short, this child needed to be corrected. If not by the parents, then by you. Yes, your weight is not some surprising revelation to you. It did not appear overnight with the Christmas gifts. Correct her behavior and educate the child to how to speak and let her know that you are aware of it and doing something about it. If you do not set the limit, no one else will. Basic civility and manners have to be taught by situations and example. Sounds like the whole group could stand a lesson!

    I have memories of my grandma, mother and god mother making such corrections. Also, playmate's parents, etc. Everyone called you down when you needed it. Now, no one does.(OK, truth is I still do).

    Thank you! Yeah, there is some truth in that - I suppose part of moving on is gaining the ability to respond when it happens. Just a little, "Yes, I am overweight. Fat is not a nice word, it is hurtful.", would have sufficed. :) Sometimes we are just hopeful that these parents will understand the impact their child's words have on others, and correct it themselves. That is not always the case, sadly.

    Exactly! And you're already thinking about what you could say instead, so good for you! I remember this conversation with my daughter very clearly. The thing is, there's NO polite word to use. It's an elephant standing very visibly in the room, so the parent's job is to explain that people's size/shape is just not something we comment on in public. That applies to weight, height, hair color, clothing...pretty much just about anything appearance-related outside the comfortable mid-zone of cultural norm. Because too often, there's something we don't know about, and we're just going to hurt people out of ignorance. Even "just facts" can hurt. Not that these observations are taboo, just not for public broadcast. </babble>