25 TO LIFE month to cont'd



  • GemFB
    GemFB Posts: 104 Member

    Thanks GemFB, I'm on my way into HR college in Toronto I think (just finished up undergrad and am making my choices).

    Neat. I'm on my undergrad and trying to transfer schools so I know the pressure. I want to gain exceptance into UW Madison and then Harvard soooo I feel for you! lol
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    morning all!
    well, i didnt check in again last nite, so this morning'll do.

    Yesterday was ok...I realized a few things...i've found over the last few weeks that i do not eat enough during the day, so when i get home, i go for a hike, make dinner, and after dinner ive been as many as 400-500 calories under. So i eat a snack before bed, but that CANT be good...do you all eat before bed?

    SO i guess i need to be getting my calories in sooner in the day... so i dont have to 'binge' at nite, OR go to bed under by 400 like i did yesterday. i know alot of people struggle to stay under calories but i tend to have a hard time getting up to my calories most days. which leads me to this...

    'Ive also found that ive been slowly doing less exercise. i think the reason is that when i do go swim, i come home with way too many calories to eat, then i feel like i have gorged myself.

    i know the logical fix is to eat more while im at work, BEFORE my work out...but ever since i was starving myself in highschool, i get this weird feeling of satisfaction out of being hungry...but even that is making me feel guilty lately.
    ug i dunno. I hate exercise, and i have never claimed to love it, and i feel like i am eating less and less just as an excuse to not exercise, because then ive burned more calories than my mind will let me eat. I know this probably makes no since..but thats what a food diary is for. siiiiigh. Thank you aunt flow for upping my already overwhelming anxiety about food!

    I feel the same way when I finally do get to the exercise thing, I have SO many calories to make up and I feel like a cow doing it! You have the exercise ball working for you..I am a banker do you think my customers would take me seriously if I sat on one of those?!?! Hhaha, that would be really funny.
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    I just found out that my work pays for a gym membership for me! Very exciting, although it's hard to find a sitter, it's better than nothing! Oh and I lost my first 10lbs as of today!! yay! I can't wait to be in the 160's soon.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I just found out that my work pays for a gym membership for me! Very exciting, although it's hard to find a sitter, it's better than nothing! Oh and I lost my first 10lbs as of today!! yay! I can't wait to be in the 160's soon.

    That is so cool! I wish my work (oh, what a minute, I'm my own boss, :frown: guess that's not going to work!:huh: If there babysitting in the gym?
    congrats on the 10!!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    You know, when I have a bunch of calories left over I treat myself to something I wouldn't normally have....a nice glass of wine, a bowl of ice cream, a muffin, etc. Or during the day thow in some hummus, or something else high in fiber and calories. I really wish that you could donate your calories to me!!! I'd love to have them and I know that I wouldn't have a problem finding something to waste them on!!!!:laugh:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    well, i just walked down to the bakery with everyone. I know now, because of logging my food, that i havent had a cupcake in a whole month, so i bought one, but i havent gotten the courage to eat it yet.
    I wonder how accurate the calories are on this site for a bakery made cupcake. Any suggestions on getting the closest estimate?
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Babysitting at the gym is for 6month olds and up, so in 3 more months I will definitely be using that! Thanks!!
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Babysitting at the gym is for 6month olds and up, so in 3 more months I will definitely be using that! Thanks!!

    That is great!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ok. Cupcake eaten.
    Unlike the last time i had one, this one was not worth it.
    now i feel guilty :(
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    Any suggestions on how to get back on track - it just seems since last week and gaining 3.6lbs back I can't stop eating....I need help and need it fast!!!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    ok. Cupcake eaten.
    Unlike the last time i had one, this one was not worth it.
    now i feel guilty :(

    awww, don't worry about it! sometime when I eat junk, I lose? Go figure?
    Speaking of junk. I ate Girl Scout cookies. :mad: I couldn't help myself! the:devil: made me do it!:embarassed:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Any suggestions on how to get back on track - it just seems since last week and gaining 3.6lbs back I can't stop eating....I need help and need it fast!!!

    read this... it's from a really inspirational person I've met in my life...

    March 16/08!
    I have now lost a total of 15lbs!
    I am pre-second pregnancy weight, I can't believe it -- I have not been here since 2005..still have a long way to go, however I am in the right frame of mind to do it. This site has been extremly helpful to me.

    Weekly weigh in March 24th - 191.4 - total of 19.6lbs
    Wow - I'm almost in the 180's - I haven't been there in such a long time.. I am sooooo proud of myself, I went through a tough long Easter weekend with tons and tons and tons of great Italian homemade food and I managed it wonderfully and managed to lose 3.2lbs this week.
    So far Iam ahead of my goals and hoping to keep it that way. Wish me luck.

    March 30th weigh in - 189.4lbs - total weight loss 21.6lbs -- the last time I was that exact weight was Oct 2004, wow such a long time ago.
    In the 180's (ok, it's high) but I'll take it. Starting to get a lot of compliments from friends and family. It's a good thing, but can work against me, as they make cheating a little easier because I start feeling that I can let losen up a little bit. I can't allow myself to do that as I have so much more weight to lose.
    Looking forward to getting to 185. I had a very busy weekend, with several parties and I managed to stay on track, with the exception of one small piece of birthday cake and a little cerry square (oh ya, a little bit of ice cream too)! I'm not going to let it beat me up. This week will be a good week! I can just feel it.

    April 6th - weight in - 186 total lose of 3.4 lbs this week - in total - 25 whole lbs -- yayayayayayayaayy
    ALL my pants are lose now - I have dug out some of my old clothes and am starting to fit into some of my old pants and tops - such an amazing feeling! I'm look so forward to trying on my old clothes every week now. I wear them even if they're to tight, that way I won't get any crazy idea's about over eating.
    It was my daughters second birhtday party yesterday and I kept to my plan - portion, portion, portion. Once piece of whole wheat pizza, one bite of birthday cake, a couple of chips and lots of salad and vegetables!! Today is her actual birthday and decided to treat myself to one very very small piece of ice cream cake!!!

    April 13th - lost 1lb this week - total of 26lbs!!!
    I will take it!! I had a terrible week this week, munching on everything and a couple of parties to top it off. I tried very hard to be good, however was not always the case. I definately had my daughters ice cream cake and then more cake to follow a couple of days later.
    Friday night was the worst, I was at a 40th birthday party and yes, I had cake again, it didn't stop there on the way home from the party I asked my husband to stop off at Timmy's for a apple danish...bad, bad very bad. However am working hard today to make up my indulgences for the week. I will start this week with a positive attitude and look forward to losing 2lbs.
    My brother has lost 35lbs so far on Atins...he looks wonderful.

    April 20th weigh in - a big drop of 3.4lbs!!! Totally awesome - I'm soooo happy right now. I now weigh 181.6lbs and can't wait to get into the 170's. I am 4lbs ahead of my weight lose journey.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Kerri and buckeye! :flowerforyou:

    I was doing so well with drinking my water for a while, but I switched to a smaller water bottle and I just keep forgetting to fill it up when it's empty. Maybe I should go get some right now! :drinker:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Ok...so I am doing my daily accountability check in. Although I did manage to get every drop of water and then some in my body yesterday, I also managed to go over my calories by 100!!! Oops!! Ok...today I have to buckle down and maintain my calorie allowance. I think I can do that...no...no....I know I can do that, I just have to stick to it!

    Good Luck today everyone! Drink your water!!!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    drink those 8 cups and more!!!
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    ok i need help with the water. i started out doing good and that was all i was drinking,but now i just seem to be tired of it. i never really liked plain water at least not that much. is ways to spice it up and it still be benefit me?
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ugh so heres my check in for yesterday.
    after the cupcake fiasco i felt ick.
    I went to a friends house after work, and by the time i got home it was dinner time. So i made dinner and entered it in, and im over by about 10 calories and 8 g of fat. Do you all find it easy or hard to stay under your fat grams? i come close to it every day but very rarely go over. So last nite was difficult, bc i felt guilty for not exercising. My motivation has been so low for the last 10-12 days and im not sure why. it must be whats causing my lack of loss.
    Wagsgirls, I also do not like water. i never have. so im glad im not the only one. i guess thats contributing to my slow progress also. i usually put lemon juice in my water just to make myself drink it.
    so all in all i feel kinda ick and am seriously lacking the motivation i wish i had to work out harder so that i can see some progress. I've never had much willpower when it comes to physical activity and i have no idea how to GET it! and here comes aunt flow which definitely didnt help me last month so this will be a rough one!
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    sparkles it;s too bad we didn't live near each other we sounds like 2 peas in a pod!:laugh: i can't seem to find the motivation either, especially since the weather has been cool and icky here lately i can't even get my walks in! i seem to excercise better when i have someone to do it with. like i will go all day and think that i should go for a walk, but don't then as soon as my friend calls me i'm ready to go or i will wait all day to walk with her. it's strange because once i get myself started then i'm fine. i don't know!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    thats exactly me! we must be two peas in a pod. (and peas are healthy so does that mean that we are healthy! i should say!)
    having a partner helps, and this week my man has been studying for the real estate class, but he passed so yay! maybe he can help me motivate more this week coming.
    His g'pa passed yesterday tho, so this weekend will be jam packed and im sure there will be food everywhere.

    Swimming Laps is the one exercise i enjoy because of being on the swimteam for all of my school life, and a lifegaurd all through collge, but mostly because you can't feel yourself sweat or get hot even though its harder than most activities in the cardio area. My work also gives us a membership to the gym, (but ive always felt very uncomfortable going in the gym) so i just stick to the pool where i feel at ease, however it is almost always full of multiple swim team practices so i get very discouraged because i cant get a lane right after work ( and i live 30 min away)

    SO i just found out that during the summer the swim team will be done by five every single day! meaning i can go straight from work to the pool and get home BEFORE dark, unlike now where i have to kill time for the swim team to get out of the dang pool., do my swim, and then drive the thirty minutes home (i hate gas!) and by then its a super late dinner and i cant wind down for bed let alone eat all of the calories i just burned. I really hope that the change in schedule will help me motivate!
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    Any suggestions on how to get back on track - it just seems since last week and gaining 3.6lbs back I can't stop eating....I need help and need it fast!!!

    read this... it's from a really inspirational person I've met in my life...

    Thanks Jennifer - I read it again and it brought tears to my eyes - thanks you for encouraging me in my time of need - I need this group soo badly!

    I have had a good day today (better then over a week) and I plan on keeping it that way - I gotta remember to keep it to the basics and that I CAN DO THIS (with the help of my fellow MFP buddies)...