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The official nightshift thread....



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Well, It's Christmas in Montana. Nothing like starting Christmas with an euthanasia. Dog with Lymphoma so bad it couldn't breath right and hasn't been able to swallow in a couple days. It doesn't take long in the ER to learn to hate the holidays.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Wow you guys get all the wackos on your holiday shifts!! Dead quiet out here for me tonight, even the criminals are at home with family tonight lol. Sitting outside of the closed Starbucks using their WiFi. Oops, spoke too soon, alarm call. To be continued. False alarm, probably some garland or decorations setting off the motion detection alarms when the heating system turns on. Hope all is well this morning in your world. Received a nice grocery gift card from the bosses last night. Always great to be appreciated.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Too bad about the lymphoma dog sufferlandrian :(
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Got quiet this morning. Think I'll try and get on the bike for a bit.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    BodyByBex wrote: »
    Merry Christmas Eve!

    So, apparently, I can't POSSIBLY know ANYTHING about identifying snakes because 1) I'm a girl and 2) I wasn't raised in Texas so how could I possibly know the difference between a Timber Rattlesnake and a Rat Snake? *I need an eyeroll emoji*

    My coworker SWEARS he kicked a Timber Rattlesnake out of one of our labs. The snake he describes and the behavior, to me, SCREAMS rat snake. Then he said he found a picture and printed it, of what the snake looked like.


    Just by looking at the shape of it's head and body, that is a RAT SNAKE!
    But oh no, I should "look it up" because I "don't know" what I'm talking about because I'm "a girl" and I'm "not even from Texas, let alone 'round these parts."

    I LOVE snakes. They are fascinating animals and I research and look things up about them whenever I can. I handle the more docile ones often and work tirelessly to educate about "bad snakes" versus "good snakes" because out here, the only "good snake" is a dead one to most people and that is detrimental to the ecosystem.

    Not to mention Timber Rattlesnakes are a protected species and should never be kicked. That's just disrespectful.

    Then he told me if I ran into the snake again and I truly believed it was a rat snake, I should pick it up. Which, if I find it, I will because they're non-venomous and I'm around more than enough materials to clean and dress the wound if I DID get bit by a rat snake.

    I'm not sure where he was raised but that is NOT a Timber Rattler! If that is the snake, he just evacuated a docile Rat Snake. Given where you guys are, a Timber Rattler would be a rare find. He is more likely to find an Eastern or Western Diamondback. That is not either of those. Hope he didn't kill it. Rat Snakes are great snakes to have around.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    BodyByBex wrote: »
    Merry Christmas Eve!

    So, apparently, I can't POSSIBLY know ANYTHING about identifying snakes because 1) I'm a girl and 2) I wasn't raised in Texas so how could I possibly know the difference between a Timber Rattlesnake and a Rat Snake? *I need an eyeroll emoji*

    My coworker SWEARS he kicked a Timber Rattlesnake out of one of our labs. The snake he describes and the behavior, to me, SCREAMS rat snake. Then he said he found a picture and printed it, of what the snake looked like.


    Just by looking at the shape of it's head and body, that is a RAT SNAKE!
    But oh no, I should "look it up" because I "don't know" what I'm talking about because I'm "a girl" and I'm "not even from Texas, let alone 'round these parts."

    I LOVE snakes. They are fascinating animals and I research and look things up about them whenever I can. I handle the more docile ones often and work tirelessly to educate about "bad snakes" versus "good snakes" because out here, the only "good snake" is a dead one to most people and that is detrimental to the ecosystem.

    Not to mention Timber Rattlesnakes are a protected species and should never be kicked. That's just disrespectful.

    Then he told me if I ran into the snake again and I truly believed it was a rat snake, I should pick it up. Which, if I find it, I will because they're non-venomous and I'm around more than enough materials to clean and dress the wound if I DID get bit by a rat snake.

    I'm not sure where he was raised but that is NOT a Timber Rattler! If that is the snake, he just evacuated a docile Rat Snake. Given where you guys are, a Timber Rattler would be a rare find. He is more likely to find an Eastern or Western Diamondback. That is not either of those. Hope he didn't kill it. Rat Snakes are great snakes to have around.

    That's not the snake but he said it looked just like that picture.
    He didn't "kill it" just kicked it outside and he said it had a bad temper and kept striking his boot repeatedly. Which is pretty common with a rat snake that you've poked at enough. They're non-venomous but can have a NASTY temper if played with more than they'd like.

    My boss took a picture of a Western Diamondback he found tonight. He/She/It was pretty and wasn't harming anything so he let it carry on in the direction it was going.

    Rat snakes are among my favorites to catch and release. I like them quite a bit and they are mostly harmless. I am also a BIG fan of hognose snakes. I think they are so cute trying to play dead. :blush:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Fan of all snakes here too, Bex. (Except Australian brown snakes) They have such beautiful patterns and they are so sleek. We have rattlers in the desert just an hour or so from where I live, although I hike carefully and try not to surprise them. That snake he saw was so obviously a rat snake.... he's a dimwit. western-diamondback-rattlesnake.jpg
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Big surprise! The other vet made it back through the weather and I got 12 hours off. Now back on for 36 hours until Tuesday morning.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    It's snowing outside. I should be out skiing. :smile:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    edited December 2016
    Back to work today for me. I hope everyone had a wonder Christmas!!

    @BodyByBex Kinda sounds like this:



    gerund or present participle: mansplaining

    (of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
    "I'm listening to a guy mansplain economics to his wife"

    I didn't even know this had a name!! :lol::lol:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Exactly. I was man-splained.... :neutral:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Lol @ mansplsplained!

    So, spill, who got some good Christmas loot?
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I got new workout headphones bc I washed the last pair lol. New steaks knives and tickets to see Fluffy aka Gabriel Iglesias in March :smile: New gloves, fluffy socks, an immersion blender.

    I saw mansplaining on Facebook lmao. It's so damn true. And I can't hide my emotions. They are almost always written all over my face so I can only imagine the faces I've made while listening to it.
  • JuStDoIt87
    JuStDoIt87 Posts: 18 Member
    I work a 6p-6a. When do you find time to exercise and what type of exercise do you do? Do you workout right after. . Before work ect?
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @JuStDoIt87, I'm lucky - my exercise is while on patrol... paid AND exercise at the same time lol. If I'm doing something else it will be after my sleep period (after 2 pm - aquafit class/water running) or on my days off I can go for a local x-country ski or snowshoe out my backyard and up the mountain.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited December 2016
    JuStDoIt87 wrote: »
    I work a 6p-6a. When do you find time to exercise and what type of exercise do you do? Do you workout right after. . Before work ect?


    I once spoke with an aspiring personal trainer who gave me the BEST advice about when to work out.

    I asked: So when is the best time to work out, after you wake up or before you go to sleep?
    His response: "The BEST time to work out is whenever you WILL work out. Whenever you make the time, THAT is the best time to work out. Morning, noon, night, it doesn't matter as long as you WORK OUT."

    You do not "find time" to workout. You MAKE the time. You put it in as a priority.

    Some days I work out before work, but most times I work out after because the gym is significantly less crowded in the mornings and I can have faster access to the things I want to use.

    ETA: And I mostly lift weights at the gym 3 times a week(Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday) and take 2 gym classes(Mondays and Saturdays), and rest days are Wednesday and Friday.
  • JuStDoIt87
    JuStDoIt87 Posts: 18 Member
    What a great prospective to take! If I was going off that logic thibk . I would work out after work. The only caveat is that I dont like working outside of a group class setting, but in my area there isnt much of an option between 630-730...so ur right. I DO need to make it a priority!
    BodyByBex wrote: »
    JuStDoIt87 wrote: »
    I work a 6p-6a. When do you find time to exercise and what type of exercise do you do? Do you workout right after. . Before work ect?


    I once spoke with an aspiring personal trainer who gave me the BEST advice about when to work out.

    I asked: So when is the best time to work out, after you wake up or before you go to sleep?
    His response: "The BEST time to work out is whenever you WILL work out. Whenever you make the time, THAT is the best time to work out. Morning, noon, night, it doesn't matter as long as you WORK OUT."

    You do not "find time" to workout. You MAKE the time. You put it in as a priority.

    Some days I work out before work, but most times I work out after because the gym is significantly less crowded in the mornings and I can have faster access to the things I want to use.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Lol @ mansplsplained!

    So, spill, who got some good Christmas loot?

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I have a very good crew working for me. I'm not sure I could do this job without them. Sometimes we just need to look around to find the good things in our lives.