Anyone starting 30 Day Shred soon? Sept 2010



  • lboeche1
    Hi Everyone! My name is Linda and I am new to this site. I have had the 30 Day Shred DVD for about a month or so, but have just got myself to start it today. :smile:


    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • lboeche1
    FaithJones, How did you get your goals posted on here?
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    :yawn: :devil: :frown: :frown: :embarassed: :glasses: :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :sad: So... gained everything that I have lost so far :sad: :sad: :explode: :angry: :mad: :ohwell: :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: :sad:

    It has to be related to that sodium! I would say stay away from the scale until Monday's weigh in...and drink as much water as possible. I have actually been working out and counting calories for a month, and didn't lose anything until this past week. Only thing different I tried - got away from processed foods and tried to eat 'clean'. I tried to eat fresh fruits and veggies at every single meal, and those were the only things I snacked on. Be careful with the packaged 'diet' foods like the lean cuisine and smart ones, etc. Those tend to have lots of sodium (and they never personally fill me up)! Try not to stress about it and stay on track! You can do this.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    WOOHOO! I've lost 5 pounds since starting the shred at the beginning of the week! I'm counting today as day 4 because it's just become easiest to do the 30 days with the 30 days of Sept!!! My little man sits in his high chair eating breakfast or a snack while I work glad its 20 minutes because thats about the extent of him sitting in there!!!

    DelphicScorpion - I will remind you at the end of the month! I'm going to start with the lean version, which is more cardio than strength training, and focuses more on losing weight than toning. So hopefully not many pull ups. I'm going to modify it anyway and use resistance bands for the pull ups instead (they show you how to do that in the workout). Anyway, I'm going to try a couple of the workouts here and there in Sept so I will keep you posted on the pull up situation! And also, they are mostly 60 min workouts I think, so that will be a bit more challenging to get the time in for me. But I'm going to do it!!!

    Sounds like a plan! Awesome job with your weight!

    Welcome Linda! You can post your goals in your signature, which you can click up above the forum. Good luck!

    layman, don't give up! I haven't looked at your diary but sodium could definitely be it. bk's suggestions sound like great ideas! I know after I started on the website I looked at all the freezer food we had... A whole day's worth of sodium in ONE box! It's crazy.

    I took the double up advise and it made a huge difference! Bra+tank top with a sportsbra-ish thing built in. Worked wonders, thanks!
  • hmlayman
    I did not get to shred today and probably wont for the next 2 days. The gym isn't open & I don't feel comfortable at home/// I am still walking outside and staying well below my calorie's, trying to control my sodium, bk, your suggestion's sound great, I just wish it was that easy... :( I am a very busy lady... times like this it seems impossibleeeee. Good news.... not sore! but only because I haven't shredded I'm sure
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Hey everyone! Just bought 30ds at a second hand video store for $5 yesterday! purchased my 3lb hand weights today. I'm going to take measurements and before pics and start shredding tues. this thread is going to be lots of help! :D
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I did not get to shred today and probably wont for the next 2 days. The gym isn't open & I don't feel comfortable at home/// I am still walking outside and staying well below my calorie's, trying to control my sodium, bk, your suggestion's sound great, I just wish it was that easy... :( I am a very busy lady... times like this it seems impossibleeeee. Good news.... not sore! but only because I haven't shredded I'm sure

    Yeah, I hear you on being busy! Some things I do - make a bunch of snacks and meals ahead of time on Sundays. I freeze what I can. Plus it helps that I have to plan for my little man to eat as well. He is basically eating table foods for all 3 meals (he never was a big puree fan), and I want him to grow up eating healthy so that helps me evaluate what I eat. It's easier for me to make something we can both just eat than to plan two different meals. We always cut up a big bowl of fruit on Sundays for the two of us to snack on. Then I make turkey burgers or turkey meatballs and use it for a meal, plus freeze some for an easy meal later on. I do the same with spaghetti sauces, lasagna, etc. If I can, I will try to make meals the night before or in the morning IF I have time before work. I LOVE the crock pot! That has really helped...I don't even have to defrost the chicken if I forget! Anyway, probably way more info than you cared to know...but if you have questions feel free to PM me...I too am a mom on the move trying to lose weight and I know how difficult it can be!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Now, as far as the shred goes, WHY CAN I NOT DO PUSH-UPS!!! Seriously, I can only do like 10 still before I need a break! What the heck
  • jakplus1
    Hi all... I'm going to get started today - just downloaded the program, so am keen to give it a go - but I am so, so unfit. And have read a bit about it being hard on the knees.

    I started the C25K a few weeks ago, but had to stop because my knees were so sore... but I'll give this a go and see what happens.

    I had a baby 10 weeks ago, so am really keen to get rid of all of the excess jiggly bits around my stomach!!!

    I'm in Australia, so we talk kg's and cm's, but I'll convert for everyone else as well.

    Off to do my measurements - very scary!

  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Welcome abbie and jak, good luck!

    bk, I hate the push ups too. I can barely do the girly ones! Someone mentioned a yoga pose and I've been trying that (I think, if it's just doing a push up without going down?) so hopefully that does it for me...

    There's a website where it supposedly trains you to do 100 push ups in a row. I started, but then I found the shred, so I'm going to wait until I finish one thing to start another.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Day 8 already! The week has gone by pretty quickly. I was really tired today so I was back to stopping earlier on the first few jumping jacks and jump rope. Hopefully it'll get better after I get some rest.

    Since logging this doesn't add all that much to the food diary I think I'm going to not eat these exercise calories. I mean, if it shows me that little message saying I didn't eat enough, then I'll eat some more, but otherwise I don't like how slowly I'm losing... I'm very happy I'm losing at all, but I'm only losing 1lb a week when I put in 2, so that upset me a little.
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all, I started my shred today and boy o boy are my thighs killing me, dont know how im going to walk tomorrow never mind do it again... I'll keep u posted
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    delphic, i probably wont eat my exercise cals unless i do a run that day also. i was messing around with the database to see how many cals burned doing 20 mins of circuit training and vigorous calisthenics and was surprised at the low numbers. it REALLY makes me want a HRM and ill deff be purchasing one before i start insanity (hoping to do that after my first round of 30ds).

    anyways i decided to start today. doing some homework and waiting for my mom to wake up and then ill take measurements and my before and after pics.. :-) ill post in a bit
  • ShannonRaeinAZ
    I am starting it today. My sister gave it to me a year or two ago. I remember watching it and seeing how short the video was - and thinking it was going to be easy. It wasn't easy, even on level one - and I was reasonably fit at the time. It is a great video for those short on time because it does cut to the chase and create that "afterburn" situation. I will be starting it today also.

    Good luck to you!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I am starting it today. My sister gave it to me a year or two ago. I remember watching it and seeing how short the video was - and thinking it was going to be easy. It wasn't easy, even on level one - and I was reasonably fit at the time. It is a great video for those short on time because it does cut to the chase and create that "afterburn" situation. I will be starting it today also.

    Good luck to you!

    Yay to starting on the same day! Ah im excited for the afterburn :-) and for it only being 20mins! with school and work and homework, ima busy girl!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Good Morning and Happy Labor Day!! I notice a lot of you are commenting on how sore you are but you say it like its a bad thing, it a very GOOD thing!!! I get upset when I don't feel sore! When it hurts the next day it only means you got exactly what you were after in those 20 minutes....results!! There is a real truth and meaning to no pain no gain! Here's wishing all of us a whole week of hardly being able to walk!!:drinker: :sad: :tongue:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I bought my dvd a week ago on ebay ($4.25 after shipping and it's not opened!!) and it showed up this weekend. so I will give it a go this Friday after I weigh in and measure up :) SO I'm a week behind, but I'm in!!
  • nosipho
    I just completed L1D1, and boy is it hard! I struggled to do all the push ups, but I'll get there. I feel so energetic, what a great start to my day!
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    2nd day shredding, legs are killing me, but kinda liking it... lol

    Need to but weights though, bottles of water are not heavy enough..
  • jakplus1
    loulou - i went and bought weights today - didn't have anything yesterday for D1L1.

    I did Day 2 today as well - definitely felt it after yesterday - what I love is feeling it across my lower abs - where that big flabby bulge is! I've only ever dreamt of having a flat stomach - and don't think i've ever really felt those muscles before! Gives me hope that one day I could shift some of that!!!

    So yeah, day 2 done - gee it hurts at the time - I see to go ok for most of it - very hard, but i keep going - until the last abs routine... can't keep my legs up for the bicycle ones!

    Have been doing REALLY well with my food - I'm not eating the extra calories that I burn up - am sticking to 1200 a day, and making sure I drink lots of water!

    Can't wait to see some results. i weigh in on Fridays, so only 3 days till I get to see something.