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The official nightshift thread....



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    ** waves from Myrtle Beach **

    My vaca is over Saturday which means back to the grind Monday night. But I'll head back a married woman!! Woot woot!!

    Nice! :smile: Congratulations!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited August 2015
    Is in-home euthunasia a thing? Our cat Sonny is getting old and of all the pets I've had...he hates being transported and being anywhere but home more than any other cat. If I end up having to euthanize him, I'd really appreciate that option...

    I worked at a vet office when I was younger. I had to hold a dog once while he was being euthanized. It WAS sad but the dog was old and suffering. The hardest part was seeing the owner hand him over. Full grown man in tears over his buddy. I was raised on a farm though sooo....animals dying/being killed was part of life from an early age...

    There are a fair number of mobile vets that will come do a euthanasia at your home. Most vets will not go to your house anymore because of the liability and complications that can occur.

    And if you worked for a vet when you were younger, why aren't you here working for me. I've been trying to find good staff that won't quit after the first couple of euthanasias.

    Huh, interesting.

    I'm not a licensed tech. :( I've looked into it many times but the closest school would give me a 45-60 minute commute to and from school five days a week...through Midwest winters (when commute would be closer to two hours). Ugh. If I had a tech program in my city...I know that is what I'd be doing by now... :( I love animals, I love science, I can deal with death, gross stuff, etc...

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Maybe you should look in to it. It's only two years. You would be good at it. :smile:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Maybe you should look in to it. It's only two years. You would be good at it. :smile:

    Maybe some day. The only thing I can finish at this point in my life is a sandwich. But I appreciate the vote of confidence.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ok question? I was chatting with a guy on here for 2-3 days, he was flirting with me quite a bit. After a couple days of chatting, I asked him his last name. He seemed to think that was weird, and basically stopped talking to me. I know it's really hard to catch tone, etc with text. But was it really that weird for me to ask him that?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Maybe you should look in to it. It's only two years. You would be good at it. :smile:

    Maybe some day. The only thing I can finish at this point in my life is a sandwich. But I appreciate the vote of confidence.

    Story of my life right there. Couldn't even finish my workout. I might have to give up drinking alcohol at the pool with my friend Alycia. It seems to take a big toll on my body for the next few days afterwards.

    It certainly doesn't help that my mother is home for the weekend and informed me RIGHT BEFORE I LEFT FOR WORK that my cousin Sheri isn't going to make it. This time the cancer is going to take her, third time is the charm I guess. Have we developed a 'I Hate Cancer' chant for team Wild @$$ Cats? It should be a cross-species thing.

    Between gaining 5 pounds, my cousin dying, and feeling icky because of drinking, I am not in for a good day.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ok question? I was chatting with a guy on here for 2-3 days, he was flirting with me quite a bit. After a couple days of chatting, I asked him his last name. He seemed to think that was weird, and basically stopped talking to me. I know it's really hard to catch tone, etc with text. But was it really that weird for me to ask him that?

    I don't think so. Maybe he has a criminal record and doesn't want you to search him and learn about it before he feels comfortable telling you?
    Maybe he is married with 2.5 kids and doesn't want you to know?
    Maybe he thought it was just harmless flirting and now that you want to take it further he is terrified?
    Some people are strictly 'keyboard flirts' just as some people are 'keyboard warriors.'
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I say keyboard flirt, for sure.

    I've gained a few lbs too. Over the summer I didn't ride my bike and lately I've been Snacky Snackerson. But the tot is in school now so I'm back on the bike...no worries...until winter. ;) Today I rode past her school and she was out at recess! Luckily she didn't see me spying on her!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I say keyboard flirt, for sure.

    I've gained a few lbs too. Over the summer I didn't ride my bike and lately I've been Snacky Snackerson. But the tot is in school now so I'm back on the bike...no worries...until winter. ;) Today I rode past her school and she was out at recess! Luckily she didn't see me spying on her!

    I'm trying to get into running like I did in high school. Nothing longer than a 5k for sure but this humidity and heat SUCKS. I want to take Tessa because she LOVES to go but it's too hot by the time I get off work at 7AM!

    Poor Tessa is solid black and ends up half dead at the end of the first mile. Of course I'm one to talk, I'm half dead at the end of the first half mile. But I can keep pushing myself, I can't keep pushing Tessa.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Proud moment for us as parents:

    Our child wants to take a sack lunch to school so she can eat healthy food. We gave her the option to try school lunch for 3 days this week and she could decide. She didn't like the meatball sandwich, walking taco and Bosco stick with sides of canned fruit that she was served. She wants salad, veggies and hummus, fresh fruit in her lunch. She is such a good eater! Don't get me wrong, the kid loves candy and cookies like any other but for MEALS, she wants the good stuff. Yay!

    Side note: Why the eff are these kids eating TWO snacks a day plus lunch while they are there?? I was already bothered by her getting one snack in preschool now TWO?! Ok, honestly...I know why. A LOT of kids in our city struggle with poverty...so much so that the whole school district gets free breakfast and lunch this year. Some kids really NEED those snacks because they don't get what they need at home, necessarily. What about the other kids? There are also some upscale neighborhoods, middle class neighborhoods (us)...those kids attend the same school. I know you can't single out the poor kids and give them snacks and not the other kids but we've worked hard to get our daughter to NOT snack, especially on the crap they serve (goldfish, animal crackers, etc). Those aren't nutritious snacks anyway for kids who need extra nutrition! I guess it is what it is. I did find out that the parents are responsible for bringing the day's snacks on whatever day they are assigned. Sooo....can I bring hummus and veggies, fresh sliced mango? Those are my kid's favorite snacks. (This from a kid that is confused when she eats tuna salad without capers and always requests Indian restaurants when asked what she wants for dinner...)

    But I hope she does try the rectangle pizza that soooo many of us fondly recall!!! That is a childhood classic!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Yeah, keyboard flirt was my read, too. I just wanted another opinion. I can be a bit lacking in social graces at times, so I thought maybe I missed something. Oh well! Thanks!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's a good thing blood doesn't bother me. Just had 2 guests come in, needing to know their boss's room #, which I had told them earlier that I can't give out room #s. But this time, they were both covered in blood, one had a huge gash on his forehead, the other a smaller gash on his cheek. When I asked them if they had been robbed, they said "Basically." Whatever that means. I went ahead and gave them the room #. One of them said that if I had given it to them earlier, they wouldn't be in this situation, but said he understood when I told them I had to follow the rules as much as I can. They weren't mad at me, but I think they had both been given some painkillers, since they had already been to the hospital. I do feel bad, but I hope they get settled in to their rooms before any other guests see them.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Yeah, keyboard flirt was my read, too. I just wanted another opinion. I can be a bit lacking in social graces at times, so I thought maybe I missed something. Oh well! Thanks!

    @jennifer_417 What are these 'social graces' you speak of?

    @Frankie_Felinius I was never a fan of the lunches at school and reveled in bringing my lunch. However, this 'snack times' thing is something I have NEVER heard of. You got lunch and that was IT until you got home. They did offer free after school snacks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but those were the only days when after school stuff met. Even then it was fruits and veggies. I was a HUGE carrots and celery fan and freaked other kids out when I refused ranch dressing.
    Course I was a smurfing BEAN POLE growing up and probably needed the ranch....
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited August 2015
    It's a good thing blood doesn't bother me. Just had 2 guests come in, needing to know their boss's room #, which I had told them earlier that I can't give out room #s. But this time, they were both covered in blood, one had a huge gash on his forehead, the other a smaller gash on his cheek. When I asked them if they had been robbed, they said "Basically." Whatever that means. I went ahead and gave them the room #. One of them said that if I had given it to them earlier, they wouldn't be in this situation, but said he understood when I told them I had to follow the rules as much as I can. They weren't mad at me, but I think they had both been given some painkillers, since they had already been to the hospital. I do feel bad, but I hope they get settled in to their rooms before any other guests see them.

    I remember walking into a hotel lobby and walking right back out. Looked like the set from a Tarantino film.... I should have guessed SOMETHING had happened since the ambulance was just leaving as we were getting into the parking lot.
    Hindsight 20/20 and all that...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Yeah, keyboard flirt was my read, too. I just wanted another opinion. I can be a bit lacking in social graces at times, so I thought maybe I missed something. Oh well! Thanks!

    @jennifer_417 What are these 'social graces' you speak of?

    @Frankie_Felinius I was never a fan of the lunches at school and reveled in bringing my lunch. However, this 'snack times' thing is something I have NEVER heard of. You got lunch and that was IT until you got home. They did offer free after school snacks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but those were the only days when after school stuff met. Even then it was fruits and veggies. I was a HUGE carrots and celery fan and freaked other kids out when I refused ranch dressing.
    Course I was a smurfing BEAN POLE growing up and probably needed the ranch....

    Yup, my kid refuses dressing on her salads most of the time! I know kids are gonna think she is weird for that, hell, I think she is weird for that!

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    It's a good thing blood doesn't bother me. Just had 2 guests come in, needing to know their boss's room #, which I had told them earlier that I can't give out room #s. But this time, they were both covered in blood, one had a huge gash on his forehead, the other a smaller gash on his cheek. When I asked them if they had been robbed, they said "Basically." Whatever that means. I went ahead and gave them the room #. One of them said that if I had given it to them earlier, they wouldn't be in this situation, but said he understood when I told them I had to follow the rules as much as I can. They weren't mad at me, but I think they had both been given some painkillers, since they had already been to the hospital. I do feel bad, but I hope they get settled in to their rooms before any other guests see them.

    You're a nicer gal than me...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Well, I feel a tiny bit responsible, because if I had been paying attention, I woul've realized that their boss is one of our regulars, and I probably could've given them the room # after some verification.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Ok question? I was chatting with a guy on here for 2-3 days, he was flirting with me quite a bit. After a couple days of chatting, I asked him his last name. He seemed to think that was weird, and basically stopped talking to me. I know it's really hard to catch tone, etc with text. But was it really that weird for me to ask him that?

    I don't think so. Maybe he has a criminal record and doesn't want you to search him and learn about it before he feels comfortable telling you?
    Maybe he is married with 2.5 kids and doesn't want you to know?
    Maybe he thought it was just harmless flirting and now that you want to take it further he is terrified?
    Some people are strictly 'keyboard flirts' just as some people are 'keyboard warriors.'

    I'm going with he's already taken and must have a uncommon last name, thus is easy to find online.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Well, I feel a tiny bit responsible, because if I had been paying attention, I woul've realized that their boss is one of our regulars, and I probably could've given them the room # after some verification.

    We usually try to call the guest in their room or cell and ask if it is ok to give out the room number...but if we can't reach 'em...the person asking is S.O.L.

    Some people get mad...but then I ask them wouldn't they appreciate a courtesy call if someone was trying to access THEIR room?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Well, I feel a tiny bit responsible, because if I had been paying attention, I woul've realized that their boss is one of our regulars, and I probably could've given them the room # after some verification.

    We usually try to call the guest in their room or cell and ask if it is ok to give out the room number...but if we can't reach 'em...the person asking is S.O.L.

    Some people get mad...but then I ask them wouldn't they appreciate a courtesy call if someone was trying to access THEIR room?

    Yes. Courtesy call me every time please! Even at some ungodly hour of the day.