Today I quit everything, Welcome me to MFP!



    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Unfortunately the odds are not in your favour if you believe you have to quit "everything" to have successful weightloss. Many people here have had fantastic results without giving up anything.

    ^^^This! Also, these forums are full of smart ashes, so if you're bothered by that you may want to avoid them. I try to avoid them, but can't seem to stay away. :happy:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    *ducks and runs*
    *ducks and runs*

    don't forget to log all that ducking and running!

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    this looks fun.......
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
  • cizzawizza
    cizzawizza Posts: 69 Member

    Is it b/c she says she doesn't get sarcasm? I think she does get it and just got butthurt considering she used sarcasm in a reply:


    Many people with Asperger syndrome want to be sociable but have difficulty with initiating and sustaining social relationships, which can make them very anxious. People with the condition may:

    struggle to make and maintain friendships
    not understand the unwritten 'social rules' that most of us pick up without thinking. For example, they may stand too close to another person, or start an inappropriate topic of conversation
    find other people unpredictable and confusing
    become withdrawn and seem uninterested in other people, appearing almost aloof
    behave in what may seem an inappropriate manner.

    Apologies if offence is caused, only saying it kind of fits....
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Want some advice?

    Eat at a deficit, get out and move around. Lurk in the forums and read up on some of the helpful threads that can be found, and don't take yourself or anyone else so seriously. This forum can be very helpful, but it can also spin out of control quickly ... see previous 8 pages...
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I really am hoping this is an Epic Troll entanglement. Cause there's some genius in here...
  • knittinlady
    knittinlady Posts: 143 Member
    *ducks and runs*
    *ducks and runs*

    don't forget to log all that ducking and running!


    :laugh: Yes, sir! :laugh:
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    *ducks and runs*
    *ducks and runs*

    don't forget to log all that ducking and running!


    D'awwww. I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him.
  • christinemadden0223
    christinemadden0223 Posts: 175 Member
    WAIT! I lift and have two pit bulls.... damn... double meat head?!
    I remember when I quit everything, I had nothing to do :laugh:

    Did you create a thread that day to entertain yourself and insult people that were trying to offer advice? Because THAT is how you do it you know.

    I actually side with the OP!

    This place can be quite the hive mind at times, sometimes a little compassion goes a long way, certain people may not find their way to a place like this on their best footing. Don't get me wrong, some people on here deserve all they get based on their actions. Not this OP, she seems cool in my book and amusing, in a smart way :)

    Please note...I did not start in on this thread until I saw she insulted someone for lifting. Calling them a meathead moron. Sooooo. You have that and the fact that anyone will tell you I am not part of any "hive mind" I develop my own opinions.

    I lift and I have a pit bull. Clearly I'm a meathead.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I bet when you lose the weight and find out your face really isn't pretty your gonna wish you had a better personality.

    You shouldn't speak ill off others faces with that profile pic.

    How about you pick up that medicine ball you threw at my head n start doin' some crunches, eh?

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Dear OP,

    Please send me a friend request. I re-joined this pathetic community just because I was so disgusted to see the way you were being treated.

    You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. She did nothing wrong, she said nothing wrong. You saw some topic you could jump on, be stupid pedants, and make some really bad jokes. And like wolves you descended.

    You referenced the Hunger Games in your first post, that's cool. My daughter and I love those books. I'd be really happy if I could be your friend and encourage you along the way.


    (...oh, sure, I was already in, but I definitely want to be in for this.)

    You weren't even using the site, but now you're back for the sole purpose of supporting OP? What is your level of commitment to the site this time around? How (besides being there for OP) is it different than where you were before leaving the last time?

    I am truly fascinated. Truly.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I bet when you lose the weight and find out your face really isn't pretty your gonna wish you had a better personality.

    You shouldn't speak ill off others faces with that profile pic.

    Wow! What in the actual EFF is going ON in here?!?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    *ducks and runs*
    *ducks and runs*

    don't forget to log all that ducking and running!


  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I bet when you lose the weight and find out your face really isn't pretty your gonna wish you had a better personality.

    You shouldn't speak ill off others faces with that profile pic.

    Awe sweetie, did I get under your thick skin? Let me guess, I'm in your chin right?
  • Lilly1130
    I feel sorry for OP; she seems to be trying really hard to exude a level of confidence and superiority that she really doesn't feel. I think people who act superior are really feeling inferior, acting superior is indeed a way of masking deep-seated feelings of inadequacy. That is what came to my mind...
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    I bet when you lose the weight and find out your face really isn't pretty your gonna wish you had a better personality.

    You shouldn't speak ill off others faces with that profile pic.

    Awe sweetie, did I get under your thick skin? Let me guess, I'm in your chin right?

    Maybe one of them...
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Dear OP,

    Please send me a friend request. I re-joined this pathetic community just because I was so disgusted to see the way you were being treated.

    You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. She did nothing wrong, she said nothing wrong. You saw some topic you could jump on, be stupid pedants, and make some really bad jokes. And like wolves you descended.

    You referenced the Hunger Games in your first post, that's cool. My daughter and I love those books. I'd be really happy if I could be your friend and encourage you along the way.


    (...oh, sure, I was already in, but I definitely want to be in for this.)

    You weren't even using the site, but now you're back for the sole purpose of supporting OP? What is your level of commitment to the site this time around? How (besides being there for OP) is it different than where you were before leaving the last time?

    I am truly fascinated. Truly.

    Yep. Makes no sense. Weren't a member, but were somehow lurking in the forums? I smell bull****.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Good grief, I have been using My Fitness Pal on my IPad and decided to check on the forums today for recipe ideas and workout info. Wow you guys are so welcoming! <sarcasm. It seems like many of the responses to the OP have been very snarky. Thank goodness I only have 10 pounds to lose before my cruise and don't need friends/motivation from the folks on this board because some of you really do perpetuate the stigma of fat, grumpy, miserable people. I don't know why you guys are giving the OP such a hard time. Her itchy answers fit right in with the rest of you.

    I'm not fat though.
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