What's the purpose of marriage?



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Imagine a person that knows everything about you...good, bad, ugly...and accepts you and loves you and will stay with you until the end, knowing all those things.
    I realize there are those who are in relationships like I just described and are not married...or not allowed to get married (someone mentioned homosexual marriage).

    That's the reason I got married. We don't get along 100% of the time. Some people find it meaningful to declare to the other person in front of their family and friends that they will be with the other person forever (as stated above).

    I'm not sure you really want to know the reason...or if you're coming from a bitter place and this question is really bait to get other people to commiserate with you. But that is my best answer. And I am happily married.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I suspect you don't actually want to know and are just starting a flame war.

    If you don't know; then don't get married.

    & this.

    I married at 18 and spent 3.5 years miserable before we divorced but I'm so glad that experience didn't ruin the concept of marriage for me--I just learned from it and moved on.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Not everything in life boils down to money. It's sad to see that mentality, of money being the primary concern.

    Unfortunately, too many people (mostly men) got used as walking ATMs when their ex decided he/she just "wasn't happy anymore" so now it has to be thought of.
    i wasnt going to respond to this thread (just read and giggle) but wanted to respond to this.

    sometimes part of this is men's fault.

    it seems like sometimes guys want to pretend that the girl they dated and married mysteriously changed into the woman they divorced when it comes to money. all too often these dudes lead into the relationship with their money and try to impress by taking her out to fancy dinners, helping her out with her bills, taking her on vacations, etc.

    these men know that they are getting high maintenance women (and in fact might even like the fact that she always going to salons and keeping her hair and nails done, wearing stylish clothing, etc and helping her pay for all that) yet when it comes times to divorce they yell "that gold digging b*tch!" it's like dude, you wanted a gold digger. you wanted to be an atm machine, so just shut up and keep making it rain.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    For the life of me, I can't find any advantages of being married....
    So what's the real purpose of being married? .....Can someone red pill me on the advantages, besides joint filing on your taxes?

    And where did this silly idea of buying a woman a diamond ring ever come from?

    For me, one advantage is that I feel quite happy on a daily basis that someone I think is awesome has made the most public declaration possible that he wants to be with me until he dies. The rings we wear are shorthand for telling the world that we are a team. And I like shiny jewellery.

    My husband has pointed out it is better in his view to put his time, energy and money into one relationship instead of dating a succession of people. And that had he turned up and said 'hey, lets hang out' it wouldn't have had the wow factor that getting down on one knee with a ring & asking to marry me did.

    As for buying a woman a diamond ring? You can thank the diamond cartel De Beers. In 1939 they launched a massive campaign to make diamonds desirable and it worked.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    This thread is longer than OPs friend's marriage.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    there is no purpose
    just to sleep with one person.
    pretty dull,

    There's the very common misconception that sleeping with only one person is boring. Puh-leeeeeeease! A couple who has spent years together has had time to learn what pleases their partner. It's anything but boring to have the same partner over a span of years. Unless you think it's exciting to play russian roulette and hope your latest partner didn't leave you with an STD.

    At least one couple I know is very open about sleeping with each other, and others. Marriage can be what you and your partner agree it will be.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    there is no purpose
    just to sleep with one person.
    pretty dull,

    There's the very common misconception that sleeping with only one person is boring. Puh-leeeeeeease! A couple who has spent years together has had time to learn what pleases their partner. It's anything but boring to have the same partner over a span of years. Unless you think it's exciting to play russian roulette and hope your latest partner didn't leave you with an STD.

    At least one couple I know is very open about sleeping with each other, and others. Marriage can be what you and your partner agree it will be.
    THAT'S RIGHT. You can do WHATEVER you want to do!!! You just can't choose the CONSEQUENCES of what you do. Considering that only ONE of the consequences is probable STD, what a foolish arrangement that is.
  • cherry_dropz
    cherry_dropz Posts: 9 Member
    Guess it isn't for everyone! Better the second time around for me! ;)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    you and that other guy that always posts on all of your misogynistic threads seem to hit it off ... perhaps you should pursue a relationship with him. i'm guessing you share more than just a mutual contempt for women.


    :heart: :heart:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    For the life of me, I can't find any advantages of being married. I understand the religious aspect of it (even though I'm about as non-religious as they come), but that doesn't outweigh the cons.

    My good friend recently got divorced from his wife of 4 years and he had to pay alimony. He agreed to pays $2,000/month for 1 year. Thankfully, they had no kids together. It always seems that a well educated man (or woman) who makes a decent amount of money always has a lot to lose if the marriage goes south.

    So what's the real purpose of being married? Before the age of modern religion, men and women existed in harmony for tens of thousands of years. Can someone red pill me on the advantages, besides joint filing on your taxes?

    And where did this silly idea of buying a woman a diamond ring ever come from?

    So don't get married. Really easy.

    *dusts off hands*
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    I'm sure you yourself and thou will be very happy with all of your possessions intact. Glad to see you have a grip on what is really important in life.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I believe God likes it when you are married, sex is also better.

    Yes.... because you get so much more sex after you are married...

    Is twice a day a lot?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sorry, but I have to say if you are asking these questions you are not with or met the right person yet.

    Maybe you're right. I haven't found someone I like more than half of all my possessions!

    That's your problem. I found someone I like more than ALL of my material possessions. Anyone who worries about what's in it for them or who needs strangers to find a reason for them to commit to a partner, probably shouldn't get married.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    you're really vile.

    i'm not even a "feminist" or a liberal and even i find your constant demeaning of women on thread after thread into mere carnival prizes to be offensive.

    King Beta Male finally makes an appearance. Not demeaning women at all, just saying it like it is.

    i think you have issues with both men and women.

    i'm also too old to pay any attention to this alpha/beta male nonsense that you constantly blather about as well. that's the language of children and i stopped being a child long ago.

    No issues with either sex. I have many female friends.

    If anyone has a problem with women, it's you. In a majority of your posts on here, you're subtly seeking approval from females on a variety of topics. You refuse to tell it how it is and instead, you post to make yourself look like the "good guy".

    That's right along the same line as 'I'm not a racist. I have black friends!"

    'Beta male'? I have one of those. He swims around in a bowl filled with water.
  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    I like the thought of having someone to cover my back and help me hunt for food in case of a zombie apocalypse. I also like having someone who will support me if I ever need to off somebody, and help me dispose of the body. Not that I'm PLANNING to off anybody...
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    I am not surprised you started this thread...
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm a married Atheist. I wanted to be bonded with my husband for life. And unlike most married couples, we did it the smart way. We went down to the county clerk's office and got married with just the two of us and a friend. The overall cost(including train tickets) was barely 100 bucks. So we didn't enter our marriage in debt.

    It's good to know that most married couple did it the 'stupid way'. :noway:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    This thread is longer than OPs friend's marriage.

    And I'm just getting started on it! :bigsmile:
  • ataraxial
    ataraxial Posts: 185 Member
    Insurance policy for insecure, financial/taxes, social conformity... I feel like that sounds more cynical than I intend it to be..