September "Move-It" Challenge



  • carcar63
    Got off my tush today, 1 hour on treadmill and half our strength training.
    Actually feel good about exercising again, can't believe I let this week go by without.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, nada
    Tuesday, Shred #1 27 min/216 cals
    Elliptical 33 mins/301 cals
    Wednesday, Shred #1 27 min/228 cals
    Thursday, No More Trouble Zones 56 mins/437 cals
    Walked to football and back 28 mins/155 cals
    Friday, Shred #1 27 min/226
    I am not finished yet.....

    Total: 192 min/1563 cals

    To go: 168 min/ 937 cals

    Carcar63...way to get back on track...finish the week strong...aim for 1/2 your goal
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Monday (9/6) - Walked to our local healthy food store - 6.15 miles round trip, 103 minutes, 715 calories
    Tuesday (9/7) - NONE.
    Wednesday (9/8) - C25K Week 5, Day 1 plus another 10 min. of walking - 41 minutes, 3.22 miles, 370 calories
    Thursday (9/9) - C25K Week 5, Day 2 plus another 3.5 minutes of walking - 34.5 minutes, 2.86 miles, 330 calories

    Friday (9/10) - C25K Week 5, Day 3 plus another 34 minutes of walking, - 64 minutes, 5.85 miles, 600 calories

    Totals for the week: 242.5 minutes / 18.08 miles
    Left to go this week: 117.5 minutes / 3.92miles
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Thanks everyone and I am feeling much better so it look like I will be hitting it hard on Monday!!

    Mon Insanity- fit test
    Tues - N/A
    Wed- N/A day of the fall
    Thurs. 45 min soccer and 30min walking the fields
  • callie365
    Monday Sept 6th (36 mins) ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 1
    Tuesday Sept 7th (30 mins) Stationary bike
    Wednesday Sept 8th (38 mins) ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 2
    Thursday Sept 9th (111 mins) CE Burn Intervals-46 mins, Ab Burner-10 mins, Yard work - 15 mins
    Friday Sept 10th (42 mins )ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 3, Yard work -10 mins

    Again I am cutting my yard work/ gardening... etc. in 1/4.

    257 mins, Wow I still have a long bit to go to make the cut this week!
  • carcar63
    60minutes on the treadmill today and 30minutes strength training
    . I'm not putting week totals this week since it about non existant but I will keep going for next week.
    Thanks for all your support
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, nada
    Tuesday, Shred #1 27 min/216 cals
    Elliptical 33 mins/301 cals
    Wednesday, Shred #1 27 min/228 cals
    Thursday, No More Trouble Zones 56 mins/437 cals
    Walked to football and back 28 mins/155 cals
    Friday, Shred #1 27 min/226
    Saturday, worked, 23 min walking, 100 cals

    Total: 215min/1663

    Looks like I am not going to make goal this week...I have one day left to get a really good workout in

    Trent, 18 miles so far this week...think how awesome that is!!!
    cnbethea, hope you are feeling better...glad your back
    carcar63, you'll come back strong next week
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: run 43/396
    tuesday: run 26/251, walk 75/275
    wednesday: run 25/241
    thursday: run 27/260
    friday: run 27/249, run 36/347
    saturday: nada
    sunday: run 135/1295 (12.2 miles!!!)
    total: 394 minutes/3394 calories
    total miles: 29.96 :)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday- nothing
    Tuesday- 57 / 613
    Wednesday 148/ 893
    Thursday 120/ 289
    Friday 120/289
    Saturday 89/666
    Sunday 60/192

    Remaining- -234 / 558

    Darnit all, had I not had such a bad night I could have gone to zumba this morning and womped my minutes again.. GRRRR
  • callie365
    Monday Sept 6th (36 mins) ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 1
    Tuesday Sept 7th (30 mins) Stationary bike
    Wednesday Sept 8th (38 mins) ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 2
    Thursday Sept 9th (111 mins) CE Burn Intervals-46 mins, Ab Burner-10 mins, Yard work - 15 mins
    Friday Sept 10th (42 mins ) ChaLean Extreme Burn-32 mins, Circuit 3, Yard work -10 mins
    Saturday Sept 11th (40 mins) Stationary bike
    Sunday Sept 12th ( 88 mins) CE Burn It Off- 27 mins, Recharge- 21 mins, Stationary bike- 40 mins

    385 mins for the week.. didn't think I was going to pull it off! :noway:

    Awesome everyone... :drinker: to you and a new week :drinker:
  • carcar63
    60 minutes bowling today.
    Did not make the goal this week but will definitely make it next week
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Monday (9/6) - Walked to our local healthy food store - 6.15 miles round trip, 103 minutes, 715 calories
    Tuesday (9/7) - NONE.
    Wednesday (9/8) - C25K Week 5, Day 1 plus another 10 min. of walking - 41 minutes, 3.22 miles, 370 calories
    Thursday (9/9) - C25K Week 5, Day 2 plus another 3.5 minutes of walking - 34.5 minutes, 2.86 miles, 330 calories
    Friday (9/10) - C25K Week 5, Day 3 plus another 34 minutes of walking, - 64 minutes, 5.85 miles, 600 calories
    Saturday (9/11) - NONE

    Sunday (9/12) - 136 total minutes - C25K Week 6, Day 1 - 36 min walking, 2.7 miles, 360 calories; 30 min. bowling - 150 calories, 70 min. at gym, including 45 min elliptical and 25 min. weights - 300 calories.

    Totals for the week: 378.5 minutes / 20.78 miles - 2825 calories
    Goals: 360 minutes / 22 miles

    I met the minutes goal, but not the mileage. If I had walked instead of worked out at the gym today, I could've gotten the mileage in, but I hadn't been to the gym all week and I hate to waste the membership fees I'm paying!! Here's to meeting ALL my goals next week. :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, nada
    Tuesday, Shred #1 27 min/216 cals
    Elliptical 33 mins/301 cals
    Wednesday, Shred #1 27 min/228 cals
    Thursday, No More Trouble Zones 56 mins/437 cals
    Walked to football and back 28 mins/155 cals
    Friday, Shred #1 27 min/226
    Saturday, worked, 23 min walking, 100 cals
    Sunday, nada

    Total: 215min/1663

    Still, what I believe to be, a good week for me

    Here's to the new week:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AdrienneLich
    I'm in! I want to participate in the moving for 360 minutes a week. I'll let you know how it goes!
  • carcar63
    Monday 60mins treadmill 30 step & strength training

  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: run 26/249, rollerblade 50/463
    to go: 284 minutes/2888 calories :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Goal for the week: 360 minutes, 22 miles

    Monday: Brisk walk - 47 minutes, 2.77 miles, 300 calories

    Total for week: 47 minutes / 2.77 miles
    Total left: 313 minutes / 19.23 miles
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Good Tuesday morning everyone look like the week is starting off good for everyone!!

    Monday- 27min fit test and 45 min boot camp
    Tues- 60min Zumba and 41 min Insanity plyo circuit

    173mins down and 187mins to go!!
  • carcar63
    Needed a little help today, was a little tired so didn't do much, just walked and bearly completed that, had to force myself to walk to whole 2 miles but I did.

    Monday 60mins treadmill 30 step & strength training
    Tuesday 60mins walking

  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Last week:
    Monday- 45 min of Cario Party & 40 min of Lean Circuit 2/790 calories
    Tuesday- 30 minf of Fire 30 & 45 min of Burn Intervals/680 calories
    Wednesday- 30 min of HIIT 30 & 40 min of Lean Circuit 3/550 calories
    Thursday- 26 min of Burn It Off & 20 min of Recharge/365 calories
    Friday- 45 min of Fire 45 & 20 min of Turbo Jam 20 min/733 calories
    Saturday- 20 min of HIIT 20/197 calories
    Sunday- 45 min of Fire 45 EZ/400 calories

    Total:406 min/3715 calories

    This week:
    Monday- 45 min of Cardio Party 2 & 60 min of Fire 60/1003 calories
    Tuesday- 20 min of HIIT 20/190 calories

    125 min/1193 calories