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The official nightshift thread....



  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    my only issue with Halloween is whether or not I wanna have a metric $h!t-ton of tiny Hershey bars whispering to me after the parade of trick-or-treaters have come and gone. theres' something almost sexual about throwing tiny Hershey bars in the freezer and eating them whole...but I'm not gonna make any new friends here sharing TMI stuff like that. :)

    I had a loaner Liberty for a little while about three years ago, and it drove me nuts - like I said to you the other day, I don't think there's a single flat surface anywhere on the inside of the thing, ANYwhere. next time you get in, look for a place to put your phone. AAAAARRRRGHHHH!!

    good luck with the mechanic, though...probably not the first thing you wanted to deal with. :(
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    TMI-Are you kidding? This thread is like the overshare capital of MFP. And I can see where not having a place t put your phone would be annoying, but I just dropped mine into one of the cup holders. Anyway, I won't know any of the annoying quirks until I actually get to spend some time behind the wheel...and yeah, heading off to the mechanics right off the bat wasn't exactly what I had in mind...but once all this is resolved, I'll be a happy camper!
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    well, the "flat surface" thing was just my personal pet peeve...your mileage may vary (whoa - didja see what I did there?)...and you'll love it once you're road-worthy and mobile. :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    OK...I don't wanna go trick-or-treating...and I definitely don't wanna mess with trick-or-treaters....but I'd be pretty grateful if someone were to bring me some candy right about now...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
  • joek030
    joek030 Posts: 3,808 Member
    I just woke up ....
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member

    At work and people brought in a bunch of food. Someone made chicken and mushroom enchiladas. 2 other people made chili with meat and bits of corn. I got a piece of enchilada and then doused it with the 2 types of chili. I was going to get a slice of pie but I don't know if I can stay awake enough to enjoy it now zzzzzzz
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    All this rain.... People being evacuated left and right. Bleh.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Fire one week, flood the next...I think the apocalypse is beginning in Bastrop, TX.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Fire one week, flood the next...I think the apocalypse is beginning in Bastrop, TX.

    You should see all of the FROGS! >.<
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Nope. I'm getting outta town before the locusts show up...*shudder*
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited October 2015
    but I just dropped mine into one of the cup holders.

    My father does that, well, did, until one day he forgot that he already had a cup of tea in the cup holder. Brand new phone + tea = no so much fun.

    You should see the "cup holders" in my TA. They're pretty much on the floor, below the dashboard. One has to reach forward and nearly take their eyes off the road (as the view is blocked by the dash) to get to the cup.

    Thanks @hamptontom word the kind word. Although I beat myself up over it, but meh, that's just who I am. Since we're in the TMI mode, I treat everyone well, and feel bad when I don't. Yet I treat myself like sh**.

    Re: Halloween. No good friggin' parties in my area this year, and I'm on vacation. Sucks. The nearest part was an hour away, and I just didn't feel like driving that far for an hour or two. Oh, and I bought a whole bunch of candy to realize that I have to run somewhere in the evening, meaning I'm stuck with it all... maybe I'll do reverse trick or treating tomorrow. I did it three years ago when Sandy "canceled" Halloween here. I went to the neighbors *knock knock* "Treat! Here's a whole bag of candy or two for your kids! (Trick's on you, mom!)"

    This vacation sucks. In addition to ditching the wedding at the start, I'm stressed. It seems that I spend so little time off from work, now that I'm off, I feel I have to be doing something or I'm wasting valuable time. Which means my stress levels are pretty much the same as if I were working. *sigh*

    Hopefully @lilaclovebird those floods recede and things get better for you soon. You've had a very active couple of weeks, it seems.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    So...I'm trying to read this chapter about the Vietnam War in my History textbook, and basically all I'm getting out of it is that war was a train wreck from start to finish.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,239 Member
    So...I'm trying to read this chapter about the Vietnam War in my History textbook, and basically all I'm getting out of it is that war was a train wreck from start to finish.

    That pretty much sums it up. We went there to support the French and stop communism from spreading. When the French pulled out, we should have also but instead tried fighting a war with western values against an enemy with eastern values. It was a cluster from beginning to end.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    My last vacation...I was ready for a vacation from THAT vacation halfway through. I told my fiance I just want to be dead for a week next time instead of "on vacation". Just put me under for the duration at least...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    So...I'm trying to read this chapter about the Vietnam War in my History textbook, and basically all I'm getting out of it is that war was a train wreck from start to finish.

    That pretty much sums it up. We went there to support the French and stop communism from spreading. When the French pulled out, we should have also but instead tried fighting a war with western values against an enemy with eastern values. It was a cluster from beginning to end.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited November 2015
    This day/week has been a roller coaster. Bought car, got windshield fixed, found out I need more paperwork to get it tagged than the owner gave me, found out it needs a $600 repair, though I was gonna have to re-max out the credit card I JUST paid off, some other stuff happened 'cause I didn't handle it very well, then my mom basically swoops in outta nowhere and offered to pay for the whole fix.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited November 2015
    Oh yeah, also, my mom is really awesome.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Oh yeah, also, my mom is really awesome.
    Sounds like it!

    Okay so my day. I had a plan I SWEAR!

    I get to work last night and listen all night to people being rescued because of the flooding. My GOSH people are dumb.

    My relief for in the morning is actually sleeping in the building because she couldn't get home due to the flooding and asks me to wake her up at 15 'til 6am which is fine, what-evs.
    So I wake her up and unlock the kitchen so she can get her OJ and take her morning pills and whatnot and we do the shift change over and I clock out and she ends up talking my ear off for AN HOUR!
    Granted, I prefer daylight driving in flood situations because then I can SEE the water before I drive into it but I wanted to go home and walk my dog because I had a date tonight.

    So I FINALLY get home at around 8:30am and I walk the dog and make it back by 9am. My sheets are thrown in the dryer(was washing them the night before) and the main blanket was folded on top of the washing machine already(Thanks mom! :heart: ).
    Then I get a text from Lee the date guy who has been SO INSISTENT on seeing me again in a very 'right now! right now!' fashion. I don't know what I did, or if I did anything, to make him this way but the constant 'I want to see you' thing is getting annoying. Now I think it's more because I don't have a super strong attraction to him anyway.
    He asks me if I have a costume.
    "Uhm...what? I work on Halloween and I don't get to get dressed up, so no."
    "Oh well there goes my idea for an amazing evening"
    "Ugh...I think I can throw something together"
    "Well you don't HAVE to but I will be in my caveman costume so look out, I might be in character!"
    So now it's like 10 o'clock on Halloween DAY. I'm cleaning the ferret cage, making my bed, hopping on the elliptical and worrying about a costume all at the same time. I FINALLY get an idea and crawl into bed at about 1:30pm. My date is at 8pm, so I'm looking at waking up about 7am. Not TERRIBLE but I kept waking up. First at 3pm and again at 5pm.

    BAH! Holy no sleep Batman. I throw my little outfit together and then head out the door with two sips of coffee under my belt. We meet at the movie theater/bar/bowling alley and we are basically the ONLY TWO PEOPLE dressed up for Halloween. :grumble:
    I decide to have ONE drink (mind you I still have to work tonight) and then get a burger because while I WANTED protein pancakes, even I cannot whip those up AND get in costume in 30 minutes.
    So I'm over my calorie goal and cranky because it feels like although this guy is SUPER eager to get face time with me, it's like all he wants to do is stare at me.
    Allegedly, the plan was for us to walk around main street because the city of Bastrop does a cutesy little trick or treat thing with churches and businesses for the kiddos. I know this because I was in it last year for my last company.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited November 2015
    Costume I threw together in less than 20 minutes:


    ETA: This is a shirt that wouldn't even BUTTON UP when I first started this journey. Now it's a little baggy. :smiley: