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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @sufferlandrian -awesome!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Yeah! The Golden Retriever is going to be fine. She was choking on a bone she found in the woods but it passed into the stomach. We had to decompress the stomach from all the air she had been gulping when trying to breath but she is doing find now. :smile:

    Glad you had some good news!

    Meantime back at the ranch.... foot is a bit more swollen and the bruise is a nastier colour but I am going to the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour tonight. Dead or alive and feeling like a snot factory.... I caught a cold at the hospital despite my very careful pushing of elevator buttons with my elbow and shutting off faucets and opening doors with papertowel. I will be taking meds for the cold tonight so I don't freak anyone out with loads of wet Kleenex. Our town is always first on the list of stops on the World Tour.... climbing friends in our local Search & Rescue (who use this film series to raise money for the cause) have friends who climb & work on the Festival in Banff. Nice to have connections, bwahahaha!

  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Another night in the pet ER. I just put down one that we've been working on for two weeks. Had to clear up a pneumonia before we found a tumor in the chest.

    That's always depressing.

    Had a blocked cat in tonight. Came in last night, bit vague, owner thought maybe breathing issues? Came back tonight looking horrendous, huge solid bladder. Bloods off the scale. Couldn't get the catheter past the blockage. Decompressed, then his heart rhythm became an issue. Worked my way through the text book and the drug cupboard to no avail... realised that actually he wasn't responding neurologically. Rang the owners and they pts. Gutted. He was a lovely cat and even though I know I didn't miss anything yesterday, still feel a bit guilty.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Another night in the pet ER. I just put down one that we've been working on for two weeks. Had to clear up a pneumonia before we found a tumor in the chest.

    That's always depressing.

    Had a blocked cat in tonight. Came in last night, bit vague, owner thought maybe breathing issues? Came back tonight looking horrendous, huge solid bladder. Bloods off the scale. Couldn't get the catheter past the blockage. Decompressed, then his heart rhythm became an issue. Worked my way through the text book and the drug cupboard to no avail... realised that actually he wasn't responding neurologically. Rang the owners and they pts. Gutted. He was a lovely cat and even though I know I didn't miss anything yesterday, still feel a bit guilty.

    You did everything you could. There is no shame in that. Try not to feel guilty, sometimes it is just their time.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Sadness for vets & vet techs :( You try everything you can and bad stuff still happens. Hugs!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Another night in the pet ER. I just put down one that we've been working on for two weeks. Had to clear up a pneumonia before we found a tumor in the chest.

    That's always depressing.

    Had a blocked cat in tonight. Came in last night, bit vague, owner thought maybe breathing issues? Came back tonight looking horrendous, huge solid bladder. Bloods off the scale. Couldn't get the catheter past the blockage. Decompressed, then his heart rhythm became an issue. Worked my way through the text book and the drug cupboard to no avail... realised that actually he wasn't responding neurologically. Rang the owners and they pts. Gutted. He was a lovely cat and even though I know I didn't miss anything yesterday, still feel a bit guilty.

    That always sucks! It's never fun when the die, but when you put that much work into them, it really bites when they need to be put to sleep.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Everyone is making it through the night. I didn't think the cat was going to make it but so far, she is improving.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,477 Member
    I don't know how you guys do it, it would break my heart to work with animals. You guys are awesome! I have a great vet office, don't know what I'd do without them :heart:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    The Banff Mountain Film Festival was awesome, one of my faves was the film about two friends hunting down good surf in Iceland (part of the very tiny surf culture there). Gorgeous film, fun story.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    The Bowflex is a harsh mistress. Thank goodness it's all small dogs and cats so far tonight.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    So far I've spent my Thanksgiving break sick in bed...but someone reminded me that hey, at least it's not finals week! I think part of it is just that I've been under a crazy amount of pressure this semester, and this is how my body is reacting.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    ^^^ Yep probably @jennifer_417. Stress lowers our immune systems. Bummer, that.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @jennifer_417 We've had a lot of people sick up here. Two strains of respiratory flu and one of intestinal flu. Hope you recover quickly.

    @canadjineh - How's the ankle doing?
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Thanks for asking, @sufferlandrian.... no biggie with putting weight on it and flexion/extention but the area around is pretty tender to the touch (still quite bruised & you know how bone pain is...) also inversion/eversion isn't so good. Mainly due to the staples in the incision I think, but that's my rehab focus once they are out on Friday. Gotta get back to my high heels, lol. I am supposed to work on Sat & Sun night so I'm crossing my fingers that the tenderness will be mainly solved when staples come out (I have to wear proper boots for my patrol, no wearing flat slides with my uniform, lol, Workers Compensation rules - Health & Safety)
    Latest photo from the 21st... less cankle but ugly looking old bruise.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    That looks like there is still a fair amount of bruising that is going to drain down to your foot. Hope it doesn't swell too much.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I'm getting tired of lying weather men. They keep saying it's going to snow but then it just rains. I can't XC ski in mud. :angry:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Whelp... the United States Postal Service wants to interview me.
    It's for a job with an "as needed" basis but I think I'll see how it will all work out.
    I also recently found that there is an administrative assistant position open with the county, so I'll be applying to that too.
    I have some serious options given that I am drug free, tattoo free, and no one ever notices my nostril piercing. :lol:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Thanks for asking, @sufferlandrian.... no biggie with putting weight on it and flexion/extention but the area around is pretty tender to the touch (still quite bruised & you know how bone pain is...) also inversion/eversion isn't so good. Mainly due to the staples in the incision I think, but that's my rehab focus once they are out on Friday. Gotta get back to my high heels, lol. I am supposed to work on Sat & Sun night so I'm crossing my fingers that the tenderness will be mainly solved when staples come out (I have to wear proper boots for my patrol, no wearing flat slides with my uniform, lol, Workers Compensation rules - Health & Safety)
    Latest photo from the 21st... less cankle but ugly looking old bruise.

    I don't think it looks too terrible. Staples in general look AWFUL though.
    Was the surgeon just lazy or is that just the standard nowadays?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    As needed jobs often become full time when other people retire or move. :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    So far I've spent my Thanksgiving break sick in bed...but someone reminded me that hey, at least it's not finals week! I think part of it is just that I've been under a crazy amount of pressure this semester, and this is how my body is reacting.

    Stress does a number on the immune system, @canadjineh is right.

    Just make sure and get your rest and eat LOTS of foods...to aid in your recovery.. :wink: