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The official nightshift thread....



  • rughead06
    rughead06 Posts: 4,291 Member
    how is it going?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Not too bad. Got another 3ish hours here. How bout you?
  • rughead06
    rughead06 Posts: 4,291 Member
    well im an hour into my 12 hour shift.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ugh. lol. What do you do?
  • rughead06
    rughead06 Posts: 4,291 Member
    police dispatcher
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Sent my intestinal dog home. The owners were very happy. Now if I can change the bandages on the other without sedation, I'll send that one home too.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    rughead06 wrote: »
    police dispatcher

    We have a couple of those that pop up from time to time.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Crazy day. I'm exhausted with 8 hours to go.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    *hands sufferlandrian an Americano* Better?
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Glad that cat/floor debacle gave people a chuckle!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    So we're dogsitting for Uncle Jeff. My in-laws are on vacation for two weeks going out West (yay for the beer they are bringing us back!) so we have their dog for TWO weeks. I think I've mentioned him before on here...the jack-a-chon who follows me around the house constantly brushing his mustache against my legs! He is so spoiled, too. Here is a rundown of the "how to care for Jeff" note: Breakfast - can of Mighty Dog and a piece of deli ham. Dinner - a can of Mighty Dog and a baggie of homemade stew (wtf?) Snacks - deli ham Also give him lots of love and kisses and don't let him get lonely. There are two of them at their house and between pets and people, 7 at our house! He won't be lonely. So spoiled. I can't believe their animals live as long as they do with the diets they have. She made enough stew for Nash but we had to pick the veggies out because we're trying to keep him carb-free. His skin still gets gross if we don't give him a medicated bath a couple times a week but the diet change has helped considerbly. We keep joking we'll have to just start buying bags of chicken breasts for him, to keep his skin decent. Ever since he's been on a grain-free, low-carb diet he's put on a few and looks all swole in his chest. We didn't notice but 3 people who hadn't seen him in awhile noticed and said something. He's part pit so he is pretty muscle-y to begin with. Poor boy. His favorite people tidbit was tortilla chips...now he just gets peanuts once in awhile. His coat is looking shiny again too...it was so dull and so sparse on his undercarriage for a long time.

    Ok. I'm off in 45 or so. Plans, you ask? Bike ride (story on that in a minute), bath. Kiddo is at Gramma's so I have freeeee time!

    Ok, bike-related story. Skip if you don't want to read a long-winded and touching story.

    My fiance in his youth rode BMX, rollerbladed, rode dirt bikes, etc. He's always been a daredevil. I told him when I got pregnant that he needed to start taking more safety precautions, including wearing a helmet while on a bike. Of course he said no. I told him when our daughter starts riding her own bike, he needs to wear a helmet to set a good example. He said no, nothing will happen to me, I'll be fine. He ice fishes. I say be careful, he says "I'll be fine, nothing will happen to me. I always tell him, I know you are a tough, bad guy and you think you are invincible, but you're not. So the other day I watch a vid on YouTube (Kandee Johnson) talking about how she lost her beloved daddy. She is a daddy's girl...big time. She lost him 3 years ago when he cut an artery in his armpit on broken glass while taking down a curtain rod and bled out. An accident. He was a big tough guy. Watching this video made me cry and I never even had a dad at all and a mom who abused me so it wasn't like I could imagine losing a parent, but I know how important my fiance is to our little girl (a huge daddy's girl). So I send him the vid. Never mentioned anything about a helmet, just wanted him to see from a grown woman who lost her daddy, how devastating it can be. My fiance sent me a text saying he was crying for like, 20 minutes and he won't ride until he gets a helmet and how he is re-considering any risks he may take in the future and how he feels so bad for risks he has taken since Elka was born. He re-posted the vid on social media asking all daddies to watch it, to know how much they mean to their kids (daughters especially) and that even though daddies think they are invincible, they aren't. I always told him that guys tougher than him die due to stupid accidents all the time but it never sank in until he watched it from a daddy's girl point of view. All those guys said the same thing "It won't happen to me." before they died. He ordred a helmet. It's funny, I've watched Kandee for years for makeup tutorials and one vid of hers made him order a helmet! Whatever. I'm glad that video had such a profound impact on him.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    *sniff* Isn't it funny how you just never know what will touch somebody? Anyway, I'm glad he's willing to take precautions now!
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    rughead06 wrote: »
    police dispatcher

    We have a couple of those that pop up from time to time.

    Yep, one popping up right now. Again, still on days for a few weeks then back to nights. Good to see another one!

    Hope everyone is doing well and having sweet dreams (or enjoying their day off)
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    I just had a lady get really nasty with me because there are no parking spaces in our lot. How do people not understand that I can't do anything about full parking spaces, especially at midnight? Do they expect me to go out and pull a car out of a space with my bare hands? I told her she could park at the restaurant next door, but she wasn't "comfortable with that." Um, k?

    No they totally expected you to magically make a spot appear. Thats how life works afterall, people snap their spoiled fingers and expect a response that will satisfy them that exact second. Other people don't exist. *eye roll* gotta love em
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    @Frankie_Felinius That story is awesome. If you have the video please post or message it to me. :heart:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Frankie, let your inlaw's know that I just sent a dog home with a $1000 dollar bill for treating the pancreatitis that came from eating ham. :smile:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I would but they wouldn't listen anyway... :(
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited June 2015

    @LacednLace Here it is. It's pretty long but such a touching video! Her makeup tutorials are fabulous. She is a master makeup artist! And she is the most positive, bubbly person...which normally rubs me the wrong way but she makes you happy just watching her. Well, not this video, she makes you cry...but normally...she is a joy to watch.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    NOOO! No water works at work! :bawling:

    That's right ya'll, I LIIIIIVE! Man have I been busy(if you know what I mean) :wink:

    Work is about to get CRAZY over here. One of our other night shifters is getting ready to have back surgery so he'll be out for at least 6 weeks and the 'relief' guy (diabetes who doesn't take care of himself) has put in his notice and his last day is July 3rd. After that, HOLY OVERTIME BATMAN. I am looking forward to the extra cash, but what is the point if I have no time to spend it. An additional problem: now that I am seeing someone, when will I actually have time to see him? :disappointed:

    I'm sure it will all workout in the end. I am slowly getting back on the exercise wagon. This, of course, means that my body is giving me more hunger queues and I am eating my home out of all the green leafy things. I have started Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. I am sore, but I like it. I love her, but I hate her. Combine that with taking the dog for walks and the elliptical I am one HUNGRY girl.

    On top of ALL of this, I am working on my decision to go back to school. I may need to redo a bit of my core curriculum, but I am determined. And thanks to MD Anderson, I will be fully reimbursed and they will most likely hire me in my new field after my education is complete. Now I just need to finish my probationary period and really commit to the new goals I have.

    Right now, I am feeling optimistic. Give it a couple of weeks and TOM will rear it's ugly head and I will be all "How will I accomplish ANYTHING?!" while laying in bed eating flaming hot cheetos....
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,477 Member
    Totally fell off the watching what I eat/exercise roller coaster this weekend. My anxiety is sky high so I ate my feelings lol. It's so damn hot out when I wake up in the afternoon that hiking is out of the question.

    Can I just eat powered sugar donuts dipped in milk and then some Takis? Wash it down with diet Sunkist and sugar free Red Bull????