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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I fell off this weekend too, no worries. Today is a new day (tomorrow?) I never know what day it is or what's today and what's tomorrow... #nightshiftproblems

    And they brought donuts to the PD and I had one. I wasn't even hungry and ate one anyways.

    I've been on a cookie wagon. Made a batch of pre-cut pre-made Minion cookies with my kiddo. They were maybe half dollar size...my kid had a few...I ate THE REST! Two days later, I impulse buy Reese's PB Oreos...and eat 2/3 a package for dinner. At least the specialty flavors are smaller packs...I guess? And you know what the worst part is? I can't even TASTE things properly still! They taste sweet, but that's about it...

    This is a wagon I need to fall off of...

    Maybe I could jump onto the cookie wagon to push you off...but first I need to get off of my "watermelon with lays potato chips" on top wagon...
  • kidcuba176
    kidcuba176 Posts: 95 Member
    Only trolls are the sheep leading the rest to the slaughter with their lack of experience.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Only 6 more months until this officer leaves. 6 more months.

    We don't needto notify anyone if a nitrogen tank is low on a Monday night. They will fix it in the morning. We only need to notify someone if the temperature rises above negative 187 degrees Fahrenheit. If it's still at minus 200 degrees then we have NOTHING to worry about because NO ONE is going into those labs and opening the freezers!

    Every tiny problem is not a GIANT problem that requires notifying the whole campus about. :angry:

    Unnecessary radio traffic. :tired_face:
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I struggle with food sabotage at work. Last night a co-worker brought in yogurt covered pretzels. I was pretty good but still ate about 8 or 10 pretzels. I had a little down time and that's when I weaken.
    Watching a crazy thunderstorm right now in Indy--it has been storming all night.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    edited July 2015

    I'm quite aware that I have an attachment to food. I'm an emotional eater. I also have to work night shift in a high stress environment and help look after my future step son during the day. I'm aware that lack of sleep leads to a craving for foods higher in fat, calories, and/or carbs.

    No one is leading me down any roads of misinformation. Thank you for assuming that I'm so naive as to be lead down a dangerous road on a thread. I simply stated it bc the people on her know the struggle of trying to maintain healthy eating on a very abnormal schedule. I stated that I had a donut bc I wanted to admit that I didn't have the self control to resist. I'm not stupid and don't need to be reminded about how food is an addiction.

    Please take your condescending attitude elsewhere. AKA bye Felicia!!
  • kidcuba176
    kidcuba176 Posts: 95 Member
    Assumptions can make even the brightest of souls seems so daft.
  • kidcuba176
    kidcuba176 Posts: 95 Member
    Carry on
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member

    I'm quite aware that I have an attachment to food. I'm an emotional eater. I also have to work night shift in a high stress environment and help look after my future step son during the day. I'm aware that lack of sleep leads to a craving for foods higher in fat, calories, and/or carbs.

    No one is leading me down any roads of misinformation. Thank you for assuming that I'm so naive as to be lead down a dangerous road on a thread. I simply stated it bc the people on her know the struggle of trying to maintain healthy eating on a very abnormal schedule. I stated that I had a donut bc I wanted to admit that I didn't have the self control to resist. I'm not stupid and don't need to be reminded about how food is an addiction.

    Please take your condescending attitude elsewhere. AKA bye Felicia!!

    I'm reading a book called The Gift of Fear and it suggests that the best solution to deal with most crazies who are craving attention, is to ignore them. If they don't get any attention then they have to go latch their tentacles onto someone/something else.

    But you handled it in a very direct manner. Let's just hope that SOME people on this website understand that 'no' means no and 'get lost' means go away.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited July 2015
    Don't feed the trolls...do NOT feed the trolls.... :rage:

    It should be easy enough to find a job for you @Frankie_Felinius. You seem smart, experienced, willing to work nights, more than capable of handling the bullsmurf people throw at you.
    I would think most places would be pretty lenient when it comes to appearance nowadays. Especially if you're going to continue working nights.

    @jennifer_417 What does a night auditor do exactly?

    Well, thanks. I used to work in a tattoo shop and I'd love to do that again. I was in line to be shop manager but the owner and I just couldn't work together. He was flighty, let employees walk all over him, everything was "later"...I'm so not that kind of manager, let alone person in general. I loved the job (and I could look however I wanted to) so it was really tough quitting. Even if I don't find another job like that, places are more lenient nowadays, you're right...especially if you have a good work history...and if they don't...I can fool 'em to thinking I'm "normal"...at least while I'm on the clock. :p

    We auditors basically run the paperwork for the night, make sure all the numbers are correct, nothing is out of balance, fix others mistakes. Booooring.

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I fell off this weekend too, no worries. Today is a new day (tomorrow?) I never know what day it is or what's today and what's tomorrow... #nightshiftproblems

    And they brought donuts to the PD and I had one. I wasn't even hungry and ate one anyways.

    I've been on a cookie wagon. Made a batch of pre-cut pre-made Minion cookies with my kiddo. They were maybe half dollar size...my kid had a few...I ate THE REST! Two days later, I impulse buy Reese's PB Oreos...and eat 2/3 a package for dinner. At least the specialty flavors are smaller packs...I guess? And you know what the worst part is? I can't even TASTE things properly still! They taste sweet, but that's about it...

    This is a wagon I need to fall off of...

    Maybe I could jump onto the cookie wagon to push you off...but first I need to get off of my "watermelon with lays potato chips" on top wagon...

    That damn sweet and salty combo...gets me every time...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member

    ereck44 wrote: »
    I struggle with food sabotage at work. Last night a co-worker brought in yogurt covered pretzels. I was pretty good but still ate about 8 or 10 pretzels. I had a little down time and that's when I weaken.
    Watching a crazy thunderstorm right now in Indy--it has been storming all night.

    I kid my fiance about this kind of thing. He has never struggled with weight. I inform him when I'm eating better and to not let me slip. But if I say, "Let's get a pizza" or "Let's get some ice cream"...he always says ok! He just feels terrible about policing me...even if I ASK him to. Oh well...at least I get to eat pizza and he has loved me through thick and thin...and thick...and thin...and thick. lol

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm feeling shaky and light-headed. I'm going to go eat some processed instant garlic couscous...and I'm gonna looooove it. Mmm. Carbs make everything better.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Just has a bloat come in. Very nice people. The dog can be a bit of a fear biter at the vets office but they were up front about it and even brought their own muzzle. I love clients that try to protect my staff. I will bend over backwards for them. The dog is doing well. I hope I can keep him corrected through the night. :smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited July 2015
    Did that guy really stumble in here, apropos of nothing start mumbling something about food addictions, call us all stupid, then leave? Wow....Although, if thats his real picture, which I doubt, it would make hime one of the better-looking trolls I've seen lately...

    And yeah, night auditors process all the days' transactions, plus whatever front desk stuff needs done. Actual procedures vary between properties.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I just don't like being called stupid and have someone accuse others of something absurd. I don't mind taking constructive criticism at all. Had he said something along the line of I had trouble with eating junk food and here's how I overcame it, that's cool. Anyways...lol

    My fiancé had to take our 2 dogs into the vet yesterday for shots. We're boarding them when we go on vacation and apparently our one dog didn't want anything to do with it. Never had an issue before today. Had to muzzle the poor guy and take him in the back. Next time, the dogs go separately!
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    *chants mantra "Must NOT feed the trolls"*

    Or you could feed them reese's oreos... maybe they'll like expode or somethin'.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited July 2015
    here ya go guys, sunrise over Brooklyn this morning...


    [Edit: correct picture this time]
  • spazzticrayne
    spazzticrayne Posts: 5 Member
    Hey all hoping this is still up and running got another night shifter. security is boring at night.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Don't feed the trolls...do NOT feed the trolls.... :rage:

    It should be easy enough to find a job for you @Frankie_Felinius. You seem smart, experienced, willing to work nights, more than capable of handling the bullsmurf people throw at you.
    I would think most places would be pretty lenient when it comes to appearance nowadays. Especially if you're going to continue working nights.

    @jennifer_417 What does a night auditor do exactly?

    Well, thanks. I used to work in a tattoo shop and I'd love to do that again. I was in line to be shop manager but the owner and I just couldn't work together. He was flighty, let employees walk all over him, everything was "later"...I'm so not that kind of manager, let alone person in general. I loved the job (and I could look however I wanted to) so it was really tough quitting. Even if I don't find another job like that, places are more lenient nowadays, you're right...especially if you have a good work history...and if they don't...I can fool 'em to thinking I'm "normal"...at least while I'm on the clock. :p

    We auditors basically run the paperwork for the night, make sure all the numbers are correct, nothing is out of balance, fix others mistakes. Booooring.

    Well it has to beat watching a campus at night waiting for alarms to go off, that never go off or for people to do something wrong, when there are no people here. What the hell am I supposed to do all night? Enforce the rules on the deer?! :scream:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Hey all hoping this is still up and running got another night shifter. security is boring at night.

    Yes. yes it is. But I have my books and my fellow nightshifters so I'm all set. :smile:

    And yes we just had some loon come in here and call us 'inexperienced'. I wanted to hurt him....