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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    American History Since 1877. Primarily centered around the Labor Movement.

    I will do it for tacos.

    I swear, I haven't lost any weight since I've started weight lifting and I really want to blame the tacos. I have had 2 homemade tacos every day since Tuesday and on Wednesday I had 4....

    My weight lifting thread peeps tell me not to worry as long as I am accurately weighing/measuring and staying within calories and drinking lots of water(still working on that).
    Scale is a stupid thing anyway because my leggings are fitting better than ever.

    The problem with that is I'm likely to eat any and all tacos that I make before I have the chance to give them away! So, maybe if you came over and helped me fix them, you'd at least have a fighting chance!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    American History Since 1877. Primarily centered around the Labor Movement.

    I will do it for tacos.

    I swear, I haven't lost any weight since I've started weight lifting and I really want to blame the tacos. I have had 2 homemade tacos every day since Tuesday and on Wednesday I had 4....

    My weight lifting thread peeps tell me not to worry as long as I am accurately weighing/measuring and staying within calories and drinking lots of water(still working on that).
    Scale is a stupid thing anyway because my leggings are fitting better than ever.

    The problem with that is I'm likely to eat any and all tacos that I make before I have the chance to give them away! So, maybe if you came over and helped me fix them, you'd at least have a fighting chance!

    Fair enough.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Paychecks didn't come in...again. How is that possible?? How does the company we work for have a whole department for payroll yet we don't get our checks on time?

    I'm debating putting in my resume for an assistant general manager at a new hotel being built. I really don't want to stay in hospitality but the real kicker is that I know my boss wants to apply for the GM position! Sheesh...

    @lilaclovebird Once I'm off graveyard shift...I won't be on here at all. I don't really use mfp for weight loss anymore (since the "effed up guts diet" is working so well for me)...just something to do on boring nights. If you reeeeally want to see my face...you'll have to get Instaaaagraaaaam! (But trust me...it is a lot of my face...soooo)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Paychecks didn't come in...again. How is that possible?? How does the company we work for have a whole department for payroll yet we don't get our checks on time?

    I'm debating putting in my resume for an assistant general manager at a new hotel being built. I really don't want to stay in hospitality but the real kicker is that I know my boss wants to apply for the GM position! Sheesh...

    @lilaclovebird Once I'm off graveyard shift...I won't be on here at all. I don't really use mfp for weight loss anymore (since the "effed up guts diet" is working so well for me)...just something to do on boring nights. If you reeeeally want to see my face...you'll have to get Instaaaagraaaaam! (But trust me...it is a lot of my face...soooo)

    Okay FINE! I'll get a stupid instagram...ugh
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Paychecks didn't come in...again. How is that possible?? How does the company we work for have a whole department for payroll yet we don't get our checks on time?

    I'm debating putting in my resume for an assistant general manager at a new hotel being built. I really don't want to stay in hospitality but the real kicker is that I know my boss wants to apply for the GM position! Sheesh...

    @lilaclovebird Once I'm off graveyard shift...I won't be on here at all. I don't really use mfp for weight loss anymore (since the "effed up guts diet" is working so well for me)...just something to do on boring nights. If you reeeeally want to see my face...you'll have to get Instaaaagraaaaam! (But trust me...it is a lot of my face...soooo)

    Okay FINE! I'll get a stupid instagram...ugh

    It's not that bad. I follow a few MFPeeps but mostly celebrities. I also occasionally post about 2 to 3 pics a month.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited January 2016
    Yay! It is fun. You only see what you choose to see, really. I see tattoos, curvy ladies, curvy ladies with tattoos, half nekkid ladies, curvy half nekkid tattooed ladies...wait. (JK...I tell ya...following broads whose bods look real and sexy...has done wonders for my self esteem...I choose to see that and it reinforces that mentality...social media can be a good thing.) I also see makeup, science-y stuff, celebrities I like, beer. Stuff I like and nothing I don't! And since it is pics...people can't get too preachy. Sometimes in the description part they can but then just choose not to see their shizz anymore!

    @lacroyx I remember Star Wars creamers :)
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    And if ya don't like it, delete it. No biggie.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Okay What is ya'lls insta-whats-its?

    I am lilac_lovebird. :smiley:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Allo! So I had an interview for a warehouse position (this place hires anyone) and it went fine. They wanted someone to start Mon, which I gotta give my current employer 2 weeks notice so I couldn't but it sounds like next time they get something that they will know about 2 weeks in advance, I'll get a call. They have an on site sliding scale fee daycare so that will be cool during summer/holiday breaks. Normally 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. so that works but my days off would be Sat/Sun and my fiance Wed/Thu but it is what it is. Also starts off at a lower wage than I make now but I do only work 4 days a week so it about breaks even. Good thing is that after two weeks with the company, you can move to different (better paying) positions. I had to interview as a normal person so I put my "transformation" in my pics on here if you are interested...a pic of me normally nest to my interview look. Also check out the gold sparkly dress I found at Goodwill for $5.88! Hubba hubba! I can't wait to wear that thing to a show in February! Thank YOU digestive problems for the weight loss that allowed me to fit in that puppy! The last two pics are the two I just mentioned...fyi.

    I hope they have something soon. Glad it went well. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Paychecks didn't come in...again. How is that possible?? How does the company we work for have a whole department for payroll yet we don't get our checks on time?

    I'm debating putting in my resume for an assistant general manager at a new hotel being built. I really don't want to stay in hospitality but the real kicker is that I know my boss wants to apply for the GM position! Sheesh...

    @lilaclovebird Once I'm off graveyard shift...I won't be on here at all. I don't really use mfp for weight loss anymore (since the "effed up guts diet" is working so well for me)...just something to do on boring nights. If you reeeeally want to see my face...you'll have to get Instaaaagraaaaam! (But trust me...it is a lot of my face...soooo)

    My staff would mutiny if the paychecks didn't arrive on time. We do direct deposit. It keeps that from happening.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Direct deposit always good.

    Hundred and twenty miles round trip in this mess and I must be at work or face discipline. Anyone awake to wish me luck? Lol
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited January 2016
    belimawr wrote: »
    Direct deposit always good.

    Hundred and twenty miles round trip in this mess and I must be at work or face discipline. Anyone awake to wish me luck? Lol

    *says a prayer* Be careful!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Before the current owners bought us two years ago, we did have direct deposit and it was awesome. This company doesn't give us the option...and this is why. This happens every other month or so. Effed up bullshizz. If I don't come to work, I don't get paid...yet I can come to work and not get paid? (If me accepting that immediate opening wouldn't have effed the other FD people's lives temporarily, I'd have taken it...eff this place.)

    Tonight we have a lobby full of drinking parents letting their little ones run around. #1. Why do you think this is acceptable? #2 Do you know how many rooms a weirdo could pull your kid into in two seconds?? Or do you think about us being right next to a higway that can get someone pretty far before you even realize your kid is gone? It baffles me how people feel like kids are safe at places like hotels. To me it is the exact opposite!

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I mean, you're there to babysit, right? Or at least to blame when something DOES happen to MAH BEHBEH!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    By the way, those trees aren't dead. They are Tamaracks. They look like Evergreens but they are actually in the Larch family. They loose their needles in the fall and get them back in the spring.
    Monty Python quote: "And now.... the larch."
    Lovely pix.
    We back country ski in our part of the Larch Hills, another name for tamarack. There is also a slightly developed trackset area here too with a lovely little chalet, several cabins/shelters and also snowshoe trails. We just hosted a Heart & Stroke Fund Loppet last weekend. http://skilarchhills.ca/

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited January 2016
    Aaaaand silence. Everyone went to bed. :)

    Oh yeah...checks still not here.

    Ever since I started this whole "anti-inflam/vegan/gluten/dairy-free" nonsense I've noticed that guacamole is the highlight of my day food-wise. Not the highlight but the only time I'm like "Oh yeah, that's satisfying." I'm satisfied every time I eat if we are talking about fullness. But satisfied...no. I'm mostly eating grains and produce but I can tell how much I want animal product. Cheese, egg, butter...something with fat...and...idk...animal. But good ol' guacamole almost gives me that satisfaction. I've been eating a lot of rice and beans (one combo more Indian spiced, the other Adobo/verde salsa/cilantro/lime) and when I eat the latter of those kinds...I eat it with an obscene amount of guac...but the nice thing is...when you are eating vegan, it is perfectly fine to eat that amount of guac! Keeps me full, is full of anti-inflam ingredients and good fats. Thanks guac...you rock.

    Also something to note about a mostly vegan diet? Poop. You poop more often and more easily. I googled it and apparently it is super common for vegans to have 2-4 poops a day. Sheesh! All that roughage... :o
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I'm not vegan, actually low carb/higher fat. I <3 avocado in any form (guac or chocolate pudding style) and (TMI) I poop after every meal. One meal in, the other meal out. Never any problems. Tonight I really felt like blue corn tortilla chips, but that would blow my carb total out of the water today, so raw cauliflowerets dipped in 1.5 avocados worth of guac (I mix cumin, a bit of salsa, yogourt, chipotle chiles, and lime juice in it). Great snack, and now I'm satisfied.
    BTW, awesome sparkly dress @Frankie_Felinius !!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Okay What is ya'lls insta-whats-its?

    I am lilac_lovebird. :smiley:

    same as here on MFP lacroyx
  • lpetty22
    lpetty22 Posts: 19 Member
    Night shifter here...on lunch...the night is going pretty smoothly. Stocking bath and bedding and slicing my hand via paper/cardboard cuts as usual....