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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It just bothers me that when I have told the owner I can't give any more pain meds without putting the dogs life at risk, she calls back screaming that we need to give more. Do you think if you scream loud enough that I'll suddenly realize I could have given more pain meds? I'm not going to cave in to bullying and do what I don't think is in the animals best interest.

    Makes me wonder if the dog is the one getting 100% of the pain meds.......

    Yelling and screaming doesn't get anyone anywhere. Someone clearly missed one of their preschool lessons.

    Actually, what's really unfortunate is that that a lot of times, especially in customer service situations, yelling and screaming DOES get people somewhere. It's one of the things I truly hate about customer service, because it encourages bad behavior.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Alright. I've HAD ENOUGH! I am going to the store after this shift and I am getting some serious prune action going. I don't know what they taste like or if this will cause pain but I haven't pooped in 4 days!
    I'm not in any serious pain but being this 'off schedule' is REALLY bothering me.
    Is low back pain normal with constipation?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Alright. I've HAD ENOUGH! I am going to the store after this shift and I am getting some serious prune action going. I don't know what they taste like or if this will cause pain but I haven't pooped in 4 days!
    I'm not in any serious pain but being this 'off schedule' is REALLY bothering me.
    Is low back pain normal with constipation?
    Ugh, constipation is the worst! Prunes aren't bad-tasting, to me, and they should help! And yeah, I think it can cause back pain.
    TMI, but I get constipated pretty often. I asked my Dr about it, and he said that stool softeners were safe enough to take daily. I don't take them daily, but they sure do help when I do need them.

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    What about Dulcolax?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    What about Dulcolax?

    Haven't tried it yet but I have taken Miralax and a tablespoon of coconut oil the last two days to no avail. As always, I am drinking a good amount of water. Between 100 and 120 ounces a day.

    I feel like my binge on Thursday of the fried food and beer may have done it but usually it causes the opposite problem.

    @jennifer_417 I can't say I've never been constipated before but it's just never been this bothersome for me. I've been so proud of my regularity and now... :disappointed:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,477 Member
    Back at work, yay...not.

    @sufferlandrian I'm sorry she's giving you such a hard time and can't come to grips with what's best.

    @lilaclovebird I hope you're feeling better!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Some nights are rough but over all I do enjoy my job. I like to remember that I could be unemployed and living out of my car trying to take care of a family with odd jobs or panhandling or welfare. As frustrated as I am with clients some days, I'm truly grateful I went to school and learned a trade that allows me to support my family. With two special needs kids, the bills can really pile up. I will be eternally grateful for a wife that lets me do what I like for a living and makes sure my kids are taken care of. That way I can come home from a rough night to the sound of kids laughing and excited to see me. Life doesn't get any better than that! :smile: If I died tonight, the memory of my wife and kids would make having lived, worth every minute.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Guess what?


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    LOL. :-) Yeah! :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I wasn't as happy/excited about it when it was happening.... :tired_face:

    But hopefully, I'll be back on schedule.

    My doctor has put me on an antibiotic for that bacterial infection. Erring on the side of caution I suppose.

    Still no results on my blood work yet, and tomorrow at about 9 AM, it's the semi-annual stabbing of needles at the Bastrop Campus. The Tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative skin test! I LOVE getting stabbed with needles!

    I'm especially fond of getting blood drawn. :grin:

    I do have a slight concern in regards to the side effects of my antibiotic but when I called my doctor, she said everything should be fine and to call her with any more concerns.

    So I'm on maintenance calories and keeping my exercise low impact until we know how the medication will affect me.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited August 2015
    Ugh. Semester starts next Monday. 12 credits, plus working 3rd shift on the weekends. 16 weeks w/out a day off.

    Glutton for punishment, too, I see! I have done that to myself so many times. (During one episode I got one of my favorite tattoos. It is on my outer right forearm...unfortunately I rarely see it but everyone else does! It is a candle...burning at both ends...with a rose in the center. It is perfect for me.)
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Some nights are rough but over all I do enjoy my job. I like to remember that I could be unemployed and living out of my car trying to take care of a family with odd jobs or panhandling or welfare. As frustrated as I am with clients some days, I'm truly grateful I went to school and learned a trade that allows me to support my family. With two special needs kids, the bills can really pile up. I will be eternally grateful for a wife that lets me do what I like for a living and makes sure my kids are taken care of. That way I can come home from a rough night to the sound of kids laughing and excited to see me. Life doesn't get any better than that! :smile: If I died tonight, the memory of my wife and kids would make having lived, worth every minute.

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I got to play with a kitten today! Sometimes when I ride my bike I go to a lawn and garden store that sells pets as well and stare at the kittens. Today they had four, two that looked like my Sonny, two like my Ruby! I never saw my cats as kittens so it was like seeing them as babies! I thought my heart was going to implode holding one of 'em when one of the workers opened the cage and they started crawling out. Sheesh. I have 3 cats but have been wanting a kitten lately. I've always adopted adults. Guess it is baby fever in feline form. A couple months ago they had a little black and white riblet that I was able to pet a little and I've been kitten crazy since then!

    There is the chick I watch on YouTube, Mamrie Hart...she has a show called You Deserve a Drink. She is raunchy and hilaaaarious. She put a book out and I got it in the mail this morning. I could NOT put it down and I lol'ed so many goddamned times in the 60 pages I read before forcing myself to put it down and go to bed!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Alright. I've HAD ENOUGH! I am going to the store after this shift and I am getting some serious prune action going. I don't know what they taste like or if this will cause pain but I haven't pooped in 4 days!
    I'm not in any serious pain but being this 'off schedule' is REALLY bothering me.
    Is low back pain normal with constipation?

    Ugh. As a person suffering from suspected Crohn's...I FEEL for ya! I'll be blessed with a colonoscopy next week...which doesn't sound fun...but being constipated or having urgent diarrhea constantly isn't fun either!

    Regular pooping is something that is definitely taken for granted! :D I miss those days...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I got to play with a kitten today! Sometimes when I ride my bike I go to a lawn and garden store that sells pets as well and stare at the kittens. Today they had four, two that looked like my Sonny, two like my Ruby! I never saw my cats as kittens so it was like seeing them as babies! I thought my heart was going to implode holding one of 'em when one of the workers opened the cage and they started crawling out. Sheesh. I have 3 cats but have been wanting a kitten lately. I've always adopted adults. Guess it is baby fever in feline form. A couple months ago they had a little black and white riblet that I was able to pet a little and I've been kitten crazy since then!

    There is the chick I watch on YouTube, Mamrie Hart...she has a show called You Deserve a Drink. She is raunchy and hilaaaarious. She put a book out and I got it in the mail this morning. I could NOT put it down and I lol'ed so many goddamned times in the 60 pages I read before forcing myself to put it down and go to bed!

    I love Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart, and Grace Helbig! They all make me laugh!

    I'm slowly getting into Ingrid Nilson and I've been a fan of Jenna Marbles for a while too.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited August 2015
    I got to play with a kitten today! Sometimes when I ride my bike I go to a lawn and garden store that sells pets as well and stare at the kittens. Today they had four, two that looked like my Sonny, two like my Ruby! I never saw my cats as kittens so it was like seeing them as babies! I thought my heart was going to implode holding one of 'em when one of the workers opened the cage and they started crawling out. Sheesh. I have 3 cats but have been wanting a kitten lately. I've always adopted adults. Guess it is baby fever in feline form. A couple months ago they had a little black and white riblet that I was able to pet a little and I've been kitten crazy since then!

    There is the chick I watch on YouTube, Mamrie Hart...she has a show called You Deserve a Drink. She is raunchy and hilaaaarious. She put a book out and I got it in the mail this morning. I could NOT put it down and I lol'ed so many goddamned times in the 60 pages I read before forcing myself to put it down and go to bed!

    I love Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart, and Grace Helbig! They all make me laugh!

    I'm slowly getting into Ingrid Nilson and I've been a fan of Jenna Marbles for a while too.

    YES to ALLL of them! I started with Jenna...recommended by my fiancé. I knew she had to be funny because Number 1 - my fiancé typically isn't a fan of women comedians (not that she is a comedian but ya know what I'm saying) Number 2 - my fiancé isn't a fan of tan & thin blondes with small butts. Lol. So I KNEW she had to be truly funny for him to watch her. I found Grace when I watched her impression of Jenna Marbles. And then of course I found Hannah and Mamrie. Mamrie drove me nuts at first but she became my favorite out of all of them! She seriously makes me lol more than anyone else. Like ACTUALLY lol. She might be my "living celebrity you'd have lunch with"...the word celebrity used super loosely, of course and lunch replaced with drinks, of course. Ingrid I've only seen on other people's but she is cute as a button. I just watched her on Grace's channel a little bit ago!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    So you never said whether you took the kitten home or not. :smile: Well? Did you?
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    No. I'm trying to be good...

    The other day I went and stared at kittens at the shelter and later sent a pic of one to my fiancé. He asked if there was a kitten at our house. I texted back, "Do you mean Aggie?" Seconds later the phone rang...my fiancé thought I had done it!

    It is only a matter of time...and he knows it...
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    LOL. :smile: He'll be smart if he just accepts it and enjoys the newcomer. :smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'd love to have a kitten but our landlady hates them and won't let anyone have them. *pouts*