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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Sooo...I went to a temp service today and it was near my work so I called to see if checks showed up. My manager said "no, but they should be here today". Still doesn't help me out because I'll be in bed and not be able to deposit my check until Tuesday. So I text the regional manager to see if he knows what is going on. He didn't know we hadn't been paid and texted me back that the checks were on a truck in the city and they'd be there today. Apparently there was FedEx mistake in Memphis (apparently) but all of us are arguing that even if there was...don't send checks out on Thursday for a Friday payday! Pay period ends Sunday...get that shizz done and out so this can't happen...or do direct deposit.

    Anyway, so my fiance looks for his check and IT ISN'T THERE. Our boss looks it up in payroll and somehow HE FORGOT TO PUT HIS HOURS IN!! So they are overnighting his check. My fiance was pissed and told the boss that he wants a paid day off for the bs and one for me too. And it was done. Frankly, ALL employees should have received a paid day off...

    Good Lord..are they fricken SERIOUS?!
    I would be pushing direct deposit. Unless they aren't making enough to be sure they can actually pay you guys. That may be the problem. :grimace:
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    wow...i'm not sure what state you live in, or what the laws are there, but...this sounds pretty shady.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    Potential Guest: It says on the thing that your rate is X.
    Me: What thing?
    Potential Guest: The thing on my phone.
    In the end, he couldn't figure out how to book a reservation on "the thing," I knocked $5.00 off our normal rate, and everyone was happy.

    "the thing on my phone"...

    hindsight is always 20/20, but you could've told him, "I'm afraid that rate is only available to people who can actually identify the app by name when checking in. sorry, sir, but we don't honor rates published on the Thing app."
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    wow...i'm not sure what state you live in, or what the laws are there, but...this sounds pretty shady.

    Illinois. Bahahahahaha! Shady as *kitten*!!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I actually work in Iowa and the company is based out of Nebraska but hey...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    So I'm in pickle. One of my besties from high school is becoming the manager at a new Sephora being built in my area. She wants to hire me, has tried to get me to work with her before. One one hand, the pay is better (not to mention the discounts and gratis which basically increases my wage with the amount I spend on that shizz) and I'd be around something I truly love and am very knowledgeable about. On the other hand, I hate the retail atmosphere, pushing stuff on people, trying to get them to sign up for a credit card, etc. I also don't want to be a "Sephora girl". Ya know...wine and pedicures? I mean, I'm not against wine or pedicures but that is what this chick does...a lot....with her friends and coworkers. I'm a drink beer and make D I C K jokes kinda gal. I'm concerned that if I decline to hang out, I'll be the odd girl out and it would be weird. She was a pretty rad chick back in the day so idk but ya know what I'm saying...

    So it is basically a guaranteed job if I want it...but do I want it? Do I want to be "on" all of the time? Or because I truly love the products maybe it won't be hard to "sell" them. I've been in sales before but never for something I loved as much I love makeup. I remember her telling me last time I turned her down "It's easy, they just want to buy whatever is on your face."

    I don't know!!!! :/
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    So I'm in pickle. One of my besties from high school is becoming the manager at a new Sephora being built in my area. She wants to hire me, has tried to get me to work with her before. One one hand, the pay is better (not to mention the discounts and gratis which basically increases my wage with the amount I spend on that shizz) and I'd be around something I truly love and am very knowledgeable about. On the other hand, I hate the retail atmosphere, pushing stuff on people, trying to get them to sign up for a credit card, etc. I also don't want to be a "Sephora girl". Ya know...wine and pedicures? I mean, I'm not against wine or pedicures but that is what this chick does...a lot....with her friends and coworkers. I'm a drink beer and make D I C K jokes kinda gal. I'm concerned that if I decline to hang out, I'll be the odd girl out and it would be weird. She was a pretty rad chick back in the day so idk but ya know what I'm saying...

    So it is basically a guaranteed job if I want it...but do I want it? Do I want to be "on" all of the time? Or because I truly love the products maybe it won't be hard to "sell" them. I've been in sales before but never for something I loved as much I love makeup. I remember her telling me last time I turned her down "It's easy, they just want to buy whatever is on your face."

    I don't know!!!! :/

    What about beer and pedicures? You could make a planned commitment to only 'hang out' with them once a month or something.
    The pay increase, and actually getting paid, would be nice right?

    I think you're just afraid of the change. I was. But is the fear of the change enough to keep you miserable for months while you try to find something you are totally comfortable with?
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I definitely afraid of the change! And of working. Lol. Seriously, my job now is cake. I do my makeup/hair, watch Youtube, fraternize with you folk...I hardly work. But part of me is actually a teensy bit excited to work there...I'm trying to be in the mindset of try anything because I don't HAVE to STAY there...why not...and when I reeeeeally think about the other jobs that may possibly be offered to me...is it better/worse/equal...trying to weigh pros and cons...
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Trying to push things on people isn't cool. However, it's a product you like and believe in. That's not pushing. That's trying to get them as excited about a product as you are. That's not the same thing. Getting them to sign up for the credit card? If you ask and they decline, don't push it. I appreciate when salespeople do that. I don't mind them asking. It's only when they are pushy I mind. If it's a product you really like, selling it won't be difficult.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Getting them as excited as I am about a product...I gotta keep telling myself that...not selling!

    The credit card thing does suck and stores vary on their policies. I've worked places that said you had to get "two concrete nos" for every customer when offering cc apps until you could stop asking. Such bullshizz. Not an "I don't think so" or "not today"...had to be a "no". And there are minimums unfortunately, to keep your job. Sucks...if that wasn't a part of the job, that would eliminate a big con...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Ok. Another pickle. This Sephora is in a JCP. I worked at JCP twelve or more years ago and ended up quitting because of some extreme bullshizz. I was asked to sign a reprimand stating that if there was a problem between another associate and myself, we'd both be fired...and he had told people in our hiring group he WANTED to get fired so he could get unemployment. HE was the cause of the problem and omg...my blood is boiling just thinking back on this. Anyway, it was at JCP but a different location. So on the app, surely it will ask if I've worked for them beforer. If I say no, my SSN might flag in the system as a previous hire then I'm screwed. If they ask about the previous employment, wtf do I say? It was a effed situation, totally not my fault but when I quit (I was maybe 20, 22? No excuse but I was a fudgin' mess back then...) they wanted me to sign that paper and it detailed what had gone on leading up to me asking for a meeting with the store manager about some messed up stuff happening (which when I went to the scheduled meeting...he wasn't even there) and it accused me of saying something to that othe associate that I'd NEVER ever say. So I wrote "FUDGE YOU" on it and left. I highly doubt anyone who worked there back then still does or that they even have record of me working there (maybe digitally somewhere but not paperwork wise...for example the fudge you document...) I'm not sure if honesty is the best policy here or "forgetting" I worked there "so so long ago". I'm a much different person and a MUCH different employee nowadays so I know they'd be pleased to have me but....

    So you see...it is sticky...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    If you guys ever feel like I'm taking over this space as a "Frankie's life blog and problem solving'...please tell me. I have a lot to say sometimes and I can't exactly see your non-verbal cues that ya'll are annoyed. I apologize in advance if you feel that way and don't worry...I won't be around long! Something is gonna come up soon and I'll be outtaaaaaaaa here!

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ok. Another pickle. This Sephora is in a JCP. I worked at JCP twelve or more years ago and ended up quitting because of some extreme bullshizz. I was asked to sign a reprimand stating that if there was a problem between another associate and myself, we'd both be fired...and he had told people in our hiring group he WANTED to get fired so he could get unemployment. HE was the cause of the problem and omg...my blood is boiling just thinking back on this. Anyway, it was at JCP but a different location. So on the app, surely it will ask if I've worked for them beforer. If I say no, my SSN might flag in the system as a previous hire then I'm screwed. If they ask about the previous employment, wtf do I say? It was a effed situation, totally not my fault but when I quit (I was maybe 20, 22? No excuse but I was a fudgin' mess back then...) they wanted me to sign that paper and it detailed what had gone on leading up to me asking for a meeting with the store manager about some messed up stuff happening (which when I went to the scheduled meeting...he wasn't even there) and it accused me of saying something to that othe associate that I'd NEVER ever say. So I wrote "FUDGE YOU" on it and left. I highly doubt anyone who worked there back then still does or that they even have record of me working there (maybe digitally somewhere but not paperwork wise...for example the fudge you document...) I'm not sure if honesty is the best policy here or "forgetting" I worked there "so so long ago". I'm a much different person and a MUCH different employee nowadays so I know they'd be pleased to have me but....

    So you see...it is sticky...

    I'd go with honesty.
    You were young. They can let it go.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited January 2016
    Liiiibreeee sooooy, liiiibreee sooooy!

    Too much Frozen in Spanish last year...apparently I posted about it on FB and I got a reminder yesterday...can't get it out of my head now...

    Thanks @lilaclovebird

    (hahaha, I read that back and it sounded like I was thanking you sarcastically for the earworm but it was for the opinion...but now that I think of it...)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    If you guys ever feel like I'm taking over this space as a "Frankie's life blog and problem solving'...please tell me. I have a lot to say sometimes and I can't exactly see your non-verbal cues that ya'll are annoyed. I apologize in advance if you feel that way and don't worry...I won't be around long! Something is gonna come up soon and I'll be outtaaaaaaaa here!

    I certainly don't feel that way. Jeebus woman! Stop being so anxiety ridden!(WAY easier said than done, I know)

    It's totally cool. I have almost nothing going on in my life right now except, gym, work, food, and some guy named Luc for a coffee date on Wednesday.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Luc with no k...very French. (No little face with a beret...already checked...)

    I thought I was just being considerate. :#
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Luc with no k...very French. (No little face with a beret...already checked...)

    I thought I was just being considerate. :#

    Yeah..I'm nervous. He's smart, funny, quick witted, and a computer engineer.
    I started to really like him before I even knew what he looked like.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    That seems like a good sign...being sweet on him before the judgement on him physically.

    Imagine if we all paired off with our mates in that way? Finding who you are actually compatible with without all that pure lust stuff...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    That seems like a good sign...being sweet on him before the judgement on him physically.

    Imagine if we all paired off with our mates in that way? Finding who you are actually compatible with without all that pure lust stuff...

    When I saw his photo...he has long hair. Which furthers my mother's idea that I can only date guys with long hair or who are totally bald. There is NO in between.
    My (now ex) husband had long hair when we got married and then he cut it to a more 'normal' short haircut. Shortly thereafter, we got divorced. :lol:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Haha! Huh. I pictured ssp to have a normal cut. (Hope that isn't a sensitive subject...) Maybe that is why he didn't work out...

    I tend to go for a buzzed, faded or sliiiiightly longer on top kinda man 'do but sideburns are a necessity! I can't do long hair. That isn't true. I wouldn't go for long hair but I wouldn't limit myself if I was looking...