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The official nightshift thread....



  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    My body likes to wake up around the five hour mark...no matter how exhausted I am. Drives me batty...
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    still at work... 2 more hours :'(
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Season 8 of Dr Who is on Netflix, that's how I'm passing my night!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Season 8 of Dr Who is on Netflix, that's how I'm passing my night!
    I already seen the season via BBC. A few of my Whovian friends are turned off by him. They don't like that he's older and grouchier but it doesn't bother me. I dig it.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I think he's the best-looking of the lot, tbh. Attack eyebrows!
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    Please do not be too concerned with the full metabolic panel
    We run CMP which is a comprehensive Metabolic Panel on almost everyone we do bloodwork on that comes through the ER. And on the patients in the hospital during the morning test.
    It is what you would always normally have with a yearly physical anyway.
    There is a basic metabolic panel BMP, which gives you the basics....thus the "full"
    Your results are likely to be normal. Since you are losing weight by choice
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I think he's the best-looking of the lot, tbh. Attack eyebrows!

    That's the name of his special attack/move in the Doctor Who Legacy game. XD
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    edited August 2015
    I hope maybe the information will help ease your worries just a bit.
    WebMD shows the test that are part of the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel CMP (full metabolic panel)
    She might check your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) also.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Thank you @DiddleOnTheRun! That did ease my fears quite a bit. I also talked to our on staff nurse and she says everything should come back normal since everything else was fine and didn't set off any alarms. :smiley:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I wish we weren't an ER sometimes. I have a client I would love to tell to never come back. We gave her dog pain meds and it's not controlling the pain but if I give more I will kill the dog. Now she is calling every 30 minutes to tell us the dog is still painful and that we need to give it something. I finally had the tech tell her we could give euthasol and put the dog to sleep. I don't think she liked that answer.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I wish we weren't an ER sometimes. I have a client I would love to tell to never come back. We gave her dog pain meds and it's not controlling the pain but if I give more I will kill the dog. Now she is calling every 30 minutes to tell us the dog is still painful and that we need to give it something. I finally had the tech tell her we could give euthasol and put the dog to sleep. I don't think she liked that answer.

    I have to say that it would depend on the age of the dog and what the cause of the pain was as to whether or not I would 'like' the answer.
    With Sox (one of our old cats) was in soo much pain that there was almost nothing they could do, it was almost a relief to hear the vet say the only other option was to put him down. But he was also 17 years old.

    What's wrong with the dog, @sufferlandrian ?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ugh. Semester starts next Monday. 12 credits, plus working 3rd shift on the weekends. 16 weeks w/out a day off.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ugh. Semester starts next Monday. 12 credits, plus working 3rd shift on the weekends. 16 weeks w/out a day off.

    At least you are IN school. I refuse to go back until my current student loans and my credit card are paid off. It is in my plans though. I hated the idea before, and now I can't wait to go back....seems kinda weird. My Sergeant Smith and my Lieutenant both say that sometimes certain people just need to mature a bit more and get their head on straight before going back.

    I know it will be a bit more difficult since I've been out of school for so long, but I am up for the challenge. I plan to take it as slow as I need to in order to get it done. Most every person I know who went 'back to school' hasn't regretted it so I doubt I will either. Those that did regret it, only regret not finishing.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ugh. Semester starts next Monday. 12 credits, plus working 3rd shift on the weekends. 16 weeks w/out a day off.

    At least you are IN school. I refuse to go back until my current student loans and my credit card are paid off. It is in my plans though. I hated the idea before, and now I can't wait to go back....seems kinda weird. My Sergeant Smith and my Lieutenant both say that sometimes certain people just need to mature a bit more and get their head on straight before going back.

    I know it will be a bit more difficult since I've been out of school for so long, but I am up for the challenge. I plan to take it as slow as I need to in order to get it done. Most every person I know who went 'back to school' hasn't regretted it so I doubt I will either. Those that did regret it, only regret not finishing.

    If I waited until I paid off my student loans, I'd never make it back, especially at my current pay! Sadly enough, if I ever want to do better, I need the piece of paper to get me a different job.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ugh. Semester starts next Monday. 12 credits, plus working 3rd shift on the weekends. 16 weeks w/out a day off.

    At least you are IN school. I refuse to go back until my current student loans and my credit card are paid off. It is in my plans though. I hated the idea before, and now I can't wait to go back....seems kinda weird. My Sergeant Smith and my Lieutenant both say that sometimes certain people just need to mature a bit more and get their head on straight before going back.

    I know it will be a bit more difficult since I've been out of school for so long, but I am up for the challenge. I plan to take it as slow as I need to in order to get it done. Most every person I know who went 'back to school' hasn't regretted it so I doubt I will either. Those that did regret it, only regret not finishing.

    If I waited until I paid off my student loans, I'd never make it back, especially at my current pay! Sadly enough, if I ever want to do better, I need the piece of paper to get me a different job.

    My loans are pretty low <$2,000 at this point and I have enough wiggle room in my finances to make some pretty aggressive payments. The credit card right now is my big issue, but it's getting there. If I didn't have the gorram car payment, stupid ex-husband insisting on a new car, I would have everything paid off and money in the bank at this point. Especially from this job. :smiley:
    The way things stand, it shouldn't take me much more than a year as long as things go according to plan.

    "What you plan and what takes place ain't always exactly been similar"- Jayne Cobb
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ugh. Semester starts next Monday. 12 credits, plus working 3rd shift on the weekends. 16 weeks w/out a day off.

    At least you are IN school. I refuse to go back until my current student loans and my credit card are paid off. It is in my plans though. I hated the idea before, and now I can't wait to go back....seems kinda weird. My Sergeant Smith and my Lieutenant both say that sometimes certain people just need to mature a bit more and get their head on straight before going back.

    I know it will be a bit more difficult since I've been out of school for so long, but I am up for the challenge. I plan to take it as slow as I need to in order to get it done. Most every person I know who went 'back to school' hasn't regretted it so I doubt I will either. Those that did regret it, only regret not finishing.

    If I waited until I paid off my student loans, I'd never make it back, especially at my current pay! Sadly enough, if I ever want to do better, I need the piece of paper to get me a different job.

    My loans are pretty low <$2,000 at this point and I have enough wiggle room in my finances to make some pretty aggressive payments. The credit card right now is my big issue, but it's getting there. If I didn't have the gorram car payment, stupid ex-husband insisting on a new car, I would have everything paid off and money in the bank at this point. Especially from this job. :smiley:
    The way things stand, it shouldn't take me much more than a year as long as things go according to plan.

    "What you plan and what takes place ain't always exactly been similar"- Jayne Cobb

    Sounds like you're really in a good situation, with a good plan. That's great! This is round 3 of college for me, and I'm gonna go striaght through until I finish my Master's this time. It'll take about 6 more years.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @lilaclovebird - The list is long and distinguished. From Hydrocephalus and spinal malformation to renal failure and heart disease. The dog has been to a referral center and to a veterinary teaching hospital and they can't fix the problems. She is expecting a miracle to save her 17 yr old dog and it's getting to the point that we just can't keep putting the dog back together. The honest truth is, the dog does better when it's hear than it does under her care. She loves the dog, but she is "LOVING" the dog to death and can't seem to come to grips with the recommendation of the vets. She takes advice from one vet on one aspect and from another vet on another aspect but she doesn't like what she hears about something so she jumps to another vet for something else. The dogs care is really messed up because it's being treated at six different clinics. We are the only one that faxes what we do to the other clinics so not every clinic is aware what the other clinics are doing.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @lilaclovebird - The list is long and distinguished. From Hydrocephalus and spinal malformation to renal failure and heart disease. The dog has been to a referral center and to a veterinary teaching hospital and they can't fix the problems. She is expecting a miracle to save her 17 yr old dog and it's getting to the point that we just can't keep putting the dog back together. The honest truth is, the dog does better when it's hear than it does under her care. She loves the dog, but she is "LOVING" the dog to death and can't seem to come to grips with the recommendation of the vets. She takes advice from one vet on one aspect and from another vet on another aspect but she doesn't like what she hears about something so she jumps to another vet for something else. The dogs care is really messed up because it's being treated at six different clinics. We are the only one that faxes what we do to the other clinics so not every clinic is aware what the other clinics are doing.

    It's good to hear that you care for the animals and not just 'bodies'. Keeping all doctors in contact with each other is good because you can get a lot of ideas out of the way at once. Sometimes symptoms might be mentioned at one vet that might totally be forgotten at a visit with a different vet.

    Honestly, at 17 years old, if it was ill, I would be watching him waiting for 'the look' if you know what I mean.

    Sox gave us 'the look' when he was ready. As did Cubby and Shadow. Animals seem to know when it's their time. :cry:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    It just bothers me that when I have told the owner I can't give any more pain meds without putting the dogs life at risk, she calls back screaming that we need to give more. Do you think if you scream loud enough that I'll suddenly realize I could have given more pain meds? I'm not going to cave in to bullying and do what I don't think is in the animals best interest.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    It just bothers me that when I have told the owner I can't give any more pain meds without putting the dogs life at risk, she calls back screaming that we need to give more. Do you think if you scream loud enough that I'll suddenly realize I could have given more pain meds? I'm not going to cave in to bullying and do what I don't think is in the animals best interest.

    Makes me wonder if the dog is the one getting 100% of the pain meds.......

    Yelling and screaming doesn't get anyone anywhere. Someone clearly missed one of their preschool lessons.