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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Today has been a fun one.

    During my shift yesterday, I dropped my phone. This broke the LCD screen in a way where the phone turns on and I can hear the text messages I have gotten but I can not see or get to them. All other buttons work and I tried multiple ways of fixing it to no avail.
    I was CERTAIN I did NOT have insurance on this phone(I'm on a plan with AT&T with my mother,sister, and father) and I eventually come to terms with the fact that I will have to just shell out the money I FINALLY got in savings, on a new phone.
    I am stressed about it and don't like it. I've only had this phone since February. Total sadness.

    So I wake up today at 5pm to race to the AT&T store to find myself a new phone. They tell me they can't really see the account with the number I have, since I am not an 'authorized user' on the account for payments and the like. Therefore, I will have to pay full retail for any phone I pick out. Already saw that coming.. So I discover a fabulous phone I could live with, that doesn't have some outrageous price tag, but they are out of stock. I head to Best Buy and they have one.

    I buy it, insert my sim card, and call my mother when she promptly decides to tell me that after we got the phone, she decided to put insurance on it after all. To add to my silliness, I did NOT have to buy a new phone because I had my old Samsung Galaxy S3 in my desk THE WHOLE TIME.

    So I return the phone I bought to Best Buy and they were super nice about the whole thing.
    Granted the S3 is a Verizon phone and doesn't recognize the sim card, but I can make/receive calls and send/receive texts and that is really all that matters at this point.

    Lesson Learned: When in doubt, call your mother. Which I could have done from the home phone at the house.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am not stupid. But man, oh man, do I feel stupid today. And SUPER TIRED because I missed out on SO much glorious sleep....ugh...

    All that sounds very much like something I would do. I would also be the most pissed about missing sleep! Because sleep!

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Earlier was Arachnophobia. It's a silly movie but it makes me think every time I have an itch, it's a spider crawling on me. :smile:
  • RedRockChic
    RedRockChic Posts: 69 Member
    Sufferlandrian, on the same note I would have a hard time not putting my hands on some pet owners.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Today has been a fun one.

    During my shift yesterday, I dropped my phone. This broke the LCD screen in a way where the phone turns on and I can hear the text messages I have gotten but I can not see or get to them. All other buttons work and I tried multiple ways of fixing it to no avail.
    I was CERTAIN I did NOT have insurance on this phone(I'm on a plan with AT&T with my mother,sister, and father) and I eventually come to terms with the fact that I will have to just shell out the money I FINALLY got in savings, on a new phone.
    I am stressed about it and don't like it. I've only had this phone since February. Total sadness.

    So I wake up today at 5pm to race to the AT&T store to find myself a new phone. They tell me they can't really see the account with the number I have, since I am not an 'authorized user' on the account for payments and the like. Therefore, I will have to pay full retail for any phone I pick out. Already saw that coming.. So I discover a fabulous phone I could live with, that doesn't have some outrageous price tag, but they are out of stock. I head to Best Buy and they have one.

    I buy it, insert my sim card, and call my mother when she promptly decides to tell me that after we got the phone, she decided to put insurance on it after all. To add to my silliness, I did NOT have to buy a new phone because I had my old Samsung Galaxy S3 in my desk THE WHOLE TIME.

    So I return the phone I bought to Best Buy and they were super nice about the whole thing.
    Granted the S3 is a Verizon phone and doesn't recognize the sim card, but I can make/receive calls and send/receive texts and that is really all that matters at this point.

    Lesson Learned: When in doubt, call your mother. Which I could have done from the home phone at the house.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am not stupid. But man, oh man, do I feel stupid today. And SUPER TIRED because I missed out on SO much glorious sleep....ugh...

    All that sounds very much like something I would do. I would also be the most pissed about missing sleep! Because sleep!

    *kitten* yeah! The worst part is the lack of sleep has made me less than super productive...I've been here 4 hours and I haven't done JACK SQUAT!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm out at 7...4 more hours. My tot is gone for a few days to gramma's so when I get off I'm going for a bike ride, having beers, taking a bath. It isn't even my "weekend" but it sure feels like it!

    To pass the time I'm folding a moutain of towels while watching YouTube. Just finished a full-face of makeup...at 3 a.m...and I'll see like 10 people, max...but I feel pretty, oh so prettttty!

    Many years ago I was a housekeeper for a hotel. It was icky. Even ickier? Cleaning people's homes. While people do stuff in hotels that they don't do at home...home is where people let reeeeal loose and get comfy. Definitely weird/gross shizz in homes as well. People are just weird and gross.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Frankie, that is why I work on animals, and not people. :smile:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited June 2015
    I finally got a smartphone last year due to an accident. I was out with my friend at a show (went to see the opening act and wound up seeing a band for the first time that I'm now in LOVE with) and we were Drunk. Capital D, drunk. I was like, 8 Sierra Nevada pale ales deep and pretty sure I had some Jameson, which I typically don't drink (I drink bourbon at home but usually no whiskey in public). I wanted to go outside to smoke and didn't want to waste or lose a beer so I put the beer in my purse assuming I would remember to keep it upright. Wrong. My phone was a flip phone, had no internet and took pics as well as a potato so it wasn't the worst thing ever...memories...

    Edit: This public drunken behavior is not typical of me. Just want to throw that out there. I mean, I drink. Beer nerd, bourbon fan, margarita lover for sure but drunken and in public?! Hadn't re-visited that scenario since early 2000's...it was fun though!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    LOL. :smile: At least you got a smart phone out of the deal. :smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Gah. So. Tired.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Five hours to go.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    2 more hours....2 more hours, a 30 minute drive, set up coffee for my dad, then I am stripping naked, falling into bed, and passing the smurf out!
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    @jennifer_417 do you have a scary basement at work???....dark and dingy.......go for a security walk round there....that will soon wake you up........or do a load of squats if you cant leave your desk........make sure people can see you thou.....it might drive some of the crazies away if they see you and think she is more mad than us........

    I have twisted my knee at weekend trying not to stand on a puppy.......bloody hurts today.......so rest week for me besides work........not to impressed......full of cold too....so wanted to get running to try knock it out of me.......a week in bed it is......lol....think my Fitbit might fall out with me this week.......im already getting sarcastic messages of it.......

    On the plus side...................I have 2 new Puppies....... :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Haha...I actually used to do security for the university I attended. The campus was an old military hospital, and one the buildings was the mental ward.

    The had these big posters up of people's faces...one night I was patrolling in there and forgot about the posters...and caught a giant, floating face out of the corner of my eye. Let me tell you, staying awake was not a problem that night!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Also, your puppies are full of cute!

    Also, also, I'm thinking of getting a FitBit. How do you like yours? Which model do you have?
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    LOL. :smile: At least you got a smart phone out of the deal. :smile:

    I was dragging my feet anyway. Had a computer at work and the phone worked fine so I refused to buy a new one. I'm so glad it happened though. I (of course) got a FB, an Instagram account, things I didn't have before. Some people get on social media and end up feeling worse about themselves but IG has done wonders for my self esteem. I see beautiful women that love themselves and that encourages me to be more accepting of me. I had seen chicks post pics of their flawed but still beautiful bodies and I knew that if I scrolled past my own photos (subjectively) like that, I'd be supportive and encouraging, not a bully, like I am to myself. So I started being more and more at peace with my body. I even got enough courage to post swimsuit pics, pic of me in sports bra and granny panties, no makeup pics. Somethings that if you would have told me a year ago that future me would do...I'd argue til I was blue. People complain that social media is so negative but I think IG can be a very positive place. FB and YouTube, not so much for some reason but IG for me has been wonderful! Thank-you, drunken Frankie, for making the poor decision that led to greater things!

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Haha...I actually used to do security for the university I attended. The campus was an old military hospital, and one the buildings was the mental ward.

    The had these big posters up of people's faces...one night I was patrolling in there and forgot about the posters...and caught a giant, floating face out of the corner of my eye. Let me tell you, staying awake was not a problem that night!

    ROFL!! I'm glad it didn't happen to me and I hope you can laugh about it now. :smile:

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Nothing like a last minute emergency C-Section, just when you thought you were going home. At least there were two live puppies out of the three.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Haha...I actually used to do security for the university I attended. The campus was an old military hospital, and one the buildings was the mental ward.

    The had these big posters up of people's faces...one night I was patrolling in there and forgot about the posters...and caught a giant, floating face out of the corner of my eye. Let me tell you, staying awake was not a problem that night!

    ROFL!! I'm glad it didn't happen to me and I hope you can laugh about it now. :smile:

    Oh, I think it's hilarious!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I really need to learn sign language.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Haha...I actually used to do security for the university I attended. The campus was an old military hospital, and one the buildings was the mental ward.

    The had these big posters up of people's faces...one night I was patrolling in there and forgot about the posters...and caught a giant, floating face out of the corner of my eye. Let me tell you, staying awake was not a problem that night!

    I really did lol at that one.

    I've gotten to the weird YouTube late at night and freaked myself out to the point that any noise had me certain a ghost or something was coming to get me. Didn't want to walk hallways, look in mirrors...what a goon...