Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :smokin: OK sisters - big news! :smokin:

    I sat in a pool recliner lounge chair - one of those really low ones! :noway: I haven't sat in one of those in over ten years! I just decided to try it since I knew I had my friends there in case I broke the damn thing! LOL I didn't break it! I sat down perfectly and laid out in the sun! I even got up and went in the pool and then got back in it again a few times! This is HUGE for me! Yay me!!! I felt like a normal person! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: What a great day. :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    :smokin: OK sisters - big news! :smokin:

    I sat in a pool recliner lounge chair - one of those really low ones! :noway: I haven't sat in one of those in over ten years! I just decided to try it since I knew I had my friends there in case I broke the damn thing! LOL I didn't break it! I sat down perfectly and laid out in the sun! I even got up and went in the pool and then got back in it again a few times! This is HUGE for me! Yay me!!! I felt like a normal person! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: What a great day. :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Nancy - That is sooo awesome i am soo happy for you...:bigsmile:
  • purpleprose
    :smokin: OK sisters - big news! :smokin:

    I sat in a pool recliner lounge chair - one of those really low ones! :noway: I haven't sat in one of those in over ten years! I just decided to try it since I knew I had my friends there in case I broke the damn thing! LOL I didn't break it! I sat down perfectly and laid out in the sun! I even got up and went in the pool and then got back in it again a few times! This is HUGE for me! Yay me!!! I felt like a normal person! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: What a great day. :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Congrats!!! Sometimes it's the little things that keep us motivated.

    Check-in for today:

    Cals - 167 under
    Water - 7 cups
    Sodium - 138 under
    Fiber - 18 grams (I just failed my own challenge....sigh)
    Exercise - week 4 day 3 of C25K (16 minutes running, 16 walking) plus a 1.5 mile walk downtown this evening
    Proud - I got through week 4! I can't believe I did it 3 times.

    Trying to be okay with this morning's weigh-in, but struggling. I'm thinking (hoping?) that it's a combo of water weight and some other stuff and not legit weight gain. Fingers crossed.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy -- I'm so happy for you! :happy:

    Um, yeah, so I kind of lost my effing mind this weekend. It wouldn't have been so bad except dh talked me into making cookies. Yeah, the entire batch of them was gone within 24 hours. The entire weekend was so bad that finally last night hubs was like "We HAVE to eat something healthy for dinner." :laugh: I wholeheartedly agreed. I felt like I was dying inside at that point. :tongue:

    The good that came of it is I feel a big sense of renewed motivation. Tomorrow is my anniversary with MFP. Although I'm happy about being an expert at maintaining this new weight I'm done with it. I didn't set out to lose 75-80 pounds, I set out to lose 120+.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie- first of all Happy anniversary with MFP...and you will get past this mark and start shedding lbs again, i know it.

    We made cupcakes ...i stared at them all weekend...they looked yummy but i didn't have one..i figured the cals to be like 300 per each..oh my...Still went over my cals everyday without them, as i didn't go to the gym since friday night.

    But back on track today, i am off call today...wooohooo...

    was pretty stoked this morning too, i saw my lowest weight at 250.9 (and that was with mega sodium fajitas last night) I am soo close to 240ville i can taste it :smile: I really do not remember the last time i was in the 240's ..i am sure it was in the last 10 years but actually remembering i am lost...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue-Wow that is soooo freaking awesome!! Congrats!!

    Julie-Happy 1 year with MFP! And yay for the new found motivation.

    Deb-Way to go on the lowest weight!! Your doing amazing. And great job resisting the cupcakes.

    Well my morning has started off not so good. I had a melt down when I got to work. I've been struggling with getting to work on time ever since I moved, when I don't go to the gym in the mornings. I was at that wedding late last night so I was gonna workout tonight. Woke up and guess what? It's raining. When it rains it generally takes me about an hour and a half to get to work so I rushed to shower and didn't do my hair or my makeup and ran out the door. Was STILL late. Didn't get here till almost 8:40 when I have to be here at 8:30. Text my manager and told him and he replied "You need to try harder to get here on time this is getting excessive" and I lost it. I walked into the door bawling telling him I wanted to transfer to a closer location because I couldn't handle this anymore. I feel terrible when I'm late. I'm a punctual person. So we talked and he said to try and shoot for 8:45 to come in. I'm usually only 5-10 minutes late, max. It's just so difficult with all this Dallas traffic. UGH! Rant over. I hope my day picks up from here.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Didn't have a great weekend !! My 3 year old had to have stitches in her head because she got hit in the head with a metal bat at my family reunion. She got hit in the forehead!! Blood everywhere!! Even got her cousin that hit her! It was an accident but I didn't like the fact that my sister made the comment that she was really hoping it was my 5 year old that hit her instead of her 9 year old daughter.That made me mad!!Then my Aunt makes the comment oh you better watch her tonight because you remember that actress that had the skiing accident and then 2 days later she died.I was thinking to myself how insensitive!! I mean I do know to watch my child throughout the night after a head injury!! The doctor couldn't believe she was only 3 because she let him sow it right up.She jerked a few times while they were numbing and they didn't get it numb all the way and she told the doc she felt the last stitch going in and he told her he was sorry and she said" thats ok I forgive you" I thought to myself how sweet of a baby I have!!Bless her heart!I was probably the dirtiest person in the ER because I was covered in blood and mud.When it happened I was cleaning it and wrapping it up and quickly as I could.The funny thing is there was so many doctors and nurses at my family reunion but I was the one taking action and trying to stop the bleeding I suppose it was my mommy instinct.My cousin told me she couldn't believe how calm I was but in reality I was a mess driving to the ER!!! I had her sisters keep her awake because she kept saying she was sleepy.Oh and mind you forget people being considerate about letting you around when you have hazard lights on cause NO ONE GIVES A DAMN if there is an emergency!! My husband jumps out of the car in traffic and stops a state trooper to let us through lol. So I didn't eat to awful this weekend but I feel like I did.High sodium for sure so I am retaining some.Sorry to ramble but I wanted to get that vent off my chest!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann that is so scary! I feel your babies pain. I was knocked in the face with a metal baseball bat when I was about her age as well. Glad she's okay though!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann that is so scary! I feel your babies pain. I was knocked in the face with a metal baseball bat when I was about her age as well. Glad she's okay though!
    Thanks Jess! She seems to be just fine!! I am taking her to the family physician tomorrow to make sure they aren't infected ,which I know they aren't but better safe than sorry.In fact when we got back to the reunion 4 hours later she started playing again with her cousins like nothing happened.She is one tough little girl!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ann - sorry to hear about your little one...My 7 year old when she was 5 fell out of her bed knocked her head on the night stand and had to have like 5 staples in her head, i was too amazed how good she was with her doing them.

    I can't belive people were so insensitive...

    I am glad she is feeling better.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ann - sorry to hear about your little one...My 7 year old when she was 5 fell out of her bed knocked her head on the night stand and had to have like 5 staples in her head, i was too amazed how good she was with her doing them.

    I can't belive people were so insensitive...

    I am glad she is feeling better.
    Thanks Deb and I hate that your daughter had to have staples in her head but you are right my daughter did an amazing job getting her stitches in ,if it were me I would have cried and threw a fit.LOL
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - THe funny thing is when it happened and blood was everywhere and we were trying to clean it up she wouldn't even let us touch it with a towel, but then she let the doctor put staples in her head...of course i am such a woos when it comes to blood, DH was in there with her and i was in the hallway watching with our 3 yr old (well like 2 yr old then ) he has a much better stomach for that kinds of stuff..
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I had a wonderful weekend! We spent most of our time driving through National Forests in Michigan and Wisconsin and saw lots of waterfalls. The eating aspect was pretty bad (actually, probably not too far over maintenance), but we did some hiking on Sunday and went for a walk yesterday, so we were better than we would have been prior to the weight loss journey.

    Today, I'm back on track. I gained 2.6 lbs over the weekend but am sure it was due to the huge amounts of sodium and I should be back down by the end of the week. As with the last two weeks, I'm hoping to see 185 on Friday!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I am sorry about your traffic problems with getting to work....i can't imagine such a long commute...Is transferring to a branch closer to your house a possiblity at all?? Or do you really like the branch you are at??
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- Boo to the traffic. :frown: I was 10 minutes late for work this morning, too. Not because of traffic, but rather one of my dogs decided to have a fun-time sick mess extravaganza in the kitchen. :sick: Let me tell you, I LOVE starting off the work week on my hands and knees scrubbing doggy diarrhea off the kitchen floor. :laugh:

    Ann -- Sorry to hear about your daughter! I got hit in the head with all kinds of stuff as a kid. Never had to have stitches though. Ew!

    I'm trying so hard to be motivated at work but I just don't care. I'm apparently getting all kinds of additional responsibilities passed to me and I still don't care. I feel so distracted.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awestfall - I hope your daughter is feeling better now ... I just hate when my kids are hurt!

    I didn't have a great weekend - it was a long one since I was on vacation for 6 days - it's hard to be back at work today. And it was very hard to weigh myself this morning ... up another 2.4 pounds! But I am here, and I am tracking my calories again.

    Kids went back to school this morning, I will be glad to try to get back into a routine. I have been very down in the dumps lately and need to work on picking myself back up.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann - THe funny thing is when it happened and blood was everywhere and we were trying to clean it up she wouldn't even let us touch it with a towel, but then she let the doctor put staples in her head...of course i am such a woos when it comes to blood, DH was in there with her and i was in the hallway watching with our 3 yr old (well like 2 yr old then ) he has a much better stomach for that kinds of stuff..
    I am usually not so good with blood either but I didn't want to leave her so I stayed even when they started sewing lol.Even though a few times i felt like I was going to pass out.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey gals,

    Hope everyone had a great Labor day

    My older kids are back in school, today being the first day..yay for me :)

    I am trying to log and get back to the mix of things but I am already overwhelmed with so much to do :( I am not sure, it's still undecided whether I have 2 or 1 day left of fasting, Ramadan being over..FINALLY!!!

    Hubby is planning taking us for a 3 day vaction when Ramadan is over, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. He wants to to to Atlantic City and chill on the boardwalk and in one of the casino hotels...

    love and miss ya all {{HUGS TO ALL}}

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hope everyone had a great Labor Day! I didn't realize how much I needed a long weekend until it was Sunday night and I was thrilled that I got to sleep in the next day.

    I made some poor choices this weekend, but I knew my goal was maintenance cals and not losing cals. Other than some walking, I didn't get any exercise in. I could have woken up early on Sunday and Monday to go for a run or something, but I decided that sleep was more important!

    Check-in for the weekend - all based on maintenance cals of 1910.
    Cals - Under maintenace = 1766
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - nada
    Proud - Had I not caved for my deli muffin, this would have been a pretty good day!

    Cals - Crazy OVER = 3500 :laugh: :grumble: :noway: :laugh: Football season is BACK! After a "tailgate" that included a mimosa, a screwdriver, munchkin donut hotes, banana bread, AND an egg sandwich, I had eaten 1100 cals - BEFORE NOON!! Ridiculous! Then we went to actually watch the game.....800 cals! THEN that night we went out to my brother-in-law's restaurant and had a 4 course meal. This is both: :bigsmile: and :sad:
    There's really nothing else worth reporting for this day!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Cals - Under maintenance w/exercise = 1824 net cals
    Water - 40 oz
    Exercise - Walked about 1.5 miles
    Proud - Limited my fried chicken intake! Not proud - did not limit my pizza and beer intake!

    Cals - Just a little over maintenace = 1932 cals
    Water - 48 oz *should have been drinking water instead of diet soda and beer!
    Exercise - hosted a party, so lots of walking around, but no real exercise
    Proud - Made pretty good choices during the day....minus the three beers I drank. Of course they were heavier beers and not Bud Lights. Damage wouldn't have been so bad then!

    So minus Saturday and all that craziness this was a pretty good weekend. My goal for this week is to maintain. If I can do that, I'll be a happy camper.

    Planning to go running tonight, hot yoga tomorrow, and park yoga on Thursday. My body is aching for exercise!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Why does the day after a holiday weekend have to feel so long??