Anyone starting 30 Day Shred soon? Sept 2010



  • LeesaD113
    I'm thinking of starting 30DS on September 1st since there are 30 days in the month. Plus, I'm also healing a neck injury and still need the rest time until then.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    I just did day 6 of level one and I swear I feel less wobbley. Definately gets easier as well.

    That's good, haha. I did day one today and while I was doing it I thought I was going to collapse! Afterwards wasn't so bad, but those pushups (even doing girly ones) killed me! I forgot about the weights so I just grabbed whatever I could find, which ended up being two mini lava lamps. :laugh:

    I know I did the crunches wrong because my neck hurt a bit right when she said it shouldn't. And my bicycle crunches were more like me flipping my legs in the air rolling back and forth.

    But whatever. :bigsmile: I'll get better!

    Good luck to everyone who's joined us! BetterMe I hope your neck feels better, and Yummy, welcome and congrats on making it do day 3!
  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    Just finished Day 4.

    My honey even did it with me today. He stuck it out though and he doesn't even workout! He keeps saying he wants to and since this video is only 20 minutes, he wanted to join me for the challenge. I am trying to get him to modify some of the moves because he has bad knees.

    Random notes:

    ~I wore my new heart rate monitor (Polar FT4, which I found online for 70 bucks!) and it says I burned 156 calories.

    ~For some of the strength portions I use 2 lb weights (front raises, squat press) for some I use 5 ( chest flyes, bent rows or whatever it's called).

    ~I was super sore from the previous days as well as Zumba and Bikram Yoga, but after the warm up I got into it.


    ps, DelphicScorpion, thanks for the welcome!
  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    are any of you adding extra cardio to your program? I'm thinking about starting the 30ds but I think I'm going to add extra cardio to it as well. Also I think I'm only going to do the 30ds every other day. I've done this video before, made it to level 2 and quit lol....I'm going to stick to it this time.
  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member

    I am definitely doing additional stuff.

    I run, take zumba classes, pilates and bikram yoga. I think someone could probably get great benefits just from the shred, but I know I need more.

  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    What do you guys think about a 30DS/Chalean Extreme Hybrid? Have any of you had any experience with Chalean Extreme? Its a great program but its mainly a strenght training program, so I wasn't sure if this would be ok to do along with 30DS because of the weight training Jillian does in her videos. I think I will be adding additional cardio with these videos. I will definitely be starting 30DS and then adding in Chaleans cardio workout she has with the CLX program and then prob some elliptical work too. I also play softball so I will do that 2 times per week.
  • FluffyGirl79
    I think I'm going to start this soon. I started doing it last year, but then I got pregnant and decided to stop exercising :wink:
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Here's my before at 211.4. I hope I have a much nicer after pic when we are finished!

  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm going to post my stats later today....I will take pics too but I won't post those till the end
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I just did day 7, level 1 and I measured and have lost an inch of my waist in 7 days :D

    Gonna keep doing level one longer than the ten days though, as I want to have totally mastered one level before moving on and I still have to stop a few times atm.
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Second day-I am wondering if anyone else is struggling like I am. I have to take little breaks during the strength. It kills me. Am I out of my league here??
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member

    My sisters and I are going to do the C25K (jogging) every other day along with 30DS every day.


    You can do it! We're about to do our second day, and yeah, yesterday I had to either stop right around when she said 3 more, and I paused it once... But then I looked down and saw my flab and got back up! Haha... What a way to get motivation and low self esteem at the same time...
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Second day-I am wondering if anyone else is struggling like I am. I have to take little breaks during the strength. It kills me. Am I out of my league here??

    Seriously nearly kills me, I think its because i am using muscles I have never ever used in my life, also get really out of breath
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    I'm not giving up, but OUCH!! I can't believe I am this sore-lol! Seriously, I need you all to keep up on me. If you don't hear from me for awhile-get on me. I never finish anything like this!
  • hmlayman
    hmlayman Posts: 70
    I have the 30ds dvd in my bedroom with the plastic on it:frown: I am so unmotiivated but I would like to start
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i'm going to get me the shred, i did the biggest loser last chance workout with jillian today and love it, so i want to try the shred
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    I am ashamed to say that I did not do day 1, level one today. I couldnt get myself out of bed early this morning. Then when I got home I had the beginning stages of a migraine. Its all just excuses in the end but man, do I feel guilty right now. Its 9pm and I just cant do it this late. I wont get any sleep. Exercise amps me up big time. Tomorrow morning....6am workout time. I am promising myself and all of you!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Good luck Lizzy and hplayman! Once you get started it's easy(ish) to do it every day.

    On that note, don't be discouraged by my whining... But WOW my legs burn. I can feel it in my knees and the front of my thighs...

    Don't feel bad amy! When school started a week or so ago I was exhausted, I didn't even realise that that was why running was SO hard, but once I did and got some sleep it was way better. My mom gets migraines too, so I know how tough that must be, so feel better!
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Today will be day two for me! I think it's definitely do-able too, here's to hoping I do the full 30 days!
  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    Just finished Day 5, Level 1!

    It's an intense little 20 minutes , isn't it?!

    As a longtime yoga practitioner, I am always concerned with proper form and alignment but in this type of workout I am tempted to just struggle through the hard parts with bad form! But I really don't want to hurt myself and have to take a break, so I am beginning to do a few modifications, just until I have the strength to do everything with proper form.

    I am really weak in my upper body and I have been trying to do the modified pushups, but I know my form is bad since it is so hard for me. So today I decided to do chest presses (Laying on my back like a bench press) instead to help build the strength so I can eventually do the pushups with good form. I think I'll alternate- do one set of the presses and one set of pushups. Even when I do the pushups (even the modified on-the-knees-ones) I can't go down all the way. I just lower as much as I can that still allows me able to push back up. Eventually I will be able to do them fully. Right? RIGHT?

    With the front raises and side lunge, I get pretty whipped. Instead of doing it with bad form (flinging the weights around, using momentum, hunching my shoulders, etc) and hurting myself, when I start to notice that happening, I will keep doing the lunge but only do every *other* raise. The more I do the workout., the less I will need to modify. Until then, I would rather do the moves with integrity and build the strength needed to do them fully with proper form.

    I hope you are not bored to tears reading all of that.

    Anyhoo. I am loving the shred and I definitely feel like I am getting stronger and I have more endurance. I love that it is only 20 minutes--- and it is broken down into those 3, 2, and 1 minute sections so it goes by so fast.

    We are killin' it, girls!
