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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Finally broke down and went to the walk-in clinic. Sinus infection...of course. They gave me an antibiotic, and told me to get 2 other OTC, plus a probiotic so I don't get a yeast infection because of the antibiotics.
    The bad news is I had to drag myself out of bed to take a final. I tried to study, but my brain has been mush. At this point, I'll just take a passing grade. Now to sleep until work tomorrow night.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Took a small truckload of medicine, and feel better, but now I've developed a cough. Could be worse, I guess, but it kept me from sleeping very well. Also, my voice is pretty much shot.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Took a small truckload of medicine, and feel better, but now I've developed a cough. Could be worse, I guess, but it kept me from sleeping very well. Also, my voice is pretty much shot.

    I'm glad you feel better even if you don't sound better *hugs* Glad you got some meds bc it's seems like it was getting ready to settle down in your chest :cold_sweat:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Yep, lots of water and really, sodium needs to be upped too or body electrolytes will be off and give you a headache and flu-like symptoms. More info on NSCA Conference 2013 Low Carb Diets for Athletes, Jeff Volek PhD RD. Also YouTube Sept 21, 2014 Low Carb Down Under Dr. Stephen Phinney "Achieving and Maintaining Nutritional Ketosis". Also Jan 15, 2017 Low Carb Down Under conference (this last video is 1 hr & 25 minutes tho, but interesting) also Dr. Phinney. Hope everyone is feeling back up to par, I was off line for a bit as I refuse to pay horrifying prices for connectivity on a cruise. On the Space Coast in FL right now, waiting on the SpaceX launch sending a payload to the ISS. We'll be watching from Playalinda Beach on the 12th at 11:46 am EST. Crossing my fingers for good weather, it's gone from 84 degrees down to 60 today and expected low of 36 Sun night :o .
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Haha, drop the root veggies, eat the greens and more avocados, @sufferlandrian ;) .
  • dfein001
    dfein001 Posts: 133 Member
    MrsKickazz wrote: »
    There used to be an official MFP nightshift thread...what happened to all my fellow night shifters?

    Here I am! New to the MFP party. I am on duty from 1900-0700 daily
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Welcome to the night shifters pahty, dahling! What do you do for a living?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    Another night of fun and games. I really wish it would snow. This cold with no snow sucks.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Day 3 of terrible sleep because of coughing. I even took cough medicine this morning. Does anyone have and recommendations for cough medicine (that's not syrup-I can't take it) that actually works?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    The Tylenol cold and cough medicine works pretty good but I wouldn't drive while taking it. It made me pretty goofy. I can't take it if I'm working. I might take out someone's liver instead of their spleen. :smile:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    dfein001 wrote: »
    Here I am! New to the MFP party. I am on duty from 1900-0700 daily


    @sufferlandrian It's pretty cold her for NC; we did get some wet snowflakes Saturday afternoon but it didn't stick around except for on my car.

    @jennifer_417 I hope you better soon!

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Jennifer, if it's an unproductive cough with no other issues, codeine will stop it and let you sleep. Not sure what you can get OTC where you live, talk to your local pharmacist to guide you to a capsule/pill. I have a liquid prescription from my doc from a few years ago, in case, in my cupboard. It's for the kind of cough that you can't stop and barely catch a breath, so I could sleep at night and get better quicker. He said to hang on to it, if I get sick like that again.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's a somewhat productive cough that's clinging to the tail end of cold/sinus infection. Ugh. That sounds like some super legit cough medicine, though!
    In other news, I got my last assignment of the semester turned in at about 5am, and I've officially finished my first semester of grad school! YAY! Now to sleep...
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    @Jennifer - Yeah! It's nice to start counting down the semesters. It was really nice to be done, but every year when I finished the last semester for the year, we would go down to the river and go waterskiing. Good thing I didn't finish in December. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    The weatherman is a tease. Yesterday he was talking snow. Today there is none in the forecast for over a week. Turkey.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    It looks like we will finally get snow! :smile: I'm going to have to go home and get my fat tire bike ready to ride. :smile:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    And cue my head cold, just in time to work all weekend :-1:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    @bethanie0825 - I hear you. Just started my weekend with a head cold.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Nose is irritated and stuffy, and gunk in the lungs, but I think it's just casino walkthrough smoke. I have asthma that I only need a puffer for if there's smoke involved (or if I get glutened.) Flying home from Vegas today, sooooo looking forward to home!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    There should be snow waiting for you at home. :smile: We finally got some here so you should have some waiting for you. :smile: Welcome back.