What's the purpose of marriage?



  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    there is no purpose
    just to sleep with one person.
    pretty dull,

    There's the very common misconception that sleeping with only one person is boring. Puh-leeeeeeease! A couple who has spent years together has had time to learn what pleases their partner. It's anything but boring to have the same partner over a span of years. Unless you think it's exciting to play russian roulette and hope your latest partner didn't leave you with an STD.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    ^^^I'll second that!!!
  • deanjou59
    deanjou59 Posts: 737 Member
    To be honest, I did not want to be married- but then I met the one man I truly could not live without....marriage is the best thing I have ever done.....but, that is just me.:smile:
  • TheBadToe
    TheBadToe Posts: 246 Member
    Weak people struggle against love for their own selfish reasons. Marriage can be made into anything, you get out of it what you put into it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Weak people struggle against love for their own selfish reasons. Marriage can be made into anything, you get out of it what you put into it.

    Comments like this deserve a "like" button. :drinker:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm a married Atheist. I wanted to be bonded with my husband for life. And unlike most married couples, we did it the smart way. We went down to the county clerk's office and got married with just the two of us and a friend. The overall cost(including train tickets) was barely 100 bucks. So we didn't enter our marriage in debt.

    damn i thought we where the only ones that did it that way!

    Nope! Good to know that others do it the smarter way. There was an article recently written that said it's the smarter way to get married.

    There was also an article written recently saying that you should eat your boogers. You should get on that one as well.

    What are you, 12?
  • LookMaNoHands
    LookMaNoHands Posts: 174 Member
    I'm a married Atheist. I wanted to be bonded with my husband for life. And unlike most married couples, we did it the smart way. We went down to the county clerk's office and got married with just the two of us and a friend. The overall cost(including train tickets) was barely 100 bucks. So we didn't enter our marriage in debt.

    damn i thought we where the only ones that did it that way!

    Nope! Good to know that others do it the smarter way. There was an article recently written that said it's the smarter way to get married.

    There was also an article written recently saying that you should eat your boogers. You should get on that one as well.

    What are you, 12?

  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'm a married Atheist. I wanted to be bonded with my husband for life. And unlike most married couples, we did it the smart way. We went down to the county clerk's office and got married with just the two of us and a friend. The overall cost(including train tickets) was barely 100 bucks. So we didn't enter our marriage in debt.

    damn i thought we where the only ones that did it that way!

    Nope! Good to know that others do it the smarter way. There was an article recently written that said it's the smarter way to get married.

    There was also an article written recently saying that you should eat your boogers. You should get on that one as well.

    What are you, 12?

    11, but what I am saying is true, the article really exists. I suppose, however, that you did not get the point of my post.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I dunno, but we both agree we're not doing it again. lol
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Because it's a lot harder for someone to leave you when you're married. Also, when you marry someone they become your possession so you can stop trying to impress them to make them yours.

    iamanadult, "so you can stop trying to impress them to make them yours" I think you have to try even harder, I went the opposite way and, well, it ain't fun. You have to keep cherishing them or the garden withers.


    maybe you were being funny.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    It does seem to be a silly concept.

    We only got married because the immigration people seemed to think it was a good idea and I couldn't stay in Oz otherwise.

    Romantic, huh? :)
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Marriage is a symbol - an intimate union of love based on the promise of working together towards personal salvation and betterment.

    Human beings need symbols to anchor behaviour and denote acceptance - most of which is automatic, unconscious and ingrained.

    Does anyone really need to have symbols? Probably not. It does however help many people tremendously.
  • Ninguneado77
    Before the age of modern religion, men and women existed in harmony for tens of thousands of years.

    Your post is the typical self centered rationale of today's man. However....this last paragraph is surreal...pulled out of the mind of a child....
  • Fridaklo77
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    So when you die, your spouse gets the insurance money! DUH!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Before the age of modern religion, men and women existed in harmony for tens of thousands of years.

    Your post is the typical self centered rationale of today's man. However....this last paragraph is surreal...pulled out of the mind of a child....

    And yet marriage is one of the most reliable indicators of happiness in modern psychology.

    It would appear striving for a higher goal outside of one's self towards the betterment of others is strongly linked with that elusive quality called happiness. Who would have thunked it?
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    On a more serious note- In April 2003, my parents celebrated 50 years of marriage. In the middle of a bad storm, with tornadoes in the area, more than 200 friends and family showed up to celebrate with them and witness the renewal of their wedding vows.
    Their marriage was far from perfect over the years. no marriage is perfect. But the good outweighed the bad. There was a time that my father even left my mom, and thought he wanted a divorce. But they worked things out.

    Two months before their 50th anniversary, they found out my father was dying from liver failure. The doctor gave him 2-3 months. He made it five. During those 5 months, my mother took care of him. While dealing with the fact that she would soon be a widow, she gently took his car key off his key ring when he could no longer drive, yet left him his keys to carry so he could unlock the house door, because 'men need to have keys in their pocket'. She patiently waited for him to dress himself when it took 3 times as long, and when the time came she she had to dress him, and even near the end when she had to bathe him and change his depends, she did so with as much dignity as possible.

    You see, my parents made a vow 50 years before. To love and honor, for better and worse, richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do they part. They kept those vows until the day in July when my father took his last breath, in his home, with his devoted wife and children around him. He was not alone. He was very loved, and he passionately loved back.
    He left this Earth with none of his 'stuff', his wife got it all. But he carried with him an abundance of love, and left behind a legacy of love and devotion.

    Their marriage came with sacrifice, like every good marriage. But that is what you do when you take those vows. You promise to put your spouse's needs and desires ahead of your own. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

    ...This...just made me cry. I dont cry. Unless if its around TOM. I can assure you, its not TOM right now!!! *HUGS FOR EVERYONE!*

    Your mom deserves a pat on the back or a flower or something.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Not everything in life boils down to money. It's sad to see that mentality, of money being the primary concern.

    Unfortunately, too many people (mostly men) got used as walking ATMs when their ex decided he/she just "wasn't happy anymore" so now it has to be thought of.
    i wasnt going to respond to this thread (just read and giggle) but wanted to respond to this.

    sometimes part of this is men's fault.

    it seems like sometimes guys want to pretend that the girl they dated and married mysteriously changed into the woman they divorced when it comes to money. all too often these dudes lead into the relationship with their money and try to impress by taking her out to fancy dinners, helping her out with her bills, taking her on vacations, etc.

    these men know that they are getting high maintenance women (and in fact might even like the fact that she always going to salons and keeping her hair and nails done, wearing stylish clothing, etc and helping her pay for all that) yet when it comes times to divorce they yell "that gold digging b*tch!" it's like dude, you wanted a gold digger. you wanted to be an atm machine, so just shut up and keep making it rain.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Not everything in life boils down to money. It's sad to see that mentality, of money being the primary concern.

    Unfortunately, too many people (mostly men) got used as walking ATMs when their ex decided he/she just "wasn't happy anymore" so now it has to be thought of.
    i wasnt going to respond to this thread (just read and giggle) but wanted to respond to this.

    sometimes part of this is men's fault.

    it seems like sometimes guys want to pretend that the girl they dated and married mysteriously changed into the woman they divorced when it comes to money. all too often these dudes lead into the relationship with their money and try to impress by taking her out to fancy dinners, helping her out with her bills, taking her on vacations, etc.

    these men know that they are getting high maintenance women (and in fact might even like the fact that she always going to salons and keeping her hair and nails done, wearing stylish clothing, etc and helping her pay for all that) yet when it comes times to divorce they yell "that gold digging b*tch!" it's like dude, you wanted a gold digger. you wanted to be an atm machine, so just shut up and keep making it rain.

  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    If you don't know; then don't get married.