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The official nightshift thread....



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    It will just take a little while to get use to balance at the current weight. :smile: Haven't seen a current picture but you are looking pretty good in your last one.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    CMDO34 wrote: »
    It's damn cold out. I'm so not use to this anymore.

    Where a jacket

    I have one here, but it probably won't help her much.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @sufferlandrian That actually reminds me that I need to take new measurements and pictures before Thursday ruins everything.....
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    CMDO34 wrote: »
    It's damn cold out. I'm so not use to this anymore.

    Where a jacket

    I have one here, but it probably won't help her much.

    Confession (even though this isn't my usual confession thread): The Grammar Nazi in me wanted to smack him a good one. It took a lot for me to 'be nice.'
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    @lilaclovebird Me too, lol. I noticed I typed were instead of where a few posts ago AFTER the hour edit...still bothers me.

    Congrats on being so close! I agree, your balance is different now...how is your posture? I naturally have crap posture but when I'm dressed up I keep very good posture (puts the T & A where you want them!)...it has "taught" me to keep better posture in general (most of the time) and your posture does vary depending on your weight...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I've been offered the head housekeeping position here before but never took it due to no daycare. Now that the kid is in school, I'm seriously considering it. I'd have to bring her with me on Sats and Suns though.

    And to be completely honest...being a housekeeper, even a head housekeeper...isn't exactly the title I want. Not that my current title is ideal either but there is a stigma with maids...ya know? I don't want my kid to be embarassed of me either. Most of the time I truly don't care what others think of me but I'm human and sometimes I get down on myself for shizz other people think about me. I guess this one actually bothers me because I know I'm a smart gal who has a lot of wasted potential. But on the other hand...jobs need to be filled and the stigma against people doing service work is a bunch of BS anyway...but I still get that inferior feeling...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I've been offered the head housekeeping position here before but never took it due to no daycare. Now that the kid is in school, I'm seriously considering it. I'd have to bring her with me on Sats and Suns though.

    And to be completely honest...being a housekeeper, even a head housekeeper...isn't exactly the title I want. Not that my current title is ideal either but there is a stigma with maids...ya know? I don't want my kid to be embarassed of me either. Most of the time I truly don't care what others think of me but I'm human and sometimes I get down on myself for shizz other people think about me. I guess this one actually bothers me because I know I'm a smart gal who has a lot of wasted potential. But on the other hand...jobs need to be filled and the stigma against people doing service work is a bunch of BS anyway...but I still get that inferior feeling...

    Is there a pay increase?
    Will it enable you to spend more time with family/friends?
    Will you still get to keep your cool/sexy hair?
    You could be a "Sanitary Maintenance Supervisor" or a "Cleanliness Maintenance Supervisor" or a "Head Cleaning Technician", do any of those titles appeal to you?

    No job is inferior if it is necessary.

    People look down on Police officers and security guards too, ya know. And Dispatchers? PSSH! Who care about them? It's not like they're actually IN the action. Veterinarians? Who goes through all that school just to care about ANIMALS? That's not important at all!*

    *Note: These are all very valuable professions that are ABSOLUTELY necessary and many people value them. I don't know WHERE I would be if dispatchers were not around when we had our fire or the flooding these past few months. I am SO grateful to have a vet who cares about the animals we own almost as much as we do. And while there are SOME bad eggs in the police and security professions, they are absolutely necessary in maintaining order in a society that is constantly on the verge of chaos.
    All hotel personnel have my respect because I LOVE how many people in that industry will go out of their way to make me more comfortable. Shout out the desk guy at the Emily Morgan Hotel in San Antonio who gave me change for a $20 for parking! :grin:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Eh, feck it. I don't really want my kiddo with me at work two days a week.

    In other news...my favorite cat has something going on with his jaw/tooth/gums. The gum is swollen up between the teeth, jaw swollen and bruised looking. The teeth all look good and he is acting completely fine...even rubbing his chin on things...as cats do. I can't imagine he buggered it up by hitting it on something...I still think something is abcessed in jaw or something...just what we need right now!!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,487 Member
    The use of "where" instead of "wear" made me twitch too. I also wanted to reply duh. Just the first really cold air of the season. And it in the 70s last week so not use to the cold yet lol.

    I agree with @lilaclovebird on the no job is inferior if it's necessary but whatever makes you happy and works for your family
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I know no job is inferior...I personally feel pretty strongly about that. I hate that skilled trades and service jobs are so looked down upon & discouraged as a career by parents and counselors. Not everyone is meant to go to college, not everyone wants to and all jobs need filled. When it REALLY comes down to it, they are some of the most important jobs. But...sometimes I can't help but feel inferior because of the stigma against "low class jobs"...and like I said before...I'm a smart chick who had a lot of potential but I'm a mess in my upstairs...so it bothers me that I've wasted that...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I know no job is inferior...I personally feel pretty strongly about that. I hate that skilled trades and service jobs are so looked down upon & discouraged as a career by parents and counselors. Not everyone is meant to go to college, not everyone wants to and all jobs need filled. When it REALLY comes down to it, they are some of the most important jobs. But...sometimes I can't help but feel inferior because of the stigma against "low class jobs"...and like I said before...I'm a smart chick who had a lot of potential but I'm a mess in my upstairs...so it bothers me that I've wasted that...

    Not 'wasted', redirected. Your smarts are needed where you are. Your brains come in handy in MANY customer service interactions.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Unfortunately not the case. My brain works well in a science-y kind of way. I was once told by a distinguished biology professor that it was a shame I wasn't pursuing a career in science because my brain is wired for it. I also had a Spanish and an art professor assume each was my major because of how well I did. Both tried to encourage me to follow the respective paths and both used the same kind of terminology as the biology prof as to why I should. I don't use any of that here...ever. Seriously...it is barely work. It is a click of a few buttons and just being a uniformed body on the property. (Side note: A uniformed body? Shouldn't it be AN uniformed body? That sounds wrong though...but an before words that start with vowels and all...)

    Oddly enough...my customer service skills are pretty sucky...but I'm a good actress! So I compensate and pretend I'm good at it and it works!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Got out on the Fat Tire today and rode to Bowser lake. It was nice to get out with the dog and ride outdoors. The lake is frozen over but I'm not willing to ride across just yet. :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Unfortunately not the case. My brain works well in a science-y kind of way. I was once told by a distinguished biology professor that it was a shame I wasn't pursuing a career in science because my brain is wired for it. I also had a Spanish and an art professor assume each was my major because of how well I did. Both tried to encourage me to follow the respective paths and both used the same kind of terminology as the biology prof as to why I should. I don't use any of that here...ever. Seriously...it is barely work. It is a click of a few buttons and just being a uniformed body on the property. (Side note: A uniformed body? Shouldn't it be AN uniformed body? That sounds wrong though...but an before words that start with vowels and all...)

    Oddly enough...my customer service skills are pretty sucky...but I'm a good actress! So I compensate and pretend I'm good at it and it works!

    You would have been a diamond in the rough in STEM fields. With your amazing make-up and hair. Really throw the whole demographic for a loop. :lol:

    It's never too late to change your stars you know. You can still go back. I plan on it. Although what I might do once I get back to school is still somewhat up in the air. Analytical minds are fun. I love the chemist we have in my confessions group on here. She got me back into journaling which has helped me a bunch with all sorts of internal turmoil.

    My biggest issue with having a brain is finding a brain that is similar. I found it in SSP but he doesn't necessarily want the same things I want. He makes a pretty good friend/toy though.
    Hopefully when I get back into school and get into the swing of things I can find someone with a great mind who is passionate about something and isn't afraid to correct my spelling, my grammar, or the way I pronounce words. Someone who can call me out on my smurf if I'm wrong and be willing to be subject to the same thing.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    The posture thing... mine sucks, and I've found that losing weight has exacerbated that problem. I would have though it would have helped.

    A lot of brilliant minds go wasted because of some opportunity they weren't able to make use of. I always did very well in classes requiring a scientifically/logically oriented mind. Yet, here I am in a sh***y civil service job because my family hadn't enough money for me to go to college, and I can't do it now.

    Re: "An uniformed"... English rules are just inconsistent all over the place. Just like the Brits use "An hotel" as opposed to our "A hotel".
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I appreciate the kind words of encouragement...however...my mental issues are what are preventing me from being successful. Not an excuse, just reality. For a long time I thought I could "power" through it and I've been back to college many times with the belief "this time" would be different. It never was. I'm smart enough...but not mentally stable enough to handle the pressure of schoolwork let alone a more challenging job. I know plenty of people with mental illness are successful but it just isn't in the cards for me, I've come to realize. I'd say I'd have to get a handle on my head before I could ever be successful in school or change jobs...but I'll be honest...I don't think that will ever happen. I've tried treatment so many times with very little to no success...and the general consensus is that it isn't treatable...just something you learn (or don't learn) to cope with. So I've tried to let go of the idea of ever returning to school or getting a better job. It is really tough on me to think like that but being hopeful and getting burned over and over agan...was worse. It is what it is. Sorry to sound depressing...or argumentative with words of support and encouragement...but I really don't need them...I'm stuck where I'm at and that is what I have to come to terms with. I've been encouraged before only to fail every single time so I'm done trying...

    I'm suprised you don't go into the psychology field @lilaclovebird. Seems like you would make a great therapist!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Just what every owner wants, to have their dog that they just adopted turn out to be pregnant and need a 5 AM C-Section. See you guys in about an hour. :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @Frankie_Felinius You are not the first person to suggest this. In addition, I have been told I would make a great police officer, because I would be great with victims of trauma AND I was told I seem great with the human mind and should try to become a FBI profiler.

    HELLO education out the wahzoo!

    I don't know that I would like either of those things. However, my Uncle Raul, who is a parole officer in L.A., California said I should get a degree in psychology if I even remotely think I would be ANYWHERE in the law enforcement or public service fields because a degree in Criminal Justice only gets you so far and Psychology degrees are more what they are looking for nowadays.

    Plus there really is a vast array of positions where a psychology degree would be beneficial. Even if it isn't specifically beneficial to me or if I decide I don't like it, I can always go back to school and get ANOTHER degree! :grin:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'll be interested to see where you eventually feel the most fulfilled. I can imagine you doing very well at many jobs that require a tricky combo of an analytical mind and a compassionate heart...psychologist, police officer, etc...with your mix of empathy, diplomacy, kindness, boldness, intelligence, curiosity. That strong empathy you have can be an asset to those professions...but can also be too much on someone like that. You seem like a super strong person though so I can't imagine the empathy being a detriment.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Just what every owner wants, to have their dog that they just adopted turn out to be pregnant and need a 5 AM C-Section. See you guys in about an hour. :smile:

    OMG. :o